Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Apr 8, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This is a continuous work of fiction. Although it stars real actors and athletes and includes some movie titles or events in which they were involved, all of the circumstances surrounding them have been changed to fit this story line. It does not chronicle the true lives or happenings of the celebrities written about here.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: No, I haven't forsaken this story. I've been a bit busy with work, so I haven't been able to set aside enough time to add more chapters. I hope you all will continue reading and writing. For the readers who have asked me to add Aaron Carter to the story line, I have considered it, but I don't think I will be working him in. Perhaps in a future story. I am however giving a lot of thought to adding a certain actor, currently portraying a "bad-boy rock star" on a weekly "WB" show in as a main character and possible "love triangle" with Andy and Kevin. Well, enough notes, and on with the story.


Kevin awoke from a blissful sleep, a warm feeling enveloping him from the feel of the soft blanket, & the body heat generated by the naked form of Andy in his arms. Only once had Kevin awakened after he & Andy had completed their lovemaking, and that was to pull the covers over them when the night air gave them a chill.

Easing himself out from under Andy's arm he slowly made his way to the shower. It was very quiet, & Kevin moved stealthily so as not to awaken Andy, or his sleeping guests in the adjacent room. Judging by the twin sets of wheezing noises he could hear coming from their bedroom, it was a safe bet that both were sleeping soundly.

The spray of the shower was refreshing to Kevin, with his only regret being that his & Andy's love juices that dried on his pubes and chest would be washed away. But he didn't dwell on it too long, as he knew that he and Andy were beginning to share very special feelings for each other. Finishing up and drying off, he wrapped a big towel around his waist, and padded softly off to the kitchen to make the guys some bacon and omeletes for breakfast.

It didn't take long for the smell of bacon & fresh brewed coffee to start rousing those three sleeping studs from their beds. Jon was the first to arrive, muttering about the coffee smelling wonderful while stifling his yawn. "Want some milk or sugar?" Kevin inquired. "Nope, hot & black is fine.", Jon answered. "Ryan'll be out in a bit, I think he's gonna shower first." Jonathan added. A yell of "SHIT! Who used up all the hot water?" confirmed that. "Let it run a little bit and it will come back!" Kevin yelled in Ryan's direction. He and Jonathan began to laugh at the though of Ryan freezing in the cold water.

Kevin looked Jonathan up and down, the hot young actor clad only in his boxers. A glint of morning sunlight reflected off Jon's gold neckchain, making him sexier lookinh than ever. Kevin couldn't believe that Jon hadn't hooked up with someone before. It was no wonder why both guys & girls had the hots for him. Jonathan was physically a spectacular specimen. He wondered if his brother Richard would be equally well endowed.

The bacon was starting to sizzle, so Kevin left his momentary distraction to attend to the stove. At that moment, Andy came in, wearing a pair of boxers & Kevin's t-shirt. "Good morning, beautiful!" he whispered in Kevin's ear, giving him a soft kiss to the cheek. "You were so quiet, I didn't hear at all when you got up." Andy continued. "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast, so I got up early." Kevin said, giving Andy a kiss in return. "Morning, Jon." Andy said, not wanting to be rude. "Morning, Andy." Jonathan replied after sipping his coffee. "Join me in a cup - it's good!" Jon added. Andy said that sounded great, and a voice called out "Make that three!" as Ryan had finshed showering & entered the kitchen.

Ryan peered over Kevin's shoulder to see what was on the stove. "Omelets - Cool! who taught you how to make em' Zegers!" "My mom", Kevin replied. "She makes the best ones in Canada." Kevin served them up with the bacon, and the hungry youths scarfed them up. "These are great Kev!" Andy complimented between mouthfulls, with Ryan and Jon adding their approvals. Jonathan finished off his coffee & headed off to the shower. Andy offered to give a hand to Kevin with the dishes, & Ryan left to play some video games.

"Last night was very special!" Kevin said to Andy after Ryan left. "I can't wait to be with you in Australia. It's been quite some time since I've seen you play." he added. "I just hope I don't disappoint you." stated Andy. He didn't tell Kevin about how mad his coach was about him not staying with most of the players at the hotel after first round matchplay. "You couldn't possibly do that!" Kevin said, playfully running his sud-soaked finger down Andy's nose. At that moment, Jon yelled "Shower's free!", and Andy kissed Kevin once more before heading off to the bathroom.

It was near noon before the boys had all cleaned up and dressed. Ryan and Jon had to pack, as their flight was leaving in the early evening. They decided to head to the harbor and rented a sailoat for the afternoon. Ryan was experienced in sail, and the guys had a great time, taking in the sights of the island, while working on their tans as well.

Ryan expertly brought the boat back to it's dock just before 5:00. He & Jon had left their overnight bags at Loki's during their sailing trip, and they had just enough time to retrieve them before the seaplane came to pick them up. Jonathan thanked Kevin for his hosptality, and waved to he & Andy as he ran to the seaplane dock. "See you in a couple of days!" he yelled back to the pair on he dock. "Yeah, see you soon!" Ryan chimed in, waiting for Jonathan by the boatramp. "We'll be there!" Kevin & Andy replied. They waved once more as the twin-engined plane waddled from the dock and out into the harbor, then gaining speed and becoming airborne, heading off to the east.

Andy and Kevin had dinner in town, and a while later decided to walk the three miles back to Kevin's trailer rather than take the taxi again. They walked the beach, shoes off and over their shoulders, hand-in-hand as they took in the sunset. Soon they had reached their special place on the beach. The night was still warm, and the tide just beginning to come in as the boys stripped down, embraced & made passionate love, their bodies glistening in the pale glow of the setting sun, and the water rising from the gentle eventide that swept over them. After a time, they rinsed off the saltwater residue from their bodies at the shower by the beach, retiring once again to Kevin's bed, content to fall asleep in each other's arms once more.

Kevin arose about 7:00 am, gently rousing a sleepy Andy from a blissful slumber. He had to have Andy back at the seaplane by 10:00 am for his flight to Sydney. Kevin & Andy headed off to the shower together. It would be even more refreshing today as they would share in their cleansing. Andy began to soap Kevin first, massaging his brown locks, then working down the torso, marveling at Kevin's muscular back & his firm, smooth chest. Soon his hands made their way down to the treasure, and Andy gently worked Kevin's cock & balls. Kevin "oooohed" at Andy's soft touch, feeling his balls contract, and soon moaning "Yesss!" as he shot his load onto Andy's stomach & groin.

Kevin knelt before his well-hung lover, his lips encircling Andy's cockhead. Kevin did his best blowjob yet, alternately licking the tip of the swollen cock, then taking it all in his mouth as he deepthroated the meat of the tennis god. He continued a rhythm by licking and flicking the cockhead and balls with his tongue, then slowly licking up the shaft on all sides from base to tip. As he was about to shoot, Kevin grasped Andy's manhood, aiming the slit at his left nip. A moment later, Andy let loose copius shots of cum all over Kevin's left nip, panting & moaning with each shot, his cock on fire after the pleasure it had received from the hot lips of his lover. The boys embraced once more, then soaped and rinsed before heading off to get dressed and leaving for the harbor.

Kevin called for Loki to drive them back to town, and paid him to wait at the dock so he could take Kevin back to the set after Andy's plane left. Andy embraced Kevin once more as they reached the plane. "I can't begin to express how much our time together so far has meant to me.", he said to Kevin as he clasped the shell necklace Kevin had given him with his hand. Kevin kissed him and said "There's plenty more to come.", smiling at Andy & admiring how that necklace around Andy's neck set off his beauty even more. He kissed Andy for a final time, then departed, saying "See ya on Wednesday!" He turned and sauntered back up the dock, dreading the loneliness of the next 48 hours without Andy.

NEXT: The boys meet up in Australia!!!!! (finally!)

E-mail comments, ideas and suggestions to me at:

Next: Chapter 15

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