Adrian and Harry

By Joey Romero

Published on Jun 6, 2007


Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

This story is not only mine but also my good friend Ben who helped me with it so a special thanks to him and all those people that gave me good fee back and you should read my friend's story read his first one Harry's closet of secrets and then the next one witch is called Harry and the Politics of Romance .

Where we last left off : Harry folded the parchment and put it in a envelope and took Hedwig out of her cage and sent off out the window with the letter . Harry got back into bed and fell fast a sleep , the next morning Harry awoke and didn't see Adrian in bed he turned . There was Adrian looking out the widow while sun raised Harry got out of bed went behind him kissing his shoulder . He put his arms around his waist " hey you what wrong " Adrian just turned and said I've got to tell you some thing that I've haven't told anyone about for five years and I don't think your going to like it at all. >>>>>>> _________________________________________________________________

Chapter 3: A Family's Deep Dark Past

Harry let go of Adrian as they walked to his bed. As they both sat on the bed, Harry looked deep in Adrian's eyes and he knew that's thing that Adrian was trying to tell him was going to be bad.

Adrian just started to cry and in Harry's mind he could never recall Adrian breaking down like this. Adrian always seemed happy as if he were untouchable, never letting anything get to him. Deep down Harry knew that it was an act; a last ditch attempt to hold whatever deep and painful secrets may live inside of his mind and his heart.

" Come on love tell me," said Harry soothingly, "what's on your mind that's making you cry?"

"Harry," he said in a low voice, "do you remember the first time we met?"

Harry just looked at Adrian wondering where he was going with this; of course Harry remembered. It was hardly a day that he would ever forget in his lifetime.

"Yes love I do remember," replied Harry, "but what's that have to do with what you're going to tell me?"

"Just listen and I will tell you^Åcome here Harry."

When Harry scooted closer Adrian just looked at Harry for a few moments, holding his hand, and suddenly went closer for a sweet kiss . It was like heaven all over again , both boys where in each others

arms kissing a kiss that only lovers can share .

Harry got lost in the sensations his lover's lips and tongue were causing and almost forgot that Adrian had more then the apparent bulge in Harry's pants on his mind. Harry broke away from the kiss and urged Adrian to continue talking.

Adrian slowly removed his lips from Harry's and started to talk once more .

"The thing I'm trying to tell you is ^Å," Adrian broke down once more

into tears; when he composed himself again he continued, "I lied to you Harry about the way my mum died. It wasn't the way that I told you."

"Why did you not^Å?"

Adrian cut Harry off, "You see I was about ten years old I was on my

way back from my mates house. When I got close to my house I saw these

things that looked like ghosts going in my house. I was scared out of

my mind when I saw these things so I started to run as fast as I could

to get to my house. As I got closer I could hear my mum scream in pain

as they where killing her."

Another pause and a few more tearful sobs from Adrian before he continued.

"I wanted to help her but I was a little kid; what was I going to do against three ghosts? It took me a while but I finally made it to the

door. I looked up a my mum's bedroom window and saw this bright light

coming out of her room and then that's when I heard her scream no more^Å. I was too late to help my mum, Harry and I still feel guilty about that."

"I can understand Adrian^Åtruth be told I still feel guilty about some things that I have failed to do in my past^Åbut this isn't about me^Åit's about you^Ågo on baby if you can," said Harry now holding Adrian in his arms like a baby

"As I was about to open the front door it opened on it's own. It scared me beyond belief and I was certain that would come after me next. I was right; I had ran back into the bushes and watched in horror as the three ghosts came out of my house . But the worst and most shocking part was that they were with my father they where

talking to him! I could only hear a little of what they where saying to him."

"What were they talking about," asked a puzzled Harry

"My mum^Åand me, Harry"

Adrian went on to describe, word for word, the conversation he overheard:

"This woman's body was not the right type for me to take over, " said the first ghost

"Yes my lord, but what do we do? She was the only last of her kind "

replied Adrian's father

"Wait didn't you say you had a son with this woman?" asked the second ghost

"Yes he would do nicely; his body is young and strong and is ripe for the taking," commented the first ghost

"But my lord he's only a child his body can not handle the curse mark at the moment; he will surely die if we put it on him now!"

"Yes I know that fool!" screamed the head ghost, "that's why in five

years we will come back for the boy and place the curse mark on his body, and then and only then, will his body be ready for me to take


"Yes my lord," the others, including Adrian's father bowed in submission

"And as suddenly as they appeared the three ghost where gone my father walked back into the house. I couldn't believe he had walked so casually back in as if nothing had happened."

"My God Adrian^Åcan I ask you something?" asked Harry tentatively, "Why

did you stay with your Dad if you knew he help with your Mum's death?"

"Because Harry at the time I didn't want to believe that my own Dad

could do some thing like that to someone he really loved. I guess I was in a state of denial."

Adrian started to cry once more, "but I was wrong^Åyou see for over five years my Dad couldn't bare to look at me let alone call me his

son. But one night everything changed and not for the better Harry."

"If this is too upsetting for you we can finish later," offered Harry concerned with his crying boyfriend

"No^Åno I want to get this all out Harry^Å my dad came home late and I was a ready a sleep in my bed. He came in my room pulled all my covers off my body. I turned to him asking him what's wrong. When I saw his face I got really scared; it was not my dad's usual face^Åit was a face

of a man full of rage and hate. He had rope in his hands and started

to beat me with it. I could do nothing but curl up into a little ball so the blows hit my back. Finally when he was done with that he tied

my hands up to my bed and slowly started to feel up my shirt."

Adrian took a deep breath and Harry, absolutely shocked by what he was hearing listened attentively.

"He got close to my ear and told me^Å'Tonight your not my son but a

little toy that I can play with and do what ever I feel like doing'. At first I thought he was going to beat me again but soon it became clears he had other things in mind. I was shocked to hear those words coming out my dad's mouth; it was like a bad dream. So he started to feel me up again and removed my shirt. Then he started licking me all over until he pulled my bottoms down. I was naked on my bed and I could do a damn thing about it since I was tied down."

Another deep breathe and pause before Adrian continued.

"When I asked him why he was doing that to me and why I was tied down and naked he slapped my face and then he just stood over me and laughed despite that fact that I had tears running down my face. As he did that he let his shorts drop as well and I had my first look at my father's hard dick. He spread my legs and crawled up between them. I tried to keep them closed but he was too strong for me. He lifted my little legs and rested each one on each one of his shoulders. And then I felt it^Åsomething hard poking at my little bum hole. He entered me I and suddenly I was in more pain then I had ever experienced before. Despite my cries for mercy he just laughed as he started to fuck me hard."

Harry just sat there cradling Adrian in his arms with his mouth hanging open in total disbelief.

"The pain was too much for me, Harry, so I guess I blacked out for a few minutes. When I opened my eyes and was aware again I was in my room and still tied to my bed and my dad was gone. Luckily for me the ropes where loose enough for me to get free and dad was still nowhere in sight. I got dressed and ran out the house to the nearest place I could think of. It was that park where we first met. I was there crying my heart out over what just happen to me and that's when your cousin came with a couple of his mates. They started to pick on me and

well you know the rest."

"Why did you go back home when I saved you that night from my cousin Dudley?"

"Because Harry, I had no other options or so I thought and I wasn't about to tell you my life story at the time either. Harry rub Adrian's back to try to clam him down It was working when Harry moved his hand all of a sudden Adrian started to faint falling on Harry bed .

Harry place the rest of Adrian in his bed and lightly kissed him on the forehead. Adrian opened his eyes and grabbed Harry by the arm. Harry sat back down next to his lover's side lightly brushing through his hair .

"Harry" Adrian said in a low voice, " Don't worry I'm hear love please try to get some rest ok we'd got a long day a head of us ok". Adrian slow closed his eyes and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

Harry could here his Uncle for him and he went down stairs to see what he wanted , he knew that he had things to do and he had to get them done before the night was over because tonight is when Adrian and he will leave to the borrow .

Later that day Dudley got the mail from the door as it fell came running in the living room with a letter in his hand as happy as he can be . He gave the letter to his Mum and Dad they where happy to see that Dudley was getting a award to night at school . Harry was in the back round smiling knowing that letter was a fake to get them out of the house . The Dursley looked Harry and told him that he better have the house done when the get back from Dudley school .

"Yes sir" Harry said as they all went up stairs to change .

Harry knew what he had to do that night he went back up stairs to see if Adrian was ok he'd open the his bed room door and there was Adrian still sleep peacefully . Harry notice that Hedwig came back with a letter in her beak . He walked over to Hedwig to get the letter from her as did he notice some type of mark on Adrian's left shoulder

" could it be the curse mark" he though to himself he turned for a second and looked again but the mark was gone .

Man I must be really tired if I'm seeing things he said quietly to himself .

Harry turned back to Hedwig and took the letter from her beak , he opened the letter up and took out the peace of parchment out of the envelope and read it .

Dear Harry

Mum say its ok to bring your friend along if only you think his life is really in danger .

All of the order with be hear to hear what you have to say about this mate of yours including Dumbledore . So Hermonie , Tonks , and me will be picking you guys up hopefully that fake letter I sent had work so that know one would be there when we come and get you two . Make sure that you have all your things to getter so we wont waste time ok .

Your best mate Ron

Harry once again was happy that is lover could come with him so he can protect him from any one who tried to . Harry could his Uncle once again calling out to him to come down stairs .

"Boy come down here now"! his Uncle yelled

Harry left once again from his room where his lover rest as he got down the stairs he could see that they where all well dress for something that was not really going to happen . His Uncle just looked at him like he want to beat the hell out of him .

We're going now boy , I will not have any of that so called magic in my house or those freaks you call friends here either do I make my self clear he look at Harry with anger in his eyes all Harry could do was just agree with his Uncle and they all went out the door.

Harry went up stairs once more to get his things ready for them the leave to the borrow . As Harry got close to his door Harry could hear crying he opened the door and Adrian was not in bed but he could still hear crying he'd walked over to the other side of the bed and there was Adrian on the floor curled up in a ball crying . Harry run to his aid "Adrian" he asked are you ok ? Adrian looked at Harry with tears in his eyes "Harry" he was now in Harry's arms crying . Harry was there with Adrian in arms crying " Adrian don't worry your self with me I will protect you even if I cost me my life I love you and nothing can chance that . Adrian pick is head up and they kiss a long kiss that only two people can when the are in truly in love . Harry broke the kiss and looked into his lovers eyes.

"I'm ok know Harry" Adrian smiled a Harry . They both got up from the floor Harry told him that they need to get things ready the his friends where coming to get them soon .

"Your friends"? Adrian had a worry look on his face. "Don't worry they are my friends are going to help you get through this trust me they'd help me many time when need them so don't worry "ok" Adrian said . As they where packing Harry hared a knock on the front door

"Adrian wait here" Harry said he walk out of his room and slowly pulled out his wand and headed to the front door as he opened it there was Ron "bloody hell Harry" what are you trying to kill me or something ?

"Sorry about that mate you cant be to sure with those things out there" Ron just looked lost . "Never mind come in where is Hermonie"? Harry asked I'm right here Harry as she came up to hug him. Its been a while hasn't it said Tonks as she walk in the house . "So where's your mate the one you've been writing me about"? asked Ron "oh he's up stairs getting his stuff". All of sudden they hared glass breaking Harry, Tonks, Ron , and Hermonie pulled out there wands and headed towards Harry's room as they got close they could hear Adrian cry for help. Tonks burst open the door there was Adrian against the bedroom wall yelling .

"No Dad please don't leave me alone please as Adrian beg he just laugh". Tonks said a quick spell to bring him down but none of there magic was working on him. He went straight for them and there was nothing they could do all of a sudden Adrian got up from the ground and was now in front of is Dad . His father stop in his tracks when he saw the look on his son face his eyes where now pure red and pupils were black as coals he'd had three marks across each cheeks that look like scars . Harry was behind Adrian and could see the mark he saw earlier he knew it was the curse mark as did father knew by the way he was smiling now .

"Don't you dare lay a hand on Harry" he'd yelled at his father with rage . Adrian held out his hands and some type of power came out of him sending his farther out the window Tonks went to the window to see if Adrian father was there but he was gone. Then Harry put his hand on Adrian's shoulder he saw that mark started to fade once more than Adrian started to fall to the ground Harry caught him in his arms.

Tonks turned to Harry and asked him " who the hell was that " Harry looked at her and said that was his father. " what"! said Ron I can't really tell every thing right now we've got to get out of here.

Do you have every thing Tonks asked Harry "yeah I do" ok then with the wave or her wand every thing that was broken was now fixed the all left the Dursley's house and headed towards the car. Adrian was still passed out on Harry as they flew Harry started to tell everyone what was going little by little . Ron saw his home a pulled up in the drive way. All the Weasly clan was there to greet Harry Molly was the first one to hug him and then the others where.

Where is your friend? Molly asked

He's in car pass out like a light said Tonks

Every one helped him with his and Adrian's stuff Arthur went into the car to get Adrian the took all his and Harry's stuff there room where they would be sleeping . Arthur placed Adrian in the bed. Molly turned to Harry "dear you look like your going to pass out you should get some sleep we will talk to you and your friend in the morning" Harry just looked at her and smiled she shut the door behind her. Now Harry was by the window looking out side . Adrian awoke from his sleep and saw Harry there he go out of bed and walked behind him kissing his neck. Harry turned to him and Adrian started to cry again he looked to he floor and said I'm sorry Harry . Harry looked at him as tears began to fall to the floor . Adrian Harry said what are sorry for , this Adrian took his four fingers and the tips of them went into Harry's chest . Harry slow started to fall to the ground bleeding now he was on the floor he looked up to see Adrian's face he was scared of what he saw it was not the face he fell in love with but the face of a monster . With the last breath Harry spoke "why Adrian" Adrian just started to laugh and said goodbye Harry Potter. >>>>>>

Thanks to all of you for reading my story I hope to hear from you guys if you have any ideas for my next chapter I surely be grateful you can write me at hope to hear from you

Coming Soon Chapter 4 : For Darkness there's Light

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