Adventures in the Steel City

By Darren Ward

Published on Jan 10, 2017


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any person or incident is accidental and unintentional. The location is the city of Sheffield in Yorkshire, where real life locations have been used.

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Thanks for all the great feedback from chapter One, it is a great encouragement. In this chapter there is some more scene setting, but you will be pleased at the climax I hope, when the spunk flows for the first time in this story.

Paul walked the five or so minutes from the station to the apartment complex . As promised the letting agent had left the key with the building caretaker . Tom was in his early 40's a quite well built. Looked like he spent a lot of time in the gym, and a nice firm ass Paul thought wickedly.

Tom was really helpful and when he realised that Paul had a load of boxes in the storage room in the basement he offered to give him a hand. Paul had planned to do all the lifting tomorrow, but once Tom offered.... Well it was an offer he would be crazy to refuse.

For the next hour Tom and Paul made countless journeys from the basement to Pauls ( what floor) apartment. Paul especially liked the opportunities to look real close up at Toms legs and butt as he walked ahead on the bottom stairway . Paul was really enjoying this .

They used the time to chat - Paul asked about the other residents, and Tom asked why Paul had chosen this complex when there were now so many to choose from. Paul explained that he fancied being closer to city centre and this block was in his price range. Tom meanwhile was able to explain that the complex was predominantly home to foreign students and there were a large number of first year students this time.

As Paul got more comfortable with Tom he decided to ask him about his spare time, and in particular wether he worked out.

"Yeah mate I do" he answered. " I use a gym close by. It's quite small but thats how I like it"

"Cool" replied Paul, and he complemented Tom on his shape.

Tom smiled and thanked Paul for commenting.

"You work out then ?" Tom now asked

"No I haven't for a while tend to run and cycle - although I need to sort my wheels out" Paul explained.

"Well if you fancy giving gym a go, let me know and I could get you reduced entry" said Tom.

"Cool" replied Paul, before adding " how come?"

Tom laughed and replied " My mate owns the gym". He explained that a lifelong friend had bought the gym and offered Tom mates rates.

He then added " Am sure he would be more than happy to give you a special rate"

Paul thought it was a strange thing to say, especially as he had only started talking to Tom in the last hour. But he soon put it out of his mind when he realised there were only two more boxes to move.

" I really appreciate your help Tom" said Paul, genuinely grateful for the help he had given him. " it would have floored me doing all this on my own" he added.

" no worries pal" said Tom " My pleasure" he replied smiling.

Paul went to get the last box. He pulled it up sharp and then pain hit. He had totally miscalculated the weight of the box and pain shot through his back.

" Fuck" he yelped.

" Bloody Hell Paul, you alright ?" Asked a concerned Tom

" Was a bit heavier than I thought " said Paul and he laughed.

" Good job it's the last one" said Tom. " leave it pal and I will sort it, you go up to your flat and make me a coffee" he added laughing.

The discomfort was not going, so Paul asked if he was sure, and when Tom said he was, he didn't argue anymore and went back to the apartment .

After taking the last box to the apartment, Tom came over to the kitchen area and taking the coffee that Paul had made him , asked if he was ok.

Paul said he was more annoyed that he had been stupid. It was aching him but he was sure he would be OK

"Be careful and watch yourself the next few days" Tom said.

Over the last hour Paul had really enjoyed Toms company and help. He spent the next few minutes finding more out about his handsome helper.

Paul was suprised to find that Tom was single and living in the apartment complex too. He explained that he had needed somewhere quick after his last relationship broke down, and his boss, the manager of the complex had really helped him out and offered him somewhere in the building. It was working well for everyone as he was onsite most of the time now and it helped in the day to day management of the complex . Paul noted that Tom did not reveal on which floor his apartment was.

Tom looked at his watch. " wow, it's nearly 10. I need to do my last look around before I clock off" he said, looking really suprised how the time had flown by.

"Listen Tom" said Paul " I am really grateful for your help mate. When is your next evening off? I'd like to buy you a take away and a few beers as a way of saying thanks"

" You don't have to Paul, honestly " responded Tom.

" No I insist " said Paul.

Tom explained that his next evening off would be Wednesday.

" Great. I finish class early Wednesday, so just come up when you finish"

" Ok" said Tom, "I look forward to it", and with that he took his cup to the sink and said his goodbyes.

As Paul closed the door, and looked around his apartment his mind was racing. " Fuck" he said reflecting on the day. He was shocked how, during the last hour or so how much he had been attracted to Tom.

Almost sub conciously, as he recalled Toms broad chest, bulging arms and thick thighs and firm ass, he grabbed his cock. He pulled it and made a satisfied ,moan.

He was horny as fuck.

He went into the bathroom and unzipped his jeans and took hold of his now hard cock.

His thoughts were full on horny now. He was thinking about Tom and thinking about Karl. Two very different guys who he and met and had been turned on by .

His cock was getting harder and his piss slit was leaking precum.

Paul loved his cock, and loved touching it.

He felt that tightness in his stomach and gripped his hard cock in his right hand and with his other hand caressed his firm chest and pulled his nipples. He closed his eyes and began to imagine that Tom and Karl were both watching him wank.

The thought of the two guys watching him was intoxicating.

He was now lost in his wank. And quickly wet the fingers on his wanking hand to give him the lube he needed for the hard fast maturbating he was now committed to.

His breathing quickened and his cock got ever tighter.

Erect, Pauls cock stood at about 7 inch, it kinked ever so lightly to the left. He was uncut, and he especially loved the feel of his foreskin being pulled tight back.

Within another minute, the pent up sexual energy of his eventful day was giving him the reward he ached for.

He briefly considered edging for a while, but as an imaginary picture of Tom fucking Him, while Karl sucked his cock, flashed through his mind meant he knew he was not able to hold back.

Every nerve in his body felt it was wired to his balls and focused on his hard thick throbbing cock. God he loved that feeling and as he once again saw an image of a naked Tom and a naked Karl in his mind, he felt his balls release and the heat of the spunk race up through his shaft and explode out of his engorged cock.

"Fuck" he shouted as three, four, five six thick creamy loads erupted for him.

He felt amazing and with a satisfied sigh, looked down at the pool of hot spunk now at his feet.....

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Next: Chapter 3

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