Adventures of Jared

By Danny Vining

Published on Jun 12, 1998



WARNING: This story contains descriptions of alternative sexualities Please do not view if doing so is illegal in your community or if you are a minor. The events depicted herein are based upon reality; however, names and certain identifying details have been altered to respect privacy. Enjoy!

The Adventures of Jared

by Jared

"I'm telling you, he is awesome looking." I promised my roommate as we get ready for the party. Matt just laughs at me as he has heard this many times. I shake my head laughing along as I realize that yes, about half the guys on this campus do look good. Unfortunately due to my low self image (thanks mom) I belong to the other group.

Let me introduce myself. I'm Jared, an 18-year old freshman. I'm kind of tall with shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes. I'm not real muscular, but I'm not too skinny. Basically I look like the boy next door. You know the type. In fact I pretty much am the boy next door. I got a full scholarship to college, got the red convertible for my birthday, was on the soccer team in high school, played in a band. You name it. I couldn't be any more ordinary. EXCEPT I have this problem with girls. I don't like them. Well, I don't hate them either; I'm just not attracted to them sexually. So I'm 18, a virgin, and scared to death that I'll be one forever.

ANYWAY, I'm walking through campus trying to make Matt believe me as I tell him about this guy I met at the bookstore the other day. He was looking at some sort of magazine. I thought it was gay mag at first 'cause there was the incredibly hot looking guy on the front cover. So I make some small talk. It turned out that Kyle (his name) was looking at some dumb literary magazine. Another English major. We end up having some espresso. We talk for like two hours or so about everything. I just assume he's gay because he's SO comfortable around me. As we walk out to my car he even puts his hand on my shoulder.

He says he's walking back to campus (about two blocks actually) so I offer him a ride in my pride and joy. He talks on and on about my hot car (which it REALLY is since its like 100 degrees outside and I left the top down.) So I drive Kyle to his house which is a sort of run down looking wooden two story on the edge of campus. He invites me in, and I meet his roommates. There's Heather with red hair and a nose ring playing Nintendo on the floor with Nikki, a blond-haired girl. They're really really intense into this game so they just say HI. Sitting over in the corner is this other guy about my age named Jason. He's got on this long black shirt that goes to his knees. I'm praying that he does have on shorts under the shirt, but you can't tell. He's stoned or something 'cause he is staring at the ceiling. He nods HI.

Well, Kyle invites me to stay a while but I can't. Matt, my roommate, and some of his straight friends are going to some damn party tonight. Since I have the car I'm taking them. Oh yeah, I have to buy the liquor too since I also have the fake ID. I tell Kyle all this saying I have to go. Heather is all "Hell yeah if you get bored stop by. We need something to drink, too, you know." She tries to pout. She doesn't know yet that it has NO effect on me. Kyle, on the other hand, shakes my hand AND puts his hand on my shoulder for like the 50th time since we met and we say BYE. I can't help but glance to his pants.

Anyway, Matt and I get ready for the party. I have to admit if Matt wasn't my best friend I'd be ALL over him. He found out that I was "alternative" at the end of our senior year in high school when he borrowed my computer one night and accidently found a lot of pics. He took it okay. Said he suspected such since I hadn't dated ANY girls in high school. But he still wanted to be my roommate in college and promised silence. Now he acts like nothing's changed! He still walks around our dorm room getting dressed in front of me 'cause he knows we're best friends and I would NEVER try anything on him. Well, we did get really drunk at a party, and he let me touch it once. But that was just the alcohol thinking for him. I was impressed, but he must not remember it. So I dropped it.

Let me just say that the party sucked. I was SO bored. Matt went to some fishes room so I ended up leaving the party alone. It was close enough to campus that I didn't have to worry about my friend getting back to the dorm. So I drove around the campus with the top down. Amazingly enough I had two unopened bottles of liquor left. I remembered Kyle's invitation so I found myself at his house. Heather answered the door.

The scene at Kyle's house was just like it was when I left them earlier that afternoon except this time Kyle and Nikki were playing Nintendo. They all laughed as I stumbled in the door waving the liqour bottles. Even Jason (still in his corner in the long black shirt) got up to greet me. We ended sitting around on the floor and finishing off the liqour. We played lots and lots of Nintendo and listen to some wierd-ass music. I noticed that Kyle continued with his hand on my shoulder and even put his han on my knee a couple of times! But to my disappointment it turned out that Jason DID have on shorts under that sexy black shirt. DAMN. He looked so fabulous and straight! Very straight!

Soon we ran out of liquor and got bored. Kyle finally decided to go to bed but not before letting me know that I was welcome to stay the night in the guest room. Eventually Heather and Nikki went upstairs to their respective bedrooms. So Jason and I were sitting on the hardass wooden floor. He finally told me that yes, he was indeed stoned or something like that. He told me that he feels REALLY REALLY good right now. We played Nintendo for an hour or so and then got bored again.

"SO Kyle was talking about you. Where'd you meet?" he asks just to make conversation.

"At the bookstore. He's freaked out. You know English major and all."

"Yeah, his ex called him today so he's been really weird today."

"What was HIS name?" I asked Jason.

SHIT! I can't believe I asked what was HIS name. Jason's face turned about fifty shades of red and then he giggled and said that HIS name was Melissa. I can now see myself ruining my new friendships that are not even one day old. I can't believe I said that!

"That's what I meant. Just slipped."

"I know. I know. He's into the touchy feely thing. He's just sensitive that's all. He's not a homo or anything." Jason acted offended.

"I didn't mean to say that he was or anything. Just slipped up that's all. Sorry man."

"Its okay." Jason got really quiet and looked at me like he was mad or something.

"I guess I should really be going. Man its late."

"You drink too much. Really are you sure you need to be driving. We have an extra bed."

I decide to stay but Jason is still looking at me like I'm accusing his friend or something. He leads me to a not-so-vacant room and tells me I can sleep here and then turns the light out and shuts the door. I hear the toilet flush as I get undressed to my boxers. I get in the double bed and wonder who's room this is 'cause its got stuff in it. It's not like a spare room or anything. There were clothes and stuff on the floor like someone...

My thoughts get interrupted as the door opens and Jason walks in and shuts it. There's enough moonlight shining through the window that I can see Jason taking his shirt and shorts off. Next thing I know he climbs under the covers. I'm so DAMN scared I just stay still and hope he thinks I'm already asleep. I feel a kiss on my cheek and then hear him giggle in a really drunk way.

"Good night sweetie." He laughs.

"night. "

"I guess I forgot you were supposed to sleep in the spare room. "

"Oh well I'm so drunk I don't care--" I begin but as he turns over on his side my hand accidently comes in contact with his package. I jerk back hoping he didn't notice, but his laughing tells me that he noticed. Next thing I know he's reaching under the covers and I see his boxers as he throws them over the bed. He grabs my hand and says "please" as I feel his hard on. It's thinner than mine and about six inches long and cut. I almost cream right then but I'm so scared. Before I know it his hands are on the back of my head pressing me down there. I open my mouth and hear him moan a little as he enters my mouth. I'm still too scared to do anything so I just lay still and suck while he moves his hips in and out.

I get adventurous and grab his balls (shaved) in my hand. This makes him moan louder and buck his hips faster in my mouth. My jaws start to ache, and I'm so scared my knees are still shaking. I want this to stop, but then again, I don't want it to ever end. He starts fucking my mouth so hard I get tears in my eyes and I gag a couple of times. Then before I realize what happens his balls get really tight as his penis swells and starts throbbing. He holds my head tight against him as I taste him. Six spurts come out followed by some oozing liquid. I don't gag at the taste. I don't know what to think. He eventually pulls his soft organ out of my mouth. I can hear his rapid breathing. I feel tears on my cheek as I start to cry. He moves my hands away from his balls and then pulls me up to his muscled chest and puts his arms around me and gets really still. I drift off listening to his heartbeat.

The End

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Anyway this is my very first story. I hope you like it. If you want to email me you can. Please make sure you address the email to me, JARED, because I have to use a friends email account.

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