Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Feb 19, 2002


DISCLAIMER: The story you are about to read is fiction. It does not represent true relationships, sexual or otherwise of Kevin Zegers, Andy Roddick, Jonathan Jackson, Ryan Merriman or any other celebrities & events which occur. Any similarity to their real lives and circustances is coincidental. The story contains elements of consentual sex between male teens, and may include bi-sexual elements in the future. It also is a story of two young gay men discovering their love for one another. If you find this material & subject offensive LEAVE NOW!


"Gee Jonathan, for a guy who seemed so modest earlier, you sure are showing off!" exclaimed Kevin, as Jonathan ran into the living room buck nekkid. He didn't realize in his excitement to tell the guys about his message from Richard that he had left the towel behind. Blushing, he ran back to it, tying it once again around his waist, then returned to the guys, who were laughing at the whole episode. "Aw rats," exhorted Andy, "you looked really cute all naked & flustered!" "OK, OK, very funny, so do ya wanna hear about my brother's message, or don't you?" asked Jonathan. "Sure, so what's up with Richard?" asked Ryan.

"My brother Richard & Ben Gould rented a beachhouse near Sydney. They're coming down in a few days for the Australia Open Tennis matches, and they invited us all to come stay with them!", Jonathan said. "I'll call Richard and accept if you guys wanna go.", he continued. "Well," said Andy, "i'll already be there, as I'm leave on Monday, but what about you guys and your location shoots?" Ryan & Jonathan said it was not a problem for them, as they were wrapped on Wednesday. "Richard & Ben have their house rented from this Thursday thru next Sunday, 10 DAYS!", Jonathan exclaimed. Kevin though was unsure if he'd be able to go ---- shooting on his film was scheduled thru Thursday. That meant he could be in Sydney in time for the tournament, but his parents were expecting him home after he finished the movie.

Ryan looked at Kevin in disdain. "Are you gonna spoil the party Zegers!", he said. "I hope not," replied Kevin, "but my folks are expectin' me back home after the shoot & I'll have to call them before I can say yes." Kevin went to his bedroom to call Canada, while Andy hoped that Kevin's folks would allow him to go to Sydney. He wanted so much be together with his newfound love.

Kevin got in touch with his parents. Since both wanted to talk with him, they put him on the speakerphone. "How are you dear, we've been waiting to hear from you," said Kevin's mom, "I'm anxious for your return home!", she said. "Great," Kevin thought, "this isn't gonna make things any easier!" Kevin replied "I'm doing great Mom, & the shoot is going real well." She answered, "I'm glad to hear it --- so that means you'll be home next weekend, right?" Nervously Kevin replied, "Well, I'd like to take a little side trip to Australia with Andy Roddick & then come home afterward if that's OK," he said. "Andy's playing in the juniors and I'd like to go see his matches.", he added, hoping for the best. "I'm not comfortable with this," chimed in his father, "where is it that you would be staying?" Kevin knew this was trouble, and would have to really re-assure them that all would be OK. "I'm gonna be sharing a house with Andy, plus Ryan Merriman & three other actors. All we're gonna do is cheer on Andy, and get some sun, maybe some surfing!" Kevin's parents were murmuring to each other for a couple of minutes. "Who are the others besides Andy & Ryan that'll be sharing the house with you?", his father asked. "I'll be with Ben Gould, and the Jackson brothers Richard & Jonathan.", Kevin replied. "But, there will be no drinking or any horizontal horseplay involving girls, RIGHT YOUNG MAN!", added his mom. "No ma'am, just hangin' with the boys, and havin' some fun in the sun.", he said.

Mr. & Mrs Zegers thought it over for a few minutes. They recalled that Kevin worked very hard over the past year, not only with his current project, but also on two others as well. He had kept his grades up, while never getting in trouble. "Allright," his dad said, "we'll let you go on three conditions - 1) no alcohol or drugs, 2) no hanky-panky with girls, and 3) you come back home as soon as the tournament is over --- are we understood?", his father continued. Kevin was ecstatic, "Yes, I understand, you guys are the best, I LOVE YOU BOTH!" They responded, "We love you too son, stay in touch, & we'll see you in a couple weeks!" "Goodbye!", said Kevin, and he hurried off to tell the guys the good news.

NEXT TIME: Kevin and The Boys Aussie


Next: Chapter 13: Kevins Awakening 13

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