Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Jan 14, 2002


Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual event is merely a coincindence. The sexual orientation of any actors, actresses or athletes that are portrayed here is not a true account of their sexual preferences.

This is a story of consentual sex taking place between adults and minors. Don't read any further if you are offended.

Response to readers: Thanks for taking the time to read my story & respond. I plan on addressing your input in this and upcoming chapters. If you like this story, please see my previous submission from January 2001 - "Matt's Conversion" found also in the Gay Male/Celebrity archive.

Part 2: Andy shows his ball skills.

Jill could feel the perspiration and heat of Kevin's hot body as her hand penetrated into the depths of his board shorts & the white cotton of his Everlast briefs to grab hold of the treasure yet unseen. Already, Kevin's cock was getting harder than ever before during solo jackoffs. Kevin gasped as Jill's hand enclosed around his shaft, & moaned in ecstasy as her hand explored his soft pubic hair and kneaded his balls.

Jill felt Kevin's reaction as his cock began to pulse and grow larger with every touch. Knowing the sensitivity of teenagers' sex organs in general, Jill slowly removed her hand from his pants. Kevin whimpered to her "Please don't stop!" She replied, "I'm just getting started."

Reaching into her own pants, Jill began removing her sweatsoaked top, pulling it over her head and tossing it to the other side of the trailer. Kevin stood transfixed as Jill stood before him, clad only now in a sports bra and shorts. Squatting down before Kevin, she unbuttoned his khakis & slid the zipper down, causing the shorts to glide slowly down Kevin's muscular legs to the floor, leaving only the white cotton Everlasts remaining. Kevin was so hard though by this time the purple head of his cockmeat was pushing thru the waistband as it pointed straight up at his stomach. His full 8" of hardness was nicely framed in the soft, white cotton.

Next, Jill reached down to untie the laces on Kevin's hiking boots. Not needing any further hints, Kevin obligingly kicked them off into the corner, sending the khakis off as well. All that remained were his white ankle socks and the Everlasts. He hoped that those wouldn't last much longer.

Jill unbuttoned her shorts and stepped out of them. Then she put a finger to the tip of Kevin's piss slit, moistenimg it with the drop of pre-cum that had formed there, & proceeding to rub it gently into his right nipple. Kevin again moaned in ecstasy as both his nipples became hard as steel. "I can't believe this is happening", he sighed as Jill finally began to make her move to the goal.

Reaching gently to both sides of his slim waist, Jill slowly grasped the waistband of the Everlasts and brought them down his legs to the floor, Kevin's 8" now fully erect with just a slight upward curve. Letting go of his shorts, Jill cupped Kevin's ballsac in her right hand, and slowly exhaled her hot breath on his swollen cockhead, causing a shiver to encompass the boy. Not waiting to tease him any further. she licked the tip of his cockhead, and then began to move up and down on him like sucking on a fine cone of gelatto.

"Oh my god!" Kevin cried out, as she went up and down on him, licking his balls and nuzzling his fine brown pubic hairs. Kevin had never experienced this much exstasy on his own. "Please let me cum!", Kevin pleaded with her. "Not just yet," Jill said, "there's more to come." Jill stood up, took him by the hand, and gently pushed Kevin down onto his back on the soft fluffy sofa. '"Get ready for a wild ride!", she said, and before he could react, she slid the thong from her waist, straddled him on the sofa, and impaled herself on Kevin's 8" cock.

Kevin and Jill both threw their heads back and screamed simultaneously, Kevin from the shock of having his cock swallowed up by Jill's hot hole, and Jill fro the exstasy of her g-spot getting twanged by the curve of Kevin's boycock. Jill pinned his arms to the sofa as she rode him spasmodically, a gasp of pleasure coming from each as she continued her up & down thrusts.

Finally, Kevin could take no more. After about the tenth thrust upon his cock, he screamed "Oh fuck!", and thrust his cock upward as his hot boy semen shot out of his piss slit, creaming the insides of Jill as she continued to fuck his still hard cock. Then, Jill too began to quiver, and Kevin was again overwhelmed as Jill came, her hot butter coating Kevin's cock like gravy. Exhausted, she gently collapsed on top of her conquered prize, wetting his face with soft, gentle kisses.

For Kevin, this was an experience beyond words. He returned Jill's soft kisses, all the while replaying in his mind what just took place. They laid there awhile, taking in the moments just past, gently kissing & caressing. After what seemed an hour of this, but was actually only a few minutes, there was a buzz on the trailer intercom; followed by a voice, "Yo, Kevin! Are you in there dude!" Kevin recognized it as the voice of his friend, Andy Roddick, who he forgot was stopping by on his way to play on the ATP tour to see Kevin. "Holy shit, it's Andy!", exclaimed Kevin, as he began to struggle from underneath Jill. "Slow down," she said, sliding off of him to allow Kevin access to hs khakis. "Why don't we invite him in?"

"Are you serious?", he exclaimed, pulling on his khakis as Jill did the same. "After what we've been doing in here?", asking in curiousity. "Why not!", said Jill, "if he's as good looking as you, let's make things even more interesting!"

"Cool!" exclaimed Kevin, as he ran to the door of the trailer to greet his friend. "Hey Andy!" he yelled, the two boys extending their arms in a high "5". "A keygrip down at the set told me you might be here, but said I'd have to use the intercom cuz your trailers are soundproofed, so here I am," said Andy, as he began examining Kevin's sweaty body. He asked, "Hey man, don't they give you any air-conditioning in these things?" Just then, Andy caught a whff of the unmistakeable odor of sex emanating from Kevin, as Jill popped her head thru the door and beckoned, "Sure have, c'mon in and check it out."

Andy couldn't believe his eyes. "Have you two been screwing in here?", he inquired. "Well, sort of, while we were exploring our bodies and discovering what was inside of Kevin's shorts," said Jill. "It got us both a little overheated." Andy too was getting a bit hotter, his nipples hardening under the baby blue cotton of his wife-beater, his 9" of teencock beginning to create a sizeable bulge in his board shorts.

"Kevin," Jill said to him in a commanding tone, "I think it's time that we make Andy a little more comfortable too." "Go over & remove his shirt." Kevin had known Andy for a couple of years, & saw him shirtless a number of times, but getting to touch his friend and remove his clothing was like a dream come true. "Do you mind Andy?," Kevin asked, as his friend stood still, not knowing what might happen next. "No, I don't mind at all!" said Andy, taking in the view of Kevin's hot, sexy body moving to touch him. Kevin pulled up on Andy's blue shirt at the waist, & slid it off easily while Andy raised his muscular arms to comply.

"Now the board shorts!" said Jill, & Kevin wasted no time in unbuttoning them, then letting them slide to the floor, resting upon Andy's sexy sandal-clad feet. Imitating a move made earlier by Jill, Kevin undid the two velcro straps on each sandle, slowly sliding each one off Andy's feet. Andy's body now was clad only in a pair of green boxers, which could have been mistaken for a miniature Coleman from the sizeable tent in the center.

Jill came over to the boys, and knelt down behind Andy, put both hands on the side of his hips, & slid the boxers to the floor, which gave Kevin his first look at Andy's package, and what a sight it was. Blonde pubic hair in a nice mound, just above his throbbing 9" monster, capping a low-hung set of delicious nuts in a hairless sac. It was beautiful, just as he had imagined, as Andy was a gorgeous specimen.

Not needing further commands from Jill, Kevin lovingly began to stroke his friend's hard teenmeat, eliciting gasps of "Oh god, YESSSS!" from Andy, while Jill proceeded to massage Andy's back & knead his buns. "Ooooo," Andy hissed as Kevin began to lick Andy from his cockhead to the base of the shaft, all the while Jill began probing in Andy's ass with her fingers. Kevin used his tongue to stimulate Andy's cockhead, while Jill reached the objective she sought & inserted a finger into Andy's virgin hole. Andy began to buck and thrash at the dual assault on his teen genitalia, and gave in to the inevitable, shooting forth huge wads of cream all over Kevin's face & chest.

Next time: The boys go discovering!

Comments? Ideas? e-mail them to me:

Next: Chapter 3: Kevins Awakening 3

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