Adventures in and Out of Uniform

By Jacrod Paine

Published on Jun 13, 2007




One thing that I enjoy doing is finding out how other guys were introduced to man to man sex. You can read about my cuming out party in the first installment of this series. I have talked to hundreds of guys and some of the stories are very interesting, some 75 - 80% of the guys came out slowly, as young guys with other young guys they were introduced to jacking off by friends or older relatives, then came circle jerks with groups. Then the usual groping and fishing around until someone introduces them to a blow job, then they learn the give and take of the situation. Then some graduate to anal sex and again with give and take. Most decide along the way ,who they are, what they are, and what kind of sex with men they prefer. Some are introduced by male sex situations by older male relatives, siblings, uncles, cousins, etc. Some are introduced to it by older males they come into contact with,co-workers, school contacts, and some, today, have discovered it on the net. Some are introduced to it at a young age, some as young as 8 or 9, most find out about it as teenagers, which is not hard to understand, since at that age we are constantly horny. Remember the number of times you carried your school books in front of your jeans cause you were sporting a hardon. Some guys were at college, or in their 20s, 30s, etc. One man I met discovered it at 65.

However one is introduced to it, it stays with you. One way or the other it influences you for the rest of your life. But, now to Brian's Story. Brian was the Marine sergeant that introduced me to male sexual enjoyment in my first installment of this series. But Brian's story in some ways is just as interesting or unique introduction to a young teenager, who never or rarely thought about having sex with men.

Brian was fifteen and had just gotten his learner's permit and looked forward to getting his drivers license and buying his first car at sixteen - a whole year away, and for a teenager, that's a long time . Brian's father was furniture shop worker and his mother , a stay-at-home mom; so they had very little money. Brian was the youngest in the family -

Brian's father called him "Mother's Mistake", cause Brian's older sister was in college, and his brother was ten years older and married and living on his own; and Brian came along after they had decided not to have any more children. This was not to say that Brian was not loved and appreciated, he was, and what more he was the apple of his father and mother's eye. However, Brian's dad told him if he wanted a car, he would have to work and get some of the money for it. Brian lived in a small southern farming town and jobs for teenager were few and far between; cause this was primarily a farming community, the only jobs, if you were lucky to get one was on a farm.

Enterprising Brian soon found a job working as a farm hand from the early spring til after harvest at the Dunlop Farm about 3 miles outside of town. Mr Dunlop had talked to Brian and told him the work was going to be hard, from early in the morning til late at night or til they lost the light. Brian was eager to begin, he was more interested in the money and he was sure there was nothing on a farm that he couldn't learn and handle. Mr Dunlop told Brian that he only worked a couple of milk cows and some other stock and a few fields were under cultivation since he was paid by the federal government program to let his fields lie fallow most of the time. Mr Dunlop also informed Brian for the most part he would take his orders from his son - Daniel who was the last of his boys to remain on the farm; Mr Dunlop explained that he very seldom got involved with the farm work anymore due to his age. Daniel was away from the farm the day Brian talked to Mr Dunlop so they were not introduced at that time. However, Mr Dunlop instructed him to be early each morning, most of the morning chores were accomplished before 7AM by Daniel: but Daniel would need his help doing other things around the farm.

So starting on Monday morning Brian got up at 5:30 and fixed himself a bowl of cold cereal and then taking his bike, pedal led the 3 miles to the Dunlop Farm, to arrive before 7AM and sat on the back porch til Daniel and Mr Dunlop came out. Mr Dunlop introduced Brian to Daniel, who was about 6 feet tall, thin and lackey, but heavily muscled from working on the farm. He had dark black hair and green eyes that seemed to sparkle when they looked Brian up and down. Since it was early spring and rather cool in the morning, he wore a flannel shirt, jeans, and work boots. He put his right hand out and said, "I've looked forward to meeting you Brian; Dad's said some nice things about you and," looking at his father, "seems to expect a lot from us this summer."

Brian took Daniel's outstretched hand and shaking it, said, "Nice meeting you, Mr Dunlop, I hope we can work together well!" If nothing else, his parents had taught him good southern manners. Don't see that much anymore, especially with the younger generations. Daniel face lite up with a wide smile and he said, "My father's - Mr Dunlop; you can call me Daniel or Dannie, and I am sure we will work together nicely."

Mr Dunlop chuckle and said, "I can see you guys are going to get alone. Daniel here will introduce you to way we do things on this farm. He will give you the deluxe tour and initiate you into being a first-class farm hand by the end of the summer, perhaps you will even deciding to be a farmer on your own." Brian smiled and glanced at Daniel and then glanced at the ground, he had no interest in being a farmer, this was only to get the money he needed for a car, and he was sure from the look of Daniel that it would be physically enhancing too.

Daniel showed Brian how the farm ran over the next couple of weeks, introducing him to the animals, feed, and support - like the visits from the vets. He also showed him the barn and especially the so called "tack room". Mr Dunlop had fixed it up with a bed - the bed was built into the wall using 4x4s at each corner and 2x4s nailed to each of the four corners and rope enter twined with a old tick mattress on top, shower, running water, and heat - Daniel had explained that the room was usually used for a hired hand, but they didn't run enough stock or cultivate enough acreage to pay for one permanently. So they used it for storage and sometimes with a sick animal or one that was birthing, someone stayed in the "tack room". Daniel also explained that on rainy days when they could not work outdoors they worked in the tack room or the barn area on larger equipment repair and maintenance.

It was almost two weeks later that they had a rainy day, and Brian had gotten soaked riding in on his bicycle and then waiting on the back porch til Daniel showed up. "Damn boy, you're soaked to the skin! Lets get to the barn and get you out of those wet clothes and into some dry ones!" Daniel turned and started walking to the barn, in the pouring rain, and Brian moved into step beside him. By the time they got to the barn Daniel shirt was wet and if possible, Brian was even wetter. They stepped into the barn and Daniel headed straight to the tack taking off his flannel shirt and looking back over his shoulder, ensuring Brian was still with him, he said, "Come into the tack room and I will get the oil stove to going, you get out of those wet clothes!"

Throwing his shirt over the back of a chair, he moved to the oil stove and started the oil to flowing and checking to ensure it was flowing properly, he reached up on the shelf and took down a box of matches to light the oil and start a fire. Once the oiled had caught he closed the front of the stove, and said, "It will be warm in here in a few minutes!" Turning around and seeing Brian still standing there in his wet clothes, he said, "I told you to get out of those wet clothes, can't have my best hired hand, catching a summer cold!", laughing. Brian made no move to comply. Turning around facing Brian, he said, "Boy, you want me to undress you?"

Brian slowly shook himself, and started unbuttoned his shirt. Dan turned to a shelf beside the shower and taking down some towels turned around and tossed them on the bed, saying to Brian over his shoulder, "You get undress and dried off, get into the bed and cover up with the quilts and we will have to find a way of warming you up." Brian stood in the middle of the tack room holding his wet shirt looking around trying to decide what to do with it. Dan reached over took the shirt from his hand and looked at Brian's chest ; he had seen Brian's chest before when they had stripped to the waist working in the fields or the barn loft, but this was different. Dan took the shirt and placing it over a chair back and turning the chair to the side of stove, he said, "Get out of those jeans and boots and put them near the stove to dry." Daniel then walked through the door to tack room and out into the barn. Brian sat down on the chair and took off his boots and socks and placed them in front of the stove and standing up he unbuttoned his jeans and lowering the zipper shucking his jeans and draping them over the chair exposing them to the heat of stove.

Daniel walked back into the tack room and closed and latched the door, and turning around saw that Brian was standing there in his wet briefs. "Take those briefs off and let them dry out!" Brian looked at Daniel and said, "That's okay, I can wear these till my jeans are dry." Daniel stepped in front of Brian and placing his hand on his chest, said, "I'm not asking, I telling you, to get out of those briefs and into the bed!" Brian hesitated for a moment, looking into Daniels eyes and bending over slide his briefs off his hips and down his thighs and let them drop covering his feet and looked back into Daniels eyes. Daniels looked down and saw that Brian's cock was obviously hard; he moved his hand to his own jean zipper and rubbing the bulge of his crotch, said, "You affect me the same way!" Licking his lips, he continued, "I think this is the time to initiate you to the way farm boys help each other out!"

His hand moved to unbutton of his jeans and then taking the zipper tab between his fingers slowly moved the zipper down with a loud rasping sound. His rather large hard cock dropped forward as the jeans opened, he looked down at his cock, and said, "See how much it likes you?" Brian glanced down and then looked back to Daniels face; and Daniel saw the almost fear in his eyes, but with it a look of envy and lust. Brian stammered, "I don't know .... I never did this

..... !" Letting his jeans drop to the floor, Daniel said, "No problem, I will take the time to show you, and you will enjoy it!" Running his hand over Brian's chest and tweaking his tit, Brian flinched, and Daniel smiled, and said, "When we are finished, you won't be a cherry boy, you will be a man!"

Daniel put his hand in the center of Brian's chest and pushed him down upon the bed. Daniel stood looking down at the boy and smiled, thinking of the things that he was going to enjoy with the boy. Brian looked up at Daniel and moved from his face to his hard cock sticking straight out of his groin and thought that Daniel's cock was the largest he had ever seen; but then the only other hard cocks he had seen were on his friends during circle jerks and Brian knew that this was not going to be a circle jerk. Daniel sat on the side of the bed and leaning over Brian's face moved his lips to kiss Brian's arms instinctual move up placing his hands on Daniels chest. "It's alright, I am just going to kiss you!" Brian said, "I never kissed a man before." Daniel took his hands in his hands and moved them to his side and said, "It's no different than kissing a women, besides its one of the new things you are going to learn about today!"

Brian seem to relax and Daniel moved his face down to meet Brian's lips and gently kissed Brian on the lips.

Moving his hand to the back of Brian's head, he pulled Brian's head forward to meet his lips and with his tongue inserted in Brian's mouth, started to deep french Brian. Brian jerked back in surprise at the intrusion into his mouth. Daniel kept holding the back of Brian's head and continued to explore Brian's mouth with his tongue. Brian slowly relaxed and soon got into the deep tongue action with Daniel. Daniels other hand moved to Brian's chest and played with his tits and soon Brian's tits were as hard as his cock and begging for more pinching and pulling by Daniel's hand. Daniel's lips moved from Brian's lips down his neck and throat and down across his chest to his other tit. Daniel was soon working one tit with his hand and the other with his lips and tongue, and soon, Brian was moaning and groaning like a whore on Saturday night at a marine base.

Daniel moved his hands to either side of Brian's hips and picking them up moved him to the center of the bed. Kneeling between Brian's outstretched legs he started fondling Brian's cock with one hand and his balls with the other and looking up into Brian's face, he said, "Open your eyes and look at me boy!" Brian opened his eyes and looked into Daniels eyes, and Daniel said, "Now begins your education and you will be open to such new delights! I promise!" Daniel leaned over and took the head of Brian's cock in his mouth and heard Brian gasp and stiffen-up for an instance, before he relaxed. Daniel was licking, sucking and handling Brian's cock and balls and Brian was enjoying every sensation that his cock and balls were communicating to his brain.

Daniel was enjoying the boy's cock and looked up to his face to see his eyes closed and his face reflected the rapture his body was experiencing for the first time. Daniel took his hand from fondling the boys balls and reached over to the shelf beside the bed and removed a can and prying off the top with his fingers, he dipped his fingers into the lube and moved his hand underneath the boys ball and started running his fingers up the boys crack. He quickly found the boys asshole and started rubbing the lube around the hole. Daniel moved his hand back to the lube tub and got more on his fingers and moved back to the boys hole and slowly inserted his finger into the boys rectum. The boy stiffened for an instance and then relaxed, he now trusted Daniel to teach him the joys of man to man sex.

Daniel inserted his whole finger into the boys rectum and continue to massage the hole and feeling around found the boys buzzer and pressed it and listened to the boy gasp and take a moment to catch his breath and then moaned and relaxed to the new sensation. Daniel proceeded to suck on the boys cock and finger fucked his hole for a good half hour. He continue to bring the boy to edge of orgasm and then relaxed, pressing his finger underneath the boys balls to keep him from coming. Slowly he dipped two more fingers into the lube tub and moved back to slowly insert a second and finally a third digit into the boys rectum. All the time Daniel kept looking at Brian's face and watched him enjoy all the sensations his body was feeling for the first time; he moved his body up and lay on top of Brian and started kissing him again, and said, " Now boy it time for you to learn to suck a man's cock and make him enjoy being a man!" Brian looked at Daniel with some apprehension and said, "I don't know how to do that!" "That's OK, that's another skill you learn on the farm," Daniel said with a smile on his face as he looked into Brian's eyes. And Brian knew that he could trust Daniel.

Daniel moved to the side and laying down, Brian got up and moved between Daniels out stretched legs and placing his hand on Daniel's engorged cock, looked into Daniels eyes. Brian lowered his head and gingerly touched the cock with his lips and looking up into Daniel's face, said, "I don't know ..... uh .... what to do?" "Just lick the head and staff with your tongue and remember what I did for your cock and do the same for mine.", Daniel said in reply. Again Brian lowered his head and extending his tongue he licked the head and then lowering his head he started licking from the base of the cock to the head and then back and around the staff. He soon started holding the head in his mouth and moving his tongue over the head of Daniels cock and hearing Daniel moan, figured he must be doing it right. Soon Brian was sucking and licking on Daniel's cock and balls like a pro, as Daniel was to say later he was a natural cocksucker, which Brian took as a compliment.

Daniel moved the boys head from his cock, as Brian sat up a string of precum and saliva roped from his mouth to Daniel's cock head. And Brian looked at Daniel in a daze and Daniel said, "Its time for me to take your cherry!" He moved Brian to lie on his back and moving between his legs pushed the further apart, and lifting Brian legs, he placed the ankles over his shoulder as he slide forward on his knees and lifting Brian's ass and aligning his cock more or less in the vicinity of the boys asshole. Daniel reached down to the lube tub and bring his fingers out with a gob of lube which he inserted into the boys asshole and quickly lubed his own hard cock and lifting the boys ass he rested the head of his cock at the entry of the boys ass. Inching forward on his knees, he position himself to insert his cock up the boys rectum.

Daniel looked at the boys face and said, "This will hurt a little at first, but I will go slow and give you a chance to get use to it." He slowly inserted the head into the boys asshole and the boy stiffened up, and Daniel said, "Just relax, the worst is over." The boy relaxed in a few minutes catching his breath and then looked up into Daniels face and nodded his head and Daniel smiled down at him. Daniel then slowly moved his hips forward and slowly the boys ass sucked up Daniels hard cock. When Daniel felt his pubic hair hit the boys smooth ass cheeks, he relaxed and said, "Its all in, Brian, I have taken your cherry. Just relax for a moment and then I will show you how much enjoyment you can get from getting fucked by a man's cock." Brian smiled and nodded his head and waited for Daniel to take the next step.

Brian started stroking his own hard cock and then Daniel started pulling out and pushing his cock into the boys ass, and soon Brian's hand moved from his cock, cause the friction Daniel was causing in his rectum was generating to the boys hard cock. Daniel moved his knees under the boys ass and pushing his legs on either side of his head and started ramming his cock up the boys ass and listening to the boy moan and groan, the boy was enjoying the hard cock in his ass, especially when it hit his boy buzzer inside his rectum. Soon Daniel and Brian both was panting and pushing quickly to a great orgasm - Brian came first shooting his cum all over his chest and face and that brought Daniel off breeding the boys ass with his hot man juice.

END PART I: To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4: Brian and the Farmers Son 2

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