Adventures in House Sitting

By Kevin Sting

Published on Jan 12, 2020


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The ride back from the airport didn't take as long as the ride there, and I arrived back at Philip and Daisy's house before noon. I carefully pulled the SUV into the garage and then walked out to my car to retrieve my duffel bag and my painting supplies, which I'd left there in my unnecessary rush that morning. I carried them into the house and was warmly welcomed in a flurry of tail-wagging and licks from the dogs.

I carried my duffel into the bedroom and set it on the low bench at the foot of the bed. The bed was unmade, or at least the half of it that Philip had slept on was. I'd wash and change the sheets later when it wasn't so warm.

Walking back down the hall, I deposited my art supplies in the den on the table next to the French doors. At some point, I'd set up my easel in the back yard and do some painting. But my first priority was getting a drink. It'd gotten warm in the house as the morning progressed.

On my way out of the den, I noticed the washcloth still sitting there on the desk where I'd left it. Philip had used it to wipe the cum off his stomach and cock after jerking off in front of me. I picked the washcloth up and lifted it to my face, inhaling the smell of Philip's cum. Examining the fabric, I could still see some wet globs of his semen glistening amidst the fibers. I brought the washcloth closer and then rubbed it across my mouth and chin to transfer what stickiness remained onto my face. The warm cum felt great. I ran my tongue over my cum covered lips and tasted Philip's seed.

Suddenly it felt really hot in the house. "To hell with it," I thought to myself. "I'm alone in this amazing house and I might as well enjoy it." I pulled my polo shirt over my head and tossed it on the back of Philip's desk chair. I kicked off my sneakers, unbuttoned my jeans and slid them off, and then stashed them on the chair with my shirt. Now clad only in a pair of emerald green bikini briefs that barely contained my growing erection. I slid the briefs off, freeing my hardening cock. The head was just starting to emerge from my foreskin and a small bead of precum caught the sunlight coming through the French doors.

I grabbed my cock in one hand and gently stroked down the shaft toward my balls, revealing the pink head as the foreskin pulled back. I unlatched the French doors and pulled them open, and then stepped out into the sunlit backyard. I'd been naked back here once before when I was painting Philip's portrait by the pool. But that time, I managed to keep my erection at bay despite being in the presence of my equally naked and very attractive boss.

I was literally dripping with sweat as I strolled around the perimeter of the pool while simultaneously stroking my 7.5" erection. I walked past the high gate that connected to the driveway, then by the guest house with it's large patio, and then across the grass to the plexiglass "fencing" that kept the dogs in, but provided an unobstructed view of the canyon and skyline beyond. It felt amazing to be so exposed and free.

But there was no sense rushing myself. I could spend the whole day naked and edging if I wanted. I walked back to the house and into the den. I picked up my clothes and deposited them in the bedroom on my duffel. I strolled into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of lemonade and chugged it down. Back in to the den, I sat down in Philip's chair, my bare ass against the leather that had hugged his bare ass little more than 2 hours ago. I picked up the washcloth again and inhaled the waning smell of Philip's semen.

I remembered that Philip had told me he'd left me a stash of his own private nude photos for me to use for my paintings. I slid open the drawer to his desk and saw a white envelope about 3/4" thick. My fingers trembling slightly with excitement, I pulled the envelope out and folded back the flap. Reaching inside, I slid out the top photo. It was a 5x7" snapshot of Philip cropped just above his knees. Judging from the dark color of his hair, it was probably taken at least 15 years ago. He was standing on a sunny beach wearing only a pair of aviator sunglasses. He sported a broad smile, completely comfortable with his nudity being captured by the person taking his photo, presumably Daisy.

Flipping the desk lamp on, I could see the finer details in the photo. Philip's body hair was slightly wet and flecked with grains of sand. His tanline was much fainter than when I'd painted him, so I assumed he must've spent several days naked in the sun on this particular trip.

I set the photo down on the desk and slipped out the next one. Another snapshot from the same era and possibly the same beach. This time Philip was reclining naked on a wide chaise lounge under an umbrella on the beach. He had his arms raised with his hands cradling his head. The angle showcased the ample tufts of dark hair in his armpits. His slightly erect cock pointed upwards against his pubic hair giving a beautiful view of his hairy scrotal sack. The most surprising aspect of the photo was that there was another naked man reclining similarly in the chaise next to him and also sporting an erection. The man appeared to be about the same age, but he looked to be Scandinavian, with blond hair and light skin contrasting against Philip's darkness. Both men were mugging for the camera, with huge grins on their faces.

I pulled a third photo out of the envelope. This one was a closeup of Philip's engorged erection with Daisy's manicured hand wrapped around it. The head of his cock was shiny and a small droplet of precum was visible emerging from his piss slit. My cock swelled further at I took in the photos and I began to stroke it again.

I was broken out my horny trance by the distinctive chime I'd designated for Philip's texts. I reached for my phone on the desk and read the text he'd sent me: "FYI: Jerry's coming a day early for more appts. On his way and should be there anytime. Got his msg right as I was going thru security and forgot to tell you. Sorry"

"No problem. Have a safe flight," I texted back.

As I hurriedly slid the photos back into the envelope, I heard the distinctive sound of the gate being opened. I was sitting buck naked with slightly waning erection at Philip's desk right by the French doors that opened to the patio just next to the gate. I could make a run for the bedroom to try to grab my clothes, but Jerry would likely see me making a hasty retreat. I remembered that Philip had said that Jerry was totally fine if I was swimming naked. So I took a deep breath, stood up from the desk and walked outside to greet Jerry, my cock still partially erect and pointing just below horizontal.

"Hey Jerry," I said giving him a casual wave in an effort to downplay my nakedness.

"Well hello, Tyler!" Jerry said as he let his sunglasses slide down his nose and gave me a wide-eyed once over. "So good to see you."

He set his bags down and reached out to shake my hand, or at least I thought that's what he meant to do. But instead he slipped one arm around my waist and the other around my shoulders and pulled me in for a full-body hug. I could feel the silky fabric of his designer athletic shorts against my partial erection. His hand slid slightly lower to the top of my ass and he pulled my pelvis tighter against his own.

I patted his back, feeling the firmness of his muscles through his thin v-neck t-shirt.

"I knew your were house sitting, but didn't realize you'd have made yourself so comfortable so quickly," he said smiling as he finally released me from his embrace.

"Sorry," I said shyly. "It was so warm when I got back from dropping Philip off a the airport. And he mentioned that you were fairly... uninhibited."

"Did he now?" Jerry asked wryly. "I'd say that Philip is rather 'uninhibited' himself, as I imagine you've discovered."

"Yes, you could say that," I replied smiling.

"I love the portrait you did of him. It captures all his delectable hairy daddy-ness!" Jerry raved. "In a beautifully artistic way, of course."

"Thank you," I said blushing. "It was fun to do, and nice to do something nice for Philip and Daisy."

"Tyler, would you mind helping me bring in a few things from my car?" Jerry asked. "I've got my massage table and a couple of bags of groceries and such."

"Not at all," I replied. "Let me go grab some shorts."

"Oh don't bother, sweetie. The driveway is so secluded from the street, no one will see you but me," he winked.

He had a point, so I followed him out the gate to his car still fully naked. It was a strange feeling to be outside the confines of a private yard without any clothes on. The warm breeze made my cock twitch a bit.

Jerry popped open the back hatch on his SUV and handed me 2 bags of groceries, which I grabbed by the handle in each hand. Then he pulled out a third bag. "Can you manage one more?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied. "Just tuck it into my arm." With that he pressed the bag against my chest, his fingers gently brushing my skin. I wrapped my arm around the bag and stepped back from the car as he maneuvered his folded massage table out. He closed the back hatch and we headed back into the yard toward the guest house.

Jerry unlocked the door and stepped inside the living room of the guest house. "Well, it is rather warm, isn't it," he said realizing that the A/C hadn't been turned on due to his early arrival. He unlatched and then slid each panel of glass back and pushed them to the opposite wall until the wall of the living room was completely open to the back yard. "I think I'll join you in your deshabille, if you don't mind."

"No, not at all," I said honestly as I set the groceries down on the counter that separated the living room from the small kitchen. Jerry took off his sunglasses and then pulled his t-shirt up over his head. He untied the drawstring at the waist of his shorts as he kicked his flip-flops aside. Then he slid the shorts down, stepped out of them and tossed them on one of the couches.

"Ah, much better," he said smiling broadly. I smiled back at him as I furtively sized up his naked body.

Jerry was likely in his early to mid-50s. His hair was buzzed close to his scalp with a little gray visible at his temples. He sported a well-groomed dark horseshoe mustache that extended down his chin. At about 5'9", he was pretty fit, but not overly-musclebound. It was clear that he was moderately hairy by nature, but kept his body hairy trimmed to about 1/8" everywhere, including his armpits and pubes. Jerry's cock was just a little smaller than mine, but cut and sporting a silver hooped Prince Albert piercing. His ball sack hung low in the heat.

"I should probably let you get settled in," I said.

"Oh don't be silly, Tyler. My first client doesn't arrive until 5:00. Would you like a cold drink?" Jerry asked as he began to put the groceries away.

"Sure," I replied as I sat my bare ass down on one of the bar stools.

Jerry filled two glasses with ice and sparkling water, and handed me one. Between sips, he said, "May I inquire what you were doing... or rather, what was inspiring you to do what you were doing when I arrived?"

Swallowing a gulp of the bubbly water, I replied, "Was it that obvious?"

Jerry stared at me, "Darling, you could have hung a Canadian flag from that tent pole between your legs."

"Sorry," I said sheepishly.

"Tyler, you have NOTHING to be sorry about," he laughed. "That uncut cock of yours is a beauty."

"Thanks," I smiled and blushed.

"Now what was it that was making it so hard?" Jerry asked.

I hesitated at first, but leaned in and explained the events that had transpired this morning: Philip's impromptu JO show for me, the cum soaked wash cloth, the photos.

"Well I did say he was uninhibited, didn't I?" Jerry said rhetorically as he laughed. "I think I've seen more of that man's erection than many of my old boyfriends!"

I laughed. "It IS a really nice erection, at least."

"So true. It's positively delicious," he replied. My eyes widened at this last comment, and Jerry immediately corrected himself. "I've never actually tasted it. But I've had some hands-on experience with it a number of times."

"Yes, I've heard as much," I said smiling.

"That bastard. Telling all my secrets. Perhaps we can take a look through those photos tonight. Lord knows I'm probably in some of them! Now all this talk of Philip's cock has gotten me aroused," he said looking down at his penis which now stood perpendicular to his body.

"Same," I said looking down at my own erection.

"What say we save them for after lunch? We can take a quick dip in the pool to cool off and then I can throw together a salad for us," he said.

"That sounds lovely," I replied, again, honestly.

After a quick swim and a few minutes in the sun to dry off, Jerry made us lunch, and we sat down naked at the patio table to eat -- the same table I'd enjoyed a naked lunch with Philip a few months ago. While we leisurely ate, Jerry explained how he'd long ago met Daisy, before she'd started dating Philip. And he told of the many vacations he'd enjoyed with them, including some beach vacations similar to the ones I'd seen capture in Philip's envelope of photos. Hearing his stories of skinny dipping on the beach with Daisy, Philip and their friends, my cock hardened and softened several times throughout lunch. Unlike the lunch with Philip, I didn't bother trying to will away my erection.

As we cleared the plates and loaded them into the dishwasher, Jerry said, "I still have a couple hours before my first client. Would you like an al fresco massage, Tyler?"

"You really don't have to do that," I said.

"Nonsense," he said winking. "There's nothing I'd rather do more right now." Philip proceeded to set up his massage table on the patio, just outside the open living room wall. He draped a white sheet over the table and tucked special fabric casing over the face cradle.

"Now hop on up, Tyler. Face down," he ordered. "I won't bother with the modesty towel, since apparently neither of us has any!" We both laughed.

As commanded, I lay down on the table, tucking my semi-erection downwards, and rested my face in the cradle. Philip gently ran his fingers down my back, over my bare buttocks and down my legs in a gesture of hello. Then I heard him pump some lotion into his hands and he proceeded to rub it into the skin of my back. He used his fingers, the heels of his hands, his forearms and elbows to knead away at the tension in my muscles.

I'd only had a couple of professional massages before -- at a day spa -- courtesy of gift certificates I'd received from Philip and Daisy. During those massages, I was carefully draped and undraped to reveal the particular patch of skin that the therapist was working on, they never touched my butt, and they rarely talked.

Jerry's massage was notably different. I was completely naked (and so was he!), and he frequently ran his hands over my ass, his fingers brushing against the cleft between my white cheeks. After he massaged each of my legs, he placed them back on the table slightly wider apart than I'd originally had them. I could now feel the head of my still semi-erect cock and my balls exposed to the warm air. And multiple times Jerry would utter quiet compliments: "What lovely skin." "Very nice." "Beautiful."

Jerry now focused his attention on my ass. He kneaded each cheek and his finger tips made their way into the warm crack between them. I felt his nimble fingers gently graze my puckered asshole and then down my balls and over my cock head. I could feel my cock stiffening and precum leaking from the slit, and I let out a low moan. Jerry must've noticed my leaking, as I felt his thumb brush against the wetness on my cock head. And then I'm pretty sure I heard him licking it off his thumb.

After about 45 minutes focused on my back, Jerry asked me to flip over. I did so, giving him an unobstructed view of my fully erect cock. "Beautiful, just beautiful, Tyler," he purred.

I smiled and opened my eyes. I could see that he, too, was sporting a full hardon. His dick pointed skyward as he began working on the front of my legs.

"Do you always work nude, Jerry," I asked.

"Only about half the time," he replied, not stopping his work on my legs. "It depends on the client and where I'm giving the massage. But I do prefer it. I feel like my clients can relax more and we make a better connection when there's skin-to-skin contact."

As he worked up towards my thighs, I reached behind him and gently stroked his firm ass. I began to reach for his erection, but he gently said, "Not right now Tyler. I want this to be all about you."

I tucked both my hands behind my head, mimicking Philip's pose in the photo with the fair-skinned man. Jerry smiled down at me and then began massaging my chest, shoulders and biceps. He let his fingers trace circles around my nipples and then tugged them gently. My cock bounced in reply.

Then Jerry worked his hands down to my stomach. He rubbed in a circular motion around my belly button and then reversed direction. As he did, the side of his hand brushed the head of my cock. He worked his fingers down below my belly button, running them through he light reddish-brown wisps of pubic hair. And then he cradled my balls in his fingertips and gently massaged them.

I could feel precum dripping from the head of my cock in anticipation. And then Jerry gently grasped my cock and let his fingers explore every vein and bump along the shaft. He ran a deft finger under my foreskin and then slid it back behind the corona, fully exposing the shiny pink head.

He stroked my cock up and down with his fingers wrapped around the shaft. Periodically he'd let his fingers dance over the head making my body shudder. "Such a beautiful cock, Tyler," he moaned.

I could feel my seed building in my balls. My toes curled and my balls pulled up tightly in their sack, as my body began to prepare itself for an eruption. Jerry could sense my tension and he stroked me more rapidly, now running his fingers up over the head with each stroke.

I opened my eyes again and looked up at Jerry intently staring at my cock as he worked on it. His own erection bounced and throbbed as he pumped my dick. "I'm getting really close Jerry," I moaned.

He looked into my eyes and smiled. "Oh, I'm gonna cum," I said, feeling the cum ready to erupt. "Oh fuck, oh fuck!"

I moaned quietly as the first drop of cum shot from my dick and landed on my stomach. Then a huge shot escaped and landed on my chest and dribbled over my left nipple. Shot after shot spewed forth covering my chest, stomach and pubes with sprays of my white semen.

Jerry was still gripping my erection. "Wonderful!" he exclaimed staring down at all the cum. He let loose of my cock and ran one of his fingers trough a glob on my stomach. "May I?" he asked.

"It's all yours, Jerry," I smiled as my cock continued to leak the remaining contents of my balls. Jerry brought his finger to his mouth and licked my cum off. He scooped up another fingerful of my seed and ate it. And then he lowered his face to my chest and licked the cum off my nipples, my chest, my stomach -- and even a glob that had landed in the light hair under my arm. Jerry licked and licked until I was almost as clean as when I'd started. All that remained was the trickle of cum on the head of my cock.

Jerry looked at me. He didn't need to say the words, I just nodded. And he lowered his head and licked the cum off the head of my cock. To finish my tongue bath, he took my entire cock in his mouth and licked it clean.

"Mmm....delightful! Thank you, Tyler!" he said.

"Thank you!" I replied.

"Oh my, look at the time," Jerry said. "I should get ready for my client."

"Okay, I'll head inside," I said rising from the table, my head spinning slightly.

"Don't bother Tyler. Why don't you just lay by the pool and relax."

"Your client won't mind?" I asked.

"Not at all," he smiled. "He's also very 'uninhibited'!"

I laughed and transferred myself to a chaise under the umbrella near the patio. I tucked my hands behind my head and enjoyed the view as Jerry tidied up and prepped for his next massage -- his erection still bobbing as he worked and mine slowly softening.

Next: Chapter 3

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