Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Apr 14, 2002


AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a continuation of the story "Kevin's Awakening". If this is your first time reading this new section, it would be worth your while to start with the previous chapters 1-14.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. It focuses on gay male relaionships between the title character, actor Kevin Zegers, US tennis star Andy Roddick, plus other male celebrities. This story does not represent the true sexual natures of the characters I have chosen, & any circumstances and/or relationships that you find similar to actual events is mere coincidence. Contained in this story and previous chapters are acts of consentual sex between male teens. If you find this offensive, LEAVE NOW! But. I hope instead, you'll read on!!!


Kevin arrived back at the movie shoot just after 11:00 am. He would be wrapping up his final scenes today and tomorrow, then would have just enough time to get things packed up so he could fly to Sydney early on Wednesday morning. His mind though was so pre-occupied in thoughts of Andy, that he nearly collided with his co-star, Jill Hennessy. "Whoa tiger, slow down!", she exclaimed, startled. "Where's the fire?"

"I am sooo sorry, are you OK?" asked an equally startled Kevin apologetically. "Did I hurt you?" Jill smiled at the young teen, answering, "No, I'm OK, but it wouldn't be a good idea to have a repeat performance with anyone else on the set --- that kind of thing can get you fired." Kevin sighed in relief, and replied, "Yeah, I know, I was a little pre-occupied." Jill nodded, "Thinkin' about Andy, I'll bet." Kevin said, "Yeah, I miss him already, but we've got to go now or we'll be late."

They arrived on the set just in time for the make-up people to get them ready. Only a few scenes remained to be shot, and Jill was glad Kevin would keep his shirt on in the remaining scenes. After what she had shared with he and Andy a few days ago, she would have wet herself if she saw the hot young teen's smooth skin again before her lustful gaze. She knew her career on film and TV would be finished if a tabloid found out about her affair with two boys. She steeled herself from being tempted to seduce Kevin again.

Upon arriving back at his trailer after the end of the day's shoot, Kevin checked his laptop and found that he had three e-mails in his box. The first was from his mom, a long one, reminding him to call home after he arrived in Australia. The second e-mail was from Ryan, saying that he & Jonathan had arrived at Richard & Ben's place, that it was really cool, & that they couldn't wait for he and Andy to arrive.

The final message was from Andy. "I just wanted to let you know I made here OK, but coach is still pissed. Told him to fuck off, or I'd be replacing him. I'll be looking forward to that smile & those dimples here on Wednesday. XXXOOOXXX!" Kevin's thoughts were of seeing Andy's lithe form, tearing up his opponent in the first match.

Kevin e-mailed Ryan, telling him that they would meet him at the beachhouse after the conclusion of Andy's match. He then e-mailed his mom, sending her the phone number and address at the beachhouse. Then, he e=mailed Andy. "Dimples, SEG and me headed your way soon. All plans looking good. Knock em' dead big stud!!! XXXXOOOOXXXX!

The final day of shooting on "Komodo" did end on time, with most of the scenes done in the morning, and the majority of the day spent with the directors and producers all thanking the cast & crew for a successful completion. After the obligatory cast party was over, Kevin retired to his trailer. He called Loki, asking to be picked up at 7:00 am for his ride to the seaplane dock. Not long after laying out what he would wear on the flight, he packed the remainder of his gear, and ambled off to bed. 6:00 am was an ungodly hour to get up, but it was worth it, as he would see Andy again less than half a day later.

A car horn startled a freshly showered and clothed Kevin, as he pounded down a cup of OJ while awaiting Loki's arrival. Bags in hand, he headed out, taking a last look around to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything. Convinced that he had not left anything behind, he closed the trailer door and headed off toward Loki's cab.

"My, my, you are looking very sharp today Mr. Kevin!", said Loki, observing the teal & white cut-off t-shirt he was wearing, along with his favorite pair of navy Umbros. He said, "Thanks, Loki my man, you're lookin' pretty sharp yourself!" He would miss the kind cabbie a lot. They had become good friends. "i've got a little present for you!", Kevin said, pulling a rectangular shape in a cardboard box out of his carry-on. "Why Mr. Kevin, you shouldn't have done this, I can't possibly accept it." Loki replied. "It is a laptop --- so we can stay in touch with other." Kevin said. "I'm gonna miss you, Loki.", he continued. "Please accept this!" he pleaded. "I am honored," Loki replied, blushing as he accepted the gift from the young teen. "But now, we must get you to the dock for your flight!" Loki put the gift on the front seat, then loaded Kevin's gear into the cab and headed off to the harbor.

They arrived at the Quantas Express dock just as the seaplane had landed and made it's approach to the dock. Kevin gave Loki a big hug, then a final goodbye to the kind cabbie, then walked down the ramp to the loading area, giving his gear to the plane's attendant, before turning over his ticket & climbing aboard. After a few minutes, the fueling was done, passengers boarded, & the pilot gunned the engines, the seaplane now nosing away from the dock. Loki had remained, and Kevin waved one last time, as the seaplane headed out of the harbor, it's three-hour flight to Sydney beginning.

The flight was uneventful, arriving on time in Sydney harbor around 10:30 am. Kevin took it all in, marveling at the beauty of it's waterfront, set off by the opera house that appeared in all the pictures he saw before of Sydney. Andy's match was scheduled for a noon start, so there was just enough time to stow his gear in a locker there at the seaport, then hail a cab to take him to the National ATP Stadium. Upon arriving at the stadium, he headed for the will-call window. Andy told him he would leave a pass for Kevin at the window. He picked up his voucher, then headed off to see his boyfriend in action.

Kevin found his seat, midway up the lower level near centrecourt on Court #1. Andy was warming up with one of the ballboys, his tanned, shirtless chest glistening from the sweat he was working up in the bright midday sunlight. Andy looked up after he hit his final warm-up, and stood there for a moment, smiling broadly as his gaze fell upon Kevin in the stands. Kevin returned with a smlle of his own, letting his shining white teeth and dimples speak for him.

A ballboy ran up to Andy with a towel, and Andy thanked him, toweled off and put on a clean shirt for the match. Shortly, it was time for the match to begin. The PA man announced to all i the crowd: "Match one of the day on Court #1, Mr. Andy Roddick, USA, vs. Mr. Sandon Stolle, Australia."

Next time: Six boys and a beachhouse.

Comments? Ideas? Suggestions? I love to hear from you and appreciate it a lot. I hope you've enjoyed the story thus far. If you wish, e-mail:

Next: Chapter 16

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