Adventures of Tom Traveler

By Gray Suit

Published on Jun 23, 2006



DISCLAIMER--This is the continuation of the suit-daddy celebrity mind control parody I started many months ago staring recently outed high school graduate Tom Traveler. In this latest installment he again uses The Amazing Remote Controller to travel into Television Land, this time to meet and mind control several movie and tv characters, all portrayed by Tom's favorite character actor, "Cold Case" co-star John Finn and where he learns some fascinating things about the magical tv device and the potential power it wields. Again, as before, with the exception of Tom, his Aunt Maisey, and the citizens of Fairview, Pennsylvania, the characters and descriptions from the various tv shows and movies described here do not belong to me, but are owned by the artists, writers, production studios, distributors and Networks who hold the sole rights to these creations. This fantasy series involves improbable alcohol and drug use, mind control and clothes manipulation as well as man on man sex(which takes a while to get to, but be patient!) and in no way suggests that the characters and celebrities mentioned here are gay or sexually promiscuous in Real Life. I'm only spinning a tongue in cheek fantasy of what happens when my horny tv addicted creation gets a chance to interact with celebs, tv and movie characters who, thanks to Tom Traveler find themselves in a position to get their sexual groove on--whether they want to or not!



Part One The Soggy Saga Continues

In the small community of Fairview Pennsylvania, it was the week-end before Thanksgiving, a breezy cold November Saturday night where a few early season snow flakes had begun to fall from the sky. It was around 11:30pm and on the corner of Simmons Avenue and Norwell, all of the lights from the modest two story red brick home of Maisey Greene slowly went out one by one until the only the only light remaining came from the second floor window facing Simmons which was the bedroom of Maisey's nephew Tom Traveler, a twenty year old semi-virgin, recently outed homosexual and suit daddy tv freak who had been brought back last summer from the brink of a suicide attempt by the timely and miraculous intervention from a fantastical cosmic being--well, actually by a pair of huge blue colored talking animated lips which had suddenly appeared floating in Tom's tv set and who had sent Tom on a very personal pilgrimage into the electronic heart of his own television, a profoundly gay hot buttered sexual journey which Tom(on the stage of "The Tonight Show of all places) had explored together with the very confused yet pleasantly surprised political consultant James Carville, all because of an incredible device the animated blue lips brought along called(capital letters most definitely implied) The Amazing Remote Controller, a reality altering, mind controlling device. You see, for most of his uneventful young life, Tom had been known, by some of the kids in town who were even aware of him as that "weird loner dude", or as "the screwy, strange oddball", or simply "nerd-turd", which was hurtful enough and had caused Tom to center his life around watching tv for hours on end as a coping strategy, but that was before the devastating night last summer when his super secret sexual fetish for suit and uniform-wearing middle-aged actors, mainly from crime dramas he obsessively watched on tv was loudly disclosed in public at a crowded fast food outlet by a formal pal of his named Doug. Tom feared that from now on he would be known by names far worse than "oddball" or "weird-o boy", that he would now be labeled "queer", "homo" or that "fag tv jack-off queen" by people not known for their tolerance of local folks choosing to embrace alternative life-styles. Tom just knew he wasn't strong enough to deal with that; the ugly rumors about his private life which had plagued him during his senior year in high school had almost made him a nervous wreck. But to have someone who knew the truth and slightly twisted it to humiliate him in public was just too much, because as much as he hated the small town, small mindedness of many of the citizens of Fairview, Fairview was still his home and he had nowhere else to go. This was just one more nail in the lonely coffin that had been his life, so Tom made the decision that night in early summer to once and for all take the final steps needed to finally bury his coffin under the ground. He opted to take the easy way out by overdosing on his aunt's extremely strong prescription sleeping pills, washed down with lots of vodka and V8 Splash fruit drink. But the astonishing appearance of Mr. Blue Lips and The Amazing Remote Controller had changed everything that night in early June by somehow allowing Tom the opportunity to actually physically interact and mind control the sexy, mature suit daddies he had fantasized about for years and of course the only interaction a horny, frustrated twenty year old virgin like Tom was interested in was of a sexual nature, which led him to finally experience his first taste ever of Real Man Cock by controlling the extraordinarily well endowed Mr. James Carville and giving him a hand-job and nut-bursting blow-job live on "The Tonight Show".

And naturally when he returned to his room after making the man shot streams of cum-juice, as well as Tom squirting his own wad into his shorts, Tom wanted to switch channels and go on another program and dive into someone else's suit pants, but Mr. Blue Lips went on to explain the rules regarding the limitations and unique properties of the Remote Controller which by that time had mysteriously vanished. Tom was told that for one thing, if he exited a session, he could not use The Remote Controller a second time because it required a hell of a lot of cosmic energy to reshape reality and that Tom's own sense of self worth and acceptance of himself was the sole energy source for the device which had to be re-charged after every session; that meant for Tom to use The Remote Controller anytime soon, he couldn't afford to waste energy wallowing in self doubt and self pity because of what people may be saying or thinking about him. And sitting around just watching tv in his room and not being out in the world living his life was an awful drain, and in no way could generate enough energy to power the device up.

Tom had been an unmotivated couch potato for all of his life; how could he muster up the will to turn his life around all of a sudden? But with the strong images of Carville's fat cock and memories of his manly body scents whirling throughout his sexually ignited brain Tom, over the next weeks, proceeded to get his act together and devised a New Plan for getting his life in order to became a more determined and fiercely motivated person.

Tom did find it a bit ironic that for him to be able to travel within Television Land, he had to give up watching as much tv as he used to do; he'd become a full time working stiff who no longer had time to stay a couch potato any longer. He had quit the no-nothing job he'd held since his high school freshman days at Big Fat Burgers, applied for a loading dock job at Walsh Chemical and was hired, much to his surprise, to instead work behind a desk in shipping and receiving, giving up flipping burgers to pushing pencils, wearing a shirt and tie and working with five other women (old enough to be his mother), as well as under the affable father figure who ran the department.

For a while Tom was somewhat discouraged as he struggled a little to get a handle on his new job at the plant, but after a time he found his way, mainly due to the kind tutoring provided by Mr. Dana Colt the department's supervisor who had for some reason taken an immediate liking to him and spent a lot of time with Tom, always encouraging him and touching him on his arms, shoulders and tapping his thighs to emphasize a point whenever they were seated together. He had even taken Tom on a private early morning tour of the facilities, bumping shoulders as they walked side by side and had invited Tom often into his private office to engage in lunchtime conversations, sometimes talking about computers, which was one of Colt's many passions(which in turn sparked Tom's own curiosity about PCs)but they mainly discussed tv crime series and film noir detective movies they'd discovered they shared an interest in. So Tom really liked the man; and it didn't hurt matters any that Dana Colt bore a strong, striking resemblance to actor John Finn, only he was a little out of shape, shorter in height and a few years older than the actor and had even less hair than Finn; he had a nice, round little paunch which hung a bit over his belt buckle and Colt always wore white dress shirts with bow ties, mostly with the jacket off and his sleeves rolled up and tight polyester trousers. And while Tom was only attracted to those daddy and grand-daddy tv cop, doc and lawyer types, he had to admit he wouldn't toss Mr. Colt out of bed--not that it would even be a possibility, of course!

So while his new job became easier to grasp, the days stretched into weeks, then months and still no sign of Mr. Blue Lips or The Amazing Remote Controller despite Tom's diligence, working over time hours and even on weekends. Each day Tom fought back the disappointment of not having The Remote Controller in his life by reliving in his mind his time with James Carville by pulling the souvenir he had brought back with him out of his closet, Carville's aromatic suit coat, reminding him of what awaited him if he stayed on his positive course of action.

And that meant working a half shift this Saturday despite finding out that TNT was showing a "The Practice" two parter that morning staring John Finn portraying an arrogant police detective butting heads with the displaced Boston-based legal team in Los Angeles to help a friend of Lindsey Dole's on trial for murder. Tom had seen the episodes before, but he still got a kick out of watching Finn's character be such a big jerk, so he was glad that he'd saved up his money over the summer and one of the things he bought was a vcr. Before going into work that morning, he set the timer so he could record and watch the programs later that night.

Well, the four overtime hours turned into six as Mary Ann, Jodi and he corrected errors made by Denise( who weaseled out of coming in) then caught up on some other things which needed to be addressed. When Tom finally punched out that afternoon, he didn't want to go straight home, so he took in a matinee at The Palace. The movie was a three hour swords and sandals epic wanna-be, and Tom soon lost interest, leaving before the movie concluded. He arrived at home just in time for Aunt Maisey's lemon chicken and rice dinner which she made every other Saturday and was one of Tom's favorite dishes.

Over the months Maisey noticed her nephew's new demeanor and wondered what was going on with him. Whatever it was, she decided that she liked the change in the boy and began to appreciate him more(whenever she put aside her Shelly-Davis wine to even notice his presence).

So Maisey and Tom took their plates into the living room and spent the rest of the evening watching tv. First there was the local and Network newscasts followed by two back to back repeat episodes of "The Drew Carey" show, then finally they settled in for what Aunt Maisey called her "Night For Crime" which consisted of two episodes of "Cops", then "America's Most Wanted". Another hour of the local news followed and usually by 10:45pm Aunt Maisey was dozing off, and tonight was no exception. Tom nudged his aunt awake, suggesting that they call it a night, so Aunt Maisey said she'd turn off the lights downstairs then head for bed as Tom, after washing their dinner dishes and grabbing a couple of beers went upstairs to his bedroom to watch "The Practice".

Tom had used a tape to record the two episodes which already had bits he had recorded previously from movies and a tv series staring his favorite Irish suit daddy: there were two episodes of "Cold Case" where Finn portrayed the cold case commander, Lt. John Stillman. Tom had also recorded the Lifetime movie "I Posed For Playboy", only keeping the scenes with Finn in them where he sizzled, wearing skin tight faded jeans and open collared plaid shirts which allowed his thick forest of dark chest hair to spill out, climbing upward towards his lower neck. The other movie was "True Crime", where Finn was in paternal sympathy mode, displaying a calm, caring demeanor towards a prisoner facing the death penalty who claimed he was an innocent man; in that movie he wore a tight form-fitting California Department Of Corrections uniform which covered a solid, muscular frame that Tom just wanted to nibble on from head to toe and Tom again had only recorded John Finn's sequences.

So Tom rewound the vrc to the beginning of "The Practice", turned on the tv sitting on the edge of his dresser, sat down in the old recliner next to his unmade bed, took a big swig of beer and got comfortable as the program began to play.

The first part was titled "New Evidence", the second one "Hammerhead Sharks" and the episodes explored the displaced Boston legal firm's frustration with the California legal system as they tried to prove that their apparently guilty-looking client was in fact innocent, while getting no help what so ever from either the insufferable Boston-hating judge who loved to mispronounce the firm's home state as "Massa-chew-stis" played with prissy glee by actor Anthony Heald, nor from the stubborn cop who headed the homicide investigation which led to the arrest of accused murder suspect Dennis Mills, Det. Henry Dokes played with acerbic venom by John Finn, whose character had a particular hate-on from the first time they'd met for lawyer Jimmy Berluti, and made it very plain that he'd take great pleasure in personally placing as many roadblocks in the Boston firm's way as he could manage, anything to impede the lawyers' attempts to gather new evidence against a man Dokes believed in his heart was guilty as sin and was just lucky to be represented at the last minute by a group of out-of-town legal bottom feeders who would use, and from what he had gathered, had used every underhanded trick in the book to acquit many of their less than reputable clients; Mills more than not was just another notch on the firm's belt of unforgivable acquittals.

Tom was beginning to enjoy the first showdown between a very amiable Berluti who was asking for a helping hand from the sarcastic Det. Dokes in the L.A. police department squad room when all at once the picture began to roll.

"Hey," Tom started, then watched as the screen went dark. "No, no, NO!" he shouted at the blank screen which suddenly filled the room with the hiss of white noise as static snow began to glow from the tv screen.

"Awww, what the fuck--" Tom moaned in frustration. "Cheap ass tv--cheap ass vcr! Don't screw up on me now!"

He snatched up the remote from off of the night stand to turn off the vcr before his tape got ruined and noticed that it felt much larger than his usual, slender vcr remote and brought the device up quickly to stare in disbelief at what he'd been waiting to hold again for so long. A grin slowly began to spread across his face as he muttered to himself, "Oh--my--"

"--God?" a deep voice said. "Afraid not suit-sucker, but the Big Guy and I do share some similar attributes--you know, like the ability to create something out of absolute nothingness, not to mention that little ol' shtick of bending and twisting reality to suit our purpose, like helping a wayward soul see the light--or in your case, lick a dick!"

Part Two To Hump And Suck In L.A.

Tom looked at his tv and saw those large familiar looking pair of cartoonish blue lips flashing a grin at him like the disembodied smile of Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat, floating in the static field of his television set.

"Hey there Tommy Boy--did ja miss me?" The deep, smooth melodious soul-man tones flowed over Tom from the tv like sweet, silky, seductive jazz while he stared reverently at the black Amazing Remote Controller held gingerly in his hand.

"Awww," the blue lips sighed. "It `tis a glorious sight to behold when two young lovers separated by time and space are reunited again!"

After a moment, Tom was finally able to pull his attention away from The Remote Controller and address the talking mouth hovering in his tv set.

"Mr. Blue Lips--finally! God, it's taken ages...I-I thought you'd never show up again!"

"Hmmm...Mr. Blue Lips--cute, that's real cute...don't know if I like it, but it could grow on me. Yes, I think it'll fit rather nicely! Anyway, I know it has been a long time, but the wait has been worth it, don't you think so Burger Boy? Oh, but I guess I can't call you that any more, can I? I mean--look at you! And without those old ugly glasses too--contacts, am I right? Well, you look real good kid--lost some weight too! Ain't you just the little over-achiever! Now this is what I was hoping to see T.T., you being out there embracing life instead of hiding from it. And holding down a real job at last--what could be better than finally working for decent wages at Walsh Chemical; and in an office too, which has to be a lot better than breaking your back on the loading dock--but it was good that you were willing to do it, and that's important. You even have a benefactor, a not so secret admirer whose willing to guide your progress as well as watch your back."

Tom had been familiarizing himself with The Remote, but after hearing that last statement, glanced over at the tv screen. "What are you talking about?" he asked.

"Oh now, don't play dumb with me swizzle dick; don't pretend that you haven't noticed the way Dana Colt looks at you, and how he manages to touch you whenever the two of you are together?"

Tom screwed his face up in reaction to Mr. Blue Lips' ludicrous insinuation, then suddenly burst out laughing out loud.

"Oh man, who...Mr. Colt? Sheesh, he's married, been married for years even if there are no kids, at least according to the office ladies. And while I'll admit he's not a bad looking man, because he does remind me of John Finn a little, and he's kinda sexy, especially with his jacket off and the sleeves of his shirt rolled up over his forearms; he's just a very personable touchy-feely kind of guy whose taken a fatherly interest in me for some reason."

"Oh, I know the reason T.T.," the lips said smugly.

"He just realized that I really needed a decent paying job," Tom remarked. "And he more than likely is appreciative of the fact that finally there's another guy in the office hen house now, another guy to bond with."

"Oh yeah, he'd just love to bond with you, alright!"

"Jeez! If it wasn't for him helping me get a handle on my duties, I would more than likely be out on the loading dock, if not fired by now; he's my boss and he's a friend, and as you know I don't have anyone I dare call a

friend now; but friendship is all it is, so knock it off Lippy and get real--he just isn't that kind of guy."

"Why, because he's real and not a fantasy detective from some tv show? Tommy, Tommy, Tommy...sometimes you can be so fucking clueless! Your gay-dar scanned that closet case homophobic psycho ex-chum of yours, Doug, without setting off one warning beep to let you know that the guy was not ready to face what he knows he is deep down and would rather deflect his fear of being gay by focusing his anger in your direction because you happen to remind him of the thing he really wants, and by humiliating you and calling you queer in public after you confided certain things to him, he convinces himself that he's not a fag like you; and now you're missing picking up on Colt's oh so obvious Blue`s-clues, flashing like a laser light show in your face!" The lips let out a long, deep sigh, then concluded by saying, "Maybe a tv suit daddy is the only cup of tea you can drink after all."

"Well, like--DUH!" Tom sneered. "Just forget about all that crazy Colt nonsense and let's talk about something really have to admit that I've made the correct moves, right? I've worked very hard for a really long time, so please tell me that this thing is fully charged and is ready to take me away!"

"There's so much juice in The Remote Controller now that you're going to be absolutely amazed by what things it'll allow you to do this time. I have to tell you that we all are very proud of your progress, kid! You still have a ways to go, and you have to maintain these great changes you've made, but I agree you are on the right path. I told them that all you really needed was the right motivation to jump start the changes needed to redirect your life and if I could provide you with the proper incentives to move in the right direction you would--"

"Wait a minute...who are `They"?" Tom asked, casting a suspicious eye towards Mr. Blue Lips.

"Trade secret son--just know that there are concerned elemental forces interested in you reaching your full potential and learning what is truly valuable in life. So, for now though--where do you want to go, and who do you want to blow?"

"First," Tom said and reached over to open the top drawer of the night stand to pull out a black cloth pouch with Velcro straps. "Look at this!" Tom stood up and held the object out towards the tv.

"Well, aren't you the clever one," Mr. Blue Lips said. "A nice little holster for The Remote. Did your auntie sew that together for you?"

"No, I bought it smart ass," Tom said through a smile as he opened his belt to slip on the holster. "It's to hold the older, larger style model of cell phone, but it'll do just fine for The Remote Controller." After fastening himself up, Tom thought for a moment about all the John Finn material he had recorded over the past months, realized how difficult it was going to be to choose between all the sexy, masculine characters the actor had portrayed.

"Can I pop into movies and tv series that are recorded on my vcr the same way I jumped onto "The Tonight Show"?" he asked.

"Whatever is playing on your tv is fair game T.T."

"Well, what if there are multiple programs on one tape? You said that after a session, The Remote Controller exits our plane of existence to recharge; what if my sessions involve visiting various scenes from everything I've recorded?"

Mr. Blue Lips gave a long, drawn out whistle before answering. "Boy T.T.--aren't you the greedy little dirt devil! That would require a lot of power, and you could run the risk of draining The Remote before you finish draining all of your precious, chosen big dick daddies!"

"But it's John Finn for fuck sake! I've got recordings of him playing characters from 1991, all the way to the present--how can I choose only one?" Tom lamented.

Mr. Blue Lips stuck the tip of his sapphire tongue out of the corner of his mouth as if mulling over a very difficult math problem for a few moments before flashing a wide, blue toothy grin at Tom.

"Tell you what T.T.--give it a shot, see if you get your wish or if you succeed in shattering that whole space-time-parallel-universe-continuum thing. Really, I bet the worst thing that'll happen is that The Remote will just shut down and shoot you back here to your bedroom and slip away to re-energize itself."

"B-But how? How do I go from one scene to the next? Just use The Remote's fast forward button? Do I hang out around the set until they wrap up a scene, then wait for John Finn to go to his trailer or dressing room, fast forward into the next recorded bit when I'm done with him, or tell The Remote Controller the title of the next segment and hope that I'll be whisked away to the next recorded event?"

"Ahh, the abilities of The Amazing Remote Controller are truly strange and mystifying!" Mr. Blue Lips intoned in a loud, booming omnipotent voice, complete with arena size echoing reverb. Then, in its silky midnight radio disc jockey voice continued to explain to Tom, "Just remember that this is more than just a souped-up tv remote which provides a threshold between cosmic planes. Visualize in your mind what you want, then just talk directly to The Controller and it should do exactly what you tell it to, as long as there is still enough energy.

"And one thing I didn't tell you before on your first maiden voyage is that out of all The Remote's features, the use of the fast forward and rewind controls eat up a lot of power, so don't try to replay your sex-capades over and over again, or even replay entire scenes whether their sexual in nature or not because trust me, even more than the "P" or "G" modes, "FF" and "RW" are power killers and will shoot you out of Television Land faster than Michael Jackson running away from the natural color of his own skin!"

Tom looked down at The Remote, saw the lit buttons all aglow with energy and considered his options.

"Well, if my John Finn compilation tape hasn't been damaged, I would like to see how they filmed those episodes of "The Practice", Tom said pointing The Remote Controller at his tv and saw his vcr turn on and began to play the tape again.

"Remember Tom," Mr. Blue Lips advised him, "Once you're inside, you are not limited by your pre-conceived notions of how you remembered a scene playing itself out...the reality inside has its own momentum, its own flow, but it is also your own playground and you can do, now hear me T.T., you can literally do anything you want...and so will anyone you instruct The Remote to control. So, happy tape-surfing Tommy Boy and suck as many hairy Blarney Stones as time and your own endurance will allow!"

As the lips faded away into the static field, Tom squared his shoulders, took a deep breath, then pressed the "enter" button on The Remote Controller. He felt a pleasant prickling sensation slide down his body from the top of his head to the tip of his cock and in the blink of an eye found himself suddenly standing in the quite noisy, busy hallway of some building and standing there in the middle of two intersecting corridors over by the elevators was John Finn, wearing a gray sports jacket, slacks, shirt and printed tie, his arms folded over his chest and a mean looking scowl plastered on his virile Irish mug.

Tom's elation over being in the same area as the actor suddenly turned into shock--something wasn't right. He felt as if he was in an actual building and not on a sound stage. And if this in fact was a location shoot in a real courthouse, where were the camera crews? Where was the director, the production assistants, the film and sound equipment?

Looking around, Tom observed that the courthouse hallway was lit by ordinary suspended light fixtures and the people going about their business were not Hollywood extras instructed to create a background ambience, but were real officers of the court, lawyers, prosecutors, city officials and everyday citizens.

Tom pressed "pause" on The Remote, stuck it into his make-shift holster and walked down the corridor towards John Finn while taking in the sights around him--the frozen people, the marble finish, the polished wood and the shiny tile floors, the subdued-painted walls and high ceilings; even the echoing sounds of his own footsteps helped define the solidness of his surroundings. And Tom began to laugh as realization of where he was began to dawn upon him.

"This is sooo much better than the Tonight Show," Tom marveled out loud. "This isn't a tv I get what Mr. Blue Lips meant about bending reality--hell, this is creating reality! All of this is real!"

Tom held out his arms and spun around slowly. "I must be in a real Los Angeles courthouse and...and all of these people are real, with names and lives, not actors playing roles assigned to them..."

He stopped, now just a few yards from Finn and he looked hard at the man. Tom thought, What did this mean regarding the actor? If this place exists in real time then, that must mean Detective Henry Dokes is real as well!

"Am I looking at John Finn or at a real Los Angeles homicide detective named Henry Dokes who just happens to look like him?" Tom asked out loud. He approached the man, touching his face, the five o'clock beard stubble already covering his cheeks and chin. Tom walked around him, feeling his department store bought sports jacket and dress slacks, even noticing the smell of some cheap cologne the detective was wearing which failed to totally conceal the faint odor of cigarettes, alcohol and sweat coming off of him. Tom remembered that while giving testimony on the stand, Dokes had admitted that he didn't drink anymore and was a member of Alcoholics Anonymous--apparently lying about himself while under oath was not a problem for the detective.

But, this just had to be John Finn, Tom thought as he stepped away from the man to observe him from head to foot. He has the same intense, blue-gray eyes as Finn and the same thin, stern lips; the same thick high school gym teacher-like neck and the same bald head with sparse, dark shoots of hair sprouting on top from the rear, the head surrounded by a fringe of short brown hair...he can't just be a look-a-like!

Here was the same Irish hunk, Tom recalled, as he had appeared back in 2000, guest starring on "The Practice"...but how could this be?

Tom thought back to when he had blown and sucked off Carville on "The Tonight Show", had taken the man's sweaty suit coat as a souvenir and after zapping back to his bedroom clinging onto Carville's coat, watched the conclusion of the program on his tv only to see Carville sitting on the set's couch none the worse for wear, and still wearing the coat--the same coat Tom held in his hands. Mr. Blue Lips couldn't, or wouldn't explain the essence told him not to worry, just be grateful he had James Carville's dick in his mouth.

Tom scrutinized the man for another minute, then quickly searched him, found his wallet in his back pants pocket and opened it to see a California driver's license and a few credit cards, all made out to Henry J. Dokes. Tom slowly closed the wallet and stuck it back down Dokes' pocket while running his fingers over the man's ass.

"Shit," Tom muttered, stepping back a pace. "He looks exactly like him!"

Suddenly, everyone began to move and the corridor was filled with the sounds of voices and footsteps. Tom had been so caught up in trying to solve his nature of reality puzzle, he had completely forgotten about the "pause" time limit. He could have paused The Remote again, but didn't because now coldly staring directly at him was the spitting image of his favorite Irish character actor, and Tom almost melted away from being so close to his fantasy made real.

But he was quickly slapped back to reality by the frigid glare of pure hate racing out from the man standing across from him, whose scowling mouth spat: "What the fuck are you looking at Nancy-boy?" right into Tom's stunned face, the question laced with pure acid and vitriol. It was an insult the character Henry Dokes, a bitter, resentful and just plain miserable excuse for a human being would say to someone he didn't know but had been irritated by. And Tom faced the fact that this man glaring at him was indeed Det. Henry Dokes and not John Finn the actor.

Before Tom even had a chance to recover from the verbal blow, he saw the detective suddenly look past him and shout, "Think you're pretty clever don't you, back there in the courtroom!"

Tom turned around to see who Dokes was yelling at and saw lawyers Jimmy Berluti walking along side Eleanor Frutt, Bobby Donnell and Lindsay Dole down the hallway from one of the courtrooms and Tom realized that this was the scene where Dokes angrily confronts Berluti, who Dokes had dismissed earlier as a mere ambulance chasing lawyer with only adequate legal abilities and skills, a person so desperate for work that back in Boston he had to stoop to advertising on television as Jimmy The Grunt: Lawyer For The Common Man. But when he was put on the stand, Dokes found Berluti to be a tenacious little pit-bull, firing embarrassing questions at him which the detective had found difficult to answer and the lawyer disclosed Dokes' work history as a lazy homicide detective and his bouts of heavy drinking, his patronage of nudie-bars while on duty and a tendency to rush to conclusions while investigating cases which often led to sloppy police work. After being insulted by the detective in an earlier courthouse elevator confrontation, the lawyer promised that he was going to "get" the detective during cross, and he had succeeded by establishing a basis for reasonable doubt regarding the detective's case, questioning if the cop indeed had the right man on trial. Berluti had called into question Dokes' ability as a police officer and brought up examples of the man's lack of character, all of it now on record. And Dokes, publicly humiliated and brought to task for miss-judging people and situations so badly, was furious at the short stocky lawyer and was determined to take a big chunk out of The Grunt.

Tom watched as the two men verbally went after each other and a thrill rushed over him. It was like being in the middle of a play or how it must feel to engage in role playing Play Station games(which he'd never owned or used), it was better than that--it was just like real life because, well it was Real Life! He watched as Bobby Donnell and Eleanor Frutt tried to calm down the two shouting combatants only to have Dokes turn his anger upon them as well, lambasting them on their scurrilous legal machinations to discredit witnesses in an attempt to mislead and confuse the jury just to get their guilty scum-bucket criminal clients acquitted. Tom wasn't the only one observing the loud, tense encounter now; others had stopped to watch and listen because it seemed like at any moment a fist fight could erupt in the courthouse corridor.

Donnell had the final word as he firmly suggested the detective take a walk and cool off. Dokes, with a hostile glare, dismissed the entire group of lawyers as something less than the crap he would wipe off the bottom of his shoes and turned towards the elevators while the lawyers rallied around Jimmy, who had held up admirably under Dokes' angry accusations and taunts.

Tom remembered how the scene played out on tv, with the camera still in the corridor focused on the cast of "The Practice". But he watched Dokes angrily push at the elevator button, waiting for the doors to open and wondered what would happen if he followed the detective to see how this played out? So Tom rushed over just as the doors opened to let a female bailiff and a group of suited men off while Dokes and two other people stepped inside. Tom slipped through just as the doors were closing and he watched Dokes, the man's face red with anger, punch hard at the first floor button where the other two were apparently also destined.

Dokes, still scowling, looked up suddenly and caught Tom staring at him. Dokes quickly approached Tom, aggressively forcing him towards the rear of the elevator. The other passengers, a black-suited middle-age Latino man with white hair and glasses, carrying a briefcase and a young woman in hip-hugger jeans and a fire engine red leather jacket quickly pretended not to notice the incident and kept their eyes glued to the descending floor numbers flashing above the doors.

Dokes had Tom backed up against the rear of the elevator and placed his arms on both sides of him, firmly pinning him in and brought his face in so close to Tom's that the man's strong mint-scented breath spilled over Tom's face which, he was surprised to find had begun to bead up with flop sweat from nervousness over what the volatile, unstable cop might do to him.

"What--are you following me?" Dokes growled at Tom. "Why are you eye-balling me Nelly-Belle? You were in the courtroom weren't you! You think what that bastard Berluti did to me on the stand was funny? You think I'm the butt to that fat fuck's joke, punk?"

"Eh, look mister," Tom babbled, truly frighten by the man, who had leaned in even closer to him. "I wasn't in any courtroom. I just arrived! It's look so familiar--have you ever heard of a guy named John Finn?"

"Never heard of the man," Dokes said, and after scrutinizing Tom's face for a moment, saw that the guy was really scared and so he relented, slowly backing away, lowering his arms down to his sides.

"Well, eh, he's an actor," Tom began to explain. "He's pretty good too; you are just the spitting image of--"

"Who the fuck cares--most actors are fags anyway," Dokes mumbled, abruptly cutting Tom off. "Not surprised someone like you would be interested in that ilk. I'll tell you this only once punk--for some reason, you bother me and I don't like to be bothered...I don't like you, so stay the hell away from me, because I'm having a really bad day and I'm just aching to find someone I can cloud up and storm all over."

When the bell went off and the doors opened, Dokes gave Tom the same dismissive smirk he had lobbed towards the Boston lawyers before stepping out of the elevator.

Tom leaned against the wall and rubbed the back of his hand across his forehead and discovered how damp his brow was. Shit, that was intense, Tom thought as the elevator began to fill up. He pushed his way through the group in time to see Dokes head out through the glass doors of the courthouse. Tom thought about how the confrontation scene had played out on the tv show, how the lawyers supported Berluti and boosted his confidence by applauding his handling of the detective both in and out of the courtroom; how the plotline was continuing along its normal path this very minute while he was about to follow Dokes away from the main action, and yet this here was the reality of the moment, not the next scene from his recording of "The Practice" episode. He was smack dab in the middle of the first of two taped episodes of the series, yet reality was shaping itself around his point of view and right now, he wanted to know what the scary detective was going to do next.

Tom raced through the doors, straight out into the late afternoon sunshine of down town Los Angeles, California. Tom scanned the groups of people going about their business looking for Dokes, who he quickly spotted walking briskly towards a nearby municipal parking lot. Tom pulled The Remote out of the holster and pressed the "G" button, which stood for `ghost mode'. That feature allowed Tom's presence to immediately fade away from the memory of anyone who observes him, rendering him virtually invisible so he could move about freely and for a few moments he stood there, basking in the warm sun, amazed that he was actually in L.A. Then Tom remembered his objective and was soon right on the heels of the detective as Dokes found his car and took off his jacket after fishing the keys out of his pants pocket. Tom timed the opening of the passenger door with Dokes' opening of the driver side, and got in. Dokes tossed his jacket onto the back seat and slammed his door shut as did Tom. Dokes was still fuming with anger and was unawear of his passenger door opening, but glanced up with a puzzled look on his face after hearing two car doors close simultaneously so near him. He looked about the parking lot, thinking someone must be coming in or about to leave in one of the nearby parked cars, but saw nothing. Shrugging his shoulders, Dokes reached over towards the glove compartment forcing Tom to move aside to avoid being touched, because although he couldn't be seen by the detective, Tom hadn't instructed him to ignore his physical pressence yet, because things were just happening so fast; it really was like being right in the heart of a movie, only much better and he didn't want to pause the action for a second.

Tom watched as Dokes pulled out a slender silver flask, flipped open the cap and took a heavy drink from it. Dokes burped loudly, closed the flask then placed it back into the glove box and Tom caught the scent of alcohol.

Alcoholics Annymous my ass, Tom thought as the detective started the car and pulled out into the heavy L.A. traffic. Tom stared out of the car windows, a happy glow beaming from his face while he enjoyed the sights and sounds of the city. He had never even been out of Pennsylvania before, and here he was, transported to the west coast! To know that he had the ability to explore the environments of movies and tv shows was simply mind boggling, as if having sex with any daddy he chose wasn't amazing enough. Tom watched the stores, cars, buildings and the people of L.A. flash by while Dokes, occasionally muttering "Fucking trial lawyers," to himself, drove on towards his destination.

When Dokes stopped at a traffic light, Tom took another long look at the man; Dokes might be an ass-hole, but this bald-headed, suit-daddy was just so fucking hot, in Tom's eyes...yet hot or not, the man had been one hostile, condescending fuck to Tom, and the detective needed to be humiliated...humbled and humiliated! And the thoughts of getting revenge upon the man sent a jolt of sexual excitement coursing through Tom's cock. So what if Dokes wasn't the real John Finn--maybe in the cosmic scheme of parallel universes, he was a looking-glass image with aspects of the actor. To be honest, at this point, Tom didn't really care; sexy was sexy and this man was the type Tom craved. And he always did love it when authority figures in movies and on tv, especialty if they'd acted like jerks, got what they deserved from the people they had bullied, and this bald-headed cop most definatly deserved to be burned!

Dokes had lowered his window and when the light turned green, leaned out his elbow while stearing with his right hand and Tom glanced down at the man's loose pants and his crotch. Dispite Dokes' tie hanging down partially blocking the view, Tom thought `Nice basket' then slyly reached over and used his finger to flick the tie aside and quickly ran his finger tips lightly across Dokes' balls.

The detective's reaction was immediate as he squawked, squeezed his legs together hard, just as Tom pulled away his hand, and caused the car to swerve.

"Fuck me!" Dokes yelled, grabbing the wheel with both hands while drivers angrily leaned on their car horns, one lady in an SUV throwing him the finger as she pulled around him.

"Yeah, well up yours too, bitch!" Dokes shouted to the woman's tail-gate. He looked down between his legs and about the car, even tentivly reaching his hand under his seat to search for a possible wayward varmit that might have stole-away in his car and had a quizzical, shocked little boy-look upon his mature face that had Tom roaring inside with laughter.

"Goddamn," the detective muttered. "What the--goddamn..."

As Dokes rubbed his nuts, checking periodically to make sure that whatever had scraped them wasn't about to make an unwelcome return, Tom again looked at Dokes' pants for a bit, smiled to himself, pulled out The Remote Controller and brought it close to his lips. Let's just see how much reality I can bend, Tom thought.

"Make Dokes' pants tighter by two waist sizes," Tom said softly, "and make the material thinner."

Dokes shot a glance right at Tom and for a moment Tom thought the phantom mode had malfunctioned because just for a split second, their eyes met. But Tom's apprehension faded away just as quickly as it had appeared, because it was obvious the detective was reacting to something he thought he had heard, not to something he saw, because he was already turning his head back towards traffic.

After making a few more traffic light stops and a couple of turns, Dokes soon began to squirm in his seat, tring to adjust himself; he even reached down to tug his pants away from his suddenly uncomfortable balls. Tom licked his lips at the way the pants now emphasized the man's large nut sack, dispite the tie blocking part of the view again. Tom loved men wearing ties because it was a key element of the suit-daddy mystique, but he hated it when some actors, when playing detectives or other professional people wore really long ties and the tips went over and pass their belt buckles. Tom felt to achieve the right look, the tie tip should always stop at the buckle or a shirt button above it because it was a simple matter of symmetry. And there was the fact that when men with long ties sat down, the damn things always blocked the view of their crotches!

"Make his pants even tighter, as well as his dress shirt," Tom whispered into The Remote, much quieter this time. Tom thought about giving Dokes the nerd-boy look and said to The Remote: "Shorten his tie to about four inches above his belt buckle...oh, and make his underwear dissappear."

By the time Dokes had pulled his car into the police precinct's underground garage, he was growling to himself because he had endured a very unpleasant ride and couldn't wait to stop so he could get out and stretch his legs, which he hoped would relieve the sudden tightness he'd been feeling. He pulled into his parking space, grabbed his flask, holsted gun out of the glove box and his sports jacket from the back seat, then stepped out of the car; again he heard two doors close, but this time he didn't ponder over the source of the sound because he had other things currently on his mind as he slid on his jacket and tried to explain to himself why his shirt now felt tighter across his chest and stomach and how he suddenly was wearing pants that looked and felt smaller than what he had put on that morning. He slid the flask into the jacket's inner pocket, put his gun in the outside pocket, placed his hands on his hips and looked down at himself.

"W-What the hell is this?" he exclaimed when he noticed that his tie was shorter than it had been and that the tighter pants now displayed the small lump of his flaccid cock. That was the reason Tom made the detective's pants tighter, because he knew that it didn't matter what the size of a guy's dick was--if the pants were tight enough, there would always be a bulge, especially if there's no underwear, which the detective had realized now were missing. Dokes ran his fingers under his belt and shirt and felt the top of his naked hairy butt crack.

"No-no-no-no-NO!" Dokes cried. "T-This is just crazy! What the hell happened to my clothes?"

Tom leaned against the car and just enjoyed the sight. Detective Dokes had on really tight pants now and what they displayed was just beautiful! The detective stood with his hands firmly on his hips, pushing aside the flaps of his jacket, taking on a pose which for Tom was, with the exception of a suit-daddy sitting down with his thighs spred open to show his basket, the hottest thing a man could do; everything that made a suit-daddy so sexy would be on display and Dokes was no exception now, showing his tight shirt and tie, the shirt tucked neatly into a pair of pants with a belt and a lump bulging behind the fly of his pants, and Tom moaned softly to himself with pleasure. Now this was a Suit-Daddy to drool over!

Dokes grunted in frustration, buttoned his jacket and yanked it down in an attempt to cover the lump in his tight pants and the straining buttons of his dress shirt as he headed towards the stairwell.

Tom whispered again into The Remote Controller as he followed Dokes from a distance.

"Oh no, Detective, we can't have you blocking the view. Remote, make all the buttons on the front of Dokes' jacket pop off."

Which, much to Dokes consternation when he opened the door to the stairwell, they did, one by one. He stood in the doorway watching the buttons drop, his jacket remaining open and growled loudly to himself. Dokes reached for his flask and brought it up to his lips after stepping over to stand at the bottom of the stairs.

Tom leaned against the closed door and watched the man take a swig from the flask and quickly whispered into The Remote: "From this point forward, put strong, fast acting doses of Viagra into anything Detective Dokes drinks. Also make the effect of whatever is in his flask five times as strong as it was; the drunker he gets, the hornier he's going to be, and oh yeah...shorten his pants by two inches!"

"Alright," Dokes shouted, looking around wildly because this time he knew he'd heard something. "Who's there?" Dokes fought to stifle his rising panic, because normally he could hold his liquer, fooling even the most diligent observers at AA and at work, but this wasn't like him. And even though his eyes told him that he was alone, his ears and his intuition told him that from the time he'd gotten into his car there was a presence, and Dokes was beginning to freak out, because it was just fucking impossible--he was alone, he just had to be!

After a moment Dokes took another drink from his flask, slipped it away and said to himself "This is nuts!", then took the steps two at a time, followed closely by Tom who was now most definatly in a Humiliate-The-Cop state of mind.

After Dokes entered the third floor Homicide Division squad room, he went directly to his desk, opened the left side drawer and dropped his holstered gun in, took off his jacket and draped it over the back of his swrivel chair then sat down heavily, took another glance at his shrunken attire and leaned forward over the desk and placed his shaking head into his hands, as if he was saying `no'to himself over and over.

After a few short moments passed, Tom saw Dokes suddenly sit straight up in his chair and stare forward, his eyes crossing. Dokes then violently shook his head, took a deep breath and reached for a pile of folders, pulling out an orange one, opened it and began to read. Reading over the detective's shoulder, Tom saw that it was the murder case which had Mills currently on trial and figured Dokes was just reviewing his notes, so he stepped over to the side.

Tom thought about fast-forwarding through these moments because it could take a while, but then he saw Dokes lean back into his chair, moving around tring to get comfortable, and soon spoted what was agitating the guy. Dokes' crotch was bulging outward and it was obvious the guy was getting a boner and while the detective scanned his notes, his eyes occasionally going in and out of focus, his right hand began to work its way down into his lap and Dokes began to gently massage himself through his thin, tight pants. After a moment or two, Dokes put down the papers, slyly glanced around the nearly empty squad room, moved himself closer to his desk, then stuck both of his hands over his crotch, rubbing himself hard. Dokes closed his eyes and a grin came over his face, the first expression of joy Tom had seen from the man all day. The sound of approaching voices forced the horny detective to pull his hands off of his cock and sit up straight, his hands folded on top of his desk.

"Hey Dokes," a young black detective said who, along with two other detectives, one blonde, the other older and balding, had just entered the room with cups of coffee in their hands. "Lt. Hightower wants to see you, said as soon as you got back from court to send you to his office."

Dokes laid his hands flat upon the desk for a moment and took a deep breath before standing up. When he did, he felt the room pivot and he fell back into his chair. He stood up again, more slowly this time and shook his head in an attempt to clear away all of the cobwebs that had suddenly shrouded his brain in clinging strands of intoxication and surging lustful confusion.

"Hey ok?" the black detective asked, a smile forming on his face while he perused Dokes' tight clothing.

Dokes, widening his eyes then blinking a couple of times to rid himself of double vision, growled "Yeah, there's nothing wrong with me," as he lurched passed the three men, unconsciously squeezing his crotch again.

Tom and the three detectives laughed to themselves as they watched Dokes openly maul himself. The men decided to hold him up a bit just to see how long Dokes would pretend to be straight, because it was very obvious to them that the guy must have had a few drinks earlier and was tring to hide that fact.

"Say, how did it go in court today?" the balding detective asked Dokes.

Dokes stopped in his tracks but didn't turn around to answer. "It went fine," he mumbled.

"A little birdie told us you didn't come off too good up there on the stand today Dokey," the blonde haired detective said, also beginning to grin like the other two men, who all quickly wiped their grins off their faces when Dokes turned to face the trio, glaring at them through eyes that had become glassy and slightly un-focused. And he was still squeezing himself.

"How many times do I have to tell you Corddry to stop calling me `Dokey'? And my testimony went just fine, so you tell that lying big mouth little birdie to pull its head out of its ass and get the facts straight before I have to shoot it and drop it into a hot deep fryer," Dokes said curtly, then turned to continue on towards the lieutenant's office.

"Okey...DOKEY!" Corddry called after Dokes' retreating back. Dokes stopped, hunched up his shoulders fuming, then continued on and Tom watched the three detectives begin to laugh and mimic Dokes, the balding man hiking up his pants legs so they were above the tops of his socks while the black detective pretended to gulp down a drink, then staggered about, making jack-off motions before all three moved towards their desks, the blonde haired man remarking, "What an ass-hole," to the room at large.

So even his own colleagues can't respect the man, Tom thought when he had caught up with Dokes, who had decided to get a cup of coffee before seeing the Lt. In the break area Dokes tasted the coffee, muttered "Ugh...warm," then quickly downed the brew, and tossed the cup.

"Fuck man," he said to himself, "Get it together! I've never felt this stoned before, not from the little I've had...what the fuck is happening--" He looked down and saw that his hand had grabbed his dick again. "Shit--why am I so goddamn horny? This doesn't make any sense!"

Dokes snatched his hand away from his crotch, but Tom reached over and rubbed the bulge, surprised to find that this time Dokes didn't flinch, but stood there, smiling from ear to ear, letting the unseen palm play all over his crotch, giving in to the sensations firing through his cock by undulating his hips for a few minutes, pushing his bulge gently against the heel of Tom's pleasuring hand. But Dokes soon came back to earth by swiftly backing away until he was up against the sink, and Tom dropped his hand.

"Shit-shit-shit-" he muttered, spinning around to splash cold water on his face after turning on the faucet. Slowly Dokes began to compose himself, breathing in and out; he calmed down a bit, rolled his shirt sleeves up over his forearms, then proceeded towards Hightower's office.

Upon reaching the open office, Dokes stuck his head in. "You wanted to see me Lt.?" Dokes asked a man sitting behind a desk looking down, reading some reports.

"Yes, come in Dokes," Lt. Hightower said without looking up, and Tom saw that the man had to be only in his early thirties, with thick, dark, longish hair and wearing a blue dress shirt and tie with gray suspenders and Tom was surprised Dokes' superior was such a young man. "I want to talk to you about your testimony today regarding the Dennis Mills case..."

The Lt.'s voice trailed off when he looked up and observed Dokes stepping over to take a seat in front of his desk, wearing the tight shirt, pants and short tie.

"My God man," the Lt. said. "Did the dry cleaners switch your clothes on you, or did you wash them in hot water or something? Surely you didn't appear in court dressed like that, did you?"

Tom stepped in and stood behind the desk next to the Lt. as Dokes threw up his hands and exclaimed: "Boss, I-I don't know what the hell is happening to me today! T-This is not what I put on this morning, and, and--" Dokes moved in closer towards the desk as if he wanted to confide something to Hightower in confidence. "And I think there's someone...shadowing me!"

Hightower leaned back into his chair clearly aware of Dokes' aggitation, and suspected he knew the source of the man's stress.

"Look here Dokes, I realize that this is a high profile case, but you've got to keep your cool; we can't have the lead detective appear in the media as if he's losing it, so you need to get your paranoia, or whatever it is, under control right now. This case is a slam got him, man! Now I know about your personal struggles and the challenges you've faced and over came, and to your credit you didn't let your own problems effect your ability to do the job. You kept the case in focus, assembled all the evidence and concentrated on the most likely suspect. Why in the world would you let those Eastern-bred lawyers rattle you on the stand to the point where you're coming unglued?"

Dokes nervously wiped his sweating upper lip with the back of his hand, but knew that Hightower was making a lot of sense; maybe he was letting those snakes from Boston get under his skin more than he thought they would. At that point, Dokes felt a lurch in his pants and he quickly stuck his hands over his lap, and Tom watched lustfully as the detective tried to stop from feeling himself up, yet just couldn't hold back. "How did you--what did you hear?" Dokes asked with wide, uneasy eyes, finally succeeding in slowing down his crotch action but by only a fraction.

"Oh, I have my sources and they told me how it went in court and how you were made to look like you're an incompentent investigator after the lawyer brought up your past which, truth be told, doesn't always leave you in the best of light as a cop. And that incident in the hallway between you and that lawyer didn't help matters any, let me tell you. Look, can I be perfectly frank with you Dokes? Dokes...are you even listening?"

Hightower noticed the distracted gaze which suddenly was in Dokes' eyes and Tom realized that the detective was succumbing to a double dose rush of intoxication and raging lust which was breaking down the man's resistance and inhibition.

In one of the hardest struggles Dokes had to endure all day, including refraining from punching that fat, cocky lawyer in the mouth, the detective found the will power to force his hands to lay flat on the top of his thighs, give his full attention to Lt. Hightower and nodded his head, indicating that he was indeed paying attention to what his commander was saying.

"I know we've had our differences in the past," Hightower continued. "And I know that my age is still a sticking point with you and some of the other senior officers who, unfortunately are still locked into the old school way of doing things."

Dokes resented Hightower lumping him in with the senior officers, because he knew that was the Lt.'s way of calling him an old man and was about to voice his own opinion, but noticed that his left hand had begun to inch its way back towards his bulging lap so he had to snatch it back to its original position on his thigh.

Hightower continued his assessment and said, "In all honesty detective, you sometimes can be a frustratingly sloppy investigator, with some questionable personal habits--"

"Now, now wait one minute, Lt.," Dokes interjected, then closed his eyes for a quick moment when he felt his vision blur and his cock throb against the tight pants.

"Just let me finish detective," Hightower said with a wave of his hand to cut off any further protests from Dokes. "With that being said, I'm very satisfied with your handling of this case, and I stand behind you one hundred percent. Dennis Mills is our man; the evidence supports us and no fast talking lawyer is going to be able to cloud the issue with reasonable doubt by attacking the police. So take my advice and just relax, will you?"

But Tom already knew how the story would turn out and that Dokes' assumptions would eventually be disproven in court by the Boston lawyers who will discover, in dramatic last minute fashion, a conspiracy involving Mills' resentful wife and the husband of the murder victim, designed to frame Mills for the murder whose only real offence had been his past infidelity which served as the catalyst for setting in motion the elaborate murder-frame-up plot devised by Mills' angry and vengeful wife who had finally had enough of her cheating husband's affairs and hid her deception behind a phony façade of support for her acussed husband.

But Dokes nor Hightower would know the outcome of the trial for some time and Tom was busy devising a plot of his own involving the rattled, Viagra and booze inebriated Dokes and a few of his disrespectful colleagues.

"So detective, get back on track and get to work," Hightower concluded. "I see you're on phone desk duty this evening. I suggest you first catch a few winks on one of the bunks first; and please, do something to take your mind off those eastern lawyers, do something to relieve some of that pressure you're under, will you? Dispite your performance in court today, this case is not in jeopardy, that I can promise."

"Ok boss, I think I'll snatch a cat-nap," Dokes said standing up and quickly grabbing the back of the chair with one hand as the room spun around him while at the same time shielding his ample pants bulge from the Lt.'s questioning eyes with the other. "Whoa," he said as he regained his balance, quickly moving behind the chair and bringing his other hand over to help hide his throbbing embarrassment. "Stood up too quickly, there!"

Hightower scrutinized Dokes for a moment, then dismissed the man by saying to him, "There's a chance the DA may call you on the stand tomorrow to midigate today's damage, so no overtime at the desk tonight. But pull yourself together Dokes and show them what kind of cop you really are."

"Yeah boss, I will," Dokes said leaving the Lt.'s office, and once out of his commander's sight, staggered down the hallway. He stopped at a water fountain and took a long drink, then headed off, presumably Tom thought, for the detective squad's locker room.

Standing in the hallway, Tom, his dream of having a sexual encounter with the real John Finn now gone, thought about how he would have fun anyway and get revenge on John Finn's doppleganger Det. Henry Dokes. And he knew of three other detectives who would be the perfect participants to join him in his little cop party, so Tom went back to the squad room where he found the trio of detectives still at their desks. They were now the only occupants in the small squad room, and obviously still talking about Dokes. Tom approached them and soon discovered that the black detective wearing street clothes was named Johnston, the blonde cop in jeans and a black t-shirt he already knew was named Corddry and the balding guy wearing baggy slacks, a loosen black tie, a dark green dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up over his forearms was named Stanza, who currently was leading the conversation.

"I tell you, the guy had a boner and was playing with himself!" Stanza exclaimed. "I knew he and Hightower had their problems ever since the lou came on board, and Dokes always had a hate-hard-on for him, but I never expected to see him show up with one literally about to pop out of his pants!"

"I didn't think the guy could get a hard-on for anything but a bottle of Jack Daniels," Johnston quipped.

"But guys, he's in AA and doesn't do that anymore," Corddry said. "Surely he wouldn't lie to his fellow brothers in blue, would he? Maybe he's added an extra step to the Twelve Step Program, like instead of going cold turkey with alcohol, he's taking a gradual approach to quitting--instead of drinking everyday, he's only drinking every other day!"

"I think the dude's stressing over his case," Johnston said. "That lawyer really had him in the courtroom, exposed him as the screw-up we all know and love."

"Hey guys, we know that the bailiff said it looked bad today," Stanza said, "But to give the guy his due, this is the hardest I've ever known Dokes to work on any homicide case and it positively looks solid, or atleast it did...shouldn't we all support our fellow detective in his darkening hour of doubt and insecurity over his sure-win case showing signs of suddenly heading south?"

Not even five seconds elapsed before the trio busted out in raucous laughter over the possibility of Dokes' murder case imploding on him.

These guys are sweethearts, Tom thought, pulling out The Remote Controller and hit the "pause" button. Then aiming it at the detectives, he pressed the "command" button and spoke into the device's microphone.

"I'll need you three to lead me to your locker room, and when we get there, you all are to stay outside the door until I call you to come in. When I do, you will find Detective Dokes there and at that point you will see and hear me and will not find it unusual that I'm here or that you will be compelled to do whatever I order you to do, say or feel. Dispite what you may feel about Henry Dokes or about homosexuality, you three tough police detectives are going to have a change of heart about them and are going to find that watching Dokes engage in any sexual activity today and by you forcing him to give in to his dirty urges will unlease all of your own new desires and thrill you like you are all horny little teenagers again, because the more pleasure Dokes receives, the more excited and horny you all will become. I want someone to bring some bottle water out of the vending machine, and someone else go find a camera, either digital or disposable because I'm going to take a lot of pictures. Make sure that no one other than me, Dokes and yourselves are allowed into the locker room to disturb our playtime, because trust me fellows, you all are about to have something really great happen to you; you three are about to have the times of your lives breaking the uptight spirit of your fellow detective!"

Tom pressed "play" and watched the three detectives stop their conversation. Johnston went through the bottom drawer of his desk, pulled out a small camera and said, "Here's my digital camera; I'll just delete all the pictures so that there's more room on the memory stick--they're only naked pictures of me and my girlfriend fucking like rabbits anyway." Corddry added, "I'll get the bottle of water." and headed towards a vending machine. Johnston and Stanza waited for Corddry to return with an 8oz. bottle of Deer Park Spring Water, then the three of them headed towards their locker room, followed closely by Tom.

After going up a flight of stairs, they approached a door; the top half had `Third Floor Homicide Locker Room' stenciled on the small square marbled glass window. The men stopped and stood aound, not knowing why they had decided to hang outside their locker room, but realized that they had no choice but to wait there, to wait for something really great to happen to them.

Tom stepped past them and walked into the locker room while the detectives arched their eyebrows in surprise at seeing the door open and then almost close by itself, remaining open by an inch or two. But that was of no concern to them; they would just continue to wait in the hallway for something really great to happen to them.

After Tom had walked by the first row of lockers and two cots, he heard a whimpering sound and followed it to its source. Around another row of lockers were several more cots and sitting on one of them with his back to Tom was Dokes and Tom could tell from the movement of the man's shoulders and the meaty sound of flesh on flesh that Dokes was furiously jacking himself off, apparently taking Lt. Hightower's advice by relieving some of the pressure he was under. Tom smiled, this time knowing that he would not let himself be intimidated by the jerk, pulled out The Remote Controller, pressed the lit "G" button until it went out canceling `ghost mode'. He then returned the device to his holster, cleared his throat and said quite loudly: "Well, well, well! What an absolutely beautiful sight...watching a big dick play with his little dick!"

Dokes jerked his head around, looked over his shoulder and spotted Tom leaning against a locker who mouthed the word `Boo' before laughing out loud at him.

"You--" Dokes hissed and slowly rose to his feet to face the young intruder. "You--you were at the courthouse; what--are you following me? How the hell did you get up here? Get out before I kick your faggot ass!" And Dokes, balling up his fists made a menacing move towards Tom, threatening to do violence. Tom felt the detective would have been much more effective if his big hard-on wasn't sticking straight out of his open fly.

Tom glanced down at it, thought `not bad', although it was nothing to write home about, certainly not in the same leauge as James Carville's huge trouser snake(although it did appear a tad bigger than Tom's modest member) and then asked, "So, what are you going to do Detective Dokes--beat me to the ground with your fists, or knock me over the head with your thick, dripping police truncheon?"

Dokes, having forgotten what the intruder had just interrupted, looked down and realized that his hard, leaking cock was still sticking out of his pants.

"Oh shit," he said and tried to tuck himself back inside which, given the fact that his belt was still buckled, his cock was so hard and his pants were so tight, was not an easy thing to do, but he soon had himself stuffed back inside although he found zipping up his fly over his big bulge quite a task to complete, especially with the room seeming to tilt every now and then.

Tom stepped forward until he was within a few feet of the man and watched as Dokes finally gave up after getting his fly only half-way zipped and asked, "Do you need a helping hand there, Detective?"

Dokes looked up and glared at Tom, a vicious sneer on his lips. "W-Why you motherfuck--" he growled and tried to take a swing at Tom. Unfortunatly for Dokes his foggy lust-filled alcohol drenched state of mind had severely compromised his fighting skills and all he succeded in doing was throw a wild round-house punch which Tom easily side-stepped. Dokes' momentum carried him completely around and he lost his footing, falling backwards into Tom's awaiting arms, who then pulled the dazed detective over towards a cot closer to the locker room door, then forced Dokes to sit down onto his lap.

"Oh, the big, strong detective is all tuckered out," Tom said softly into the man's ear. As he tightly held the cop around the waist with one arm, his other hand slid over the detective's big bulge straining under the half-open fly, and wrapped around the hard tube of flesh pulsating inside the man's humid, steamy pants.

"Y-You let me up you faggo-oh, oh, oh shit--shit--" Dokes muttered as Tom began squeezing and massaging the cop's thick bulge. Dokes dropped his arms to his sides and leaned back against Tom, closing his eyes and giving in to the pleasant sensations. Tom, always a male-scent hound, deeply inhaled Dokes' work day smell from his neck and shoulders, then began rubbing the man even faster.

"Ohhhh, no...this--this isn't right--" the cop moaned and tried to move up from Tom's lap.

"Oh, you just hush and feel the heat," Tom said as he began working on Dokes' fly, yanking the tab until he had the man's zipper open completely. And although it proved to be as much of a chore for him as it had been for Dokes, Tom pulled and yanked and eventually had the detective's hard cock sticking straight up from the man's lap. The detective was leaking like a faulty faucet and Tom rubbed the palm of his hand over the big, sticky cock-head, then used the pre-cum to lubricate the entire throbbing dick, swiftly moving his hand up and down. After a few minutes though, the detective's weight was getting to Tom, so he figured it was about time he call for some back-up.

"Hey out there, you detectives," Tom shouted towards the door. "How about lending me some helping hands!"

The three detectives came into the locker room closing and locking the door behind them as Tom stopped jacking off Dokes so he could rub his hands all over the man's tie and dress shirt, over his stomach and up his chest, leaving sticky trails on the detective's shirt and tie, then began to pinch Dokes' nipples hard. The trio's cocks stiffened immediately at the sight of Dokes' sitting on a young stranger's lap, the detective moaning loudly, his eyes closed while his mouth formed a small `O'.

"Awww, look at that mouth," Corddry said. "Such a pretty, pretty mouth." Corddry stepped over placing his hand under Dokes' chin and began rubbing his thumb around the open mouth, finally inserting it between Dokes' lips. The detective quickly began sucking on Corddry's thumb who then began to move it in and out of Dokes' mouth.

"Damn, that's hot," Stanza muttered and began to feel his own trousers getting even tighter.

When Corddry pulled his thumb out of Dokes' mouth making the man's lips pop, Tom stopped tweaking Dokes' nipples and told Johnston to place the camera on the cot and saw the man's pants bulging when he dropped the camera down next to his thigh.

"Shit, look at his lips," Johnston said as he stepped back in front of Tom and Dokes and began to squeeze his own hard-on through his pants. "He's still sucking! Baby wants to suck on something really bad!"

"I go something for him to suck on," Corddry announced, quickly unzipping his jeans.

"Give him some water first," Tom ordered while he reached up to unknot Dokes' tie.

Corddry pulled off the plastic bottle cap of the Deer Springs which had a retractable nipple, pulled it up and stuck the bottle into Dokes' mouth who quickly and noisily sucked on the bottle of spring water.

Hearing Dokes gulp down the water and watching his adam's apple bounce up and down with each deep swallow, as well as the man's close proximity and sweaty aroma had Tom's cock as hard as a pipe in his pants which he began grinding into Dokes' ass. He moved his hand up around Dokes' stubbly throat after unbuttoning the collar and felt him greedily gulp down the cold water while feeling a deep, throaty groan escape from him as the detective began to shift his ass over Tom's cock.

"Whoa, I swear his dick's getting bigger!" Johnston exclaimed. "Dokes must really like bottled water!"

After a moment, Tom instructed Corddry to set the water aside and that it was time for the detectives to experience something really great by having some fun with Detective Dokes.

When Corddry pulled the bottle out of Dokes' mouth, the dazed detective moaned in dissapointment and continued to pucker up his lips and suck just like when Corddry had removed his thumb from his mouth. Corddry bent down and lifted Dokes up as Tom grabbed the camera, took a few moments to familiarized himself with it and began to snap pictures. Corddry held the swaying Dokes at arm's length, then suddenly embraced him tightly, Dokes' hard, naked cock smashing up against his thick denim covered bulge while he forced his tounge down Dokes' throat.

Just for a moment Dokes resisted, but Corddry reached down and gently squeezed the head of Dokes' dick and the man quickly succumbed to the passionate kiss and lovingly sucked on Corddry's thick, jabbing tounge.

Tom sat back down on the other cot, checked the camera to determine how many images he could capture on the camera's memory stick then told The Remote Controller to modify the stick so that while he's in Television Land he could take as many pictures as he wanted. Then Tom got comfortable and clicked pictures of Dokes being passed around from one french-kissing detective to the next, each guy making sure that they pumped Dokes'cock hard while deeply kissing him. Tom pulled out his own dick and began jerking it with one hand while taking pictures with the other and hungrily watched the three men molest the zonked out detective. This certainly wasn't how I thought this day would turn out, Tom mussed. Here he was, watching four masculine men, police detectives at that, one who just so happens to look exactly like John Finn about to start an orgy right in front of him in a police locker room in Los Angeles, California! And as bizarre as it might seem, Tom realized that he'd rather watch and photograph them at play instead of becoming part of the show, atleast for the time being. So Tom settled back upon the cot and prepared to watch Detective Henry Dokes get deeply and passionately embraced by his fellow detectives.

Tom had already loosen Dokes' tie and it hung untied down the man's shirt front, which was now slowly being unbuttoned by Johnston who was now kissing Dokes while Stanza, standing off to the side was slowly pumping on Dokes' cock, his fist dripping with over-flowing pre-cum. Johnston pulled Dokes' open shirt up from the waist of his pants and let it drop to the floor. Tom was surprised that Dokes' chest wasn't as hairy as he thought it would be. He'd known from watching that Lifetime Playboy Centerfold movie and from an episode of "Law And Order" that John Finn was one hairy guy and had the long, thick, dark type of hair Tom always drooled over, the type that spills over the top of open-neck shirts and grows up over the neck line. But Dokes was nowhere near as hairy as Tom had hoped and he realized that this was just further proof that Henry Dokes really was not John Finn.

Meanwhile, Corddry was now standing behind the man, humping the detective's ass while reaching around to unbuckle Dokes' belt and open the tight pants.

"Eh, we should get more comfortable before I drop his pants," Corddry suggested. The detectives slowly maneuvered themselves over to the cot next to where Tom lay jacking himself off while watching and photographing all the action and they soon had Dokes on the cot on all fours, naked save for his black socks. Corddry then kicked off his own jeans and stood at the head of the cot so that his waist was level with Dokes' head and again began using his thumb to play with the detective's mouth. And when Dokes began to suck again, Corddry lifted the man's chin up, grabbed his own hard-on and began moving its big head all around the outside of Dokes' wet mouth.

"Come on baby," Corddry cooed, "Don't deny the feeling. You know this is what you really want to suck on, and I got a nice big one, just the right size for that pretty mouth of yours, it, open it...ohhhhh yeah, that's it...finally, something that big ol' loud mouth of yours is good for!"

Tom almost dropped the camera and shot his load as he watched Dokes go to town on Corddry's hard cock, Corddry tightly grabbing Dokes' bald head while he rather aggressively forced himself into Dokes' accommodating mouth.

A locker door slamming shut distracted Tom for a moment and he looked up to see Johnston retrieve a jar of Vasoline, dip in two fingers, pulled out a huge gob, then walked over to the naked detective and roughly inserted them into Dokes' ass, moving the lubricant all round. Then after dropping his pants, but not kicking them off his feet, Johnston lubed up his own hard cock, positioned himself behind Dokes and, without a moment's hesitation rammed himself deep inside. Dokes groaned loudly, but Corddry just began thrusting himself even faster down Dokes' throat and spit and pre-cum dripped from between the man's lips to stain the cot's dingy sheets.

"Hey, there's enough mouth to go around," Stanza complained, standing off to the side with cock in hand, belt and pants open but still up, watching the action in frustration. "Don't be such a pig!"

Corddry just flashed him a grin as he continued to thrust himself in and out of Dokes' mouth.

"You can get yours...after I get mine..." Corddry said to Stanza and winked.

Johnston had grabbed Dokes' waist and was plowing Dokes' ass at a leisurely pace, making sure he would not rush his climax, which was alright by Tom who struggled with not cumming too soon over four virile men having hot, sweaty sex right next to him. And he noticed Dokes alternating his hand between jacking on his own hard, demanding cock and supporting himself on the cot. Tom was about to order Stanza to give Dokes a blow-job when Corddry suddenly stiffened up and pushed his crotch deep into Dokes' face while he shot cum down the man's throat. After Corddry was done, Tom watched him pull out and a long strand stretched from Dokes' mouth to the tip of the well satisfied detective's wilting cock.

"Ohhhh, that was just soooo sweet," Corddry sighed, and was then unceremoniously pushed aside by an over eager Stanza who wasted no time in shoving his piece poking through the fly of his stripped boxers and open pants into Dokes' cum-filled mouth. A big smile was on his face as he pumped himself in and out, throwing back his head in pleasure, his pants falling down around his ankles as he moved. Dokes was forced to brace himself up on the cot due to the fast and furious rear and frontal assault he was subjected to, so his poor neglected dick throbbed and dripped above the damp cot unattended, but not for long. What happened next proved to be Tom's undoing because he saw Dokes' eyes fly wide open and heard his loud moan above Johnston's and Stanza's grunts of pleasure as the man suddenly shot out three swift bursts of cum, some of it reaching far enough to stain Stanza's underwear. Tom couldn't believe what he was seeing--Dokes had cum without touching himself and Tom dropped the camera onto the cot and found himself shooting his wad as well as he quickened his pumping fist, aiming his cock downward so that the cum shot between his legs onto the cot and not on his clothes.

Tom knew something about climaxing without touching one's self, because it had happened to to him after he'd jacked-off James Carville on "The Tonight Show", and it had caught him off guard because he didn't know such a thing was possible. And now seeing this grown man getting assaulted at both ends succum to the intense sexual pleasure by spontaneously ejaculating was just too much for Tom and there was no way that he could hold back after watching the big man bust his nut.

"Oh, shit," moaned Johnston. "W-What just happened--the dude has a vise-grip on my dick...ohhhhh GOD!" And Johnston, now deep into Dokes' ass, threw back his head moaning loudly and Tom now knew that he, Dokes and Corddry were not the only ones to cum now. Stanza, aware that his partner's cum was filling Dokes' butt began moving himself in and out of Dokes' mouth with a renewed fury and soon he too was shuttering as he shot off into Dokes' well used and over-flowing mouth.

For a few long moments, the room was filled with the heavy breathing of five sexually satisfied yet exhausted men who basked in the after-glow from a round of good, hot sex, the room full of the heat and stink from their sweaty endeavor.

Tom reached for The Remote Controller, pressed "pause" and leaned back on the cot with his hands behind his head to rest and think. What now? Although Tom had just cummed, and man, had it felt good, he still didn't feel fulfilled. He had waited months to go tv-hopping and now that he had, was this going to be it? Tom wanted sex with John Finn; realizing that it would have to be with a character Finn had brought to life hadn't been too bad...but the truth of the matter is, it just wasn't totally satisfying, not with this Henry Dokes guy anyway. The detective had proved to be a smug jerk and Tom had gotten off on watching the guy get humiliated by forcing him to enjoy getting fucked over by three of the last people on earth Dokes could imagine having sex with, as if the detective had any choice in the matter. Anyway, Tom didn't actually know John Finn, what he was really like and so he couldn't compare his personality to Dokes'. Tom was attracted to Finn's sexy Irishman features, his eyes, that bald head and especially his thin, stern lips which Tom saw as a cross between Gary Cooper and Dana Andrews; he loved how the man moved and how he stood, and the masculine sense of confidence he presented when playing various characters. What if Tom had gotten the chance to meet the actor and found him to be abrasive and dismissive? That sure as hell would have dampened his attraction for the actor, just like finding out how much he didn't like Henry Dokes once he got a chance to observe him. Perhaps it was better to get his Finn-fix through the characters he portrayed rather than run the risk of being disappointed from a one on one meeting with the actor in real life(although he personally wanted to believe that the guy would be cool to hang out with).

Tom concluded that this senerio had played itself out, and as he had no desire to have sex with any of the heavy-panting detectives(who obviously had just had one of the greatest experiences of their lives), and while he could pop in and out of this tv reality at will without consequences, these people apparently existed on some parallel plane of existence and must continue to live their lives in their version of real time, so he pressed the "command" button, feeling that he couldn't just leave them in this state without redefining their new roles and outlooks on life.

"Ok, fellows," Tom said, speaking into The Remote. " I really did enjoy this a lot, but now it's time you all got back to work. You won't see or remember me, but you will remember that you enjoyed what all happened today. Help Dokes get dressed Corddry, but none of you guys are to clean yourselves up at all nor change your clothes. Dokes will be your bitch from time to time, but only when you guys are off duty; and Dokes, you'll learn to love wearing tighter than normal suits and clothes without underwear and you'll do whatever your partners order you to, but only when you guys get together to have a sex playdate which will only be initiated by Dokes when he`s depressed, and judging by your history, it will be often. I know you're divorced Dokes, but if you other three are married, you will not let your exploits effect your families and you all will do your best to keep everything secret, because sex with Dokes, and Dokes, sex with Stanza, Johnston and Corddry will be some of the most intoxing, addicting sex you men will ever have in your lives, and that will cause you all to have better life perspectives because of it, although with you Dokes, I guess once a jerk, always a jerk. To make sure your co-workers never find out about your new hobby, you'll not engage in sex with each other here at the precinct again, although you'll sometimes pop boners when in the pressence of one another, so feel free to take care of yourselves if you must--I'm talking solo action guys, in the johns, or in your police-issued just have to keep it from your co-workers and especially from Lt. Hightower."

Tom shot a glance over at Dokes who was laying on the cot in his own juices, and to his surprise, saw a strange expression on the man's face. It reminded Tom of the look on the face of a little puppy dog hoping to please its master, which Tom found really weird but it did cause him to modify his marching orders for the detectives.

"Oh, what the hell--it's really more than you deserve Dokes; Men, to be fair, sometimes you gotta let Dokes here plow your asses and you guys don't be too selfish-- play and suck the poor slub's cock every once in awhile because trust me, he's going to need to have his confidence boosted real soon. Now Dokes, when you find out that your murder suspect is proven innocent by the Boston lawyers, don't be too devastated and fall apart; learn from your mistakes and let your fellow detectives here comfort you the best way that they know how, by getting drunk, loving to suck and giving and getting a good fuck!"

When Tom pressed the "play" button, he watched the men move about doing what they were ordered to do without speaking, Corddry, after putting his own clothes back on, helped Dokes get back into his sweat and cum-stained clothes, occasionally rubbing Dokes' dick who nodded his approval of Corddry's actions and returned the favor by squeezing Corddry through his jeans, while Tom took picture after picture.

Eventually the detectives went back to their squad room leaving Tom standing alone in the locker room, feeling somewhat dejected. Why could he only choose just one character, he asked himself with some bitterness. He held the small digital camera in one hand and with the other, brought The Remote Controller up to his face and stared at it.

"Why only one character? Dokes looks like Finn alright, but this guy wasn't what I expected. Damn, I just recorded too many choices and it's not fair! Henry Dokes wasn't even that hairy, and hell--a hairy bald daddy was what I wanted! Shit, I know that Finn is a hairy bear, like the character he portrayed in that Playboy model that's the guy I should have asked to be with, who I really want to see...Jimmy Lana--Jimmy Lanahan...that's his name! Yeah, I wish I could be with that fucking hairy Lanahan right now!"

Suddenly without warning, Tom's surroundings rushed by him while he stood still and images flashed past him too fast for his eyes to make any sense of them. Then for a fraction of a second, Tom found himself floating suspended in a field of gray and white static, before the static came together to form walls, a floor, bedroom furnature and a ceiling. Tom now found himself standing in the middle of a bedroom, the midmorning sunlight streaming through the curtained window and standing next to the bed, wearing skin tight faded jeans and buttoning up a black, white and gray plaid shirt, the sleeves rolled back to expose his very hairy hands and forearms was another John Finn character, an expression of awe splayed across his face.

"W-What in the hell? Who are you?" the man stammered. "How'd you get into--"

Tom acted quickly and pressed the "pause" button on The Remote Controller and smiled. Tell The Remote Controller exactly what you want, he remembered Mr. Blue Lips telling him, and he now realized the full extent of what that statement could mean for today's travels in Television Land. He could actually have them--he could have them all! Whatever characters he had recorded on his compilation tape were assessable to him after all just by asking The Remote to bring them to him, if he wanted them. And man, he wanted them all right here, RIGHT NOW!

Part Three More Four-Way Play

Tom was grinning like a happy, horny fool who had just won a free life-time pass to all the goodies in a male brothel. The bedroom he was in was of modest size, with a couple of dressers, one of which had a large mirror. There were two chairs, a walk-in closet a small television and a large king-size bed with lots of big pillows on it. More important to Tom though was who else was in the room with him. Now, this was more like it, Tom thought as he took a picture of Jimmy Lanahan and walked over to stand before the frozen man, whose nice bubble-butt was emphasized by his tight well worn faded jeans. It was obvious that the guy had just changed his clothes, since a dirty green khaki work shirt and a pair of pants lay in a heap on the floor next to a pair of muddy work boots, as if he had just finished some yard work and had changed into cleaner clothes. Lanahan had done up two of the buttons on the plaid shirt, leaving most of his stomach and chest exposed to reveal a very thick carpet of long, swrilling hair which grew up over his shoulders and around the lower half of his neck, and aside from the Freddo Parisi character from an early episode of "Law And Order", Tom fondly remembered the Jimmy Lanahan character from the "I Posed For Playboy" movie as one of the rare opportunities Finn-fans had to see the man in all of his extremely hairy glory and now, right here in front of him was Finn's Lanahan. Tom instantly sprung a boner, then clicked two pictures of the man, one a close-up of his jean-covered crotch and another of his open shirt hairy chest.

"Why oh why don't you show more of your hairy self on camera," Tom rhetorically asked the spirit of John Finn. "On "Cold Case" your Stillman character doesn't even loosen his tie; sometimes I think either the directors or you must be embarrassed by the amount of hair you have growing on your body, although you really shouldn`t--a lot of us out here love bears!"

Tom reached out and unbuttoned Lanahan's plaid shirt down to his belt and curressed the hair on the man's stomach and chest.

"Don't you know how sexy all this hair makes you and the characters you play appear? Some idiots may think hairy guys are unappealing, but fuck them! Hairy, mature bald men--now that's sex personified!" And Tom remembered back in high school over hearing some girls talking about their boyfriends and how one girl complained that her boyfriend was almost as hairy as Coach Myers, whose curly gray chest hairs always stuck out of his open shirts, and she just found that positively gross. Tom thought that she was positively nuts; to him, there was nothing hotter than an older man with lots of body hair, especially if he had little or no hair on top of his head.

Tom leaned in to run his nose through the thick hair and was slightly taken aback by the man's strong scent, figured if the guy had just taken a shower after changing his clothes, it must have been an awful short one. Tom was into a man's scent and wasn't upset if he smelled a man who had an honest day or two's sweaty smell about him as opposed to guys who were simply hygienically challenged and too lazy to keep themselves clean, because to him there was a big difference between the great smell of musk and someone who just stank. Lanahan's odor was sharp and Tom couldn't quite discribe it, but he knew that he savored the aroma--it was earthy, very musky and he was fully aware of the man's sweat and unique personal body odor underneath the faint fragrence of deoderant and soap and he found himself totally intoxicated by the smell. While Lanahan's body musk was similar, his scent was subtly different when compared to that of Henry Dokes, and Tom began to wonder about the other Finn characters he had recorded, like Lt. John Stillman from his taped "Cold Case" episodes and the corrections officer Reedy from the movie "True Crime". How were they similar to each other and how did they differ? Yes, Lanahan and Dokes both had been portrayed by John Finn, yet Dokes obviously was less hairy than Jimmy Lanahan, so were the other characters independent entities as well? And who had the hairiest body, the baldest head, and most important, who had the biggest cock? Tom just had to know, and he thought over how best to enjoy all three of his choices by taking a page from the Henry Dokes sex manual with himself standing in for Dokes in a sexual four-way. Being a voyuer was sometimes fine and dandy, but Tom wanted desperately to have John Finn's cock up his ass and in his mouth and in his absence, the actor's doppelgangers would fill the need, and then some!

With a mischievous smile on his face, Tom pressed "G" and then pressed "play" and watched as Lanahan finished his question to an apparently empty room.

"--my bedroom...what the--" Lanahan said, and blinked his eyes in confussion. He stepped forward and paused, looking about the bedroom. He quickly dropped to his knees and looked underneath the bed, hoping to catch the intruder hiding there. Lanahan slowly stood up, and after checking the hall way and looking into the closet came to the conclusion that he was quite alone; then he noticed that his shirt was open to his waist and proceeded to button up again.

"I must be losing it," Lanahan muttered after a pause, standing in the middle of the room with his hands on his hips.

Tom leaned against the dresser, turned off the ghost mode' and pressed the command' button. Speaking directly into The Remote Controller's microphone he gave Lanahan his orders.

"Jimmy, you are to stand perfectly still. Hearing my voice and now seeing me in your bedroom will seem perfectly normal to you and after I finish giving you your instructions, you will begin to experience wave after wave of sexual desires and have a powerful urge to engage in sex with men, something I'm sure will be new to you, but the more you digest the idea, the more you will be excited by the concept. You're about to see some men here in the room; two of them are going to look very familiar to you, but you'll not question this odd occurance, and you'll become even more sexual excited when you see them. But you will find yourself much more attracted to the youngest man you see here, which will be me and like I said before, you'll want to obey every order I give you. You will have a strong desire to join in with me and the other men as you all will have one main goal in mind which is to engage in a man on man four-way sex orgy! Do you understand what is about to happen here on your bed?"

Lanahan slowly nodded his head and Tom noticed fine beads of sweat popping out across the man's forehead. Tom brought The Remote Controller to his lips and said: "Bring corrections officer Reedy to Jimmy's bedroom."

And a second later, standing in the bedroom doorway was the stunned officer from the movie "True Crime", wearing a guardsman cap and uniform with dark pants and short-sleeve khaki shirt with insignia patches sewed onto each shoulder.

"Stand completely still officer," Tom commanded, and Reedy followed suit. Tom noticed that the name badge had `I. Reedy' printed on it and asked, "You will now hear and obey all of my commands. What is your first name officer?"

"Isaac, sir," Reedy answered in a low, deep voice.

Tom snapped his picture, then walked over to stand close to the guard, to take in the sight of this sexy mature man in his California Department Of Corrections uniform. Underneath the khaki he wore a white t-shirt and Tom couldn't tell how hairy he was, so he had The Remote make the garment vanish. Tom reached over and unbuttoned two of Reedy's buttons and found, to his surprise, that the guard's chest was as smooth as a baby's bottom! Tom continued to inspect Reedy's uniform, a bit disappointed by the lack of hair on Reedy's chest. At Reedy's buttoned right side breast pocket was a clipped-on whistle and in his left side pocket was a pen and to the side of that was his gold badge; above the badge, clipped to his shoulder was his radio-microphone with the coiled wire flowing down the left side of his shirt to connect with the large power-pack attached to his wide utility belt, along with a baton, flashlight and mace cannister. Moving closer, Tom observed that on the right side of Reedy's belt hung a heavy set of keys, the key-chain clipped onto the rear right side of the thick black belt and belt loop on his side and towards the rear above his bulging rear pants pocket. Tom reached around and pulled out the man's thick wallet and opened it, saw that Reedy had about seventy five dollars, three credit cards along with a photo ID and license. The license was issued on 10/14/1999, expiring in 2003, which ment this John Finn character was from 1999, while the Lanahan character was from the earlier 1990's. Printed on the plate was the name Isaac F. Reedy, his California address and next to that was a picture of a non-smiling bald man with intense dark eyes who had little tuffs of spiked hair sprouting across the rear of his bald pate with short dark hair encircling his head. Tom stuffed the wallet back down into Reedy's rear pocket, taking the opportunity to squeeze the guard's muscular ass several times, finding the man's ass checks much firmer than Henry Dokes' seasoned and under-exercised cop-butt which now, thanks to Tom's mind-control suggestions would be in line for some heavy-duty work-out sessions in his future. Tom took off Reedy's cap, tossed it on the dresser and noticed that he indeed had a little more hair on his head than Dokes, while Lanahan actually had the most hair on top than either Dokes or Reedy, which given the sparseness of all of their folicle-challenged heads, wasn't saying a whole lot.

"I want both of you men to stand at the foot of the bed," Tom instructed. "Isaac, you are about to experience the best sex you've ever had, so get in the mood and start feeling real horny guy--let's see those tight uniform pants fill up with your big ol' hard with it if you need too. You too Jimmy--let me see those Levis bulge! But don't either one of you open your pants or cum until I tell you to!"

Both men, identical in physical appearance except for the varying amounts of hair on their heads and what they had on, after slowly rubbing themselves soon had the front of their pants tenting out substantially, Lanahan's cock arching out towards his right front jean's pocket while Reedy's tool pointed straight down his uniform pant leg and seemed to be quite an impressive hunk of meat, similar in size to that huge bulge Tom remembered snaking down James Carville's suit pants those many months ago. After taking a few more pictures, Tom decieded to bring in the last player to his game of bald heads and bulging cocks.

"Ok, let's now have Lt. John Stillman from a "Cold Case" episode join the party here in Jimmy's bedroom," Tom spoke into The Remote Controller and now here was Lt. Stillman, wearing a red and white striped tie, white dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up over his very hairy forearms, and loose fitting navy blue pin-striped trousers, held up by a pair of maroon suspenders. In one hand he held a folder, while his other one was in the process of adjusting his wire-rimmed glasses so he could read the report, when he found himself no longer standing in his Philadelphia police lieutenant's office, but was instead in some unfamiliar bedroom with two other men who, impossible as it seemed, looked exactly like he did, perhaps a few years younger, while another guy stood off to the side, either in his late teens or early twenties, holding what looked like a universal remote and a small camera. The folder slipped from his hand onto the floor and Stillman took an awkward step backward.

"W-What is this," Stillman whispered.

"Just stand completely still Lt.," Tom ordered. Tom observed that the Lt. had clipped onto his waist-band on the left hand side his always present chrome colored cell phone while his badge was clipped by the suspenders' brace on his right. Tom also noticed that of the three men, Stillman's head was completely smooth on top, the graying hair on the sides serverly cropped close to his head and he did not have those sparse, spikey patches that topped the heads of Dokes, Lanahan and Reedy.

Tom approached Stillman, stuck two of his fingers between the dress shirt buttons to feel a ribbed t-shirt underneath. After he had The Remote make the t-shirt disappear, Tom was rewarded with the feel of a thick mat of long hair, proving the Lt.'s chest to be as hairy, if not hairier than Lanahan's.

"Oh man, now this is what I'm talking about," Tom said stepping back and then scrutinized the man. "Well, two hairy chested men out of four Finn look-a-likes ain't too bad. Oh, Lt., Lt.,Lt...why must you always wear these dark, loose fitting pants on the show? I mean, the other characters wear light colored suits sometimes, why can't you? For every scene where you do wear a light blue or brown suit, there are a lot more shots of you decked out in dark colored ones...I can't see your shlong in those things! Hell, I've never even seen Stillman in gray or smoke-colored suits...and those damn directors are always tring to be so clever with the camera, always filming you in extreme close-ups or with office objects in the foreground blocking the view; when they finally do show a few body shots of you unobstructed, you're usually filmed in a shadowed room, or with your back to the camera and usually you're wearing those damn dark suits...well, this is The Tom Traveler Show now, and I'm going to make some major changes, starting right now!"

Tom put The Remote back into the holster, placed the camera on the dresser then walked back over to unclip Stillman's cell phone and badge, placing them next to the camera and Reedy's cap. Tom then slipped his hands under Stillman's suspenders, snapped them a couple of times against Stillman's chest, then slid them over the Lt.'s shoulders and let them drop down around his waist. Tom unbuttoned the waistband of Stillman's trousers, slowly pulling down the man's zipper.

"I hope you fellows are getting an eyeful," he said to Lanahan and Reedy who stood off to the side still gropping their bulges, moaning softly and licking their lips with mounting excitement.

Tom let Stillman's pants fall down around his ankles to reveal that the man wore plain white boxer shorts and calf length dark blue socks. Tom was most pleased to see that the man's muscular thighs and calves were covered with thick swrills of long dark hair, so he grabbed the camera and took several shots of Lt. Stillman with his suit pants down around his ankles. Tom then pulled down Stillman's shorts and exposed his heavy hanging hairy balls and long thick cock, a rush of crotch musk tingling his nose.

"Ohhh fuck...well," Tom observed as he took more photos, "Now I know why you prefer wearing baggy pants!" If Reedy's cock came close in size to James Carville's, Lt. Stillman's easily surpassed the Ragin Cajun's massive trouser snake in length and girth. Putting down the camera, Tom just couldn't help himself so he kneeled down before the Lt., unbuttoned the lower three buttons of his dress shirt, then lifted up the man's heavy hose and began licking the musky smelling cock. But Tom could only get a small portion of it into his mouth as it began to stiffen up before gagging, so after a few moments he backed off as Stillman's cock continued to bone up. Tom took a picture of the Lt.'s semi hard-on sticking out from between the folds of the man's white dress shirt and wondered how it would look encased in a pair of pants, so Tom grabbed The Remote Controller and gave more instructions.

"Get rid of the Lt.'s underwear, and Reedy's and Lanahan's as well. Also do away with Stillman's baggy trousers and suspenders and replace them with very tight gray polyester suit pants with a black belt; pull up the pants and place his phone and shield back at his waist."

In an instant, Tom was rewarded with the arousing sight of Lt. John Stillman wearing a pair of light charcoal-colored pants as tight if not tighter than Henry Dokes' replacement slacks, the shield and cell phone clipped onto the belt and the tight fitting pants high-lighting Stillman's huge cum-cannon which stuck the fly of his pants way out in front and Tom thought, Now, this is a cop-daddy to drool over! While taking more pictures. He went over and began rubbing Stillman hard, squeezing the massive mound underneath his pants, bringing the man's cock to its full length and there was no doubt in Tom's mind now that Lt. Stillman's size positively left Carville's monster dick in the dust.

Tom slowly circled around Stillman, sniffing the man through his shirt, moving his hands all over the man, feeling how the shirt shifted over his fury body. Tom then dropped down behind the man and ran his nose over Stillman's ass, encased in form fitting pants and caught a slight scent coming from the Lt.'s butt. Tom then stood up and faced Stillman, reaching down to feel up and squeeze the man's crotch. Tom loved the way the polyester material felt sliding over the thick hunk of hard meat and he began using both hands to kneed and massage the man's pulsating cock and big balls.

"Come on Lt., I know this is making you feel good--let me see you express some excitement!" Tom commanded and soon the cop began undulating his hips against Tom's palms. Tom heard a low, masculine moan escape from the man's tight lips and he looked at Stillman's face to see the eyes behind the wire rim glasses drooping, glazed and dazed while a cocked-eyed grin was plastered upon his red, flush face. Lanahan and Reedy, moaning all the while stared lustfully at Stillman and Tom, desperately clutching at themselves, obviously wanting to get at their bulging hard-ons trapped inside their pants, so that they could go plow the gorgeous young stranger playing with that cop with the big dick who was also one tall two-legged slab of fine, hot meat.

Tom opened Stillman's pants slowly, loving the sound and feel of the zipper sliding down over the thick bulge, but found it necessary to unbuckle the belt and open the pants in order to pull the huge tube of flesh and large fur-covered nuts out into the open air. Tom then refastened the pants and buckled the belt, allowing the horny man's cock and balls to stick out of the open fly, the rod angling downward, being too heavy to arch upward. Tom yanked on it a few times then said to Stillman, "I'll get back to you in a minute. But go ahead and keep yourself hard for me--but don't you cum until you're given permission from me."

And while Stillman grabbed his cock with both hands, pumping himself furiously, Tom stepped over to attend to Lanahan and Reedy, who were both gyrating their lower halves in frustration.

Tom thought it was one incredible sight watching the two tall bald-headed Finn-Daddy look-a-likes standing side by side with big throbbing bulges in their pants, seething with volcanic sexual arousal, horny as a pair of sexually inexperienced out-of-the-closet priests, sitting in a male strip joint for the first time, ogling the naked merchandise, happily denouncing salvation and celibacy after years of abstinace.

"Let me have a go at your joy sticks fellows," Tom commanded, and watched the men reluctantly drop their arms to their sides, all the while still moving their hips to press their dicks against their tight, restraining pants. Tom had them step apart from each other and stood between the men, facing them. Then he grabbed their bulges and squeezed them hard.

"Motherfucker..." Lanahan groaned in response to being felt up and Tom decieded to concentrate on the sweating sex-hound.

"Place your hands on top of your head Jimmy," Tom instructed and saw to his satisfaction that the man's armpits were darken by seat stains. Tom stuck his nose into Lanahan's left pit, buried his face in the damp plaid material and inhaled the man's scent, now more musky than ever, and proceeded to unbutton the damp shirt all the way open, yanking it out from the waist of the jeans to expose Lanahan's hairy chest and belly, his sweat glissening like beads of morning dew reflecting the sunshine filtering in through the bedroom window.

Tom loved movies and tv series where the director kept the camera on men either dressing or getting undressed. Robert De Niro changing into his fire investigator uniform was his favorite scene from the movie "Back Draft" and Henry Fonda as the President in "The Best Man" showed one of his aides just how quickly he could get dressed into his suit just to win a bet, while in "Curse Of The Demon", after getting out of the shower with scientist colleagues in his room, Dana Andrews' character got dressed in front of them, and while he was off camera when he slipped on his trousers, he did come back into the frame to tuck his dress shirt into his pants. So aside from being surrounded by big dicks, undressing these men was fueling Tom's flaming lust just as strong as sniffing and licking them had, and Stillman and now Lanahan had been no exception, so Tom slowly unbuckled Lanahan's belt, unsnapped the man's jeans and pulled them down, instructing Lanahan to step out of them and kick them aside where they landed next to the pile of Lanahan's dirty disgarded work clothes. When that was done, Tom slid his left hand up and down Lanahan's hard cock while he began tugging at Reedy's uniform. Tom discovered that he needed both hands to undress Reedy because of the utility belt, so he had Lanahan go stand next to Stillman and instructed the two men to help jack each other off while he continued undressing Reedy. Tom's cock lept in his pants when he saw the Lt. use one hand on Lanahan's dripping cock while he placed his other hand alongside Lanahan's who had placed both his hands upon Stillman's mammoth meat, who apparently had more than enough length, allowing all three hands to slide up and down the massive cock with an inch to spare.

Tom had to tear his eyes away from the outrageous sight, only to quickly give in to temptation and leave Reedy for the moment to go and grab the camera again. He snapped pictures of the two men, Lt. Stillman wearing his shirt and tie and in the tight form- fitting gray pants, pants unzipped but belted and buttoned, jacking-off Lanahan who was still wearing the open plaid shirt and socks, while both he and Lanahan jacked-off his own monster cock.

After some time had passed, Tom sighed softly as he turned away from the two men, placed the camera on the dresser again, then sighed even louder as he faced a very sexy looking Reedy, the guardsman's dick bulging out the uniform pants, silently begging for release. Tom ran his hands over the bulge, then over the thick utility belt, playing with both it and Reedy's uniform pants belt buckle before slowly moving his fingers over the buttons on the khaki shirt, his hands gliding up over the guard's trim stomach and broad chest, rubbing the guard's badge, flicking the clip-on whistle before unclipping the radio and tossing Reedy's utility belt, keys, radio and radio-receiver-power pack onto a near-by chair. Tom wanted to know what the man's mouth tasted like, so he pulled Reedy's head forward to kiss the guard. Reedy didn't wait to be told to return the kiss, he just stuck his tounge deep into Tom's mouth after their lips connected and began pressing his muscular body against Tom's. Tom felt as if he had been torn asunder from solid ground and grabbed by a raging tornado, swept up into a swirling red-flamed sky, loving every luscious minute of this sensual assault as Reedy continued aggressively kissing him, reaching his strong arms around Tom, holding him, hugging him, gently grinding his big cock against Tom's own bulging hard-on in a close-quarter, lustful sensual dance that had Tom wanting to continue wilting in the guy's arms forever and realizing that it would be so easy to go ahead and shoot his cum just from being kissed so powerfully; feeling Reedy's virile body through the man's uniform engulfing his own sexually inexperienced one was bringing Tom close to the edge and he was more that willing to flow over into the chasim.

With quite a bit of effort, Tom forced Reedy back, abruptly breaking the kiss so he could clear his head. "Whoa, big fella," Tom said, using the back of his hand to wipe the saliva from his mouth. "We--I--I gotta take it easy...gotta slow down a bit!" Even though Tom could order the men not to cum too quickly, his own sexual prowess was another matter, and he wanted to have his orgasm while he was the creaming center of a Finn-look-alike man-sandwich, and he had already cum once today over Henry Dokes' spontaneous ejaculation, and now here Reedy had almost made him shoot his load just from that sexy embrace and those deep french kisses!

"I gotta slow down, gotta slow down," Tom muttered to himself, and shyly looked over at the handsome guard whose intense stare of lust bored right through Tom like a diamond drill, and Reedy tauntingly ran his tounge slowly across his own thin lips, and tossed Tom a hungry, wanting smile.

"Ok, ok...take it easy fella, trust me--we're all going to get what we need," Tom promised the guard. "But first...I need to set loose your hounddog." So while the room filled up with the fleshy sounds of Stillman and Lanahan jacking each other off, Tom proceeded to rub Reedy's bulge and pants belt buckle a few more times before finally unbuckling it. The opening and then disgarding of Reedy's uniform pants soon followed and Tom's mouth dropped open as Reedy's naked cock came into view. It was huge, hard and unlike the other cocks he'd seen so far today, this one was uncut. Tom gazed out at the roll of cock-flesh covered by the shaft of thick skin which bearly allowed the tip of the head to peek out even in its harden state.

"Ohhh, cool," Tom gasped, never having personally seen an uncircumcised cock before, atleast not outside of a book or magazine, so he set about appeasing his curiosity about uncut cock by rapidly rubbing his fist up and down this one, the sensation of loose skin moving over the hardness underneath both strange and exciting to Tom.

"Uhmmm, ohhhhh...," Reedy moaned loudly and deeply, closing his eyes and tilting back his head as he jutted his hips back and forth while Tom pulled on the guard's pud. Tom discovered that the loose skin around the cock-head had become a depository for much of Reedy's pre-cum and he stuck his fingers under the foreskin to feel all of the fluids gathered there. He then encircled the big cock-head with his thumb and finger and squeezed it several times as the cock reached its maximum length. It was big and it was fat, Tom concluded, but he believed Stillman still had the man beat.

"This day has just been chock full of surprises," Tom mussed, now using both of his hands on the slippery, leaking stalk while instructing Reedy to step out of his tight uniform pants and boots. Tom's own lust had almost done him in pre-maturely and by now all three sweating, grunting and moaning men were well primed, so it was time to finally get his own cherry-ass busted wide open by three of the hotest, horniest, hairiest and must hung bald men he would probably ever encounter in this or in any other parallel reality. Tom just hoped that his body was up to handling the upcoming extreme sexual onslaught he was about to encounter!

When Tom became aware of Reedy's and Stillman's humongous dicks, he'd decided that Lanahan would be the man he wanted to pop his cherry, because there just wasn't enough lubricant in the world to allow the other two men's rods to slide easily and painlessly up his tight virgin ass and as it was, he knew he'd need a whole lot of grease to lube up his hole, because while not quite in the same leauge as the Lt. or the corrections officer, Lanahan still had one thick impressive hose hanging between his hairy legs. Tom was so buzzed now and excited about what was about to happen to him, yet he was also quite nervous about it; he didn't want this experience to be only a quick session of wham bam, thank-you man! He wanted these horny men to have their way with him slowly, with confidence and Tom knew that he had to make this, his first gay four-way, one awesome event, one he would never forget, so he instructed the men to come over and allow their lust to quide their hands and tounges as they explored his body as if they were old pros in the fine art of man-to-man sex.

"Jimmy, you're the one who'll slip your dick up my ass," Tom instructed as the three men gathered around him by the bed, their eyes burning with lustful hunger as they found themselves experiencing strange, yet very sensual urges of an intensity they had never felt before(not even for their wives) towards this exotic, enticing young stranger who had such a persuasive personality. "But I'll need for you to find us some lubricant first, like Vaseline, lotion, something to lube up my ass and your dick."

Tom observed Lanahan, naked except for his open plaid shirt and socks, lower his eyes for a moment in thought, then leave the room.

"Now," Tom continued, "Lt., you and Reedy will make your cocks assessable to my mouth and hands once Jimmy and I get comfortable...let me get undressed first--"

But to Tom's surprise as he reached down to open his shirt, Reedy, whose uniform shirt was held closed only by the two bottom buttons, reached out and placed his hand over Tom's to stop him.

"No," Reedy said to Tom in a low whisper, "Let us do this for you, sir." And without being prompted, the still fully clothed Lt. Stillman, his huge hard-on sticking out of his open fly joined Reedy and the two men began undressing Tom, kissing and licking his face and body as more skin became exposed, their hard rods bumping against Tom's legs, arms, back and stomach, leaving sticky cum trails on Tom's clothes and body.

Tom, overwhelmed from the sensations he was feeling, couldn't help himself and moaned loudly as he felt his clothes slowly being removed while a wet tounge darted into his ear and hungry lips brushed over his open mouth filling it with coffee and cigerette-scented breath, the smooth rustling of a soft dress shirt and the rough feel of khaki sliding across his chest, arms and thighs while all the while hearing and feeling the animal-like deep, masculine grunts and groans from the two bald men as they nuzzled against his throat and shoulders had Tom high on raw, intense pleasure. Stillman rubbed his stubbly cheek against the side of Tom's face and Tom seized the opportunity to loosen the knot and yank down the Lt.'s tie a bit, open Stillman's collar button and then open three more while through the haze of his burning lust he was able to drink in the sight of Stillman's hairy chest and shoulders partially exposed, the long dark hairs swrilling out from open spaces of the white dress shirt, the tie now swinging like a cloth pendulum before someone began to gently squeeze his cock-head through his white briefs and Tom had to close his eyes as he gasped with sexual delight.

Then the briefs were pulled off him, his hard cock bobbing freely in the air and as he was lowered backwards onto the pillow laden king-size bed, Tom felt something greasy being applied all over his cock while gob after gob of a creamy substance was being shoved into his ass crack by two fingers. Within seconds, Tom's cock and ass began to tingle and feel warm; Tom opened his eyes to see that Lanahan had returned holding a clear plastic bottle with some sort of lavender colored lotion inside which he proceeded to again squeeze out another large dollop into his hand and applied it generously over his own dick, while Reedy and Stillman positioned themselves on both sides at the front of the bed, kneeling on the mattress by the large pillows which they had arranged for Tom's comfort, watching in horny desire while Lanahan prepared himself and Tom for their upcoming encounter.

"Ohhh, wow!" Tom exclaimed as the warmth continued coursing through his ass and over his cock. "I-I've never felt anything like this...what did you use on me?"

"Something Meredith got from one of her butt-insky Woman's Libber friends," Lanahan answered, a perplexed embarrassed look dawning upon his masculine face. "Merry and I...we've been having some eh, martital issues and Patty--that's one of Merry's nosey friends, gave her a couple of know, things to spice up our love-life--not that I thought we needed any, atleast not in my opinion and this is just one of the kinky thing she gave to Merry, which I refused to try because I thought it was all a waste of time, but...oh man...but if I'd known that it could feel anything like this...oh, ohhhh...I-I wouldn't have been so goddamn stubborn! Oh my GOD--this feels INCREDIBLE!"

And Tom could have sworn that the man was beginning to blush! But Lanahan was right--it did feel incredible, what ever the stuff was and Tom found he really, REALLY needed to have something big and hard stuck up his butt and someone to yank on his dick right this instant! So Tom started to turn over on the bed to position himself so Lanahan could enter him from the rear, but the man stopped him by roughly forcing Tom to lay there on his back, nudged him upwards towards the headboard of the king-size bed then grabbed a couple of pillows to place under the base of Tom's lower back while Stillman and Reedy rearranged some others behind Tom's head, shoulders and upper back.

"I want to look the person I'm screwing right in the face," Lanahan proclaimed, flipping Tom's legs up over his furry shoulders and without a moment's hesitation forced his lubricated dick slowly, but steadily into Tom's upturned ass, gently moving himself in deeper and deeper until he and Tom were almost face to face. "I want to watch your expression; I want to see how good I'm going to make you feel!"

Tom was enraptured by Lanahan's savage horny eyes and his strong body-musk while beads of sweat fell from Lanahan's brow to land on his face. Tom took measured breaths due to the weight of the man hovering over him, and Tom could not speak although his mouth was wide open--by now, so was his ass because he felt like the fat end of a baseball bat was being stuffed up his butt and he was sure that the reason for his mouth being open was because any moment now Lanahan's cock was going to emerge from it, but he knew it was only an illussion because the sensation of Lanahan's slippery cock filling him up had been the real reason he had been left speechless. This was Tom's first time ever getting fucked and his tight virgin ass had wrapped its inner linings around the large greasy intrusion, and Tom was truly grateful that the man had used that great sex cream because he seriously doubted that he'd be feeling this much absolute pleasure at being so stuffed if Lanahan had used only Vaseline or some ordinary lotion for their lubricant. With his ass truly lubed and Lanahan's dick totally covered with it, the sex cream had the insides of Tom's rear-end tingling with delight; he had a demanding, growing itch up his butt and on his cock and the only goal for him now was to scratch the itch and scratch it good!

So Tom grabbed his own trobbing dick with his fist and after a few more beads of sweat fropped onto his face from Lanahan's damp bald forehead when he had pushed his cock into Tom's ass, his smiling face hovering over Tom's flushed face, Tom whispered hoarsly to the sexy bear: "Come on Jimmy, fuck me--fuck me good and HARD!"

Staring at Tom through hooded eyes, Lanahan nodded and pulled back until his cock was almost out of Tom's ass, the anus lips seeming to pucker up on their own, needing to refill the space suddenly left empty after the quick evacuation. Then Lanahan began to move again sliding his cock in and out, setting up a steady rhythm and Tom shut his eyes, opened his thighs wider to allow Lanahan greater access, moving his ass upwards to meet the man's trusts while Tom's hand moved like a blur over his own throbbing cock and Lanahan gripped Tom's thighs tightly while increasing his piston-like pace.

Someone began pinching at Tom's dick head and Tom opened his eyes to see that Stillman and Reedy were both kneeling on the bed facing each other over Tom's head. Stillman was the one who'd pinched Tom and now brushed aside Tom's hand so that he could continue jerking on the cock himself while he and Reedy furiously sucked face, reaching out to hold each other in their arms while their hard cocks hung unattended mere inches from Tom's face. Tom grabbed hold of Reedy's dick with his hand and began jacking it off, transplanting some of the sex cream onto it which slowly made it prickle and throb much to Reedy's sudden surprise and delight. With his other hand he spread some of the cream onto the Lt.'s over-sized wang, and as Tom jerked on it, he also began to lick and suck the big dick, swrilling his tounge all over the musky scented stalk and sweaty balls, hanging low, fat and heavy beneath the thick, turgid rod. The cream made Tom's tounge tingle, the taste of sweat, sex and grapes racing across Tom's taste buds and he smiled inside when he connected the grape flavor to the lavender coloring of the cream.

Meanwhile Lanahan was ablaze now and continued plowing deep into Tom's ass, grunting even louder while muttering, "Baby, baby, baby," between his low sexy grunts. Tom began to syncronize his jacking-off of Reedy and the sucking of Stillman's rod with Lanahan's hard in and out movements, and after a moment, even Stillman joined in and fell into step with Lanahan's rhythmic thrusts by pulling up on Tom's cock when Lanahan pushed forward into Tom's slippery asshole and then using a downward stroke when the man pulled back while Reedy, understanding what was happening, fucked Tom's hand by mimicking Lanahan's exotic humping until all four men moved in synchronous motion to become a pulsating, pumping, fluid, living sex-machine, the sounds of rutting men and smacking flesh filling the bedroom as Tom's ass got plugged and cocks got sucked and pumped.

The dresser off to the side of the bed had a wide mirror above it and Tom occasionally caught glimpses of the group's reflection, observed Lanahan man-handling his butt, the open plaid shirt tails flapping against Lanahan's thighs from the man's intense fucking motion, his muscular arms bulging underneath the rolled-up sleeves as he strongly gripped Tom's thighs; Stillman and Reedy were heavily deep-tounging each other, as well as licking each other faces and heads; Reedy's smooth hairless chest glissened with sweat under the partially opened khaki uniform shirt, while Lt. Stillman's striped tie hung loose over the man's white dress shirt which by now wasn't as fresh and crisp as it had been earlier, his shirt, tie and tight pants now heavily stained with sweat, spit and pre-cum. But the most awesome sight for Tom was to see himself laying on his back, his legs moving from Lanahan's shoulders, downward to flail against the man's sides, then moving back up onto the shoulders of the furry stud humping away at his pucker, while all along Tom jacked-off one huge cock with one hand and jerked and sucked on an even larger cock with the other. And all of this hot action was being done to and for him by three half-dressed and very virile versions of the ultimate masculine, authority-daddy figure, actor John Finn. Tom wished he could have taken pictures of this mighty forsome, but The Remote Controller was on the floor along with his clothes while the digital camera sat idle on the dresser and there was no way in hell would he consider pausing this steamy sexy action just to take pictures, even if the camera or Remote had been laying right next to him. Tom's ass, hell, his entire body was rolling in sweet, electric passion and ignited lust, raging over him in wave after wave of burning sexual heat, the flames roaring higher and higher while they all pumped and humped in unison, having lost all track of time long ago, not knowing how long they had been fucking and sucking because by this stage, they really didn't care; Tom was the captain of this rapidly ascending super sonic rocket ship and he was the one stearing them all up, out and beyond the Event Horizon to eventually release the pent-up pressure from what had been building, growing, expanding for some time, shooting headlong towards fulfilling the ultimate goal after engaging in pure, relentless, pounding, raw sex to finally--

"OhhhfuckmeeeeeI'm CUMMING!" Tom screamed in a high pitched wail he didn't believe could possibly come out of his own mouth, right after Lanahan did a quick double jab and went in as deep as possible to collide with what must have been Tom's prostate, something Tom figured had already been punched by the head of Lanahan's cock by now based upon the amount of fluid hed been leaking, but obviously the man had tried something different, had used a little improvised maneuver in his thrusts because what Lanahan just did, going in very deep and stopping, not withdrawing but staying put then shifting himself from side to side, had sent Tom over the brink and Tom was now shooting long, thick ropes of hot cum out of his fat cock, shooting streams of man juice upward to land on Lanahan's face, which was hovering very close again, as well as leaving his deposits upon Lt. Stillman and Reedy, adding more goo to the wet, sticky stains already located on the mens clothes.

Tom had rolled his eyes back into his head so that only the white parts showed as his body shuddered from the heart stopping climax. When Tom came, he still had a tight grip on both Stillman's and Reedy's cocks and they moaned outloud, exasperated and in some discomfort from all the dammed-up pressure they felt in their full, clogged balls and Tom wasn't even aware of their uncomfortable condition, still basking in the satisfying warmth from the best orgasm he'd had in his life until Lanahan pleaded loudly to him through clinched, tight lips: "Come on, come on--when will it be my turn?" Reedy ecoed Lanahan's frustration and asked, "Now that you've cum sir, will you let us cum too?"

Tom was still dazzled by the emense pleasure he had just experienced, was still laying on the bed breathing hard and gripping the men's cocks, wondering why they were complaining. Then slowly he realized that he had not given his permission for the men to shoot their pent-up loads yet! A lecherous smirk came to Tom's lips as he realized the absolute power and control he wielded over these three grown men who now shifted about in cum-denied frustration and he reveled in the guilty pleasure that this knowledge provided. Finally, about a minute or two after he'd given himself time to fully appreciate the sight of Lanahan, Stillman and Reedy, three mature, masculine men now reduced to a trio of wimpering children cring for release, begging for permission from him to be allowed to cum, Tom couldn't help smiling to himself when he remembered the lyrics to an old Beatles tune. Laughing out loud, he leaned back onto the soft oversized pillows, assuming Lennon didn't have this scenario in mind when he originally wrote the lyrics to that song.

"Alright my all sure as hell have earned this reward, so--cum together...right now...over me!"

And as one, three mouths opened up wide, shouting out in a raucous cacophony of sounds, mingling "Fuck, Oh Fuck!" and "Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shiiiiit!" and "Mutherfuckaaaaah!" into a Banshee-like wailing chorus, the men yelling their pleasure together in a unified scream of ecstasy.

Tom got exactly what he asked for as Stillman and Reedy let loose with a volley of cum shots which landed all over his face and upper body while Lanahan quickly pulled back a bit, then slammed himself as deep as he could get into Tom's overflowing ass and shot his pent up seed down Tom's anal canyon, his body shuddering like an old 1900s jalopy. Eventually the bedroom became very quiet as a wet, sweaty Lanahan pulled himself out of Tom's well reamed butt-hole and collapsed on the foot of the bed next to Tom`s feet, while Reedy and Stillman, also drenched in sweat and other fluids, slid down onto the floor to lean against the sides of the bed; Tom, as exhausted and sweaty now as the other men just continued to stretch out on the bed, his naked body covered in cum with a lot of it leaking from his very loose wide open pucker-hole and he thought happily to himself, Looky here--I'm Tom Traveler, virgin no more! And he added his own sighs of contentment to those coming from the other tired yet satiated men. Tom didn't realize just how exhausted he was and could have rested there in Lanahan's bed forever, but something strange happened which made him give pause.

While everyone was recovering from their four-way sex-play, just for a couple of seconds, everything suddenly dissolved into static, then reassembled just as quickly.

"What the fuck...did you guys see that?" Tom asked.

Reedy looked over his shoulder as he sat on the floor, his back against the bed to look at Tom. "See what, sir?"

"Everything...vanished for a moment--holy shit!" Tom cried as he watched Reedy disolve into a static blob in the pattern of his body. Then, in the blink of an eye, Reedy was back, leaning against the other side of the bed again.

"I feel funny," the corrections officer said, a quizzical expression on his ruddy face.

Tom quickly sat up, scooted off the bed and said, "Something...something's not right!" He looked over towards his pile of clothes to locate The Remote Controller still in the holster. When he retrieved it, Tom saw that all of The Remote's buttons were lit up, but flashing quickly and something told him that this was not a good sign.

"Looks like we're not the only ones exhausted," Tom said and knew that his lastest escapades had obviously placed a significant drain on The Remote Controller and figured he'd better get his house in order before the device's power was gone; he'd never had this long of a stay in Television Land or reconfigured reality as much as he'd done today and he hoped there was still enough juice left in The Remote to send the guys back to their respective parallel planes as well as get himself back home because just then, The Remote went very dim and the entire room dissolved into static and this time so did the lower half of Tom's own body, before everything slowly returned to normal. The Remote's lights were dimmer and flashing much slower now and Tom felt a shiver race down his spine. It was either leave now or run the risk of fading away into static, so he began to pull on his clothes and after getting half dressed, he grabbed the digital camera and pointed The Remote Controller at the men who were now staring wide-eyed at Tom, their faces full of questions.

"I wish this could be a neater, more satisfying exit guys, but time is running out, so here goes--you all will remember what happened here today as only a really great sexy dream which dispite involving sex with other men, infact sex with yourselves actually-- setting aside any Freudian connotations, thinking back upon everything you went through will always get you hard and you'll not be disgusted by these memories; just think of it as your subconscience reaching out to present sexual alternatives for you to possibly explore...and you will want to explore them.'

"Now," Tom instructed, speaking into The Remote, "Send Reedy and Lt. Stillman back to their respected parallel worlds dressed in their original clean, dry long you sexy motherfuckers!"

Reedy and Stillman began to get up off of the floor, but vanished from the bedroom before standing. Tom now faced Lanahan who was now also off the bed sensing the impending finality of a most extraordinary experience, especially after watching his two hot mirror images vanish right before his very eyes.

"It's been real Jimmy," Tom said. "You are one fine sexy bear--fucker reamed me good! I wish there was more time for you and I to take another tumble, because I would just love to get my mouth on your big hairy ass, but--I gotta go! But before I do...Smile!"

Tom quickly brought up the camera and snapped a final picture of a very hairy Lanahan standing there at the foot of his disheveled bed with his spent dong hanging down, his plaid shirt open, a very perplexed expression upon his face, with his mouth open and his right arm out-stretched as if to ask Tom to hold up because he had a question to ask. Tom pressed `exit' on The Remote Controller and closed his eyes hoping he would make it back home as the swelling hiss of white noise filled his ears, filled them for a really long time.

Part Four Home

"Ok T.T., you can open your eyes now, you're made it home."

Tom noticed that the roaring in his ears from the static field which had engulfed him for those long scary moments had stopped the moment he heard the familiar silky smooth voice of Mr. Blue Lips speaking to him, so he opened one eye, then the other and saw that he was indeed back in his own bedroom, sitting in his old comfortable recliner facing the talking blue lips floating in the static field of his tv set atop his dresser.

"I'm back...I made it," Tom muttered, then closed his eyes and sighed with relief.

"Just barely! What the hell were you thinking?" Mr. Blue Lips chastised. "You nearly drained The Remote Controller completely you greedy little boy!"

Tom got his bearings and noticed that his clothes were askew since he hadn't dressed himself properly. But in his lap was Johnston's digital camera and The Remote Controller out of the holster, the dim lights of the buttons fading, then going out altogether and Tom figured that he would have to pay a hefty price for his over-use of the magical device, but then he remembered why he had pushed the limits of its powers in the first place.

"Wait a minute," he said beginning to pled his case before the disembodied tv judge. "I was almost lost in a static field because of a power drop! You told me to tell The Remote what I wanted and it would give it to me as long as I didn't over use the special rewind and fast forward features, which I didn' said to be with as many characters as I wanted! You said--"

"Blah, blah, blah," Mr. Blue Lips retorted. "So your orgies used up more power than I anticipated was stored up in The Remote Controller--so sue me! You got your Finn-fucks, didn't you?"

"I don't know--you tell me!" Tom challenged Mr. Blue Lips. "I met a cop named Henry Dokes, and I had sex with Jimmy Lanahan, Officer Isaac Reedy and Lt. John Stillman, who all looked exactly like John Finn...but were any of them really him?"

"Does it really even matter T.T.?"

"Can you not answer my question with a question?"

The lips pursed, then emitted a long loud sigh before answering Tom's inquiry.

"Look, you're not looking for a life partner, man; you just want to get your rocks off with a tv suit-daddy, right?"

"Well, I wouldn't put it quite--" Tom tried to rationlize.

"No, I quess you wouldn't, but face it--you wanted to get fucked by a big cock and that's exactly what happened. You don't want a real relationship Tom, you just want hot, nasty sex without consequences, and that's what you got. Tell me, why are you so into this particular actor anyway?"

Tom was caught off-guard by Mr. Blue Lips' question and he had to take a moment to think it over before answering.

"Hell, I don't know...he just has a certain look about him...he's--I don't know; I just like the way he looks, how he moves and talks...I got a thing for sexy mature Irish guys I guess...I don't know--"

"And your attraction for him is purely based upon what you see on the screen, right? You don't know him as a person, not really; you don't know his politics, if he's a racist or a humanitarian, whether he's an obnoxious jerk or a decent man in real'd like to believe he's a righteous human being, but you don't know, not for sure. You just know he's a handsome bald daddy who gives you a boner, right?"


"So what is your problem dude? You got a chance to experience four distinct personalities, who all looked like this great sexy bald daddy figure you're so into and from what I see, you had a really good time getting it on with those guys--what does it matter if you experienced the actual actor or not? Unless you know something I don't know, you'll never get that up close and personal with John Finn the character actor as you did with John Finn's characters. Why isn't that good enough for you?"

Tom had to admit Mr. Blue Lips did have a point. There's only one John Finn, but Tom had gotten a chance to experience a varity of John Finns, some with big cocks, some with humongous cocks; some whose bodies had modest amounts of hair, others with lots of hair or with no hair at all, and while he did met a Finn-a-like who turned out to be a bit of a jerk, he also met men who, after some Remote suggestions just wanted to have fun, and Tom had a chance to explore a wide range of scenerios with men who all possessed the one aspect that was the most important thing to him and that was that they all had the sexy features which had attracted Tom to Finn in the first place.

"You're right," Tom conceded to Mr. Blue Lips. "I got a chance to fuck over a cop in a suit, play with a prison guard's uncut dick, got plowed up the ass by a sweaty jean-wearing daddy and gave a bj to a police Lt. with one of the biggest cocks I've seen in my life. All that, plus getting a chance to see L.A. in person, and not getting stuck in a cosmic static field...I have to say, all in all that this has been a really great day!"

"Now that's the simple little tele-tubby that I know and love!" Mr. Blue Lips cried somewhat over enthusiastically. "Fantasy is what you want and Fantasy is what The Amazing Remote Controller will always provide for you, Tom. If you're looking for substance, for healthy personal relationships, the satisfying kind that you have to work hard at to make work while running the risk that it might not, then don't look here because you're sure as hell not going to find that channel surfing around TV Land...that's what living in the Real World is for, right? But what's so special about that, about good old, everyday solid character building, messy around the edges and glorious beyond belief Reality? And who wants dull reality anyway when you can shape and control Fantasy at your whim, where you can force everyone to obey and love you and you never have to worry about rejection or how to over come it thus becoming a better, stronger person in the long run...Who in their right mind would chose Reality over that, right? Right Tom?"

Tom scrutinized Mr. Blue Lips for a long minute, detecting a sarcastic shading to those questions.

"Are you making fun of me?" Tom asked, a dark edge to his voice. " I think you are making fun of me..."

"Now, why would I do that T.T.?" Mr. Blue Lips answered, but with a slight, sharp bit of frost to his voice. Then as the lips began to fade, Mr. Blue Lips continued. "You've used an awful lot of energy this time Tommy Boy, so I'm afraid it's going to be a really long time before you hear from me or The Remote Controller again, so you're really going to have to work extra long and hard to re-energize it; live your life to the fullest T.T...that is if you want to travel again."

"Eh, what? Oh, yeah...whatever," Tom answered, now distracted from Mr. Blue Lips' instructions as it faded away into the TV's static field and the televison winked off, because in the middle of the lips' observations Tom had turned on the digital camera and watched on its three-inch screen some of the erotic pictures from Lanahan's bedroom and from the L.A. police locker room. Tom had planned to bring back souvenirs from his travels, personal articles of clothing full of the sweaty scents from the suit-daddies he'd eventually seduce, and since he had to make a quick get-away from his last encounter, he had forgotten to obtain clothes from the four men; but in retrospect, Tom possessed something just as good--he had pictures! It would be great to see the images in a larger size, and even if they were digital, he couldn't have them developed at the local drug store--not without creating even more unwanted controversy in his life. That ment aquiring a computer, something that's crossed his mind after his discussions with Mr. Colt, but he didn't know what would be the right model for him, or how to get the most bang for his buck without spending an arm and a leg for a machine that'll wind up being too complicated for him to use.

Then Tom thought about Mr. Colt's extensive knowledge of personal computers and wondered if his boss would mind helping him pick out the right type for his use.

"Yeah, Mr. Colt did say to look him up if I was ever interested in buying a computer," Tom said to himself. "I can say because of him I'm interested in digital photography now, and would like to get some pointers from him, maybe come with me and help me ask the right questions at the store so's not to get snowed by a fast-talking salesman interested only in getting a big commission. Mr. Colt's such a nice guy to me Mr. Blue Lips that I-- Mr. Blue Lips?"

And that's when Tom realized that his television set had gone dark, Mr. Blue Lips had gone away taking The Remote Controller, and he was now alone in his room.

"Not quite alone," Tom said and started going through all the many pictures again, viewing them on the small screen, a tingle spreading across his crotch and Tom suddenly found that his cock was rock hard. But, had it gotten hard from looking at the pictures or had he gotten just a little excited at the prospect of asking Mr. Colt to help him shop for a PC? Tom found himself more than a little shocked at the possibility that Mr. Blue Lips might actually be on to something after all regarding his relationship with Dana Colt, someone he really liked being around who had the great fortune to look like the actor who gave Tom mental wet dreams.

After having the most satisfying sex in his life with four very virile Finn-alikes, who really didn't have a choice whether or not to like or dislike him or to do what they were told, Tom started thinking about his boss and where he stood in relationship to Tom's affection for tv suit-daddies who would be bound to his control. Mr. Colt didn't like Tom because he was ordered to...he liked Tom for who Tom was, known flaws and all and Tom liked the soft-spoken man as well because he was not a phoney and gave the impression that he wasn't interested in impressing people or too concerned with what others thought of him; treat people like you wanted to be treated was Dana Colt's philosophy, a decent man that Tom realized to his good fortune happened to be his boss and the closest thing Tom now had to a friend.

Tom turned off the camera and continued thinking about Mr. Colt. Tom wondered how photogenic the man was and if he would let Tom take his picture sometime with his new digital toy. He didn't know how long it would be before Mr. Blue Lips returned with The Amazing Remote Controller, but when the lips graced his tv screen again, Tom definitely knew that he would more than likely have a few more tales to tell about his travels, but this time the sojourn he will take will be made out in the real world of Fairview Pennsyvania, maybe right along side of a certain bald suit-daddy who liked to speak passionately about tv crime shows and computers, who enjoyed wearing white button-down dress shirts with the sleeves rolled up over his hairy forearms, old fashioned bow-ties and nice, tight polyester suit pants who might one day be told about an amazing little device that had once helped an unfortunate loser find his way back into Life by helping him live in, embrace and control the realms of his television dreams.

The End...for now.

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