Adventures with Ethan

By Dark Fantasy

Published on Jul 8, 2023


This work is copyrighted 2021, Dark Fantasy, all rights reserved and cannot be used or reproduced without permission. Please send me an email letting me know if you liked this story and perhaps I can write more: Dark Fantasy at

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This story is totally a work of fiction. It is a fantasy written for entertainment purposes and nothing more. It is not real life in any way and does not advocate or condone such behavior in real life. I DO NOT condone any unlawful behavior nor any sexual contact with minor children. Please respect everyone.

Gay adult/youth, group sex, incest, raunch, scat and pee play ===========================================================

Adventures with Ethan Part 5

Ethan had been pestering me for some time about teaching him the ways of polite society, as he loved being taken to white tablecloth restaurants for fine cuisine and the company of cultured people. It didn't hurt also that some of the men most attracted to young boys can be found at such places and Ethan gets his share and more of admiring but discreet glances from men when we enter. I have several stories of his adventures while dining, some at restaurants and some at home.

At one restaurant, Chez ____, in a very well to do section of town, Ethan and I got dressed up and made a reservation to dine at 8, when tables are sometimes difficult to come by. However, in the past Ethan had made "friends" with some of the booking staff there and we were able to garner a reservation.

Ethan was wearing a short sleeved white shirt, with an Etonian stripe tie, and nice black slacks, and a little girl's style shiny patent leather shoes. Most people wouldn't notice the shoes, except for those individuals who were scoping my boy out with nearly x ray vision. I can hardly blame them, the boy is literally mouth watering. Tousled light brown hair, blue eyes, slim and fair, compact and fun sized, with a nicely rounded butt to boot.

We were quickly seated in the restaurant and placed our order. While we were waiting, Ethan excused himself to go to the bathroom. When he returned, he had a shy smile and I looked at him curiously.

"Did everything go okay?" I asked him innocently, assuming that he had done the usual things one does in a restroom.

"Oh yes," he responded. He looked directly into my eyes and whispered, "See that man at the table with the lady?"

I glanced over to see an athletic and slim man, obviously with his wife and daughter. They were chatting and smiling, but I noticed the man glancing over at us when his wife became occupied fussing with their young daughter.

"When I got to the restroom it was at the same time as him, so he held the door for me to let me in first. I walked in and he followed. He looked around and said, "Oh, I thought it was a multi person restroom."

"I said, I don't mind, we can share, and I smiled at him. I noticed he was looking at my lips and his pants were getting a little tight, like you like to say, Daddy."

I grinned at Ethan. "And then what happened?" I said, a little dramatically, knowing that Ethan had managed to find another kindred spirit.

"I said, I've seen other men's cocks and I like it," Ethan said.

"Nothing like being direct," I said, taking a sip of my wine, admiring Ethan's profile with his snub nose and naturally long eye lashes, as he glanced briefly at a boy seated at another table.

"The man gulped and said, You like to look at men's, um, penises?"

"Yes, I said, and to suck them and stroke them and take them up my ass too," Ethan related to me.

"So he gulped and said, So do I...would you like to see mine?"

"Yes, please," Ethan politely responded to the man.

"Then I unzipped his pants and reached in and he was so warm and hard, Daddy! I slipped his cock out and it was really beautiful. I licked my lips and touched the tip of his dick with the tip of my tongue, and he tasted salty and wet. So I sucked him in my mouth and of course kept my teeth out of the way so I wouldn't hurt him any. He sighed and really quick he came in my mouth, his cum was so much and sticky and hot and tasted really good, kind of salty."

"I was busy swallowing his cum, all slimy and dripping down my throat and on my lips too. He was thrusting in my mouth like he was fucking me, and moaning the whole time. It was nice."

I looked at Ethan and smiled. It SOUNDS like you had fun."

"Oh, but there's more, Daddy," Ethan continued. "He said he had to pee so I should let him use the toilet."

"And..." I said, amused at this turn in his story.

"And I told him he could pee in my mouth," Ethan said, grinning.

"He looked so shocked, but after saying `Really?' a couple of times, he seemed to want to go along with the idea."

"He said, How do we do it? And I said, I'll just kneel here and you can pretend you're pissing in the toilet and you'll really be pissing in my mouth. That seemed to make sense to him so he put his cock in my mouth as I knelt before him and after a little coaxing he was able to get a couple of hot spurts out of his dick, but then it really started to come out like a hose and he almost pissed on my front. But I was able to swallow fast enough and he was able to lower how much and soon I was drinking his piss straight from his dick into my mouth and down my throat."

"He pissed for about 30 seconds and finally his pee stopped and I licked him clean, then took his dick out of my mouth and lifted me up and kissed me."

"That was wonderful," he said. "Could I see you again?"

"I laughed and said, That's up to my daddy. But I have to pee to and would you like to drink mine?"

"He looked happy and said, There's nothing I'd rather do right now!"

"And we switched places except he stood me on top of the toilet seat and knelt, unzipping my pants and exclaiming how pretty my pee pee was, then almost swallowing it as I started to piss in his mouth. And while he drank my piss, he slipped his hand between my legs and began fingering my ass. I moaned when I felt his finger slide inside my ass hole, it felt really good!"

I smiled at that. Ethan adores having his ass played with.

"And when he pressed his finger really deep in my bottom, I could feel it hitting something, I think t was poop. That made me really feel good and my piss spurted and I think it dribbled a little down his chin. Then he slowly pulled his finger out of my rear end, and it was all brown so then I knew he had found my poop. But why did that make me feel funny in my pee pee, Daddy?"

I suspected that the man had stroked over Ethan's little boy prostate while exploring his shit hole. I knew it was probably time to have another lengthy discussion with Ethan about sexuality. The best part of those conversations was the show and tell we did with each other afterward, but that could all wait until later.

"So, what did the man do with his shitty finger?" I asked.

"Oh, he made me lick it," Ethan replied nonchalantly. "But then when he saw how much I enjoyed it, he pulled it out of my mouth and tried it himself, after he smelled it. I guess he liked it because he kissed me and told me that I'm a good boy. I am a good boy, aren't I, Daddy?"

"Baby, you're the best little boy there ever was," I said to Ethan.

We both enjoyed that evening out, and later when we were in bed together.

Another fun time we had while dining was after meeting all the nice men and boys at Boys Playland, as we called it. The men all formed a pact where we could share our sons (or little brothers, in some cases) with the other men, kind of a swap club.

I arranged a dinner over at my house with three men and their sons, plus a man who brought his little brother. So we had five men and five boys, all told. The boys ranged in age from 9 years old for the brother, and 10 and 11 for the other 4 boys (including Ethan.) I thought it was a nice opportunity for Ethan to participate in a dinner party setting at his age. One never knows when learned social skills will come in handy.

I had inherited a fairly long banquet size table, much like a short fashion show runway, and I intended to use it like one. The five boys were all outfitted the same, a simple silk white frock, one piece and resembling a girl's A line dress.

The boys were naked under the outfits, no underpants or panties, no socks or shoes, just their beautiful pink boy flesh, smooth and hairless. Each boy was to stroll the length of the table top as we men were seated below them, of course avidly looking up their dresses. I very much enjoyed having my gaze focus on their cute feet and toes, slowly rising up their slim calves to fuller thighs. Coming towards me, each boy's cute cock and tiny, barely descended balls in hairless sack, pink shaft and plump dick head with sweet, dark piss slit, the lovely mouth watering vee of their lower stomach, all visible, several of the boys cocks quivering and stiffening as they saw how appreciative we men were of their sweet boyhood.

The sight of five young boys, between 9 and 11 years old, at the height of their fair winsome nature, each maybe four feet tall, limbs slim and fair, and no hair at all except that crowning their beautiful heads, ranging from very light blond, several in shades of brunette, and one boy with deep black hair. Their lovely penises, one after the other, launching dreams in each of us of sucking their pink little shafts and somehow magically coaxing full loads of sweet boy cum, so plentiful from each that it overflows one's mouth and drips down the chin, even while swallowing the full load of their boy seed.

Caressing each one's little balls, even in our imaginations, feeling the small solid spheres in each one's hot, moist sack, smelling their hot balls, licking and taking them first one, then the other in one's mouth, tasting and caressing the growing man inside a little boy, fresh and randy.

As they passed, the beauty of a healthy handsome boy's gait, their legs and feet working like perfect biological mechanisms, their arms swinging as if in a parade. A parade of thousands of naked boys, all intent on pleasing any man, as any man would be seduced by such beauty, caressing and admiring their willowy nakedness.

And as they passed by, the breathtaking beauty of a young boy's naked ass, pink and rosy where their butt cheeks blossomed out, perfect curve and roundness. Vertical crevice where such unutterably beautiful ass pillows come together, moist darkness with a boy's excited heat emanating from between and within, and the pink rosebud of a boy's anus, unfortunately not on display but surely promised to us later.

We each dream of our tongues wriggling inside that deep, dark hole, tasting their dirty bottoms, smelling and inhaling deeply the lovely scent of a shit-dirty boy times a million. Lapping their shit holes, coaxing out their sweet brown treats, hot and creamy, filthy and wonderful, the essence of a boy's body gifted to a man.

We held a mock judging, each man openly commenting on the aspect of each boy that they enjoyed viewing, one praising the attractive if still small cock of one boy, another man openly telling us what he would love to do to another boy's hot little ass, a sentiment that did not go unshared among the rest of us.

I was pleased to hear the sauciest and lewdest comments were for my Ethan, though I suppose his sexy manner in parading by us may have had something to do with that. The boys of course heard our coarse comments, some blushing prettily, a red glow rising up their thin chests to their beautiful cheeks, while others struck lewd poses in reaction, exposing themselves prettily to our cheers.

The party almost broke down then and there, until I reminded all that we had a dinner with its courses, as well as a little talent show before we could indulge in any carnal festivities.

"Next, the fart contest," I announced. The boys had been prepared and knew their roles, I had only to explain to the men what would be occurring.

"Each boy will come out, one at a time, and give us his loudest, longest smelliest fart, and will be scored accordingly between 1 and 10 on the heights to which his flatulence reaches. In other words, fellows, the grosser the better!"

The first boy was Benjamin, the nine year old little brother. He walked to the middle of the table, looming above us, and appeared thoughtful, them determined, and squatted slightly. He emitted a perfectly foul blast of ass that went on for s good ten seconds, honking and stinking as he twirled to allow his perfume to reach us all. It was a perfectly foul stink, and his effort was scored highly in appreciation by each of the men.

"God, what did you feed him?" One of the men grimaced, then laughed. "Rotten eggs?"

"Of course," I said, "I wanted this to be a memorable occasion. Eggs, broccoli, Brussels sprouts...the boys didn't want to eat that stuff UNTIL I told them it would make their farts stink. Then I couldn't hold them back."

One of the men asked, "How does that affect the taste of shit?"

"I guess we'll find out later," I said, as the men slapped the table appreciatively.

After Benjamin finished his tour, out came Adam, an 11 year old with black hair. He twirled himself around the table top seductively, giving us peeks of his hot little penis and balls, then his cute round ass, even pulling his ass cheeks apart to show us his tiny pink hole. He pranced around then paused for the main part of the show, his gaseous emissions. He bent forward at the waist, his ass pointed right at me and in fact no more than a foot or two away.

He grunted, then a sharp whistle signaled the exit of his noxious smelly fart, which was interrupted after about ten seconds by a turtle head poking out of his ass hole.

"Oops," he exclaimed, a distressed expression on his face as he tried to turn to see the offending shit log trying to make a break for it.

"That's for later, baby," I said, instinctively poking my index finger against the rubbery turd, pushing it back into his steamy, wet hole, my finger traveling inside him up to the first knuckle until he could recapture the runaway poop. Then I slipped my brown streaked finger out and slipped it into my mouth for a taste of his scrumptious crap.

Adam resumed his show, a little less ostentatiously this time, avoiding the faux pas of presenting his poop before its time.

The other three boys, including Ethan, did their thing, all christening us with their foul gaseous emissions, and charming us with their boyish natures and proclivities. We decided it was a tie among them all and congratulated them on their fine efforts.

So it was time for dinner. I had whipped up a simple casserole for us to enjoy, with a nice pinot grigio to drink. While I was bringing that out, the men picked names out of a hat to see which boy would be their dinner companions. The only proviso was that each man would dine with a boy other than the one he brought. I was thrilled that I "won" a date with Bernard, a brown haired, tousle headed cutie ten years old.

The boys removed their clothes as they would be dining nude. The men were free to dress themselves as they wished, which meant that most kept their clothes on but with easy access for their dinner companions to any part of the man that they wished. Of course we all had our hard and erect dicks out.

The boys sat on the edge of the table in front of their adult dinner companion, little cocks perky and stiff with excitement, and there was much intimate kissing between the companions, each man tonguing his boy's sweet red mouth, and caressing his slim, warm body with eager fingers. After each diner there had his serving of casserole in front of him, came the time for the boys to decorate the entrees.

Squatting over the two plates at each setting, one for the boy and one for the man, each boy shat a turd onto first the one plate, then the second, while holding a small clear carafe in front of his penis, their urine jetting into the crystal container with a hot hissing sound.

After much laughter and giggling, the plates were beautifully decorated with curling turds of various shades of brown resting on the casserole, while I topped off the sparkling carafes of boy piss with the pinot and we all set out to dine on our elegant repast.

There were many compliments to me as chef, but mure so to the boys on the quality and subtle taste of their shit as we all ate avidly, and the boys grinned with brown flecked teeth at the praise, and we all enjoyed guzzling the blend of boy piss and wine that washed it all down. The boys started by sitting next to their adult companion, but by the finish each was sitting in his man's lap, the men's rampant cocks eagerly exposed and most already penetrating their young lover's tight anus.

The meal, with 10 males with full stomachs concluded, we all slipped into lovemaking there at the table, men fucking boys, thick long cocks impaling tiny boy assholes as the boys moaned with pleasure, and men spurting gallons of hot, white cum inside their young lovers rectums. Then the men returned the favor to their beautiful boy lovers, sucking their small but stiff cocks until the boys all shuddered and shivered with pleasure.

After a respite we all retired to the bedroom that Ethan and I share, and the bed within, and explored each other's bodies for hours, ten males -- five men and five young boys - in glorious ecstasy, sucking, fucking, caressing and kissing.

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