Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Feb 7, 2002


DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction. It's contents include graphic sex between consenting adults and minors. If this type of material is offensive to you, I suggest you LEAVE NOW!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a fantasy that explores the sexual discoveries of Kevin Zegers and friends. Some e-mailers have guessed who a couple of the new friends will be (I did give you a pretty good clue!), but if you didn't guess, you'll just have to read on and find out.

Oh, one final note..............I will not give a response to e-mails from strange or very suspect websites. YOU KNOW WHO I MEAN! Don't waste your time e-mailing a letter again.

E-mails are appreciated. I give your likes, dislikes and ideas equal cosideration. If you wish to give me your input, e-mail at:


A small stream of sunlight panned through some tiny holes in the shade webbing of the bedroom window. As it came to rest near his eyes, Kevin Zegers yawned and stirred, awakening to the dawn of the new day. His face beamed nearly as bright as the sun upon him, as he found himself in Andy Roddick's arms. They had remained locked together in full embrace, exhausted from their night of discovery & passion.

Kevin marveled at the sight of Andy's bare chest, gazing longingly as it rose, then fell gently at each breath of the sleeping teen. He leaned forward, blowing his hot breath on Andy's left nip, and teased the smooth flesh surrounding it with his finger. "Ooo, that tickles!", giggled Andy, stirring from a sound sleep. "No fair taking adavantage of me when I'm sleepin'," Andy whispered. "Sorry, but I just couldn't help's not every day I get to share a bed with my best friend," Kevin whispered. Smiling at each other they kissed, the friendship now beginning to become something more.

It was around 9:00 a.m., and they decided to shower before grabbing some breakfast and planning their day ahead. Despite the urges that they felt for one another, Kevin and Andy refrained from further sex, both content merely to savor the other's beauty while delicately soaping & rinsing together in the warm shower spray. Their smooth, toned bodies glistened from the shampoo and the water. They stood back, admiring one another as the final spray rinsed off the soap and the remainder of their juices from their night of passion.

Both boys were famished, and padded off to the kitchen, wearing only towels around their waists. They munched on bowls of Cap'n Crunch, and gulped down glasses of orange juice. Topping off things with a banana, one hearty appetite appeased, it was time to plan for the day ahead. Andy reminded Kevin that he needed to borrow some clothes, as he had only one change left for his flight to Australia. All his other clothes had been sent ahead to Sidney. "I remember, said Kevin "& I'm dying to see what you look like in them!" "Let's go pick em' out!", exclaimed Kevin.

"I ABSOLUTELY want a pair of THOSE!", Andy exclaimed, pointing to a pair of the white CK boxer briefs just like the ones he had blown Kevin thru the night before. "I knida figured you might," said Kevin, "you wanna pck out a pair for me?", he inquired of Andy. "Yee-ah, let's see here," he said as he looked around the drawer. A pair of flannel boxers caught his eye, and Kevin responded "Good choice!", as he accepted them from Andy's outstretched hand.

Things got a little silly as they shed their towels and replaced them with the shorts. "I say, you look utterly smashing!", Kevin giggled in his best Brittish accent. Andy cracked up, and returned with "& you, sir look quite righto' in those lovely flannels," trying, but not imitating very well Kevin''s cockney accent. Both boys nearly rolled to the floor with laughter.

For Andy's outerwear, Kevin picked out an sleeveless black Everlast A-shirt, & white Umbro soccer shorts for the bottoms. His own choice was a white, Columbus Crew soccer jersey, trimmed in black and gold & a pair of black Umbros. Both teens put on pairs of white ankle socks. The boys had discussed roller blading, & Kevin was glad Andy had remembered to pack a pair, plus his pads and helmet. Soon, the boys had geared up, Andy, with his trademark black ballcap turned backward, and Kevin with a matching white cap. Both put on pairs of slim, wireframed avaitor sunglasses as it was already a very bright day outside.

Kevin & Andy set off down a road that ran parallel to the beach for a couple of miles, then brought them into Tongatabu, a town with a large harbor leading to the ocean, & some small shops selling island souvenirs and trinkets. The boys took off the blades to go in a few of the shops to look around. After a short while, Andy asked Kevin if he knew where a restroom was. Kevin said there was one in a little cafe' about three blocks down the street. He pointed Andy in the right direction, and told him to meet down by the docks when he returned.

As Andy bladed off to the cafe', Kevin had a chance to return to one of the shops he and Andy had visited. He had seen a gift that he liked, and wanted to get it for Andy to express his newfound feelings. He just made it to the docks as Andy was getting there from the cafe'. "Where'd you go to?" asked Andy. "Oh, just took the long way," said Kevin innocently, not wanting to give away Andy's surprise that he had hidden in the pocket of his shorts. "Let's sit down for a bit, cause' I have to tell ya somethin" Kevin beckoned to Andy, motioning to the bench nearby.

Andy obliged, not knowing what to expect, as the weekend had been quite eventful thus far. Kevin spoke, "I meant to tell you this last night, but it kind of got lost in all the fun we had, but I'm expecting a couple of more visitors today." "Oh?," said Andy, intrigued to hear more. "Yeah," replied a cautious Kevin "it's a friend of mine, Ryan Merriman, & Jonathan Jackson. They're shooting a movie over in New Zealand, & had the weekend off, so I invited them to spend the weekend here. Do you mind?", asked Kevin. Andy replied, "Not at all," although he wondered if he & Kevin could still mess around with the other guys here too, "when do they get in?" Kevin smiled, and replied "in about an hour - they'll land out their in a flying boat," he indicated, his finger pointing to the harbor.

Kevin took the time while they waited for Ryan and Jonathan to tell Andy a little bit about their visitors. He explained how he had come to know Ryan from some work they had done together at Disney. Ryan had introduced Kevin to Jonathan back in Orlando a few months earlier, when both were making plans to leave for these new film projects. When Kevin found out that their shooting schedules & off times were nearly identical, he had invited them over to join him. Andy said, "that's cool," and thought what the hell - we'll just be four young guys away from home and parents, havin' a good time.

Before long, they heard the roar of props, and saw a twin engined flying boat make a sweeping descent toward the harbor, it's engines slowing as it touched the water, bouncing a little, but then settling & idling gracefully toward a ramp at the end of the dock. When it reached the ramp, it's pilot dropped the landing gear, & it crawled up, stopping on a level spot a few feet above the waterline. Two dockhands tied lines at the front and back to moor the plane, & a third opened the small door on the dock side of the plane. Out stepped a smiling Ryan Merriman, with Jonathan Jackson at his heels, squinting in the bright sunlight.

"Welcome to Fantasy Island!" Kevin said, greeting his guests as they disembarked. Andy just rolled his eyes at Kevin's latest impersonation bomb, Ryan responding to him with "Yeah, right Zegers!", with Jon chiming in "whatever!". Kevin feigned to have a pretend hurt look on his face, and came back with "well, see if I ever use my best material on you guys ever again." At that, all four guys cracked up, & even the dockhands were laughing. "But, hey guys I want you to meet my bud Andy Roddick" said Kevin. Ryan & Jon shook hands with Andy, & Kevin completed introductions all around. Kevin said, "Let's grab your gear and we'll take a cab back to my trailer.

Andy took the chance while Ryan and Jon collected their overnight bags from inside the plane to check out the actors. Ryan had on a blue & white striped short-sleeve oxford with denim shorts, and sandals on a pair of big feet. His straignt, white teeth were set off by the his jet black hair. Jon had on a really cool blue & teal Hawaiian button down, tucked into the tightest pair of bunhugging white board shorts he had ever seen. His brown mop flowed nicely in the harbor breeze, a pair Adidas soccer sandals adorning his feet. Man, Kev sure can pick the lookers, Andy thought. This weekend could get even more interesting.

Next: Chapter 8: Kevins Awakening 8

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