Adventures of Adam

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Oct 20, 2010



"The Adventures of Adam"

"mixed Signals"

Written by Tony

Edited by Lowell.T


It was morning time, and I poured a bowl of cereal. But when I sat down to eat I thought about Aiden and my first time meeting him.

"What are you smiling about?" I snapped out of the daydream including the perfect boy, and mom was giving an amused look.

"Nothing. Just thought about today, that's all. Going to Stuyvesant High School. I'm sure it will be different then Lincoln."

"Eat up and get ready for school, the driver will take you."

"Thank you, mom."

"For what?"

"Not sending me to one of those stuffy, uniform schools where those rich brats go." She laughed in agreement.

"Well, you're welcome, but you're seventeen. What would I look like sending you to a school like that I know you would rebel , anyway? I have to go honey, hurry up!" she left out in a hurry.

I got dressed, in a red hoodie, light blue jeans, and red sneakers. I put a little bit of gel in my hair, made sure it was cropped the right way, and grabbed my messenger bag. I left out, said good morning to the sexy doorman, and got into a black car.

"Where to sir?"

"345 Chambers Street." He nodded. It took fifteen minutes to get there, he pulled in and I got out. I looked at the big sign, a green back ground with big sliver letters reading Stuyvesant High School. Kids were going inside and I walked in as well, this school was a lot different from Lincoln High in New Jersey. Our school had three floors, but we had a wider layout. I felt really confused looking around, some kids were looking at me, I think a lot of the time they stare at who is new, and who is not.

"You new here?" I turned my head to a guy standing there. He had golden blond hair cut short into a Ceaser, and green eyes. He looked the part of total jock, he would fit in with Tyler and Oliver. He Most Definitly had some kind of a new york Spanish accent , it wasn't really noticeable

"How'd you guess? Yeah, I'm Adam."

"Travis," we shook hands.

"I'll take you to the office."

"Thank you," was all I said as he led me to the office

A woman wearing glasses walked over to us from behind the counter.

"How can I help you?"

"I'm new, it's my first day."

"What is your name?" she asked

"Its Adam Rainer."

She typed in my name in the computer and said, "There you are.

She printed out a course sheet.

"Your home room is with Mr. Shelby, and that starts in three minutes

"You have homeroom with me. Don't worry about it, I'll guide you." He was cute but most definitely straight.

Before we got to homeroom he turned to me, "You'll be fine." He then placed his hand on my back; it felt so good there. The bell rang and we continued to walk until we reached the room.

"Mr. Rodriguez, you're late again."

"Sorry, Mr. Shelby I was just helping the new kid," he confessed. The other kids were staring into my soul, and I felt naked.

"You must be Adam Rainer, I saw your name pop up on the attendance a few days ago. Take a seat anywhere." I scanned the room. Travis waved me over, and I sat next to him. A girl with long brown hair smiled at me. That's the only thing I hated about new schools, to the girls I was automatically straight until I told them any different. I didn't feel like doing the whole "coming out" thing again.

"Looks like you have an admirer" Travis bumped me

"Too bad I'm not interested." He looked at me and then looked like he was thinking something.

Class was over relatively fast, and I had Computer Media Class without Travis...and Math without him too. But lunch came around, and he was sitting by himself. I sat down across from him; he looked up and smiled.

"Where's your Crew" I asked, a smile broke through.

"I don't have many friends. Maybe three...tops. They all kind of flaked on me when they found out I was gay."

"Wait, you're gay?" he nodded yes

"And so are you." Travis stated matter-of-factly.

"What? How do you know that?" I asked.

"Adam, I have some serious gaydar, I was hoping maybe we can be friends or something."

"Yeah, I would like that."

"This school has its homophobes, but it isn't that bad. Especially if we stick together"

"At my old school there were a lot of gay guys there. My ex boyfriend, he wasn't much of a boyfriend, we only dated for a few weeks, was on the football team. So was this guy, Mark, I was fooling around with."

"Sounds like I am in the wrong school." we both laughed

I notice the girl walk pass she brushed into me, I looked up she smiled

"Vikki definitely wants that cock of yours." I rolled my eyes, and he laughed.

"so Rodriguez?, I take it your not white"

"no, but I look it right" I nodded

" I guess somewhere in the past one of my ancestors were but nope , I am Puerto Rican"

"your cute" he smiled the bumped his shoulders with mine

"don't flirt!" we both burst with laughter

** After school, I met Aiden at the local Starbucks. As we sat down, we talked about school.

"So how was your first day?" he asked, all smiles.

"It was fine, I met a few people that were cool. What about you?"

"I met a few new people as well."

"Really!? Do tell!"

"Nah, this is, umm, our time." It kind of sounded like he was hiding something, but I blew it off.

"So you want to--" his phone interrupted me. He opened it and started texting.

I didn't continue, I just looked at him while he completely ignored me. I seriously didn't think meeting him would turn out like this.

"Umm, I have to go, er, homework." I stood up, he didn't even pay me any attention. I shook my head in anger and left.

For some reason I felt angry, upset. I bet he didn't even realize I was gone.

********** I got home and Dad was in his office, I poked my head in.

"Hey dad!"

"Adam! I feel like I haven't seen you in a while! Come in!" I sat down on the leather armchair, facing him behind his desk.

"So what have you been up to?"

"Today was my first day of school."

`How was it?" "It was fine, I can't complain. Where's mom?"

"She will be working late."

"Dad, I'm going for pizza."

"Okay, son." I got up and left out deciding to go to the pizza shop that Aiden took me to. When I got there I ordered a slice of cheese pizza.

"Well, well, well." I turned around and Krys was standing there

"Where's your little boyfriend?"

"I don't have a boyfriend. Why are you always here? Aren`t models supposed to be anorexic?" as if I said something hilarious, he laughed.

"Aww! He broke up with you that quick?" Krys was cute, and all, but deathly annoying.

"I am not in the mood Krys!"

"So you know my name? Can I ask for yours?"

"Adam. Now buzz away"

He held out his hand, I was skeptical about shaking it, but I did, anyways. He then pulled me into a kiss, I pushed him back and he laughed again.

"And you're such a sweet kisser!" he licked his lips. "You taste good too!" he winked at me, and leaned in for round two.but I wasn't having any of that

I turned back around and got my food, paid, then sat down.

He sat in the opposite bench on the booth, as I began to eat.

"Let me guess...Aiden is occupied with someone else. He plays innocent, but he isn't. There is always two sides to every story."

"Really? I was told you cheated on him. So what's your side?"

"Oh, I did, and I don't regret it. Aiden was a horrible boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, he is a sweetheart, and great to look at, but he just doesn't know how to be a boyfriend. And he doesn't pick up on signs very well, either. You could be into him, and he wouldn't even know it. That's what happened, there was this boy name Donovan hanging around, and I tried to tell Aiden that Donovan was into him, but he didn't believe me. I was tired of him hanging around, and Aiden never telling him to get lost, so I slept with Chamber."

I didn't say anything.

"So what is your story?"

"I don't have one." He reached over and took hold of my hand.

"Come on. Please?, everyone has a story"

I snatched my hand away. he continued.

"Adam, seriously, I did nothing wrong to you. Why don't you like me?" he was right, I had no reason to dislike him.

"You're right, I'm sorry." He smiled at that.

"I'm from New Jersey, and I go to Stuyvesant high school."

"Cute and smart."

"Are you flirting with me?" was my rebuttal. I couldn't believe this guy.

"Maybe," he winked at me. I tried hard not to give into him, but he knew how to use his looks to get what he wanted. I made sure it wouldn't work with me...almost.

"What about chamber?"

"Chamber is not my boyfriend, he just serves his purpose"

I looked at him completely irritated.

"He is a human being, don't you think he deserves better then what you can give him?"

"Of course, we all deserve better then what we have been given." He looked at me and for a second, I saw a scared guy, a guy who did not know what would happen in life next. I wanted to tell him to be a better person, but my phone went off.

I got a text from Aiden; it said to meet him at central park west. I ended my conversation with Krys, and left. Maybe Aiden wanted to apologize for ignoring me? **********

My driver found Central Park West and I saw Aiden I got out of the car and walked over to him he hugged me

"I'm sorry about earlier," he told me. I smiled.

"It's totally okay, dude," I assured him, he smiled back.

"I wanted you to meet someone!"

"Who?" I asked.

"Levon!" he yelled. A guy came over, and stood next to Aiden.

"Adam, this is Levon. We met a few days ago at a fashion shoot, and we are making it official. He's my boyfriend!"

My heart just broke into a million pieces. Levon looked like he stepped right off the pages of some magazine

"It's, umm, well, it's nice to meet you." I held out my hand, he shook it, Aiden looked at me weird. He must have heard the tones of defeat in my voice.

"I was thinking we go to this café and talk."

"Umm, I, uhh, can't. I'm sorry I have, er, homework and a lot of stuff" I turned around, and thought to myself, why was I about to cry? Was it because I felt humiliated and I was the only person who knows how I feel? Or was it the fact that I could have made a move on him when we first met but I was just trying to be a good guy. I must have read him wrong. This sucked. Why couldn't I ever get the guy? This all felt like a vicious cycle.

"Adam!" Aiden caught up to me and grabbed me by my arm turning me around

"Hey, why are you crying?"

"I'm not...all these tree's I get allergies in the fall "

"What's going on?"

"Nothing, I just have a lot to do." I ran off. Talk about dramatic! I just couldn't be there anymore. I hopped into the black, Lincoln car and he took me home.

When I went back home, I went to my room. I didn't want to be bothered. I know I didn't have a claim to Aiden, I just liked him a lot and I guess Krys was right; he just didn't pick up on that. Hell, I thought he was flirting with me the first time we met, I guess the signs being crossed were mutual.

The next day, I woke up and took a shower I got ready for school went downstairs, the door man held the door open I walked out the the town car .

"Hey." I turned around Aiden was standing there he walked up to me.

"What's going on?" he seemed genuinely concerned.

" I have school," I said sadly.

"Please, Adam, talk to me," he placed his hand in mine. My knees buckled with his touch.

"Nothing, I have to get to school, Aiden, I don't think we can be friends anymore." I turned away from him

"What? Why?"

"I just can't!"

I got in the car and the driver pulled out. I looked back, Aiden was looking at the car, and he looked hurt. I was sick of falling for the guy I couldn't have! What was the point of being friends with someone I wanted but couldn't have?

** At school

I went to my locker I felt an arm around my neck I looked over and it was Travis

"Hey, so I was thinking..." I turned and kissed him square on the lips, he pulled back.

"What are you doing?" he asked calmly.

"Kissing you!" I smirked.

"Why? I thought I got the friend vibe?"

"You did!? God, I'm sorry. When I lash out I kiss, and want to have sex, I'm talking to much" I told him sarcastically. He chuckled.

"Easy tiger, what's wrong?" he asked

"I thought this guy liked me and it turns out he only likes me as a friend. He introduced me to some guy he just met and they are calling each other boyfriends already. I just told him this morning we couldn't be friends, was I being an insensitive jerk?" I closed my locker and we started for homeroom.

"Yes and no...I mean yes, because you probably hurt his feelings and he doesn't know why you don't want to be his friend...and, no, because you're only trying to protect yourself from getting hurt. Sometimes you have to hurt others in order to put yourself first Adam." We walked into class before the Teacher

"Hi, Adam!" Vikki smiled at me.

"Um...hi" I went over and sat next to Travis again.

"I think if you feel like you can't handle being around the guy you should just stay away for a while. It would probably be good for the both of you."

I nodded in a positive, understanding manner.

"I think that would be best, rather than sit around and watch him start a relationship that I wish I was in instead."


With that I decided that it would be best to stay clear from Aiden, and who knows maybe the guy that is attainable for me will be right be around the corner

Thank you Lowell for the Edit, you're a trooper lol... and thank you readers for the Reading, this is my fifth story on nifty and I hope you are all enjoying it. If you want to see anything happen in this story give me some idea's . I want to know what it is , you would like to see happen with Adam ... also go to my site @ See you guys next time .

Next: Chapter 3

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