African Romance

By Josh Ness

Published on Dec 4, 2023


It was around 9pm when Nero finally stopped his rampant thrusting. Nero nutted while his monster cock was balls deep in Nickys frail skinny body. He had cum countless times and each load was a massive one. As usual when someone dumps multiple loads into a boihole, the cum gets churned and turns creamy. As a result, Nickys rectum was full of creamy foam mixed with the more recent liquid slimy cum. Nicky was now in the prone position having given up any form of resistance or even cooperation. He had simply gone limp after the first half an hour or so. Neros subsequent fucks were as though fucking a skinny pale living ragdoll.

Nicky was a quivering wreck after the pounding he had just recieved. His legwarmers were sticky and slimy. In some places the cum had hardened a little and gone crusty. As Nero slowly pulled his massive tool from Nickys wet hole, a squelching sound followed by a pop indicated that Nero was done. For now. Nicky was shivering and dehydrated. He started the day somewhat thirsty and tired but now he was unable to move at all. The only thing he could do was let out a huge fart and cum spurted out of his anus, much to the amusement of Nero. Nero laughed deeply at the sight of Nickys butthole squeezing out his thick cream coloured cum followed by what looked like a pint of foam. Nicky had enough energy to whisper "sorry!" and periodically spasmed. Nero smiled again at this act of contrition. He hadn't felt this satisfied since... well ever! He had literally lived out one of his fantasies which was to empty his balls in a rectum. The fact that the rectum belonged to a sissy boy was not a problem at all. "Well after that session I'm starving. You must be hungry too babe?"

Nicky was stunned at being called a babe. Maybe Nero was thinking of Nicky as...he couldn't finish the thought.

"Nero I am so so hungry. I didn't eat breakfast or lunch this morning. And after that..session". In fact Nicky was on the verge of collapsing before he lost his virginity. Right now he was barely able to hold his head up and speak let alone make it downstairs. Nero checked the boy out then looked at the massive puddle of cum and foam on the bed. And also the thick cream oozing out of Nickys slender butthole. "You know, I heard real sissies eat cum. Why don't you eat my cum and I can get Wade to bring you downstairs for something after. If you're still hungry that is." Nero winked at this last statement. Nicky turned on his skinny elbows to look at the river of cum dripping from his ass and the mixture of cream and white liquids. "You know Nero I am so hungry I am going to take you up on that." Nicky winked back. "Ha ha ok then. See you soon." Nero went to the washroom to get cleaned up. While he left Nicky shifted on the bed and with his frail hands managed to scoop up some of the cum. It was still warm and so thick. Some of it was turning to a liquid. He gobbled up what he could and kept on scooping and swallowing. He was so hungry that he didn't care what it tasted like. But the strangest thing was happening. He loved the taste of it! It was a salty sweet mixture. But as a vegan he hadn't had so much protein since.. well never! His mother was a hippy and made him eat vegan baby food too. After each gulp Nicky wanted more. He kept scooping and swallowing, scooping and swallowing. He was in a daze when Nero came out of the bathroom. Nicky looked up with cum all over his little mouth and burped. Nero smiled and started laughing. "My goodness I think I'm in love". Nicky blushed at this.

Nero left to get his supper. As he left Nicky could hear him talking to Wade who was stationed outside the bedroom. Nicky overheard Nero say " I think he's going to need some help tonight. Maybe get him downstairs and feed him a vegan smoothie or something. You might need to wrap him in some towels as he's a little wet. Also he'll need his fresh legwarmers from his backpack. And maybe buy some more for while he's staying with us. Those ones he's wearing are wrecked now ha ha!". Wade responded with a "very good Sir."

Wade did come in and helped remove the legwarmers from Nickys skinny white legs. He shoved them into the garbage and scooped the lad up in a warm towel. He gave Nicky a rather thorough rub and asked him to stand on the rug. As Wade removed the towel, he observed the lad. Nicky's skinny legs were quivering and his knees knocked together. He was now naked except for the choker collar. He had just about enough energy to stand. Wade did as he was asked and pulled the other legwarmers from Nickys backpack. They were a maroon colour and also thigh high. Nicky placed his hands on Wades broad shoulders as the manservant assisted Nicky in getting them on. Once both were on he carried Nicky like a girl in his arms. Wade easily opened the heavy double doors from Nero's bedroom and descended the stairs carrying Nickys limp body in his arms.

Nicky was powerless to resist and he could still feel more cum oozing from his butthole. Some dripped onto the stairs as Wade descended. Nicky wasn't really able to do anything about this. Eventually Wade got to the massive dinning table and set Nicky down on a plush chair. Nicky felt slight embarrassment sitting with his exposed cum filled bum, leaking fresh cum on the chair but there was nothing he could do. Wade acted as nothing was amiss. "Would Nicky like a vegan smoothie and a glass of ice water?". After the cum that he had just eaten he didn't really feel like he needed any more to eat. The ice water sounded good though . Nicky just nodded lamely. At the other end of the table was Nero chowing down on a huge hunk of meat. It must have been a 4lb tomahawk steak. Nicky saw there was a large bone off to the side which looked like the leftovers from another tomohawk steak. And Nero was chugging on a liter of protein shake. No wonder Nero had so much cum.

Nicky sipped on his water and his smoothie. He couldn't help feel the sensation of cum dripping onto the leather chair. It seemed Nero and Wade couldn't care less about this. Nicky also reflected on tonights sleeping arrangements. He had left his backpack in Neros bedroom. And he didn't have any night clothes..

After supper, Nero carried Nicky up the stairs and easily held him in one arm as he opened the door. Nero set Nicky on the bed and asked if Nicky felt ok to get ready for bed. Nero went to the washroom first and proceeded to brush his teeth. Nicky nodded and with wobbly legs, proceeded to get his toothbrush out of his backpack. After brushing his teeth in the sink next to Nero standing there he reflected on the sheer size of his new lover. Nero was a solid two foot taller but also his forearms alone were almost as wide as Nicky's pathetic waist. Nicky had a 20 inch waist and Nero would later confirm that his forearm circumference was indeed just under 20 inches. Nicky could still feel cum oozing from his naked butthole and this was over two hours after their lovemaking had finished.

Once they were both ready for bed Nero set the room temperature and dimmed the lights. He had also taken a viagra and a cialis. In addition to several herbs and supplements that help reduce the time between orgasms. Nicky hadn't much clue about this kind of stuff but he was ready to go to sleep. However when he saw that Nero's massive member was firming up he soon realised that sleep wasn't going to happen anytime soon. "So Nicky, shall we start with missionary again?". Nicky nodded lamely.


Nero had used Nicky's hole for missionary for two hours. He then flipped Nicky over for doggy style. It was at this point that Nicky had very nicely asked Nero "Please babe. My ass is totally numb now. I am so tired and I don't think I can take your cock in me anymore." As soon as he had said this, he realised he probably would have been better off quite. Nero sighed and reached for the bedside table. He had a very large ball gag which he promptly fastened to Nicky's mouth. Nicky had to open his mouth unnaturally wide to receive the gag. After cumming in Nickys ass in the doggy style position, he kept his skinny boy face down but leaned his weight into the lad, so that Nicky assumed a prone position. Nero then proceeded to cum twice with Nicky on his belly. Finally at around 4am with Nicky delerious from multiple anal orgasms and essentially non consensual anal sex..Nero fell asleep. With his massive cock balls deep in Nicky's very relaxed anus. Although Ncky was no longer as tight as a virgin, he still was very tight around Nero's slowly deflating cock. They both fell into a deep sleep with them both dreaming of sex from their different perspectives.

Around 8am Nicky was stirred awake with thrusting from Nero's now rock hard cock. Nero hadn't bothered to pull out the whole time. Nicky was still gagged and groggy from the second non stop ass banging. He was soon to discover that the daily routine would be pretty similar for the rest of the summer. So he had better get used to it.

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