Adventures in the Steel City

By Darren Ward

Published on Jan 3, 2017


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any person or incident is accidental and unintentional. The location is the city of Sheffield in Yorkshire, where real life locations have been used.

It was the first week of term and Paul was looking forward to getting back to Sheffield. He had spent the summer working for his uncle in Scotland, and had a few weeks in his hometown of Poole in Dorset to catch up with old school friends and family.

Paul was in his second year, studying Chemical Engineering at the Hallam University. Most of the students in his year were foreign students, so most of his close friends he had met socially in the many student bars within the city. He only really had a close friendship with two or three on his course. Helen, a London girl and "Sammy" a student from Hong Kong, who like Paul, was gay.

This year, like the last one, Paul had decided to rent one of the many student apartments that seemed to be filling the city. He'd been able to afford a larger unit this time, situated minutes from campus.

His mates were all stopping where they had been last year in the less expensive units further out from the centre of the city on Kelham Island. So he would be moving to a complex where he didn't know anyone.

He was only at Leicester and the train was already running late . He wouldn't get into Sheffield now until past six, so his plans for a quick drink once he had dropped his gear at the new place were now looking slim.

Just as the train started to pull away, Paul decided to send a quick text to Sammy to find out when he was planning on being back in Sheffield. As he glanced back from his phone he noticed a tall slim dark haired guy getting into the carriage. The seat opposite Paul was vacant, and he sent a little mantra to the universe willing the guy to sit in the vacant seat, so he could check him out up close.

" Hi" said the tall guy as he approached the vacant seat." This seat free"

"Yeah, sure is" said Paul, trying to sound casual.

The tall guy smiled and proceeded to put his duffle bag in the overhead shelf and sit down. He was so tall that his legs immediately brushed against Paul. Paul wasn't complaining though.

The guy was dressed casually. Paul guessed he was about 20 or 21, and could even be a student. The guy took an iPhone from his inside pocket and earphones on, he soon settled himself comfortably.

Paul took him in more , he was an expert at this kind of surveillance .

The guy was at least 6ft tall and was slender and toned. He wore a plain grey hoody which was zipped down to reveal a lumber jacket shirt with red checks and under that a plain white t shirt close up to his neckline. He wore ultra slim blue jeans, which accentuated the firm thighs and calves which he had. Very smart trainers finished off his smart but very casual attire.

Ten minutes into the journey and Paul had managed more illicit inspections of Tall Guy. Paul loved to do admire. other guys like this and always gave them a nickname . He had got a message back from Sammy. He was working later so suggested they meet up on Monday lunchtime . Paul mentioned the Tall Guy to Sammy in his next message and Sammy replied, saying he looked forward to all the lurid details.

A few times Paul thought that Tall guy had seen him looking, and he got confirmation when after one particularly long gaze the Tall Guy smiled ever so slightly and looked straight into Pauls eyes.

Paul blushed and looked away.

Five minutes later as Paul concentrated hard on looking out of the window, he suddenly felt the Tall Guys knee touch his. Paul stayed perfectly still and at first continued to keep looking out of the window . After a few minutes of feeling the heat from the tall guys knee Paul became conscious that neither of them had made an attempt to move.

Paul counted to ten then looked towards Tall Guy. He looked back and smiled.

Paul decided to be a little brave. He moved his knee slightly to the right and rubbed the side of Tall Guys knee. Tall Guy smiled slightly and so Paul thought he would take it further .

Looking at Tall Guy he rubbed again and then looking straight at him said " Phew... It's getting warm in here"

Tall Guy laughed and replied " it sure is" and winked.

All sorts now raced through Pauls mind .

He then placed his leg aside the Tall Guys and kept it there .

Paul felt his crotch tighten as he became aroused. He just loved the feeling that casual encounters like this gave him . Tall Guy was not making a move and Paul enjoyed the feeling of the heat from his body. His mind was now in full fantasy mode and time was frozen as he imagined that they were both now naked under the table with legs still touching and the Tall Guys erection as hard as his own .

Paul was brought around by the guard standing beside them and asking for tickets from Leicester. He suddenly became very self conscious and coughed nervously . As Tall guy looked into his jacket for his ticket Paul moved his legs away and sat upright in his seat. He even wondered if he had blushed.

A few moments later the two guys made eye contact again, and Tall Guy smiled before asking.

"You going all the way?"

"Excuse me" replied a confused Paul.

"You travelling all the way upto Sheffield?"

"Oh yes!" Replied Paul, laughing with relief " I wondered what you meant"

Wickedly Tall Guy replied " Sorry, was being a bit mischevious there" and winked.

Not knowing the best way to respond Paul replied back with a lame

"What about you?"

"Yes" replied Tall Guy. I am starting a new job this week" he continued " my first time living up there so be good to make some new friends ".

"You will like the city, and it's a very friendly place. Am sure you will make plenty of friends, a nice guy like you" he said smiling.

"Sure hoping so" replied Tall Guy.

Paul was unsure how far to push things. So he decided to play it cautious and not be too forward.

After a few more minutes of silence , Paul felt Tall Guys legs re-touch his own. This time one knee was touching his, while another leg stretched right across towards him and he felt the guys calf rest against his own lower leg.

Pauls was fully aroused again. His thick hard cock pressing against his tight briefs. He felt the tell tale wetness now as he began to leak precum and he imagined that Tall Guy was equally aroused.

Paul was beginning to wonder how he could take things to the next level with this hot guy, when a older women who had been sitting opposite came over.

"Excuse me" she said to the Tall Guy. "Would you mind changing seats with me as I am uncomfortable riding backwards " she added with a smile.

"No problem at all" said Tall Guy, in a totally unenthusiastic way. And so within seconds the encounter was over.

Paul felt cheated and spent the rest of the journey sulking.

Just after six, the train slowed to approach Sheffield station. For the last quarter of an hour Paul had been wondering how he could recover the situation and engineer a further conversation with Tall Guy.

As it happened he did not need to . Tall Guy rose from his seat and lent over to Paul.

"You fancy a quick drink in the station bar. Have heard it's a great real ale pub?"

Paul smiled and said "Sure, I am sure I can manage a swift one" he went on to explain that he would need to collect his key for his new apartment before 8pm.

Tall Guy smiled and said " great"

The two guys left the train with their luggage and walked together towards the station entrance and the pub The Sheffield TapOn the way they both got a locker to temporarily store their luggage .

Once they sat down together in the bar, both with a pint of Pale Ale , Tall Guy offered his hand to Paul

" I'm Karl, and a pleasure to meet you"

" Hi Karl, Paul here" and they both laughed .

They spent the next twenty minutes chatting nonsense about how they had spent the summer and Paul told Karl about his new apartment which was only a few minutes away.

Karl was a bit less forthcoming. He was starting work the next day, and would be lodging with a friend temporarily off Eccleshall road. He asked if Paul knew the area. Paul said he did and there were some good places to eat and some good bars in that part of the city.

"Sounds pretty cool" added Paul.

After a short pause , Karl sighed, and looked straight at Paul

" Well Paul, it got pretty intense back there. I will be honest with you, I would really be interested in taking things further, and hope you feel same" he said.

"Sure was intense yes, and I feel the same way. What do you suggest?" Asked Paul.

"Well I have got a pretty intense few weeks ahead settling into my new job " said Karl

Paul nodded and added. " yes, and I got a hectic few weeks as ever at the start of term. I need to get my lecture programme sorted and on top of that I need to try and get a part time job sorted. I have a few leads, but like you the next fortnight will be quite hectic" .

Karl paused and then suggested

" Why don't we agree to meet here in three weeks time? Three Sunday's from now, this bar, and this time" he looked at the clock " Let's say 7:30".

" Bloody Hell" said Paul. " is that the time?" He looked concerns and said " yes that sounds fine but I am gonna have to dash now if I am going to get my key."

Paul was embarrassed that he had lost track of time and had to make such a quick exit.

Karl laughed and said it wasn't a problem.

" So here in three weeks?" Asked Paul to clarify . " Yeah" said Karl, smiling broadly.

And with that Paul and Karl left the bar and went there separate ways into the city.

To be continued welcomed at

Next: Chapter 2

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