Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Mar 11, 2002


DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction. Nothing depicted here has taken place in real life. This story contains gay male sex scenes between young adult and minor actors. If this material is offensive to you LEAVE NOW. Any similarities here with actual events is sheer coincidence.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to all of you I have heard from in the last couple weeks. Yes, the story will continue. I have been a little busy, but the time off has given me the chance to tighten up some ideas that I have been kicking around. Keep reading!


After Kevin finished the phone call home, he and the guys discussed their plans for meeting up with Richard & Ben. Ryan and Jonathan would fly down first, since their shoot would be wrapping sooner. Kevin's flight would leave around 1:30 Thursday, after the morning work had ended. Andy's first match was at 6:00 pm, so Kevin then would arrive in time to see him play.

Andy called his coach, telling him that he would be staying at the hotel in Sydney at least thru Wednesday, but atter that would stay with friends. The coach was furious, telling Andy that he felt that this would be a major distraction, but Andy would have none of it. Andy knew he was going to be in one heck of a dispute when he reached the tournament, but he would not allow it to wreck his chance to spend his off times with Kevin.

After everyone had showered, Kevin made a call to the cab company, since everyone was hungry after the volleyball game, and their hot sexual afternoon. Soon, Loki had pulled up outside, and the guys piled in for their trip back to town. "Where might I be takin' you and your fine comrades tonight Mr. Kevin?", inquired Loki. "To where the best food is -- we're starved man!", Kevin answered. "That would be "Jake's By The Lake!", replied Loki. "I didn't know there's a lake near town," said Kevin. "No, there is not; it's really down by the ocean, that's just what they call the place," said Loki. "I don't care what it's called, just as long as I can get a good steak there!", said Ryan. "Oh yes, they have very good steaks there and lots of other good stuff too", said Loki.

Loki dropped off the guys at Jake's, & told them he would pick them up in two hours, as Kevin requested. It was an older place that had sort of a nautical decor, complete with old planking & stuffed ocean fish that hung on the walls, sort of a cross between a TGI Friday's and Red Lobster, but with the character of a joint right out of the old movies their parents watched. "Man, Loki better not have been bullshitting us about this place.", Ryan grumbled. Jon punched him hard in the arm, saying "Shut the hell up, or they'll throw us out of here!" At that moment, the hostess came over, asking if she could show them to a table. Jon said, "Yes, non-smoking please." The hostess replied, "Sure, this way please," and led them to a table on the deck, overlooking a marina and the ocean beyond.

Their waitress soon arrived and took drink orders. Ryan tried to be a smart-ass, and ordered a Mai-Tai, but the waitress was a little too smart, and carded his ass. Andy, Jon and Kevin roared with laughter at his embarassment. "I keep trying to tell you that being a punk-ass all the time is gonna get you busted!", chided Jon. "Yeah, yeah yeah, pussy boy, just shut up & quit boring us with your Mr. Clean image all the time" shot back Ryan. The waitress soon came back with the drinks, then took the orders. Ryan & Kevin ordered medium rare steak, while Jonathan chose a combo of shrimp and calamari. Andy chose seafood, as he needed to watch his weight for the tennis tournament, settling on broiled swordfish. Kevin asked, "So Jon, just what is it you're having, calamary?" Jonathan replied, "It's pronounced "cala-mahri", or cooked squid, and it's good --- tastes like chicken!" "You are such a liar Jackson!", exhorted Ryan. "If it's not cooked right it tastes like rubber bands!", he continued.

The guys wolfed down their dinners, all in agreement that the food was excellent. "i liked the calamari," said Kevin, as Jon had let each of them sample a little. The back room had a game arcade, & the guys took turns beating up one another on various venues, from "Aussie Rules Smashmouth Football" to "Kangaroo's Revenge", where the object of the game was for your roo to sneak up on as many hunters as possible and kick the shit out of them, before they could shoot you. Ryan won Revenge, his roo taking out 57 hunters. Soon though it was getting close to the time that Kevin told Loki to return for them, so they left a nice tip for their waitress and headed out.

"Did you and your comrades enjoy dinner Mr. Kevin," asked Loki as the cab doors opened. "Yep, Loki my man, you steered us to a cool place, thanks!" replied Kevin. "We'll be heading back to my place now." "Very good!" Loki replied, and headed off back up the road to Kevin's trailer.

When they got inside, Ryan said he'd like to play some more Sega. Andy had other ideas in mind, winking at Kevin & giving a nod of his head toward their bedroom. "I think Andy and I are gonna turn in," Kevin remarked. Jon had noticed Andy's wink & replied, "That's cool, I'll keep ol' smartass occupied out here.", respecting his hosts want for a little privacy. Jonathan envied what Kevin and Andy had together.

The two boys entered the bedroom, Andy silently locking the door behind them. It was very quiet, as the two studs gazed at each other, their eyes meeting. Moving slowly toward the other, they embraced, a soft touch, their mouths engorged, hands exploring each other's trim torsos. Kevin unbuckled Andy's belt & clasp, pulling the shirt off & revealing once again the beauty of Andy's bronzed chest. Andy returned serve, tongueing at Kevin's brown nips as they hardened. Kevin plunged his hands into Andy's shorts, feeling Andy grow hard at the touch. "Oh, Kevin, yes, oh please, yes, I love your touch," Andy whispered, manuveuring to match Kevin's movements as he reached to remove Kevin's shorts & underwear.

Kevin moaned exotically as his dick grew hard as steel under Andy's firm grip. "Yes Andy, yes, that's magnificent!" The guys continued their cock ministrations for just a little longer, then made their way over to Kevin's bed. Kevin kissed Andy one more time, then gently laid him down upon the mattress. Picking up first one foot, Kevin carefully removed Andy's shoe, then his ankle sock. He repeated the same with Andy's other foot, but held it aloft. Giving it gentle ministrations, Kevin slowly began a foot massage, caressing his tennis god's foot from ankle to arch to toes. A bolt of pleasure shot thru Andy, as Kevin brought the foot to his mouth, suckling each toe as if it were a fine food. Andy sighed in utter contentment at Kevin's tonguebath, "Oh, I love this!" Kevin gave equal attention to Andy's other foot, causing him to thrash wildly on the bed. gripping his hard cock & running his hands up & down his manhood as Kevin continued his hot foreplay.

Just when he knew he would blow a huge load if he didn't stop, Andy let go his cock and pulled Kevin down onto the bed. He got up, then began removing Kevin's high tops and socks. "Mm, mm, good!", Andy said, as he took one of Kevin's feet into his mouth, moving sideways over & under the toes like a musician with a harmonica. "Ooh, aaaaahh, ohhhhhhhh!", Kevin said as Andy's full lips enveloped each digit. A big smile, framed as always by those cool dimples adorned Kevin's face as he gave Andy an approving look to switch feet. He was overwhelmed as Andy duplicated his original performance.

Soon, Andy re-joined Kevin on his bed, & they held each other close. Andy swept the hair of Kevin's bangs from his eyes, & whispered "Thank you so much again for the necklace." Kevin beamed, admiring it as it glistened against the hue of Andy's tan chest. "You're very welcome," Kevin replied, giving him another kiss. The two young lovers remained this way for some time, alternately caressing each other as their explorations continued, until finally stroking the other's cocks and chests as they kissed. Softly moaning, "Ah, ahhhh, ahhhhhhh!", they came together, then fell asleep in each others arms, their bodies entwined & glued together from the juices of their passion.

End of part #13.

Yes, yes I know, we haven't gotten to see Richard or Ben yet. It won't be long now! Lots of hot sex and adventure on the way! Stay tuned!

Next: Chapter 14: Kevins Awakening 14

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