Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Feb 3, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. It does not depict actual events. Similarity to real-life events is merely coincidence. I suggest that you keep this in mind as you read this, or preceeding chapters.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Chapter #5 wasn't as long as I had planned, due to problems on my keypad. I know I left things hanging a bit at the end. Hopefully this chapter will be pleasing to you.

Keep up the e-mails. I've received lots of positive response to this story line. If you have additional ideas or criticisms, let me know. I greatly appreciate all you readers that have responded thus far.

As I stated earlier, you can also read two other stories I submitted to Nifty entitled: "Matt's Conversion," a story about Colin & Matt from "Real World - Hawaii," and my second story; "JTT Meets A Deedle," both located in the Gay Male/Celebrity archive at Nifty.

OK! OK! Enough chit-chat. Next...


The boys made their way back to Kevin's trailer a little before midnight. "Boy it sure gets cold out there after dark," remarked Andy. "Yeah," replied Kevin, "I thought it would have stayed a little warmer here in the South Pacific - next time we'll have to make a campfire!" Andy agreed, still cold and shivering just a bit. Kevin noticed this straight away, & without hesitating moved to Andy, locking him in a bearhug & saying "Let ME warm you up tonight!" The boys kissed passionatly, becoming more aware of the love growing beyond the friendship that had existed between them previously. Andy pulled away from Kevin slightly, but only so their eyes could meet, and Kevin could see the longing look from Andy. He whispered to Kevin, "Please, make love to me." Kevin nearly teared up with emotion at his friend's request. He whispered, "Oh yes!", and they went hand-in-hand down a short hallway to Kevin's bedroom.

Kevin began as he had earlier over at Jill's trailer, removing Andy's baby blue cut-off, but more slowly & less lustily, drinking in the beauty of his smooth, muscular chest. He worked his way down gently, planting soft, wet kisses on Andy's shouders, nips and arms. Andy sighed, completely at the mercy of his tanned & toned actor buddy. Kevin continued to lick his way down that gorgeous chest, bathing the pecs and abs greedily with his tongue. He was in awe at the sheer beauty of this boy who stood before him, marveling at his good fortune, giving attention to Andy's washboard with his hot saliva.

Feeling as though he was receiving all & not giving enough in return, Andy put his hands to both sides of Kevin's head. Then he gently pulled his actor buddy upright so once again, he could kiss those hot lips. Andy pulled at the bottom of Kevin's shirt, working it up and off easily as Kevin lifted his arms obligingly. He kissed at Kevin's shoulders in kind, soft & warmly, but then wasted little time in licking his way down the bronzed chest to the dime-sized nips. Andy bathed them circuitiously, until each one grew so hard that Kevin thought they would burst! "Oh god, that is so hot!" he exclaimed, panting in anticipation of what Andy had in store for him next.

Kevin didn't have long to wait. Those soft, gentle hands of his buddy began tracing a line down the sides of Kevin's torso. Andy stopped at the waistband of the Umbros, and gently glided them down Kevin's legs to the floor. Looking up at Kevin & giving a wink, he started to nibble the cotton that surrounded the delicious boymeat, bathing the now engorged package with his mouth juices. Kevin was in heaven. Hissing thru clenched teeth he moaned in approval the ministrations his hard 8" cock was getting from his ravenous lover. The cock pulsed & grew with each lick, growing harder than Kevin knew or believed it could. Soon, he felt the hot magma churning up in his sacs & Andy was bringing him to the point of no return. "I'm gonna cum! OH! OH! OHH! OHHH!", Kevin cried out as he filled both his CK's and Andy's mouth with hot cream thru the cotton of the boxerbriefs. He shot a huge load of boyspunk, & Andy greedily devoured all that wasn't absorbed in those now damp CK's.

After several minutes of shooting, Kevin slowly began to recover, with Andy still at work on Kevin's hot package. When able to finally form the words, Kevin pulled his lover to him, saying "I want you inside of me." He kissed Andy again, tasting of his own cockjuice as their tongues met. The boys moved over to the bed. Both kicked off their sandals, Kevin removing his wet underwear, his dripping cock swaying like a leaf between his legs. Andy started to take his off too, but Kevin would have not have any part of that. He grabbed Andy's hands from the waistband, replacing them with his own, slowly unbuttoning & taking the board shorts off, the green boxers now all that remained between Kevin & the hot 9" cock awaiting beneath. Andy gasped at Kevin's touch, his fingers probing straight thru the pisshole to grasp around the shaft of the ever expanding cockmeat.

Kevin pushed Andy gently backward to the mattress, began removing the remaining layer which covered his dreamboy. Andy obligingly raised his hips, enabling Kevin to finish his task. Andy back arched to the touch of Kevin's soft lips to his cockhead, the sensitive tip and purple head growing hotter and hotter at every lick. Kevin gave the full length of Andy's cock an intensive tonguebathing, wanting to get it as wet as possible for what he had in mind next. As Andy threw back his head and moaned in ecstasy from Kevin's hot tongue working at his cock, Kevin was working his plan to give to Andy as well as he had received.

Pulling off of the now soaked cock, Kevin raised himself up so that he was stradling Andy's legs, hovering just above the head of the hard teenmeat. Grasping the cock at it's base, Kevin spread his legs apart & slowly sank down upon Andy, making the two of them now one.

Andy & Kevin both gasped as Andy's pole entered Kevin. Kevin fought back the pain that hit him initially, and then his sphincter dilated, allowing all nine inches of Andy to slide up his rectum. Immediately, a wave of intense pleasure hit Kevin before being able to adjust to Andy being inside of him, as the upward curve of Andy's cock hit his prostate. After overcoming that feeling, it now began to feel more natural. Andy too was feeling overwhelmed with pleasure as the heat of Kevin's tight hole made his hot cock pulse and grow harder.

Now adjusting to the growing teencock in his tight chute, Kevin began a slow motion of gliding up and down on Andy, wanting to bring feel Andy's boyjuice splash inside hs hot walls. He pulled up slowly, leaving only the engorged cockhead remaining up his hole, then slowly sinking down, taking the rest of Andy's huge shaft back up into his abdomen. The feeling was incredible as each time he went back down on Andy the soft pubes of his tennis god tickled his butt, & the cockhead twanged his prostate. Andy now bucked upward, urging Kevin to go faster and faster.

Moving now at a pace only teenage boys could keep, Kevin pistoned spasmodically on Andy, bracing himself by firmly placing his palms on Andy's chest. After about 30 to 40 strokes, Andy could take no more, & thrust himself into Kevin as far as he was able, screaming in delight "Aagh! Aaagh! AAAAGH!!!", releasing six huge volleys of hot cream into Kevin's tight bunghole, the explosions coating Kevin's insides, & also boiling over the top of the cockhead, jism flowing back down to also cover his cock. When he finally stopped spasming inside that hot enclosure, Kevin slowly came to a stop as well. Both boys hearts raced, the intensity of these new discoveries almost overwhelming them both.

Andy looked longingly into Kevin's eyes as he had earlier, giving him a look of thanks but also sending a clear message that he desired more. Kevin knew without saying a word what Andy wanted next, pulling up and off of Andy's cock. His own cock was dripping a ton of precum. He slicked it up and down his own shaft, then wiped some of Andy's cum from that again hardening member, as he wanted more lubrication to make it easier for him to enter Andy.

Kevin spread Andy's legs wider, touching the head of his cock to the entrance hole that awaited. Again, the hot teens gasped in momentary pain, then pleasure as now Kevin was inside of Andy. "Make love to me again, PLEASE!", Andy extoled, these newfound feelings awash over him. Kevin was only too happy to oblige, his hot cock now sunk in Andy all the way to his pubes and throbbing more & more each minute.

Andy loved the feeling of Kevin's moving in and out of his hole, slowly building that burning eight-incher to hopefully a climax of epic proportion. His own cock had now also re-grown to full erection, & he fisted it madly as Kevin sped up his ramming of Andy's ass. Kevin felt that tingling feeling again in his balls as the pressure built up to final release. With one last hard shove he groaned in ecstasy "Oh yes! Oh Yess! OH! OHH! NUTTTTTT!!", letting loose a giant volley of spooge up Andy's hole, his cock continuing to spasm as he shot more and more, easily exceeding his cockload that he had let loose in his boxerbriefs. It continued, the cum now dripping out from Andy's ass. Kevin's final shots sent Andy over the edge, and he screamed again as he pulled Kevin tight to him, his teenspunk creaming their chests as he too shot more boy jism for the second time in just a little while. Kevin collapsed on top of Andy, his cock spent, their bodies squished together in Andy's load of spunk.

End of Chapter #6.

Yeah, yeah, I know! You can't figure out where I'm going with the "Deep End of the Ocean" reference from Chapter #5. Well, tune in to Chapter #7, and you'll meet the two little hotties from there that show up.

Comments? Ideas? Send those e-mails:

Next: Chapter 7: Kevins Awakening 7

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