Adventures of Two Brothers

By Chaim B. (Bchaim, Bchaimstory)

Published on Sep 30, 2023


Adventures of two brothers

Part 5 and 6

By Chaim (bchaim)

(NS: M/t (t+), oral/anal/bond)

September '05.

This story is fiction and has nothing to do with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We are all human beings! I just wrote it from my own perspective.

Thanks to Ray he tried to make my English better. I am sometimes a willing student.

Thanks to: Mike, Raymond, Frank, Scop, Murray, Angelo, Mimmi Mo, ChubSubm, Mike, Lee, Furry, Brian, Mo, Fanneluno, Dean, Eric, Jan, for their kind reply and suggestions!

Comments and suggestions are welcome at:

Part 5 Sasja

In Beersheva I went to an old school friend, Sasja.

Sasja is the same age as me and left Jerusalem a year ago to study Geography at the Hebrew University in the desert. He is from Russia and a real sportsman and he is a top wrestler. We talked and talked for hours enjoying some cold beer. He was very curious about my strange adventures. I didn't tell him all, just the fact they used me in a `gay way'. He hugged me and tried to comfort me.

At midnight I took a shower and went to bed naked. Sasja moved to the showers and when he came back he was still dressed as a real Israeli teen with a white T-shirt over his broad chest and a pair of tight shorts. I saw he was a real wrestler and worked out a lot. He just stood where he was and looked at me. I had a throbbing hard-on under the blanket. I thought Sasja was strong and nice. I couldn't deny it, I was horny again. Sasja whispered, "I am curious, I am sorry. They really raped your ass?"

"This isn't easy for me," I said, "I was raped and fucked. I was tied up, bent over, with my butt in the air, and the commander drove his cock deep into me. It was strange and I can't deny it; sometimes it felt good."

Sasja smiled at me, "I never did it at all."

Not knowing what to do, I patted the bed. Sasja took my invitation and walked slowly forward. He sat next to me on the edge of the bed. He simply said, "May I do it?"

I nodded my head and he pulled the blankets down from my body and revealed my nakedness. He looked at the pre-cum that was already drooling from my hard cock. His voice was strange when he said,

"You are beautiful!"

It took all the courage I had to say, "Hold me!"

Twisting his strong body around so that he was kneeling over my naked form, he wrapped his arms around me. He pressed me close to his chest. I could feel the powerful muscles that were moving under his tight clothes. I inhaled his manly aroma at his neck. He moved on top of me. He pressed me down against my nipples and made them stand erect. Sasja's lips were rubbing along the side of my neck and my cheek. He moved his lips slowly to my lips. He kissed me like a real man and was soft at the same time.

"Mmmm, you are really nice."

His fingers ran around the side of my smooth hips and he reached under the cheeks of my smooth ass. I felt the way the tips of his fingers were rubbing up and down the crack of my ass. He did it firmly but playfully. I arched my back up, I needed it. With his other hand he shoved the front of his shorts down. I reached in and started to work his big hard cock out of his pants. Our cocks met and I whispered to him,

"Why don't you take them off. I want to feel you naked!"

He lifted himself and took off his white T-shirt and blue shorts. His exposed chest was broad and covered with some black hair between his nipples. I loved his treasure trail from his belly button to his beautiful crotch hair. His muscles were sharply defined. Running his fingers over his cockhead, he spread out his pre-cum. He gave me a nervous smile, "How do you want this?"

"Sasja, just do what you want. I trust you all the way. The commander of the Palestinians usually bent me over."

Sasja nodded his head and ran his hands over my smooth body. I touched and played with his hairy skin. "I want to look at your face, Joshua; I want to see your eyes."

"Do it, I am ready for you!"

His hands pulled on the insides of my thighs and he was holding one leg in each hand as he spread them and lifted them up. My body was doubled up before I even realized what happened to them. My legs were up over my smooth chest and my ankles were around my shoulders. This way my butt was totally open for him. "My little Joshua," he whispered stroking my soft and smooth body, "May I tie you up the way those Palestinians did?"

"Yes, please do so! Please!"

My weight was leaning back on my shoulder and he took my wrists the same way Achmed had. He stretched my arms wide and held them in his strong hands. I felt his power. He took my own leather belt from my jeans which lay on the ground next to his bed. Sasja tied my wrists together and stretched them to the limit to the bedposts of his bed.

In fact this way, he moved his strong body all over my little frame. His chest covered my head and I kissed his navel, licked and sucked it. I tasted his salty skin and wanted him to be happy. My white naked butt was up in the air and I was bound by him. He was running his fingers up and down along the crack of my ass. On his knees behind me he pressed the big head of his teen cock along my crack as well. I grunted under my breath, "Use some spit, please!"

He took a break for a moment, maybe a bit confused. He spat on his fingers and rubbed the spit all over his cock. He moved his cock up and down along my asscrack making it wet en slippery. He slowly directed his beautiful big cock at my hole. I urged him on, "Yes do it, please! Sasja, don't worry, I can take and like it."

He pushed forward and I felt him at my wrinkled flesh. I could feel the broad cockhead against my still closed little asshole. He gave me an unsure grin when he pushed his big cock inside me.

Once the head was in, Sasja kept on pushing forward. Slowly his cock went inside my open ass and finally I felt his balls pressing against the smooth flesh of my asscheeks. He sighed and I felt the base of his great teen cock expand. He stretched my asslips to the limit. He hadn't moved his cock to fuck me at that point. I hurt some to have his big member deep inside my ass. I moaned, feeling his strong wrestler's body taking me.

"Man, my Joshua you are so great!"

Sasja tossed his head back and opened his mouth in a silent scream.

I felt the pulsing of his cock and he started to fuck me. His cock went in and out of my stretched ass. He grunted and felt he came deep inside me. His hot cum was shooting inside of me. He body pressed my body down. Sasja was out of my asshole and he took his shorts and put them on. In a flash he was sitting next to my still bound body. He untied me quickly and whispered, "I am sorry."

"What are you sorry for, Sasja?" I asked him.

"Using you this way," he said shrugging his broad shoulders, "I am sorry for everything."

"Fuck you; I am only sorry for just one thing. I'm sorry you came so fast!" I snapped at him. He turned around and we looked at each other. I said, "I am sorry, I take that back."

He stroked my rock-hard cock and it did not take much time to have me horny and eager. I felt his strong hands when he took one nipple. I loved it and groaned, "Oh, Sasja!"

My balls hurt and I came all over him and myself! He looked at me and I saw pain, anger and pity. He left the room without a single word. He didn't come back that night and I felt bad. The next day he was not around and there was no note. I found an envelope with some money and got the message. I took a bus with my own thoughts. I was willing to get fucked up the ass by a man. I was gay, interested in guys sexually. As far as I was concerned hetero men and straight men would spit on me. Strangely enough the thought filled me with pride. I felt in a way superior to them. I was honest about it and met so many guys who wanted my ass, pretending they were straight. I had a bigger problem! Not my sexual desires, nor my secret confession being gay. My brother Nathan was still missing! I left Sasja a note reading:

Dear Sas,

Sorry to upset you

I am fine

Don't worry too much!

Hug (if that is still possible)



Part 6

I went off to Jerusalem and ended up in a Kibbutz called "Bereshith", like the first word of Thora: `In the beginning'. It was a small community close to Jerusalem and overlooking my city. I dreamed about my parents, my brother and our close family life. In the little kibbutz, everyone knew everybody else. But I was not the only stranger. I walked over to the community centre and I told them I needed some food and a place to sleep. A strange man in the shadows followed me and he overheard our conversation. He just stood there and nodded at me. He looked really powerful and I wondered what he did there. He came over to me and we started talking. He talked English to me when he asked,

"What do you want, boy?"

"I want to go to the Jordan border," I told him in my best English. We talked and he just ask me with a single question,

"You can follow orders, boy?"

A little surprised I answered,

"Yes sir, I can follow orders all the way."

He gave me a couple of beers and I went to bed a little tipsy. In the morning I felt bad but I knew I had to do it. I had to see this powerful man and ask him again. He could be the key to my kid brother.

I was sometimes just a little kid, trying to survive and get my way through the West Bank. I feared for my little brother. I knew I had to find him!

My only chance was to join his group of men who travelled through the West Bank with a group of camels to the Jordanian border. He must be my man! I was damn nervous and stood in front of the strong man who was in charge of this trip. He just stood there with two little strong helpers. He looked at me and said, "We need only need real men here. Are you strong enough to be a man, boy?"

"I'm strong enough, I can prove that!"

I tried to sound as mean as he did and tried to look strong and mature.

The man didn't smile. He came over to me and pulled at the arms of my white T-shirt. He felt the little muscles in my arms and said, "Not bad for a little boy, like you. Someone took good care of you. Let me see your other muscles, boy."

I followed his order and took my white T-shirt in my hands and took it over my head. He stopped me and he simply said, "I don't have time for a slowly striptease boy. Strip down and let me see your muscles."

I wondered what he wanted and didn't like the idea. I wanted to join them and had to go along. I quickly pulled my T shirt over my head. This way I showed him my armpits and my smooth well defined chest. I hoped for some real approval and I could see his eyes a strange flash of admiration. He ordered with a nod of his head, "Drop those tight jeans, boy!"

This was too much!

"What do you want to see? I am a man if you doubt that!"

"You want to get out of here now, or do you drop your pants now, my cute pretty boy."

I didn't reply but worked my jeans down over my slim hips. My cock was already half hard and I felt embarrassed. I stood there just in my white boxers with my jeans around my ankles. I stood nearly naked in front of him. I looked at him and he gave me a silent nod. I sighed and took the waistband of my white boxers and they dropped also to my ankles. The man walked around me and stopped behind me. His fingers rubbed over my back and lowered slowly to my smooth asscheeks. I pulled away from him and said, "You can't do that!"

He ignored my words and stated, "We can use a boy like you around here. The men around here get horny all the time and your tight little ass looks real nice, boy. You are a cute boy."

I didn't wait for more, just pulled my jeans back up; his reply over my ass was so cruel and embarrassing. He walked in front of me and I could see his powerful frame. He simply pushed my shoulder very hard and I fell to the dirty ground, I yelled in surprise and shock. He was on top of me in a flash taking my wrists in his strong hands. He turned me around between his strong legs and said, "Boy, you are maybe a dumb fucker. I offered you a job, but you still can say `No'; think about it, but be fast. But, my little boy, remember you will not leave this spot without my manly cock deep inside your tight little asshole."

He told me that as a matter of fact and was already unbuttoning his fly. In a flash I could feel the head of his cock against the smooth skin of my exposed asscheeks. I felt his strong fingers probing and he started to push my asscheeks apart. I grunted and my cock stayed hard.

"What's this, little fucker?" he asked, "Are you always excited like this when you're around with other real men?"

I was so angry I shouted at him, "Stay away from me cruel fucker!!"

He slapped me so hard that I hit the ground hard again. I glared up at him and grunted in pain. I wasn't a coward and hated him all the way. It was foolish to fight such a big man. I found my breath and swallowed my anger. He continued, "Poor little boy, have you ever spread those pretty little asscheeks for a real man?"

"I was..." I stopped and looked at him. He ignored my words and just continued his own speech. "Listen carefully, little handsome fuck boy, the only position on this transport to be filled is..."

He looked at my eyes, "We need a little fuck boy like you to keep the guys satisfied. You want to do that? It is a yes or no. I don't want to waste any more energy on the matter."

"What do you mean by fuck boy?" As I shared with you I was fucked, fucked all the way but somehow his way of using this term being his `fuck boy' scared me.

"It's real simple boy. We work hard; there will be no pussy around. You will do everything for us that all my men in need do. Your little cute ass will be our pussy. You will be allowed so rest sometimes to serve. Maybe some of my real men are in need and you will be there. It is quite simple!" He looked at my naked exposed body and continued,

"You want to go into Jordanian territory; well boy, that's the position that's open. Yes or No?" I nodded my head and whispered a yes, "Yes sir."

I looked at him and his rock-hard cock. He said with a firm voice,

"Get totally naked."

I stripped off my sneakers and socks. I took my jeans from my ankles. Naked I stood there in front of him. "Have you ever taken it up your ass before, boy?"

I nodded my head. He ordered, "Thought so, my boy. Just grab your ankles and bend over!"

I did as ordered without hesitation. My firm asscheeks were sticking up in the air. Now I could see him only upside down. His cock was hard and long and the tip of it was drooling. He held my hips and rubbed it up and down along the crack of my white teen ass. I felt the moisture of his pre-cum oozing into my tight crack. He pointed his finger at my ass lips, pushing it forward into my tight passage.

"Are you ready for it, my boy?"

he asked me as he pulled my asscheeks wide apart. His powerful hands were holding onto my hips and he was pulling my asscheeks with his thumbs. He didn't guide his cock, he knew the way. One moment I felt him, the broad head of his cock pressing against my tight opening and the next moment I felt half of his big cock stretching my asshole wide apart.

"Oh man!"

"Take it boy; you want to be a man! So take it like a man!"

I couldn't even catch my breath taking his huge cock.

His fingers moved around from my hips stroking my smooth body in a very rough way. He used my body and opened my anal opening wider and wider. His powerful hands were wrapped tightly around my chest, taking my nipples. My body was on fire!

His powerful hands took my hips and he started to fuck me, slamming his big cock back and forth, pushing his tool deep inside me and pulling out. I couldn't even catch my breath when I was being pulled open by his cock.

I moaned,

"Oh, please. Man!"

His fingers moved around from my hips so that they covered the cheeks of my white ass. He used them to pull my hole wider for him. He just shoved forward and the full length of his cock deep inside me.

I felt his powerful hands wrapping tightly around my hips and in a moment I knew why.

He started to slam back and forth, pulling his cock out of my asshole and shoving back into it.

I yelled in pain and frustration.

He just hold me in place while he fucked me hard. Like I was a punching bag in order to make his punches harder and with more power.

"Take it, boy!"

I have to admit I was excited and my boy cock was rock hard.

He shouted an order, "You, come around here and jerk this kid off!"

One of his little strong helpers stepped forward. The kid had already a strong wide body and an open, friendly face. He smiled at me as he wrapped his hand around my cock.

My Boss fucked me hard while the strong teen kneeled in front if me and he increased the speed with which he was jerking me off.

I was still grasping my ankles as ordered. I groaned

"Yes... please Sir!"

He gave me a deep shove. I felt his load of cum shooting deep inside me! I couldn't hold back anymore. My cock head arched up and spurted out my juice. It splashed into the strong kid's face and it dripped on his nude powerful chest.

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