Adventures of a Manipulative Bottom

By Chuckles Chuckerson

Published on Jul 18, 2023


Adventures of a Manipulative Bottom (Chapter Seven)

Your overwhelming demand for the return of London Harrison has brought me back to this story two years later.

Feel free to write me an e-mail! Comments, suggestions, and criticisms are what fuel the writer to continue:

[Continuing from the same night depicted in Chapter Six]

At her sister's house, Mrs. Ringwald caressed the curvature of her stomach and thought about her family. Dr. Ringwald and her children - one new (London) and one on the way. Her and her husband had been seriously considering adopting London as a permanent member of their family. He was charming, polite, and a shining example of the success a conservative Christian upbringing can bring, even for a young minority who'd grown up raised by a drug-dealing thug like Jorge Dominiguez (Papi).

What she loved most was to see the growing bond between Dr. Ringwald and his new son. The two would play football outside together shirtless, their sweaty torsos glistening. Most times this would end in a good old-fashioned wrestling match. The broad-chested older man often won. Mrs. Ringwald would laugh when her brunette adonis of a husband would pin the teenager down, laughing at his triumph, his blue eyes squinting at the boy below him. "Gosh, my husband is DREAMY," she thought. He looked even sexier than usual now that he had grown his beard out.

This reminded her - she flashed to a memory she'd somehow pushed out of her mind. One day, she was in the kitchen wearing her pearls, baking the boys a pie. She looked out the window and saw the two men wrestling under a tree. They were getting a bit rough, tumbling around and biting each other playfully. She considered stepping in to stop them. That's when she saw the father of four lean in and kiss his new son on the mouth. It was a kiss that lasted about five seconds. Then the doctor patted the jock on the butt, ruffled his brown locks, and the two grabbed the football. She brought it up to her sister and her sister reassured her it was very normal and beautiful for a father to feel open enough to kiss his son as he would his daughter. It reflected Dr. Ringwald's Christ-like nature. She decided not to analyze that her husband never kissed any of their other children on the lips.

Mrs. Ringwald excitedly told her sister how proud she was that London had adjusted to a wholesome lifestyle, mostly with the help of her husband and her father (and pastor of their church), Reverend Harding. He mostly preached about the evils of women getting above their station, people not tithing to the church, and the abomination of homosexuality - God did not make Adam and Steve! The reverend himself was a beefy man, a man who was still rather macho and athletic early 50's with a hefty, muscular build that caught the attention of the women in the church who'd fantasize about becoming his wife while he gave the sermon. It got London off hearing the Reverend's bassy, husky voice shouting about the evils of sin the time Dr. Ringwald forcibly seized London's ass in the church (Chapter Two). It would be totally sinfully, perversely hot to seduce the pastor of a large, conservative church into a seething pump-and-dump session. The sex-deprived preacher giving into temptation,giving his coveted semen to a young pussyboy. But, for now, the manipulative bottom knew better than to overextend his ass and further complicate things.

While Mrs. Ringwald began to discuss her new "traditional marriage" group at church, London's boypussy clung to Dr. Ringwald's thick cock like a hungry baby's mouth to a bottle. The father and son had just fucked wildly and vigorously, the good doctor impregnating the boy below him with a few day's worth of potent baby batter. It had been months since London had a thorough feeding from Dr. Ringwald's delicious dong, but he'd finally manipulated the married man into giving him the ball juice nutrients he craved. It was like he derived a hulking heap of protein every time a virile, powerful man filled his ass up to the brim with sperm. The powerful man in London's ass, in London's bed was Dr. Ringwald. His potential children lost forever inside the boy below him.

After he was through cumming, Dr. Ringwald attempted to dislodge and dismount. After all, one of his sons was having a nightmare in the other room and needed some comfort too. But London arched his butt up to keep the man inside him. "Daaaaaaaad!" London whined. The sweating, hairy chested daddy laughed with bass deep from his gut. He got up into a push up position to look down at the beautiful bottom's pouting face. Damn, how could he say no? Maybe London was right. It wasn't fair that his own kids should get special attention over London, who had been raised in foster homes and slums. His kids have had his attention their whole lives, now it was London's time to have a daddy. A good, Christian daddy.

The wild sixteen year old sexpot smirked when he saw the hair covered pecs above him cleave together - with a grunt, the man fully re-inserted his semi erect cock back into London's cum-filled pussy hole. The Christian doctor closed his eyes and smiled at the immense post-orgasm pleasure of slowly moving his dick inside the boy he'd dominated. London curled his legs up a little bit and whimpered at the feeling of the softening dick grazing his still buzzing prostate. One of the doctor's children could be heard crying down the hall, probably looking for their father. London knew that at this point (now that the man had finally given him his seed) the only thing Dr. Ringwald could concentrate on was staying inside the submissive jock as long as possible. "Dad, since Mrs. Ringwald won't be back tonight, do you think you could stay with me? Inside me?" London asked so innocently the doctor almost didn't give it a second thought.

"Stay the night with you in your bed? Like this? I don't think so, London. I had better be heading on over to... oooooh..." The muscle-tensed stud sucked in air through his teeth, sighing with satisfaction when the kid clenched his hole to cling into the doctor's now re-thickening member. Dr. Ringwald looked up at the ceiling and then the walls, saw the picture of Jesus. He hoped God would forgive him for this someday, but for right now, his desire to keep pumping into the boy (hard dick or not) overrode his passion for God, church, and even the rest of his family.

Now London Harrison had really done it. And he was feeling cocky. Dr. Ringwald admired the beautiful body he was still inside of. Nice, curly dark brown hair. The Ringwald couple made him return to his natural hair color to look more "wholesome" (suburban Republicans!). Piercing, sexy hazel eyes. Pouty full lips he'd inherited from the black side of his family. Broad shoulders which lead to rounding, squeezable pecs. Fleshy, scrumptious nipples that begged to be manipulated. They'd gotten bigger since he started playing football. When he messed up during a game, Coach Phillips would rough them up to get the kid spasming on his cock. Of course, the good doctor didn't know his son was getting screwed in the name of discipline by the quick-tempered, hulking football coach.

Decent abs – not nearly as good as his best friend, Andrew Stills, but decent – that went down to a V. His thighs and calves were toned and practically begged to be spread by powerful men. His light brown skin was now a caramel color since he'd been in the sun so much due to practice. Mrs. Ringwald always complimented him on how beautiful his skin was, that he looked "exotic". How smooth and creamy it was. London laughed at what a stupid bitch she was. Always spending her time campaigning against gay marriage, when a teen boy was stealing her husband right from under her.

The hunky doctor began to caress the boy's most valuable asset – his delectably plump bubble rump.His juicy ass had an almost magical quality to it. Men, no matter how straight (or religious) could not resist (at least) giving a very long look at the perfect globes that bounced like two breasts you could fuck. At most, the lucky ones would find themselves impregnating the slutty jock's pussy hole instead of their wives'. The muscular daddy's thick hands on his ass was making London really horny. Scrunching up his brow, London felt up the dominant man's full, furry chest, played with the chest hair. He loved that the older man had grown his beard out, it looked so masculine and strong. He alternated clenching his right and left butt cheeks, making them bounce and jiggle. He sure was horny. Too bad that annoying old bitch maid Maria wasn't around to get to hear round two.

Since the adoption process begun, London had full reign to order Maria about like the Ringwald couple does. Maria, get me and Andrew a coke, just a little bit of ice. Maria, do my laundry. Now. Maria, can you go to the basement? Dr. Ringwald and I need to do my Bible lesson – alone.

The worried maid hated every second of it. Only she knew that the demon child was hypnotizing the poor Christian doctor into doing sinful acts with him. Dr. Ringwald didn't know that Maria had walked in on them a few times, but London knew. And he loved it. Whenever Maria tried to foil his plans, he'd one-up her by getting her into some sort of trouble. Mrs. Ringwald's jewelry would go missing. A child's favorite toy would go missing after Maria had cleaned their room. A bottle of liquor would disappear (in truth, London would drink the bottle with his good friend and fellow bottom boy, Lionel). London would pretend to regret telling on Maria and Mrs. Ringwald would reward him with money for his brave, Christ-like honesty.

In fact, the rewards were coming in everywhere. Now that he had convinced the Ringwalds to officially adopt him, he'd gotten an Iphone, a new Mac computer, state of the art headphones, the newest, trendiest clothes and – most outrageously – an almost brand new BMW given to him by Mrs. Ringwald's father, Reverend Harding, in thanks for all the charity work he pretended to do at church.

London pouted when the doctor pinned his muscular arms down to make him stop playing with his nipples and getting himself all horny again. It was getting late and they both needed to get up early- London to school, the doctor to his office. For now, they would just enjoy Dr. Ringwald's softened cock resting (tenderly in the sensitive ring of) the jock bottom's butt.

Meanwhile, London's worst nightmare was taking place elsewhere in the house. London didn't know it, but Dr. Ringwald ignoring his children for the demon child was the last straw for Maria. Despite the lateness of the hour, Maria requested Reverend Harding meet her in her chambers. It was important, concerned the future of his daughter and his grandchildren. The reverend who had been up late at the church writing a fiery sermon on Sodom and Gomorrah dropped everything and rushed over.

"This is a boy of dark magic, Reverend!" Maria tattled. "What I tell you is true – I see with my own eyes. He does spells on Dr. Ringwald! He makes him have lust in his eye – makes Mrs. Ringwald get so that she has another baby! Makes Dr. Ringwald climb on top of him and do unspeakable acts!"

Reverend Harding rubbed his hard belly. He was a sharp, beefy, macho man. He was the preacher you always thought would be a powerful fuck. He had brown hair with a hint of gray, a strong masculine jaw line. Despite his minor heart condition, Reverend Harding was a virile and strong man who commanded respect from the members of his church.

He put down his black leather bag and sat down on the edge of Maria's beige bed. He looked Maria up and down a bit – he was a very religious man, but the thought of London being a demon possessed homosexual who seduced his son-in-law daily in some twisted plot of the devil... it sounded completely ridiculous.

"Look, Maria, I know it's hard to adjust to change. I know you hate change. Heck, we all do. But imagining that London is some sort of demon possessed... he's just a kid. A smart, funny, giving Christian boy we all have come to care for. A poor boy who grew up around too many drugs and violence in his youth. But he's adjusting well to our way of life, to our Christian standards of living. Now I've never said this to anyone, but I admit I did have my reservations about him joining this family. Sometimes I'd... I'd get a strange feeling about the boy and it seemed like perhaps he was a bit too... smart for his own good. Always running around with this body showing - I'm sure he was taught that by his criminal foster father. A Mexican, no less. But he's become a good role model to all the boys in our church. And the men in the congregation have takin' a real shine to him, always patting him on the back for his accomplishments. I think my daughter and son-in-law are doing a BANG-UP job of reforming this boy. Now I don't want to hear another word of this, you understand?"

Maria began to weep for her poor, naïve reverend. She didn't want to do it, but she pulled out a video camera and handed it to him. He struggled to figure out how to press play, but once he did he almost had a heart attack on the spot. There it was plain as day. What Reverend Harding saw was his son-in-law -the widely respected Dr. Ringwald - ravenously fucking (perhaps raping!) the hell out the caramel-skinned, teenaged bottom boy on his desk. London's distraught face was pressed against the papers that littered the desk he was taken on. The married doctor appeared angry, vengeful, not his normal, charming, friendly self. From what he could see in the video, London looked helpless as the more muscular, bigger man took what he wanted, filling London's bubble butt up with white man meat whether London wanted it or not. Reverend Harding imagined it was a discipline situation gone wrong. Dr. Ringwald had confided in his father-in-law the troubles he was having disciplining London, but there was no mention of this. This was an erotic abomination of the worst kind.

Reverend Harding continued to watch. He saw London looking strained, biting his lower lip in order to bear the pain of being taken so forcefully. He saw Dr. Ringwald yank London's hair in order to pull the boy's head back. The audio was very low so he couldn't make out what the doctor was saying into the bouncing jock's ear, but he could hear London yell out what sounded like "Please!" as if crying for help. The muscled boy squirmed on the aggressive doctor's big lap, perhaps trying to get up, but the doctor held the teen firmly across his pillowy, chest, the man's white fingers barely grazing the nipples they framed. There was no escape. The only strange thing was the the boy's cock was bouncing, fully erect.

He kept watching. London began to yell something, but he couldn't quite hear what the boy was yelling out. The kid was spanked, his mouth agape and yelping with each twisted thrust. Then the Reverend heard it: "Breed me, Dr. Ringwald!" the kid called out for cum with complete lust. After that, in a fit of rage, Dr. Ringwald stood up out of his office chair, carrying the boy in his big arms, and began to ejaculate profusely into the screaming, bouncing boy's butt, spanking him and pulling his hair the whole time. This climax lasted about a minute before the doctor was seen putting the boy down, repositioning his glasses, and collecting spilled paper work. No attention was paid to the boy who scurried away upstairs, out of the camera's shot. The reverend pressed stop and stared off into space.

"Where did you get this?" he asked the vindicated maid.

"The devil child put the camera in the library to record his evil acts! Then when he knew I took the camera, he slapped me on my face! Threaten to get rid of me! What I tell you is true! It is all the boy's doing! Dr. Ringwald is innocent, a man of God! The good doctor is a victim of the Satan's work! Satan LIVES in that boy's heart, in that boy's BOTTOM! I swear to you, Reverend, I see DEMONS when I look into that child's eyes! " Maria cried hysterically, clutching at the large, silver crucifix she'd been using to try to pray the demonic gay away..

"I know, Maria, I know. It is clear to me now that this child is a temptuous homosexual and an aberration to this Christian house. He has used his courting, young body for evil. I'll make it my business to see that he is thrown out and returned to the foster home - tonight, " the reverend said - what he must do now was obvious. He put the video camera in his bag and took hold of Maria's crucifix. Possessed with the purpose to maintain the masculine and religious dignity of the Harding/Ringwald household, he marched over, bag and crucifix in hand, to Dr. Ringwald's bedroom. To his surprise, his son-in-law wasn't there. He started to check all the rooms of the house.

When the reverend cracked open London's bedroom door, what he saw hit him in the gut. The jock was laying full-bodied on top of his hunky father figure, the married man's rock hard bone still plugging the boy's cummy hole. The reverend's jaw dropped. His view revealed London's gloriously smooth, caramel globes pointed skywards. No pants. No jock strap. No underwear. Just his green and white football jersey and some matching socks. The reverend saw the base of his son-in-law's thick rod hanging out of the boy's stuffed bottom, the man's big arms wrapped around the jock's jersey, holding the boy close on top of him. Dr. Ringwald was obviously asleep with an unconscious hard-on, undoubtedly provoked by the fact that London was still semi-conscious, moaning, moving himself around carefully as not to wake the sleeping man up. The dozing daddy was snoring a sexual snore, his breathing becoming more labored as London grinded methodically atop him.

Reverend Harding gasped at what could not be seen in the video: the boy's obscenely sexualized ass. It was round, plump, delicious, sinfully provocative. Erotically dangerous. No wonder... The man clutched the crucifix tightly. He would need God on his side this evening. Furious - ENRAGED! - at having witnessed the affair his son-in-law was having with his adopted grandchild, the steaming Reverend picked up the phone and dialed his daughter. He would tell her everything immediately and this would all be over tonight. Then the hot, shadowy image of the boy's buns slowly pumping up and down the white phallus penetrating the bubble butt flashed into the beefy holy man's mind. He hung up the phone. He'd go to the prayer room downstairs. He would pray. And God would tell him what to do about the alluring demon upstairs.

Meanwhile, upstairs London found himself on his back again. Eyes closed, his smooth thighs held in place by another man's pulsating biceps. "Uhhhhh!" London sighed salaciously. Sweat dripped from a long strand of hair belonging to the man atop him. London opened his eyes to see a strikingly beautiful Middle Eastern man taking him passionately. The energetically intense man had long black hair with majestic, dark facial features. The way his eyes penetrated London's sent electric waves through the bottom jock's body. The waves culminated in the ring of his anus, causing him to clench down on the mystery man fucking into him.

The man fucking the gasping pussy boy was Jesus Christ himself. And tonight the slut-boy was Jesus' special disciple. "Oh, Jesus, your cock is tenderizing my ass. It feels so good. Please don't stop- uuuuuuuuh!" London moaned, lost in erotic confusion.

Jesus continued pumping into the sighing boy and squeezed his pretty face, causing his lips to poke out. "Why have you betrayed me?"

London was caught off guard by the question. How did Jesus know? "I'm sorry, Master, it's just in my nature.... the devil made me this way."

"You're such a traitorous slut," Jesus spat. "I should send you to the depths of hell where you belong, where you'll be raped by Satan himself and all his red hot muscle-demons for eternity. You'd like that, wouldn't you, Judas?"

"Yes, yes, oooooh!" London's mouth was agape with lust.

"You got off seeing me on the Cross, seeing that your sinful boy pussy caused my suffering. DON'T you?" Jesus thrust in hard. The fingers he placed in between London's lips kept the boy from answering in words. He could only close his eyes tight and nod as Jesus Christ punished him for his sins.

"Cum in me, Jesus, please, get me pregnant with your Holy Seed, uuuuuuuuuuh-huuuuuuuuuuh-huh-huh-huh-huh!" London cried out. Jesus dropped his head down, continuing to pump into the pussy boy below him in push up position. His long, black, sweating hair dripped onto London's chest. The moaning jock could feel the cock within him start to thicken and pulsate. The ultimate load was cumming his way.

"Forgive him, Father, for he knows not what he do!" Jesus called out, his cosmic cock jumping wildly in the ass he was punishing. The semen inside him felt like a rush of cold ocean water. In the distance, he could hear a chorus of angels singing. But the singing soon turned to screaming, brutal demonic cries that began to fill the whole room with red light and dark black shadows. London looked up at the humping man atop him. Blood began to gush out of Jesus' wrists, ankles, forehead, and then his eyes, the blood completely saturating London and the bed below them. London screamed and tried to escape Jesus' frightening embrace.

That's when he woke up screaming, trying to wriggle himself out of the tight-hold Dr. Ringwald had on him. The cock inside him was still rock hard and swimming in cum and the doctor was a strong man, so London couldn't very easily escape. He slid up and down his father figure's stimulated dick, trying to get off of him. Dr. Ringwald woke up, startled, confused and trying to figure out where he was. Then he remembered and grabbed London by the face. "What's wrong, son, what's going on?" London looked around the room wildly. He saw that his bedroom door was cracked open - someone had been there!

"I had a nightmare that Jesus.... I was Judas and Jesus raped me for betraying him!" London cried out.

Dr. Ringwald rubbed his bearded chin, concerned. He took the boy under the armpits and slowly removed him from his softening, thick cock. It was drenched in his own baby batter. Though London was still rattled by the dream, he couldn't help but look at daddy's cum drenched cock and want to swallow it, to lick up all its contents. London began to "cry" to get the older man's sympathies. But this time, to the manipulative bottom's surprise, it didn't work. Dr. Ringwald began to come back to his senses. Tonight, he had once again betrayed his family for an extra-marital fuck with a boy. He began to feel sick.

"I'm going to bed, London. To my own bed. I need to do some praying about all of this. I'll see you in the morning."

London tried to argue, but the doctor shut him down firmly as any father would do to a teenage son who talked back. After the doctor left, London stood up, still in just his jersey and socks. It must have been really late at night by now. Still shaken by the dream, he examined his boypussy in the mirror. It didn't look as tight as usual, probably from the muscular doctor's wide prick plugging it up for hours. He whimpered a little at the sensation when a dribble of cum dropped out, down his ass and onto his balls. He scooped the baby batter up with his finger and lovingly sucked it in his mouth. Salty and sweet. Maybe he'd sneak into his daddy's bed and get the rest of-

That's when Reverend Harding walked in looking taller and broad-chested than ever. Stern, serious, and fucking mad as hell. He held his black leather bag in his left hand, the large wooden crucifix held up in his right.

"Reverend Harding! Oh my God, I didn't know you were here!" London, a bit of cum on his lips, said with genuine surprise. "I was just-"

"I know what the hell you are doing here, boy, and it ends right here. Tonight. Pack your things. I'm taking you back to the adoption agency where you belong," the reverend commanded.

"Back to foster homes? But, Reverend, Grandfather, sir, bad things happen there. I don't want to go there! Besides, this is my home now with you and Mrs. Ringwald and-"

"Don't call me grandfather, I'm not any father to you anymore. This is a house of GOD, you brazen Jezebel. This is no home of yours. You've been parading that unholy ASS of yours around here for months. We've all seen it, but all of us were blinded by that demonic light of Lucifer, but no more. Now pack your suitcase."

"Reverend, I was just raised that it was OK to be naked. I would never want-"

"Shut up, devil. I should have followed my first instinct, my first thought about you. That was God speaking to me. Warning me. The way you'd look at me when we'd go running. Those little shorts you'd wear to show off your untamed ass. You were a wolf in sheep's clothing, alright. It's written all over your face, for God's sake. Wipe that semen off. Now."

London's whole reality was falling about – all his money making schemes, his car, his life of luxury, his hot times with Dr. Ringwald, his plan to find Papi would be over if he didn't play this right. He was running out of options. He just stared up at the hot older man, pleadingly. London's eyes bugged out of his head when Reverend Harding pulled the video camera out of his bag. Fuck! It was all over. Reverend Harding would tell Mrs. Ringwald everything. The sexy Dr. Ringwald would go to jail for statutory rape, London would go back to some random, impoverished foster home. The towering figure pressed play. London was in complete shock. Not only had Maria not destroyed the video tape, but the sneaky bitch had successfully derailed his plan by showing the sex tape to Mrs. Ringwald's preacher of a father!

The video showed Dr. Ringwald putting his office back together after the hot pump-and-dump session in his office. Then it showed the camera moving wildly. Then, to London's surprise, the next video showed him pinning Dr. Ringwald's arm above his head as he rode him wildly. The erotic audio was clear: "Your cock is meant to be in a hot boy's ass. My ass. You see how bad I need it and you need it too. This is on a whole other level than your wife!"

FUCK! There were only two ways out of this mess. Now all bets were off. London grabbed the video camera and tried to run out of the room, but the athletic reverend subdued him quickly, grabbing him around the torso and pulling him close. The sexy audio could still be heard as the two hot men wrestled for the rights to the tape. "Give it to me, Dr. Ringwald, give me your cum and I'll be your son." the reverend heard the boy moan on the video tape.

London's body was pressed tightly, completely against that of the righteously angry reverend. "Maria was right! You ARE a nasty little Jezebel," the man spat, keeping the camera away from the boy while still holding him. London could feel the older man's muscular hardness, the masculine strength he held onto in order to be a true man of God. "Every Sunday you hear me preach. Every Sunday you sit next to my daughter and her husband all the while you're having an adulterous, homosexual affair behind all of our backs! You tempt the other men in church, I've seen the way they look at you. I've seen how look at them, how you look at me! You dare bring lust and filth into our place of worship into this Christian home where there are children!"

Manly grunts and groans emitted from the video camera while London continued to struggle against the strength of the preacher. The hot jock bottom could feel Reverend Harding's heart racing. "So what? So what if Dr. Ringwald likes to play with my ass, spank me, make me his pussy boy? So what if he likes to dominate a young boy... don't all powerful men crave that, Reverend?" London struggled strategically so that the reverend would have to grab him across the ass to subdue him further. The bubble butt slut let out a little moan, started humping against the reverend lightly. The reverend who still held the grunt-blaring camera and the crucifix. All of this was getting to him. He'd just witnessed the sweaty, sexy slut seducing his son-in-law and now the biracial teen was trying to seduce the older white man of God into the ultimate sin.

"Jealous, Reverend? Jealous that Dr. Ringwald actually gave in to passion rather than just fantasizing about it? Jealous that your son-in-law got to pound into my tight ass before you did? You're so competitive with Dr. Ringwald, Reverend, it's no surprise you're mad that he marked my ass first. But, don't worry I can make room for you, too. Come on, Reverend, you've always wanted to sin. Just once. You're a strong, virile man who has a natural urge to pound into a nice, hot pussy. Boy pussy. My pussy. It's your God-given right, Reverend. God sent me here for you and Dr. Ringwald and the other men at church to fuck. Hard," the grinding teen imparted with deep lust in his voice.

"The devil sent you here to disrupt, to destroy, to torment! Nothing good will come out of your seduction of my daughter's husband! You have hurt her and her children and, as God as my witness, I will never.... let you get... away with that..." Somehow, both of his hands had fallen squarely on London's deliciously nude bubble butt. The heat from the well used buns threatened to burn the Reverend's holy hands. London smirked and got on his tip toes to whisper into the tall black-suited man's ear. "Come on, stick a finger in. It's nice and wet for you, Daddy. God's not watching."

The man looked down at London, disgusted, but yet still didn't take his hands away. He began to caress the gold melons at his disposal, spreading them and then closing them. London grinded against the holy man's black-slacked thigh and whined a bit.

"Please, sir, just stick your finger in. Come on. It's OK to sin... just this once..." London whispered in the man's ear over and over. The muscled bottom arched his back sharply and whimpered in heat when he felt a thick manly finger enter his rectum. The further the finger pressed inward, the more London grew slack in the man's arms.

"You made me do this," the muscular preacher said firmly, adding another finger. His other hand continued to maul the hot ass.

"Yes, sir."

"You're a Delilah, a whore who torments men of God for evil purposes. You begged for this." he spat, still fingering the boy's hole and undoing his own pants.

London knew what to do. He got down on his knees and pulled the reverend's thick chubby into his mouth, holding it in his cheek. The hot preacher, the one who was the paragon of virtue, Christianity, and conservatism, had his big dick in the mouth of a male jock teenager. There was already a bit of sweet precum which London could taste in his cheek. He was hoping for more. Reverend Harding ran his hand over the boy's hair, forehead, and face feeling his own cock in the kid's cheek. Then London gobbled the dick all the way into his throat with need. He took the large crucifix from the floor and began to move it's curved end in and out of his cummy hole tenderly.

"HUH!! You..." Rev. Harding grunted with a strange mix of lust and disgust. "Oh yeah, Maria was right. You are an evil faggot. Any boy that does this with such desperate vigor has to be possessed with a spirit. This is unnatural... a boy swallowing a man's penis! Desiring a man's seed. Any boy that takes it in the bottom is possessed by a demon. Any boy that... ooooooooooooooh." He grabbed the kid's head and began to thrust in righteous anger.

The beefy preacher hadn't been sucked like this for decades. London sucked the muscular preacher's dick feverishly, feeling the man above him getting hotter and hotter. When Rev. Harding decided to put his thick babymaker all the way into London's throat, the boy began to choke, but the older man, now drunk with anger and righteousness, rationalized that choking on a dick would be good for the boy. Teach him the evils of cocksucking.

London almost blacked out before Rev. Harding let up, but the boy was desperate. He had to give in to Reverend Harding's hot cock or everything would be ruined. "Get it out of your mouth. Now." the man ordered with bass in his voice. Before London could fully get into doggy style position, the hard-bodied pastor entered his ass with a rough plunge. "Mmmmmm!" London whined, arching his back sharply. Rev. Harding had the bubble bottom by the sides of his ass and pulled him on the way back on his curved cock. The curve hit London's prostate uniquely, causing the kid to drop a little precum.

"Oooooh, this boy-ass is so so sweet." He was beginning to wonder if God did send London to him as a sexual reward. That is, until he remembered that the Bible expressly condemned this sort of perverse behavior, with the maximum punishment being death. Then he got angry and rough with the boy's tight ass, spanking it, spitting on it. The manipulative bottom squirmed and groaned as he got rammed doggy style. "Don't act like this isn't what you asked for, boy!"

"Yes, sir, this is what I asked for! What I need!"

"You made me take you! Just like you made my son-in-law take you!" Rev. Harding grabbed London by the shoulders and, still thrusting, brought London's mouth to his – to spit in it. "Swallow that spit, boy. It might help you." London swallowed it and opened his ass more to the reverend, allowing him to get more hard strokes in. The boy would yelp when the angry conservative would delve all the way in. When he spit in the gaping mouth again and again, London became more open to the man. Then the reverend started molesting London's pillowy pectorals. When he brushed up against his nipples, he found that London's ass would spasm on his dripping, curved white cock. The reverend furrowed his brow in pleasure, gasping and grunting at the intense heat they were generating.

Something about the rough fuck did start to rescramble London's brain. Was there a right and a wrong? Should he really not have seduced married men and stolen money? These questions rolled around his pretty little head while the reverend righteously rammed the spoiled brat's bubble butt. The man kept a beefy forearm around the boy's the neck to keep him held upright while they fucked on their knees. London could feel the older man's muscles through his suit. The muscular preacher whispered into the boy's ear telling him he should have rethought his life and dedicated it to Christ (and to the Republican party) or risk eternal damnation. Before it's too late.

"Yes, sir!" London cried out. And he was considering it. The attack on his prostrate was making him extremely vulnerable to suggestion. Reverend Harding gave him a small spank.

"Maybe you'll learn how not to be such a greedy, seed guzzling brat once I take you back to the adoption agency.. UH! UH! UH. Yeeeeeeeah... pick up that Bible, boy, and start reading it." Rev. Harding could tell the boy's mind was as open as his asshole right now and now was his chance to make a change in him. London picked up the book and read "For God so loved the world that gave His only Begotten Son that – mmmmmmmmmmmm, fuck, sir!"

Rev. Harding spanked him hard on his left butt cheek before massaging it sensuously. "Keep." THRUST. "Reading." THRUST.

"For God... uuuuh... for God so gave His Son...mmmm, mmmmmmm, mmmmm, Daddy! Daddy!" London moaned hungrily. The Reverend's curved cock was hitting exactly the right spot in the jock bottom's sweet ass. Rev. Harding pulled London's head back so he could talk into his ear.

"Listen, boy. It's For God (THRUST!) so loved (THRUST!) the world that he gave (THRUST!) his one and only (THRUST!) Son, that whoever (THRUST!) believes in him (THRUST!) shall not perish but(THRUST!) have (THRUST!) eternal (THRUST!) life."

London's mouth was agape, his cock drooling onto the expensive, lush carpet. Before now he had never even considered the existence of Jesus as legitimate or even worthy of contemplation but now he wasn't so sure. All he knew was "for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." And cock. Cock cock cock cock cock.

Eventually, London could feel the hot preacher slowing down, probably about to end their session and take London away. But London needed more. He smirked at his own idea. He opened the Bible again and began really acting possessed, bouncing up and down the reverend's cock, biting pages out of the Bible, and growling. It was hysterical at first, until the reverend took this as a sign that the boy was in his final stages of possession. He had to strike fast. Rev. Harding pushed the boy face-down into the carpet and began banging away at his ass like a soldier brandishing an enemy on the battlefield. He fucked with all his might, bringing the boy back forcefully by grabbing onto the teen's developed biceps.

"UGH!" London groaned at the new intensity. His ass was spit on again and spanked. The jock bottom's hole started spasming. That night, Dr. Ringwald didn't bring London to anal orgasm, but the anger with which the reverend was fucking him caused him to now. London's face lit up in painful ecstasy as his whole bodacious body began to convulse due to the intense workout from Reverend Harding's curved cock. "Mmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmm, fucking fuck me, Daddy... mmmmm..." London moaned from his gut as he was rammed into the carpet.

The reverend looked down at the boy below him in perverse amazement. The kid had just orgasmed without touching his dick. When this subsided, Rev. Harding sat up and forced the kid down onto still semi-clothed lap (so that London was facing away from him). London whimpered at the sensation of the curved banana jamming into his prostate "Huh! Huh! Huh!" London sighed, his cock still drooling and throwing up boy-cum. Reverend Harding reached under London's jersey and squeezed the jock's pecs as if they were breasts. He thrust his thick white cock upward into the hot brown boy, causing more sperm to drool out of his semi-erect phallus. The slutty jock bottom twitched his hole on the reverend's extra-hard dick.

That's when something happened. Rev. Harding grasped at his heart and lay down on his back, his dick still embedded in the teen on his lap. London looked back to see the reverend looking pained, gasping for air, and clutching at his heart. "My bag! My bag, my medicine's in the top part of my bag!"

London fished it out in a hurry. "You have to give it to me!" the reverend ordered.

"Not so fast, Reverend. Not until you promise me you won't tell take me back to the adoption agency or tell anyone what's been going on between Dr. Ringwald and I. And I mean no one. Not even God in your prayers at night." London dangled the medicine over Rev. Harding's head, just out of reach.

"Don't you try to blackmail me, boy! Now do as I say and hand me that bottle!" His cock was still rock hard in the manipulative bottom's ass despite the situation. Rev. Harding was bordering on a seizure, his body flailing, his curved dick still massaging London's G-spot. The boy moaned and bit his bottom lip.

"Mmmmm... I'd hate to see this good cock go to waste. Promise me, Reverend."

"You manipulative Jezebel! I'll do more than send you to the adoption agency, I'll make sure you're sent out of the STATE! You'll never see my daughter or son-in-law or my grandchildren again. It's up to me to maintain the godliness of this town and, as God as my witness, I'll make sure you're never heard of again, you- you- you!" but he couldn't talk anymore.

London Harrison squeezed his ass on Rev. Harding's now spurting dick. London put the medicine back in the black leather bag where it couldn't be reached. Rev. Harding sat up and attempted to throw London off. The two wrestled and fought as Rev. Harding orgasmed into the manipulative bottom's plump bubble butt. He continued bouncing on top of the struggling older man. "You made a big mistake when you decided to take me on, REVEREND. You should have known I would do whatever it takes to steal Dr. Ringwald from your stupid bitch of a daughter and their spawn. I will make millions off of you Republican idiots. I'll find Papi and then Papi, Dr. Ringwald, and I will buy a big house together and they'll both fuck me all day!" London started laughing hysterically before jumping off of the older man's curved, spent prick. Rev. Harding's vision was blurry, but one of the last things he saw was a stream of his own cum (mixed in with the doctor's) - the last cum load of his neo-conservative life - dribbling out of the boy's tight ass. "Looks like you were right about me. I've got to go now, Reverend. See you in hell."

And that's when Reverend Harding saw it. What Maria had been babbling about. There was a look in the boy's eyes that contained something vile, something inherently evil. As the preacher clutched at his heart, turning red and purple, struggling to get up, London dragged the reverend into the hallway so there would be no indication of what just happened. He sucked the cum and juices off of the coughing preacher's cock so there would be no trace. Then the teen picked up his video camera - "Got it!" - and put it under his muscular arm. London buttoned up the man's pants for him, wiped up any stray liquids. He didn't stick around to watch the angry reverend, Mrs. Ringwald's father, fade in her own home. He had better things to do. Still in just his jersey and socks, London crawled into bed with the buffed, sleeping doctor and suckled the man's slick cock into his smirking pussyboy mouth. And he stayed like that, ass in the air, 'til morning.

I love to talk to fans about my tales as a troubled, wild teenager (I'm only 22 now!). So send the comments and the criticisms to:

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