Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Feb 10, 2002


DISCLAIMER: The story you are about to read is a fictional fantasy. Any similarity to actual circumstance is pure coincidence so keep this in mind as you read. Today's chapter contains consentual sex between minors. If you find this offensive - DON'T GO PAST THIS PARAGRAPH!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The last two chapters have been a little tame, as I have started to allow the relationship between Kevin & Andy begin to blossom. Things will begin to heat up again in this episode. Always & again, thanks for the repeat e-mailers & a few new ones. Enjoy!


Kevin and Andy stripped off their shirts. It was now Jonathan & Ryan's turn to check out their hot counterparts. Ryan could not get over how much the two looked alike, nearly identical in height at about 5'7". If not for a few dissimilarities in their chests, he would have sworn they were brothers. Ryan marveled at how much more Kevin's chest had developed since they had last been together nearly a year earlier. Plus, he wondered what else on Kevin might be a little more defined as well.

Jonathan knew the guys would check him out, so he wasn't self concious at all about taking off his shirt. He knew he was hot & had a nice body which he had taken pains to take care of. As he had a policy of not doing shirtless photos for the supermarket & teen rags, he realized that when he was shirtless, whether in front of guys or girls, he was going to be checked out. In a way though, it made him sad, because he was determined to have people not typecasting him as strictly a "soaphunk." He yearned for people to respect him as an actor. His agent thought he was nuts for not utilizing all his assets, but so far, Jonathan did not want it any other way.

Nevertheless, Jon thought all these guys were pretty hot looking too. He really had never had these thoughts before now. "It must be the sun," he thought. "Or, maybe it's because most of the guys I work with on TV are older?" He tried to focus back to the game ahead, picking up the ball & yelling "volley for serve!" Ryan put it into play, with he and Jon winning the service. Jonathan was about a year older than his partner and Andy, and about a year & one half older than Kevin. His 5'9.5" frame in height gave him some reach advantage.

The game was pretty evenly matched. All four guys were good athletes; Kevin from hockey & baseball, Jonathan from track & gymastics, Ryan from soccer & basketball, and Andy from tennis, of course. Jon was making a lot of good kills at the net, Ryan setting him up well, & making teriffic, hard to return serves. Andy's powerful serves were nearly impossible to return when he didn't overdo it, plus he & Kevin had great lateral court coverage due to their tennis & hockey backgrounds.

Jonathan still couldn't completely keep his eyes off any of the guys, as the sweat and sand that coated their hot, teen bods grew in proportion as the game wore on. It cost he and Ryan a point during one play as he couldn't take his eyes off Andy in full flight during serve, & got beaned in the face by a line drive from Kevin, returning a ball hit over by Ryan. Cursing under his breath, he made up for his being distracted on the next play, extending himself full-out & high to block Andy's next serve.

The score was now tied, 15-all. Jonathan served a deep shot that Andy couldn't dig out in time, so now they were up, 16-15. Jon tried the same serve again, but Andy dug it out before it hit, putting the ball up high, giving Kevin a chance for a good set which Andy came up and killed. They got the ball back, but Kevin netted the serve. Ryan's serve after posession change was not one of his best, and Kevin reached it easily. He waited for Andy's set, which he put back over nicely, but Ryan made a big save, and started a rally of sets and shots back & forth over the net. Finally, after 6 or 7 volleys, Ryan made his best set yet, followed by a scorching kill from Jonathan which landed between a diving Kevin and Andy. "Way to be Jackson!" yelled Ryan, as he exchanged high-fives with his lanky partner. Kevin and Andy walked together under the net, thanking Ryan & Jon for the game. The guys walked down to the pier near the beach, and found a water hose to rinse off the sand before going back to the trailer.

"Hey Zegers!" "You got anything to eat or drink in this hut of yours, I'm starvin!", his friend Ryan quizzed him, as they tramped back up the hill to his trailer. "I'm hungry myself, & yeah, I'll fix everbody up," Kevin replied. None of the guys had bothered to put their shirts back on, just carried them and their sandals back to the trailer. After they were inside, Kevin suggested Ryan & Jon play Sega, while he and Andy got the food and drinks together. "I've got bottled water & Gatorade, guys," Kevin said. Jon said he'd take a water & Gatorade, while Ryan wanted Mountain Dew. "Yeah, I've got that too. It'll take a few minutes to get some food fixed, but I'll send the drinks in with Andy." Kevin repled, as he and Andy set off to the kitchen.

"So, what do you think of the guys," Kevin asked, as they entered the kitchen. "Both seem pretty cool, although Ryan seems to be a bit of a smart-ass," Andy replied. "I agree," said Kevin, "and Jon seems really nice." Andy nodded in agreement, "Yeah, but for a straight guy he sure was checkin' us out a lot during the game." Kevin said, "I noticed it too, but Ryan was checkin' us out too!" Kevin told Andy about the tapes he had seen over at Ryan's house, & Andy was glad to hear that Kevin and Ryan had only jacked off together. "Does that mean I'm the first guy you've ever made it with?" Andy asked. "The first and only, sweetie!" Kevin replied, kissing Andy's cheek.

Andy blushed, making Kevin smile, those Zegers' dimples driving Andy crazy. Kevin got the drinks ready for the guys, putting them on a tray. He told Andy to tell them that he was making hot dogs, & had some salsa and chips. Andy came back, saying that the guys said that was cool. "Ryan's kicking Jon's butt at Duke Nukem, so you might wanna hurry with the food," giggled Andy. "OK," Kevin said, but looked at him longingly & asked, "do you trust me?" His eyes locked on Kevin, he replied, "Yes, I do, but what's up?" Andy queried. "What would you think about the two of us havin' a little fun with Ryan and Jon?" he asked. "You mean sex?", Andy stammered. "Yes that's what I mean - but that doesn't mean I want things to change between us Andy" Kevin said, cautiously.

"I was thinking the same thing - kinda like what went on with us and Jill." "I love you and trust you Kev, but yeah, let's do it!" Andy replied enthusiastically. "Allrighty," Kevin said. "If I know Ryan, he'll ask me a question that'll set in motion a little idea that I have in mind." "I want you to take the initiative to move things along when it is time - you'll know what to do!" he told Andy, grinning deviously. "Cool, but that smile tells me you've got something really kinky planned," Andy replied. "Let's say it will involve a HOT dish!", Kevin opined.

Kevin and Andy brought in a tray of salsa, chips, buns & dogs. The four hungry guys tore into them, having the usual male teen appetites. Soon they had devoured all the hotdogs, & Ryan asked the question Kevin knew was coming. "Hey Kev, you got any more dogs left out there?" Andy cut in "I think there was one or two more, I'll take a look," but Kevin pushed him back, & said "Stay here, I'm the host, you're the guest," giving Andy a wink as he disappeared into the kitchen.

After a couple of minutes, Kevin said, "I've got one - I'm bringing it in now." The boys were stunned in disbelief at Kevin's return as he indeed had a hotdog - a big, 8" teen hotdog wrapped in a bun, a yellow streak of mustard running the from cockhead to base of Kevin's hot throbber. Andy didn't need any further cues, running straight to his nude boyfriend and taking a bite out of the bun. "Mmm, mmm, mmm!" he sighed as he swallowed the bun, and licked some mustard off Kevin's huge cockhead.

Ryan nearly blew a load, & Jonathan was transfixed at the sight of Andy's licking, & the moans coming from Kevin as a result. Wasting no time, Ryan dropped his pants and caused a gasp to escape from Jon. Andy pulled off Kevin for a second, & saw what made Jon say "Whoa!" There stood Ryan, an 11" monster cock hanging there above a sac of walnut-sized balls. "Damn Merriman," exclaimed Jon, "you've got the biggest one I've ever seen!" Kevin knew Andy and Jon would be startled. "Wait til they see that thing blow a wad!" thought the hotdog man.

Andy moved off from Kevin, giving Ryan a chance at the hotdog he had requested. A grateful Ryan closed his lips around Kevin and began slowly removing layers of bun with his teeth, being careful not to bite too hard on Kevin's sensitive meat. He ate on both sides of the hard 8-incher, loving the taste of Kevin left behind, soaked up from the porous bread of the bun. He finished up hs first course of Kevin by tonguing off the remaining mustard, cupping his balls & licking Kevin's cock from stem to head. It caused a shiver to run down Kevin's back, and his knees began to buckle.

Meanwhile, Andy went over and began to caress Jonathan, his hands moving closer and closer to Jon's waistband. He felt Jon up thru the fabric of the white denims, his hand kneading Jon's hardening cock as he stroked the expanding bulge. Jon looked in Andy's eyes & whispered, "Please, yes" forgetting his previous apprehension, just wanting this hot, tennis jock to touch him. Andy undid the button, gently unzipped, & slid the denims down Jon's silky legs. As he did so, Jon's cock became so hard that it released itself from the pisshole in Jon's black cotton boxers. Andy gently guided it back inside, then freed Jon's 9" tool again as he slid the boxers off Jon's feet.

Andy knew it wouldn't take long for Jon to shoot, the teenage actor was aroused as he had never been before. Andy loosed a hot breath upon Jon's beautifully shaved blond bush, and licked a drop of pre-cum from the young man's cockhead. Licking his way down the underside of Jon's cock to his egg-shaped, hairless balls, he could feel the impending explosion building up, and leaned back. Frigging the 9" throbber furiously, Andy looked up as Jon cried out "Yes! Yess! Yess!! OH! OOOOH!!" as it let loose torrents of cum streaming and in huge blasts all over Andy's chest. Andy pumped every last drop out of Jon's balls, beating him off for two minutes until Jon's cock finally stopped shooting.

Ryan was about to bring Kevin off as well, the ministrations he was applying coupled with Jonathan's screams to bring the level of arousal to the boiling point. "Here it is, OH! OHH! AAAAAARGH!" he screamed. Ryan opened his lips, encircling the head as Kevin poured forth his spunk into Ryan who sucked and swallowed greedily. The hot cream poured out of Kevin's cock, and he screamed again and again as his cock filled Ryan's mouth. "Take it all, TAKE IT ALL!" he yelled, and Ryan complied.

End of Part #9. Part #10 cumming soon!

Next: Chapter 10: Kevins Awakening 10

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