Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Feb 2, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. It doesn't represent real events that have or will take place. Any similarity to real life circumstance is merely a coicindence. Do keep this in mind if you choose to read my story. This includes actors with roles from the film "Deep End Of The Ocean" (1999- Columbia Pictures).

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The story involves the continuing saga of actor Kevin Zegers, as well as other celebrities. Depicted within are scenes of consentual sex, as well as a budding relationship between two minors. If this is offensive to you LEAVE NOW!


The boys finished their shower & dried off, then went to retrieve their clothes. Kevin picked up his soiled underwear and said "Ugh, these reek!", as he had them on all day during the film shoot. Dropping them, he pulled on his board shorts instead, and pulled his dirty t-shirt on as well. "I've got to stop by my trailer & pick up some clean stuff dude," he said to Andy. Andy smiled and replied "I don't mind, since I"ll get to see you buck nekkid again!" Kevin's face lit up as he shot back "God, you really are a little hornball!" Andy corrected "That's a 9-inch hornball, thank you very much!"

After their discusssion of semantics, Kevin and Andy left Jill's trailer and headed over to Kevin's. "Make yourself at home Andy," he said. "Nope," Andy replied, "First let's go pick out your underwear!", then ran off for the bedroom with Kevin right behind. "All right, where are they?", inquired Andy. "Bottom right drawer," Kevin replied. He gave an admiring whistle as Andy put on a nice display while bending down to access the bureau drawer. "Why thank you very much," Andy said, turning to grin at Kevin, and holding a pair of white CK boxerbriefs for his friend. "Let's see what these do for you," Andy said, motioning at the actor to remove his khakis. "Dude," said Kevin as he took down his board shorts "you sound like a shoe salesman!", laughing loudly at his joke.

Andy laughed too, but was preoccupied as he stared at Kevin's manhood reappearing from the bondage of the khakis. Stepping out of the shorts and stripping off the dirty t-shirt, Kevin said to Andy "OK, let's have them," gesturing at the underwear. Not to be denied, Andy shook his head and bent down to Kevin's feet, ticklng the toes, then slipping the white cotton undewear up his friend's muscular legs. The CK"s hugged Kevin's torso snugly, framing the package nicely in the center. Andy couldn't resist giving the bulge a squeeze, loving the feel of the scrumptious boymeat thru the soft cotton, & eliciting a moan of approval from Kevin.

Kevin walked to the dresser & pulled out a pair of navy blue soccer shorts & matching navy sleeveless t-shirt. Sliding into a pair of soccer sandals, he finished dressing, & asked Andy, "You hungry?", as it was now 7:30. "Starved!", replied Andy, as the two headed off to the small kitchen. "Pizza?," asked Kevin, and Andy nodded approval. Kevin pulled a couple of frozen pizzas out of the fridge & put them in the oven. "The pizzas will take about 25 minutes, wanna play some video games?", he asked Andy. "Cool, watcha got?" inquired his friend.

Thumbing thru the stack of cartridges, he selected "EA Pete Sampras ATP Tennis - 99", and set up the Sega. Surprsingly, he proceeded to whip Andy at the game, and laughed hysterically. "Big deal!", said his conquered tennis buddy, "you know I kick your ass every time we play for real", he shot back at Kevin. "Yeah, yeah, I know," Kevin replied. "Time for pizza." The boys left the game sit, and dug into the pizzas like a couple of ravenous dogs, they were so hungry. Afterward, they decided it was time to work off their dinner, so they went off to take a walk around the compound at the movie set. "I'm off tomorrow," Kevin said, as th production did not shoot on the weekend, "you wanna stay over the rest of the weekend?", asking in a hopeful voice. "But I only brought one change of clothes" Andy said. Kevin beckoned, "If that's all that's holding you up, you can borrow any of my stuff." Andy exclaimed "Cool!", and was thrilled at Kevin's invitation. He didn't have to be in Australia for the Open tennis until Tuesday, his heart raced, anticipating what was in store next with Kevin.

After walking around the set for about two hours, they left, thanking the security gate guard for letting them in after hours. Then Kevin suggested to Andy that they take a stroll down to the beach. Andy nodded & grinned his approval. They found a small formation of rock that projected out in the ocean about midway up the sand, & chose this spot to stop and sit for awhile. In the soft glow of the Sumatran moonlight, their beautiul teen bodies took on an iridescent glow. Laying back & looking longingly into each others eyes they kissed, lost in their newfound love for one another. Huddling together in a warm embrace, the teens lay there for a while, not wanting this moment to end. As their day drew to an end & now the new one began, Kevin felt Andy's body tremble as the air grew chilly. "It's getting cold," whispered Kevin, and he took Andy by the hand, leading him off to the warmth of the trailer.

End of Part #5.

Don't worry! Part #6 coming soon (& yes, there'll be more sex). Keep reading!

Comments? Ideas? e-mail me at: See you soon!

Next: Chapter 6: Kevins Awakening 6

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