After Death Revelation

By moc.loa@441ngisreiF

Published on Aug 5, 2012


I awoke in a haze, unaware of what happened but still aware enough of my surroundings to know I was not in a bad place. I felt light and carefree yet confused and my mental state was a blank .There I lay, unable to move, not uncomfortable but still unable to make my body get up or for that matter turn over .There is no way of knowing how long I was paralyzed there, I drifted in and out of reality, each waking moment trying to break free of my invisible bonds. One time I woke up and was surrounded by a group of wispy souls, They were non threatening yet seemed very judgmental. I listened as they spoke in low tones to each other, exchanging lots of opinions and banter, occasionally either pointing at me or gesturing in my direction. I really could not catch more than their body language. When next I woke up, I was surrounded on all sides by the same souls and they seemed interested in me. I finally spoke,and they reacted. "John David Bauer, you have caused us quite a dilemma." This took me somewhat off guard, as I knew none of them and they seemed comfortable with my name as if they knew me.At last one woman moved forward and took command, she approached me and said,"John, this is hard to explain but their was a mistake on earth and you were taken before your time, we have reviewed your life and are in a quandary." As you can imagine, this was unwelcome news to me, I think I heard right, that I was dead! "John " She continued,"You have lead a good life but there is something you

have never acknowledged, we are debating weather to keep you here or to let you go back and fulfill your destiny." I was in a state of confusion, my private thoughts and dreams I had assumed

were private but suddenly I was afraid these beings had an insight into me. "John" she continued, " we know your innermost secrets and want you to tell

us if we sent you back, what would be your wildest dream. how would you like to live the rest of your life, as you were, or as someone else?" I was having trouble getting up to speed what were they suggesting? "Could they possibly know my innermost secrets?" "John, we know you have always dreamed of being a woman and not a man, would you be happier going back as a woman?" I actually blushed, how could they know my deepest secret? "We know you would try on women's cloths in private and fantasize about being a woman, would that make you happy?" despite myself, I blurted out, "Oh my God yes!" A smile passed the lips of all the persons in attendance as if I had solved

a conundrum. "So be it John!"

When next my eyes opened, I was aware first of the sweet scent of perfume and clean linen. I opened my eyes and was in the semi dark, in what seemed like an incredibly soft and wide bed, that had a very clean and feminine scent that was quite pleasant. I closed my eyes briefly and rolled around in comfort, enjoying the luxury, when suddenly my eyes popped open and I realized something was wrong. My hands suddenly threw off the covers and I stood up, the silk nighty was mid thigh and I felt it touch my soft skin and was stunned. My hands felt the nighty and the silk and then went on to explore my other attributes. My God I had breast, was I having a nightmare, had I dressed and fallen asleep in a drunken stupor only to wake up in full drag? I then of course reached between my legs and found something missing, and in it's place, a panty clad pussy.

Next: Chapter 2

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