Adventures with Ethan

By Dark Fantasy

Published on Jun 3, 2023


This work is copyrighted 2021, Dark Fantasy, all rights reserved and cannot be used or reproduced without permission.

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This story is totally a work of fiction. It is a fantasy written for entertainment purposes and nothing more. It is not real life in any way and does not advocate or condone such behavior in real life. I DO NOT condone any unlawful behavior nor any sexual contact with minor children. Please respect everyone.

Gay adult/youth, incest, raunch, scat and pee play ========================================================== Adventures with Ethan Part 2

"Dad, I found something online that looks really cool, and could we go there?" Ethan asked impatiently, as I closed the front door behind me. He'd been looking at gay porn online, something I've encouraged him to do.

"Hold, hold you randy rascal," I laughed. "What are you talking about?"

I eyed the tent pole at the crotch of his little shorts. "Whatever it was it got you pretty excited."

He dragged me over to the monitor of my desktop, and pointed. "Look!"

"Huh," I replied. "That does look interesting, but I need to check it out first, okay? You must always be cautious with internet stuff." He rolled his eyes.

"Okay, but it looks like fun," he said, a little dejected.

I kissed the top of his blonde head, his hair more than fashionably long, and he flipped it out of his eyes.

"I promise I'll check into it, okay honey?" He smiled, this time more brightly.

"I can't wait," he said, already making plans.

And so it was that two weeks later - a lifetime to my 11 year old son - we traveled to the city, to a well to do suburb, and entered the grounds of a, if not palatial estate, one that showed the presence of a lot of money anyway.

We saw a fair number of cars parked off to the side, more than a dozen at least.

"Looks like we won't be the only ones there," I remarked.

"Do you think I'll meet lots of boys my age there?" Ethan asked. "The pictures showed some on the website."

"I hope so, Ethan," I said, holding his hand as we walked up the wide stairs to the front door.

The door opened as we approached. "May I help you, sir?" A distinguished looking butler type asked, politely.

"Um, we're here for Teddy's birthday party," I said, the password to be used to enter.

"His 9th birthday sir?" The man responded.

"No, his 12th," I answered.

"Very good sir," he answered. "Won't you enter? The others are down in the playroom."

"I like the sound of that," I thought to myself. He led the way down several sets of stairs and hallways until we entered through double doors to a large room with at least two dozen young boys and their accompanying fathers, uncles or older brothers.

Many of the boys were dressed but a few weren't, and I found my eyes alighting on small but quite erect pink dicks, or `pee pees' to use the term I favored with Ethan and that seems quite appropriate for excitable young boys and their natural interest in such things. The little boy bottoms, moist and plump, were heavenly to me and I dreamed of sticking my face in each one's hot little crevice.

The undressed boys seemed to all be in the 9 to 13 year old age range, as were the still dressed ones, and their protectors ranged from possibly 18 to well over 50 years old.

Before we got far into the room, a naked boy ran up to Ethan.

"Hi, I'm Danny," he said, putting an arm across Ethan's shoulder. "We're playing naked tag, wanna play?"

Ethan looked to me for permission. "Whatever you want to do, sweetheart," I said.

Ethan smiled and turned back to Danny. "How old are you, Danny?" I asked.

"I'm twelve," he said, "and I'm even starting to get a few hairs growing here, wanna see?"

"If you want to show us," I replied. "Ethan, see what's going to happen with you soon."

We both looked at Danny's sweet little crotch, his pink uncut cock quivering with pleasure as he pointed out the light brown fuzzy down sprouting at the base of his prick and on his scrotum.

"You can touch it if you like," he said, directed more at Ethan than me. Ethan eagerly grasped Danny's 4 inch long rod, with its plump little head and moist piss slit, and stroked it, then his fingers ran through the sparse hair growth.

"Ooh, that feels nice," Ethan said. "Can I taste your pee pee too""

I looked at Danny. "We just got here, I don't know if that's okay or not."

"Oh yes, boys can do whatever we want with each other, even fucking, to start," he said, "But the men can only do sucking and fucking when it's group play time, but after that anything's okay."

Ethan eagerly got on his knees in front of Danny, taking his stiff dick between his lips and gently swallowing it. His hands naturally went around Danny's small hips to grasp his ass cheeks, and pull him closer. As he did, a man of about 40 walked over and extended his hand to me.

"Hi, I'm Kendall Porter, and this is my home. I take it you're Max Kershaw, and this is your son Ethan?"

"Yes, how did you know?" I asked, wondering how someone I'd never met could pick us out.

"Ever since you applied to join the Playhouse, you've been watched," he said, grinning. "Oh don't be alarmed, we're not interested in prying into your life, we only had to make sure you were actually a loving father and son and not, well, prying authorities who don't agree with our philosophy of sexual freedom among males."

I nodded. "I understand and appreciate your caution. Can you fill us in on how things work here?"

He grinned. "Glad to. Our philosophy is that dads and sons are capable of generating the most intense love relationships. That is, all dads and all sons. It doesn't matter whether they're actually related to each other. And as carnal beings we find that dads and sons like to do it in an earthy kind of way. Filthy, messy, stinky, juicy, raw ... we generate the closest, unbreakable relationships through what I jokingly call `The Power of Poop.'"

"That really resonates with Ethan and me," I said. "We do enjoy, um, such pursuits."

"If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to seek me out," Kendall said. "Meanwhile, why not just follow the group to see what you might like and join in when you feel like it. The bar is over there for the grown ups and soft drinks for the boys."

I returned my gaze to Ethan, no more than five feet away and watched as Danny shivered with pleasure as he experienced an orgasm from the attention from my sweet young son's mouth. The two boys kissed as Ethan raised up. Danny stared deeply into Ethan's eyes, then began undressing him, as Ethan looked at me hopefully.

I nodded and Ethan joyously aided in his undressing, pulling off his shirt and pants, little briefs slipping down his slim legs and Danny dropping to his knees to take Ethan;s erect cock into his mouth, sucking enthusiastically and fingering his balls with one hand and his tasty tight asshole with the other. Ethan moaned with pleasure.

"Oh yeah," he gasped, his hips already rocking as he fucked Danny's mouth enthusiastically. His fingers were entwined in Danny"s longish brown hair. The two boys rocked together, their caresses so sweet and romantic, and I almost missed seeing all the other young boys stopping to stare at them, their little cocks hard, pink and in a case or two, dripping with pre cum.

The others began to congregate around Ethan and Danny. I didn't know what to expect until they began cheering them on. I relaxed then, it seemed that we might fit in to the group very well!

Just then, Kendall made an announcement.

"All protectors must now doff their clothing, and see to it that their wards are also naked." He paused. "It doesn't look like THAT will be much of a problem!" Everyone laughed, it was clear that this group of little boys was quite happy to be naked. The clothes were generally neatly placed in small baskets on the side of the room, and after taking off my clothes and gathering up Ethan's, I placed them in one of these.

Kendall observed the mass stripping with a smile, and then said, "For our new members, the events are voluntary and unscheduled. In other words, all may interact as they please. The only rule is no hurting, and no forcing anyone to do what they don't want to do. We have several rooms and areas, and I invite you all to check them out and indulge yourselves if you like what you see. Let the festivities commence!"

I looked at Ethan. "Would you like to come with me and see what we've gotten into?" Ethan looked at Danny.

"Could you come along, and show us?" He asked the cute 12 year old, brown haired and slim boy. Danny had a cute little round ass and as he bent over to pick something up he made sure to show me the hot cleft between his plump little ass cheeks, a tiny pink vertical slit that promised immense pleasure to someone's tongue and prick, hopefully mine.

He raised up, winked at me and said, "I'd love to. Can I show you the spa first?"

"Spa?" I thought. "Nice." We walked hand in hand, Danny between Ethan and me, to a semi dark room off the main room. The aroma hit me first. The rank, earthy smell of age old shit.

"What is this?" I asked, confused.

"This is the bathroom," Danny explained. "Well, it's both a bathroom and a playroom. If anyone has to poop or pee they do it in here, and for those of us who like to play, it's ready made. It's been here the whole 23 years the club has been here. It's heated and never drained."

"So it has poop and pee from the last 23 years?" I asked.

"Neat!" exclaimed Ethan.

"Yep, from every boy and man who's been here. It's frowned upon to come here and not poop or pee in it every time." I looked at the lined spa, about 12 feet by 12 feet and it was full to the brim with a dark brown liquid slurry.

"Never drained, never added water, just poop and pee. The best is the diarrhea, of course," he added. Both Ethan and I smiled at that. Imagine feeling so many men and boys' shit, piss and diarrhea on your body, and in your mouth and tasting it. It sounded heavenly!

"Can we go in, Daddy?" Ethan asked eagerly.

"Of course, baby," I said. "Can we go in now?" I asked Danny.

"Yeah, sure," he said. "I'll go in with you." There were a couple of steps down into the dank pool, and as I set foot in it, still holding Ethan's hand, I expected it to be cool and slimy. Well, slimy it most certainly was, and with impressive turd logs from boys gone by bumping against my leg, but it was a perfect body temperature. It felt like entering a liquid womb, if wombs were filled with shit.

"Oh nice," Ethan sighed, quickly stepping deeper into the giant toilet. "Daddy, there's turds touching my pee pee, they tickle!"

"Can we taste the turds?" I asked Danny.

"Sure, if you like. Most men and boys do." Ethan and I settled down into two of the seated areas carved into the spa, our dicks harder than we could ever remember. My face was only inches above the foul smelling banquet, and Ethan was even closer to the feast. He reached down into the dark brown slurry and came up with one of the biggest turds I've ever seen, juicy and glistening.

"Can I lick it, Daddy?" he asked.

"Only if you share, baby," I replied, smiling.

He opened his mouth and slowly slipped the thick piece of crap between his sweet plump lips, as though he were licking a lollipop or sucking a particularly large cock.

"Mmmm," he moaned happily. It was as obscene and exciting a scene as I have ever witnessed, my 11 year old boy, fair and blue eyed, sucking on a filthy smelly piece of shit from some stranger's ass, perhaps years old, and loving the taste, smell and feel of it.

Just as I loved the sight of it, rivulets of slimy liquid ass waste running down my baby's pink cheeks as he chewed and sucked on the intestinal filth. I could no longer resist and put my own lips on the thick piece of crap still sticking far out of his mouth, both of us chewing on the surprisingly firm turd, pieces of it washing down our eager throats, into the septic pits of our stomachs.

Ethan fell into my arms, embracing me, both of us naked, our cocks pressing together, our hands roaming over each other's body, as we chewed down that fantastic piece of crap until nothing was left.

Danny, who'd been watching us the whole time, clapped his small hands together happily. "That was nice," he said. "I like that you want to be together. But Ethan, can I do something with your Daddy too?"

"Sure," replied Ethan. "What do you want to do?"

"I need to poop," Danny replied, "and I want him to watch me poop and then catch my poop and eat it too!" The idea of watching a turd slide out of Danny's virginal little butt hole excited me and the thought of eating it made my mouth water. I smiled and put my hands on Danny's smooth warm hips, turning him away from me until his little round butt was facing my avid gaze.

"What a beautiful bottom you have, Danny," I whispered. His round ass cheeks were perfectly formed little bubbles of smooth boy flesh, warm and inviting. I put my hands on those perfect globes, with both of my thumbs at the lower half of the crevice between them. I used my thumbs to separate the butt cheeks, quivering and moist, revealing the cute tight slit he had teased me with earlier.

"Oh god, Danny, your hole is perfect, your ass is exquisite! I could eat your hole all day long!" Danny giggled.

"Do you like it?" he said.

"Yes, you and Ethan are the most beautiful boys I've ever seen, you're my sweet little lovers and I want to kiss and eat you both up!" Ethan, to his credit, was proud rather than jealous of my praise of Danny's hot little body.

"My Daddy's the best ass eater ever, Danny! You're going to be so lucky."

Danny bent over, using his own hands now to separate those luscious ass cheeks, fully revealing his spectacularly lovely butt hole. "Put your face up close to my hole," he whispered. "I want you to eat all my hot shit."

I didn't need more invitation than that, snuggling my nose into the notch of Danny's tight pink ass hole, until I felt something greasy, brown and smelly bumping into it. I pulled back a few inches and the head of a slimy boy turd began slipping out of his hole, slowly and round and tiny at first, then growing bigger around and longer, stretching the rubbery skin around his sphincter.

Danny was a marvel at controlling the exit of that turd log from his bottom, as it slipped smoothly from his intestines directly into my mouth.

"Umm, goo,"I gurgled, as his bowel fruit filled my mouth, intoxicating my senses. My tongue swirled around the outside of that slimy crap monster as it continued to fill my mouth, Danny's ass rotating slightly from the pleasure of my tongue massaging him there and the pleasure/pain of passing a turd much bigger than his opening.

I chewed some of the turd, both to fit it better in my mouth and to downsize it some and to lower the stress on his hole. Danny sighed when that helped to break the logjam inside his ass and a flood of poop followed, most of it liquid like a deliciously smelly creamy shit gravy now.

I could feel it flowing down my chin and into the fetid soup we were all stewing in, until finally the tidal wave of crap slowed and stopped. The boy had an amazing capacity for shit, I must say. I pulled my head back, catching my breath and saw that Ethan had Danny's dick in his mouth, and that he hadn't let a single drop of Danny's hot, sparkling golden piss drip into our bath. He was manfully swallowing Danny's hot stream of urine, smacking his lips with pleasure. Ethan loved boy piss, almost as much as he loved serving as a urinal for a group of men on one memorable occasion.

I leaned back in to Danny's asshole and did my best to clean him there, licking his filthy shit crusted ass with my tongue. Finally, I released Danny at the same time that Ethan did, and we all three sat in a group embrace, kissing each other and tasting and sharing the delicious pleasure of Danny's hot intestines and bladder.

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Dark Fantasy

Next: Chapter 3

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