Adventures with Ethan

By Dark Fantasy

Published on May 31, 2023


This work is copyrighted 2021, Dark Fantasy, all rights reserved and cannot be used or reproduced without permission.

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This story is totally a work of fiction. It is a fantasy written for entertainment purposes and nothing more. It is not real life in any way and does not advocate or condone such behavior in real life. I DO NOT condone any unlawful behavior nor any sexual contact with minor children. Please respect everyone.

Gay adult/youth, incest, raunch, scat and pee play ===========================================================

Adventures with Ethan

"Hi Dad," Ethan said, flinging his back pack on the sofa. He crashed down on the far end.

"Hi baby," I replied. "Tough day at school?" I smiled at his world weary countenance. I couldn't help but smile at my handsome 11 year old boy, slim, freckled and with just crooked enough white teeth to be considered adorable by most of the girls in his class. And of course, by his father too.

"It was okay -- Ginny Roberts was teasing me, though. She said I'm too pretty to be a boy."

"I imagine it's because she really likes that you're good looking. Anyway, "handsome," "beautiful," "pretty" "those are all just different ways of saying someone is easy on the eyes. It IS a compliment, even if you may not have taken it that way."

"I guess so," he replied. "Do you think I'm, er, handsome?"

"Are you kidding?" I laughed. "When I was a kid, I was pretty much movie star handsome, and you, you blow me away!" He giggled.

"God Dad, you're so full of shit sometimes." He eyed me sidelong.

"Don't give me that look, I know what you want," I said. "Let's get cracking, I couldn't concentrate on work all day, thinking of your sweet little body." He grinned.

"The big bathroom?" he asked, already on his feet and moving toward the back of the house.

"I'm pretty sure that's the only place that can handle us both right now," I growled, on my feet now too and following him. He unbuttoned his flannel shirt partways, tearing it off over his head as he walked/ran toward the well appointed main bathroom that we often shared. It was followed by his white tee shirt, displaying his cute shoulder blades and achingly beautiful, smooth and unblemished back, lightly peach colored in the glow of the hallway light.

Amazingly, he unbuckled the belt to his khaki school pants and slipped them down his legs without tripping as he moved, and entered the bathroom wearing only his white briefs. I stared at the prominent shape of his erect penis, still little boy small, but hard and poking straight out, tenting the fabric.

I more leisurely removed my shirt and pants, and wearing only my tight boxer briefs, entered the room as his eyes fixed on my own conspicuous bulge, my 8 inch cock hardly shy under the dark colored fabric.

"I like when you wear black ones, Dad," he said. "It--I dunno, just makes it seem like your pee pee is harder and bigger then."

"Pee pee?" I repeated, raising my eyebrows.

"Well, that's what you call mine so I figured?" he looked uncertain.

"Let's compare," I suggested. He stood before me, facing me. I reached down and gently pulled down his briefs to mid thigh, his erect penis catching on the waist band then flipping up as it was released. Then I pulled down my own, letting them fall to the floor.

I moved closer, and took his small but stiff penis in my hand, then slipped my own next to it, both heated, throbbing cocks in my rough hand. His of course was thinner and shorter than mine, maybe 3 inches long to my seven inches, and the difference in girth like that of a sapling compared to a full grown tree. A sapling that I was sure would one day be a mighty oak of pleasure.

He sighed with delight as he felt my heat and velvety steel caressing his, and giggled as a drooling strand of my copious pre cum dripped onto his still hairless balls.

"Yeah, you're so much bigger," he sighed. "And your cum, and you're so hairy--when will I be like you?"

"Before you know it, baby," I whispered. "Anyway, you see the difference between a pee pee and a cock, sweetheart?" He smiled up at me and nodded.

"Yeah--and I really love your cock, Daddy, especially when it's touching my pee pee!"

We both laughed.

"Did you have something special in mind, baby?" I whispered.

"Uh huh," he grunted happily. "I was wondering if I could be a fountain, and maybe we could play bombing run too?"

"Of course, anything my baby boy wants to do is fine with me," and I smiled and said, ?Let's?you show me how you want to do it."

He took my hand as he simultaneously walked to the garden tub and let his briefs slip to the floor, stepping out of them as he walked. He had so much of his mother's gracefulness. He stepped down into the tub and lay on his back.

"I've been holding it all day, Daddy, for you," he said. That boy could make my heart break with love for him.

"You kneel at my head, with your pee-, your cock on my face," he explained. He had his small fist around his penis holding it straight up.

"It's kind of hard to get started," he whispered, 'seeing your cock makes it so hard for me to pee?"

"Yeah, think of something unsexy, like girls," I coaxed him. He giggled.

"Yeah, there," he grunted, as a small spurt of bright yellow piss dribbled out of the tip of his still erect penis. "Unnh," he grunted louder, a small fart also escaping from his ass. Then the small spurt grew until it was a fountain two feet high of sparkling, acrid boy piss, jetting up as high as a small boy's dreams, then splashing down on his smooth tummy and chest, some also landing on his hairless ball sack.

Knowing what he wanted, and that he wouldn't have an endless supply of pee for me, I quickly moved my upper body to catch as much of his hot flow as I could in my mouth, swallowing his salty and sweet urine greedily. As I did that he used his left hand to position my hairy cock at his mouth, his small pink tongue darting out to lick up and down my hard fleshy shaft.

As young as he was, he'd already developed into an adept cock sucker, taking my cock head into his warm, wet mouth, teasing my own piss slit with his agile tongue. I continued to gulp down his hot liquid, loving the taste of my own son's piss, and swallowing what didn't drip down off my face.

As his flow began to diminish my head lowered and our bodies became more parallel, until I could slip my mouth over his whole penis, urine still flowing, and I swallowed his hot essence as he sucked my cock. I groaned.

"Oh god, baby, I've been thinking of you all day and I'm so ready to explode now--is that okay?" I could feel his jaw moving on me as he nodded.

"Yes Daddy," he gasped, momentarily freeing my stiff cock, then once again sweetly imprisoning it. I could feel him quiver and knew that he would cum too, though of course without any liquid evidence of it.

I hunched up on my knees so that we could more directly each fuck the other's mouth, my cock dangling down into his sweet pink lips, and my own mouth sucking on his small dick and balls. His hot little cock felt firm and delicious on my tongue, sliding in and out of my mouth, his little hips pumping upwards frenetically, piss still dribbling out and down my throat or off my lips to my chin.

Meanwhile, he kind of sucked on the head of my cock like an ice cream cone, rasping his tongue under my dick head, exciting me and forcing my dick and balls to produce more pre cum. I could hear him slurping it, which drove me to my limits. The pressure quickly building in my balls, I could feel the first tendrils of excitement that would lead to hot spurts of sticky white cum on my darling boy's lips and filling his mouth.

"Fuck--gonna cum!" I gasped, as he quickly stroked my fat, hard cock with one small hand. His mouth closed ever tighter on me, anxious to lose not a single drop of man seed.

I jerked my hips over him and hot jets of my sperm filled Ethan's mouth. I heard him gobbling and gasping as he tried to keep up with the sheer quantity of cum, manfully trying to swallow it even as he also tried to savor its flavor on his tongue, the creamy coating of his Dad;s jizz one of his favorite things.

His small prick vibrated in my mouth, his hips trembling as he too came, his flavor somehow intensifying on my tongue, though as I say he was not yet producing the semen that I so longed for from my son's hot dick. We both lay there, immersed in a thin coat of his piss, loving the feel of the other's penis and our bodies, against each other, hot and rapidly softening where there had been hardness.

"Ohh--that was great," I finally murmured. "I love you Ethan."

"I love you too, Daddy," he whispered. "I love you inside me."

Then he roused himself.

"Can we do `Bombing Run' now?" He asked, hopefully.

"You bet, sweetheart," I replied. "Now that I've cum."

I eased myself to my knees, my softening dick slowly popping out from between his two plump lips. I could feel my insides relaxing, and the urgent need that had built inside me all day long as I waited for my boy to return from school now began making itself known.

I stood over Ethan, his pee in droplets running down my hairy body and onto his hairless young beauty. I could feel the pressing in my colon, a turd or more likely many turds, clamoring to get out once I relaxed my sphincter. But of course, the fun for us was in where those turds would end up. I straddled Ethan's slim pink body, my anus more or less above his small dick, but at least three feet higher. He knew that any part of his body was fair game, but wouldn't know where I'd choose to drop my bombs on him.

I relaxed the muscles surrounding my love hole and could quickly feel slick, greasy shit making its way down the short channel. Hopefully soft and sloppy, the way we both liked it, the better for spreading all over our bodies. Before I knew it a particularly wet package of foul smelling crap shot straight down, followed by a honking loud fart, propelled on to Ethan's midsection, partially covering his pee pee, which jerked in pleasure, the hot liquid feces coating it and his little balls.

"Ooh, bullseye Daddy!" Ethan exclaimed, his hand automatically going to his dick to rub it in to his velvety cock skin as well as masturbate with it. I had pinched off my sphincter after farting, feeling a much greater load still waiting in the bomb bay of my ass. The drippy, creamy mess left a few tracks on the back of my thighs and a deep chocolate ring around my rosebud, but most coated Ethan's cute cock like a dipped cone at the local ice cream shop -- if that ice cream shop used the richest, foulest, earthiest poop for its treats.

Ethan groaned with pleasure, the heat of my bowel waste teasing him into another orgasm.

I moved up his body, pausing above his smooth hairless chest, but decided to save that sweet canvas for another time, and positioned my thighs above his cute, eager face.

"Close your eyes and open your mouth, buddy," I cautioned him, and he happily complied.

"Shit on me Daddy, shit in my mouth," he begged. I was only too happy to comply.

I relaxed my sphincter, all my crap, smelly, bitter and hot, anxious to be out and intimate with my son's face and mouth, coating him in all those lovely places he could share with me.

"Little baby boy?" I began, but in a long, continuing stream of semi liquid bowel waste, my pretty boy was made so much more beautiful with my gift for him, and opened his mouth wide to catch as much foul shit as he could from his father's rectum. His mouth filled, gravy like bowel food filling it and seeping down his throat as he gulped, loving the intestinal waste that we had both shared so many times before.

He coughed, a mouthful spattering across his body, shit stink filling the air. He recovered his equilibrium, swallowing again, streaks of poop running down his cheeks like tears of erotic joy. His pink lips and tongue working the chocolatey mess further into his mouth and throat, I smiled with all the love in my heart.

"Open wider, I'm almost finished shitting," I yelled -- his ears were becoming clogged with the noisome mess -- and squatted down, my asshole only inches from his cute young face. Several explosive farts signaled nearing the end of my gifting him. He reached up and pulled me even closer until his nose was touching my anal rosebud, then slipping inside it. It felt good to have him in me, filling me, and looked forward to what I knew from experience would be coming soon.

My cock began squirting my full load of piss now, as I had been painfully holding my own dark golden fluid back while crapping on my sweet boy's naked body. I directed the flow to his hair and face, washing bits and pieces of delicious bowel fruit from him into the bottom of the tub, He giggled as the hot stream of pee tickled his face, his mouth opening to allow my dark, concentrated stream of urine to wash down the large quantity of shit he'd eagerly accepted.

"Yeah Daddy," he gasped as he gulped down my hot daddy drink made for his benefit, and saved, stewing inside my body all day, concentrating and adding deep, lovely piss flavor. Finally though, I was finished, no shit other than a few small clumps and droplets, and only random trickles of piss, so I lay down next to him, then on top of him, our hot naked bodies, covered with filth, embracing and grinding into each other.

"I'm hard again," I whispered into his shit smeared ear, and reflexively his small legs raised up, offering his own sweet, tasty rosebud to me.

"Fuck me, please, Daddy,I want you inside me," he whispered, just before our mouths met in a hot, passionate kiss, our tongues entwining and my cock automatically seeking out his anal opening that it knew so well. I pressed into him, my fat cock head stretching out his tight hole. As he grunted with pain and pleasure, my long shaft slipped inside his hot rectum, his flesh greedily grasping me as I filled his anus and bowel.

Of course, my prick was not alone, as my sweet boy had also held back his own load of dark brown shit, cooking and flavoring his waste all day long as he had squirmed in his seat at school. He later told me that one of the girls next to him had commented that he must have a girlfriend after school, he looked so anxious to leave. He had laughed, and said "maybe, but who is it?"

She had taken that as his flirting but all he could think at the time was how nice it would be to void all his shit onto me and then have me fuck his tight little hole. He hadn't expected that I would be too impassioned to wait and would fuck him while he was still holding his load of crap.

Fortunately, I was so hot for him that I came after only a few strokes, shooting another load of creamy white, hot cum into his tiny rear passageway.

We embraced and kissed again, his dirty mouth and tongue so sweet on mine, then I picked him up and carried him to our bed, laying him down, filth and all. I let him lay on top of me there.

"Daddy, can I poop now?" he implored me.

"Yes baby," I replied. The discomfort for him was obvious. He raised his body up, like a horse rider standing in the stirrups, his cute bottom inches above my stomach and immediately a long, continuous turd began flowing from his little hole onto me, curling around as it seemed never ending, literally a pound of poop, stinky and delicious looking to us both.

It crackled as it came out, numerous farts helping to drive it, and after what seemed like long minutes it finally slowed and with a small pop, the last of the monster turd ended, followed by two squirts of his slimy ass liquid. Then he lay on me again, his hot load between us, squishing and squirming and slowly coating us both in little boy feces.

"Um, Daddy, can I fuck you when we wake up?" He asked sleepily.

"Yes baby," I agreed. "Now let's get some rest and when we wake up we'll order some pizza, okay?"

"Okay Daddy," he sighed. "And can we play with the pizza delivery boy like we did last time, too?"

"Maybe," I replied. "If he's happy to be greeted by two shit covered lovers when he rings the doorbell, well then, that would be nice. Now go to sleep."

With that we both nodded off, covered with each other's shit in our bed, with no plans whatsoever to remove our tasty coatings other than with our tongues, and I dreamed of a whole gang of cute pizza boys who were more than happy to play with me and my sweet little boy.

Perhaps to be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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