Adopted Slave

By Tartarus701

Published on Jun 27, 2020


Thanks for all of the positive feedback I have had on the story . Just to answer a few questions -it is fiction and does not describe one real event -though aspects of it are real. Whether or not I am in the gang is a question I choose not to answer .

Thanks to the anonymous slave for its editing . Please make a donation to Nifty via and let me know if you do.

Adopted slave

Chapter 3: Getting More Control

Moving from week five into week six I firmed up my plans for my visit.

One of the first things I did once we started to use WhatsApp was to get it to formalise its messaging so that from now on, every message had Master with a capital M in it and it was to inform me if its slave cock was hard. I didn't do anything with it at this stage but later it had to tell me what caused its slave cock to get hard. Individually these small ways of control did not matter much but collectively they emphasised who was in charge. It also emphasised the normalcy of power transfer. I assumed now and needed to ask less. It responded well to this increased control of its life.

I like slaves to reflect a lot and at five weeks it did a short essay on how its life had changed and its hopes for the future. One of the concerns identified in the writing was its financial worries and when we explored this it did say "a Master could pimp a slave out". At this time, it was about slaves generally not it specifically but this would change in time. With my nurturing side I did say we could explore how I could financially support it if needed. For example, it would always have a room at my house. I continued to mix in my dominant and my nurturing sides as I felt the slave needed both.

About six weeks into its training and as it was now mid-May I began some video control. I would always be dressed, often formally, and it saw my head and the top of my chest. Sometimes I would move the camera to show it some gear or explore the layout of my room. From the beginning it was always ordered to dress in a specific way and this varied from session to session. Sometimes it might have a sleeveless top and no underwear or underwear and no top or shorts or no trousers. The slave was still self-conscious about being nude on camera, but this changed over the next three weeks as I gradually got it to be nude as it talked to me. As discussed earlier it was also ordered to tell me if it is erect. I also got it to be on camera without interacting with it so I can observe it when I wanted to.

One of my favourite areas of control was corner time in the present position. By this time its present position was adequate, no more no less. I would watch an hour practice of these positions or other tasks with the slave not knowing if I was there or not. Once I looked up and it was not there. I verbally abused it and told it exactly what I thought. The slave ended up crying which was hot as fuck. I decided it was a good time to do a mind game.

I gave it an hour to write an essay on `How I will be a perfect slave for Master'. It would be marked on: (1) Level of submission shown in the essay (2) Its need to become an owned slave (3) The control Master would have over it (4) What excited it about being a slave the most? (5) Grammar and punctuation

It would need 15 out of 20 in each section. I was really pleased with its efforts. If readers want to see what it sent then e-mail me and I will send the essay over. It got its 75 and more importantly I got more ideas about controlling it. In my feedback, I gave it 16 out of a hundred and gave it over 100 bits of feedback. It was made to repeat the essay five more times before I said I was ready with the quality of the essay. I changed my feedback over time so it got confused. This was a task I enjoyed setting which is one I must do again as the slave started not to think and followed every order.

Since our initial chats, we had explored the idea that it was a commodity and will be put away when not needed. I kept a tally counter nearby and identified how many times it moved when it was supposedly to stay still. There would always be a stretch goal so it focused on continuous improvement. I told it a made up story of an ex-slave of mine who could do eight hours in corner time without moving. It had its training goal and I encouraged it to do so even when I was not there. After a month of this, I mapped its progress visually and showed how it was not improving. I used effective use of data to map its progress. I said it needed to show more focus and commitment.

All of our chats were being recorded and cut into a blackmail tape, so when it talked about its relationship with a Christian god and its hatred of it, this was also being recorded. I wanted two sorts of evidence; one was general stuff to use and the other about religion and its adoptive parents. It was also encouraged to talk `positively' about its birth parents. There was also some great evidence from the meet with the M/s couple. These chats covered a wide range of issue and I got some useful evidence about how it felt about friends and relatives. This was all captured in one document so that I could have an easy reference to data and observations. I explored its learning style with it and it had the perfect mix of pragmatist and activist so could use this in its training .

The slave was in contact with the brother of his Adoptive Father, who it was estranged from. He would buy his nephew designer underwear which the slave got his friend's mother to wash them. It was common knowledge that the slave's parents were bigots and the slave gave me evidence of how his adoptive parents had caned him. I ordered the slave to send me a formal statement about this. Again it was made to edit it a few times until I got what I wanted.

I was being more direct in our conversations about being "in love" with the slave again when the slave reciprocated with "I love you Master" 50 times in a video as a task set by me. I also had videos of the slave saying "I need to serve a gay Master in my life. I want to swallow my Masters piss and shit and sweat and gob and cum", which was always repeated 50 times as well and again saved on a video.

Meeting the slave

We arranged to meet in the local woods at a specific time and place in the slave's community. I had not told the slave how long I would be staying; little did it know that I was staying in the same cottage as the Master and slave that visited the riding school. I would take it to the cottage unannounced later in the week. We went for a walk in the woods to a private spot and I suggested that as I had my Digital SLR camera that he might like to pose for some photos so I could show photos of my new boyfriend' to my gay friends. This was to emphasise the normality' of a fetish based relationship. It would become a sexual plaything for any man I ordered it to get in contact with. I told the slave that apart from hugging, which I knew it needed a lot of, there would be no sexual play today. That would certainly change in the week.

The slave also knew that I would be leaving some fetish gear for it and a slave diary to remind it that it was a slave. As part of the preparations for my visit, the slave had no orgasms for a week. For the first month the slave could wank freely but since we had used WhatsApp this was an area I was building my control on. My visit seemed like a good opportunity to cement my control of its orgasms. In terms of safety, there was a space in the barn where things could be hidden away. His adoptive parents never went in there anyway so there was limited risk of the fetish gear or the diary being found. I had also brought the slave some money so it could always leave if it needed to and get to London. I wanted to increase its dependency upon me for all areas of its life. It was told to fill the diary in every day using handwriting and take a photo of each page as it was written and send it to me .

Once we got into a private space the slave asked me to sit down on a log and it then said "Master, I have been preparing this ritual for our first meeting. Please will you let me do an obeisance?" It did this clothed but unbeknownst to it that before I left it would re-do this nude. It lay on the floor in a spread-eagle position. This is what it said:

"I am the luckiest slave in the world to have you as my Master. I want to dedicate myself to your pleasure. I give you control of my body and its three holes for you to use as you want. I want you to own me Master."

I told it to turn over and I got my cock out I pissed over its face and head and said to the slave "I take you on as my owned slave".

All the way through this obeisance the slave was prostrate and I told it to kneel. I used the opportunity to teach it what kneeling was and it practised switching from standing position to kneeling position. Once it had learnt the two positions to my satisfaction it was told to go back to prostrate position which I again taught it. It was then told to crawl to its Master and briefly lick its Master's shoes. The slave then got a coffee flask out and gave me coffee and it had some as well. It was not supposed to do so as a slave and so all it did was wrong but that was not the time for the enforcement of that rule.

As the coffee was being drunk we chatted side by side about our next steps, such as visiting for an open day in a month and staying with its Master for a few days and the plans it had for the autumn term. We talked about the horse riding and I suggested that I pay for gym membership which it agreed to. Little did it know that the gym would also be used as a way to control it.

After the coffee, I told the slave to sit on the log between my legs and edged it five times before I let it cum. This of course reinforced that a Master decides when a slave cums. It nuzzled in my ear and I encouraged it to say what was in its head. When it exploded, I licked it clean, something that would never happen once it moved in with me. I made sure this was a tactile experience for the slave so I touched its skin a lot and gave it only pleasurable sensations. I reminded it that I loved it and needed it in my life. The slave was glowing when it came, it let me take a photo of its cum-covered cock before I cleaned it up. Whether these would ever be used was something I was still undecided on.

We walked deeper into the woods and it walked with its slave dick hanging out of its jeans. When it got erect I used slave's dick as a lead. We discovered a private space and the slave was encouraged to look at the camera and take a few photos of me (these were deleted once home). We were both in jeans, t-shirt and boots and the jacket came off. I put its cock back in its jeans and then took a few posed photos of the slave and some of us together. We then both took our t-shirts off and had what I thought would be a difficult conversation about me taking nude and sexual photos.

The slave replied "Well... you own me and I trust you not to share the nude photos." We explored what this meant for the slave and it was increasingly obvious that the slave had a dependency on me. I was to discover later in discussion before I left that it knew about being manipulated and how the slave sees that as Master showing its love. However with its adoptive parents it had no control of how it was treated. At this point in the slave's mind, it still had choices and could set limits. More importantly in terms of control I was nice to it . If only it knew what was coming.

As we walked into the space, we found a nice space in a glade and I gave the slave the rug out of my bag and it laid it out on the floor. I just stripped to my underwear and lied on the rug. Without prompting the slave did the same. Whilst the slave was stripping I set up a tripod, the camera with the lens I wanted, and set the focus. I had brought a remote control with me and took photos throughout our session without asking the slave. I told the slave to kneel and put a leather collar on it. It then spoke on video about what being a slave meant to it.

We then played for nearly three hours on and off. After we had both came, I took some individual photos of the slave. It was made to wank to orgasm and this was captured by the camera. As we cuddled, I shared the images of the slave on the camera reminding it how gorgeous I found it and couldn't wait to train it more. The last thing the slave did was to do the obeisance nude to video. This included me pissing on its face.

As we packed up, I said I would pick it up the next day as I was taking it out for dinner. We did indeed go out for dinner and I enjoyed the social chat enormously. My job that evening was to provide lots of nurturing and my undivided interest. I encouraged it to eat well and said we would be doing of of eating out in London. I also said I would be getting it lots of gear so it had good outfits for key roles .

Country Cottage Initiation

I invited my slave to my rented house and after picking it up we chatted and it became quieter as we stopped at the cottage. I said "You know your way in, so go into the bedroom where the guys fucked you. Strip and kneel and wait for me there". I shouted, "Crawl slave!" and walked away. The slave crawled in. In the meantime, I set up stuff in another bedroom and came back in once I am done to put a mask on the slave and collared it with a rubber collar and told it to following me by crawling into the other bedroom. I kicked a hard metal cage and told it to get inside and locked the door.

I started the video of the three of them playing and let the slave listen to it. As it worked out what was playing it went redder and redder. I ordered "Take your mask off cunt. I believe you have some explaining to do." We then explored what rules it had broken. I explained that the other couple were friends of mine who I asked to test the slave out. The slave had done well but forgetting to inform me of the contact was unacceptable. It would be punished for this later.

I pulled it out of the cage and led it to a fuck bench. The video was playing in the background and it could see it as it was punished. I told it "after you have been punished you have a choice to make; do we carry on or stop all contact now." " If I can't trust you now I prefer to leave it . You need to convince me slave that u can truly serve me ". "But first, you need to be punished for breaking our sacred trust. And I have some guests who want to watch you being punished".

I then said, "Master you can come in now." The Master who it had previously met walked in with full leather gear, followed by his crawling slave David who was now denuded of all hair. It was crawling with a "gates of hell" around its balls and cock which has two inches of needles sticking out of it and therefore it had to bend to crawl so as to not pierce itself. "I will give you an explanation for their presence after your caning", I told the slave, "and you will count the strokes slave, and giving me the number and thank me for training you". It knew what a counting game was so it started.

This was a brutal training and the slave asked for punishment to stop which was ignored -- I had meant to stop at twelve strokes but got first blood at 8 and so I stopped. "You have to make a decision slave; do you walk out of here and never ever see me again or do you commit to being my owned slave? If you do commit, you will sign a contract to that effect before you leave." We gagged and masked the slave and put it into its cage. We all then pissed into the cage and then ignored the slave for 3 hours.

We put the fuck bench next to the cage and slave David was locked into the fuck bench. We were all very verbal plus the video of the three of them playing was still on so all the noise from the play should have kept the slave entertained. It was erect throughout the session and at one point moved to try and rub itself against the bars, so we chained it so it could not stimulate itself. An electric prod soon stopped any further unpermitted movements. We used our time to use both of slave David's holes, including fisting it.

Slave David was hurt via its nipples which had some wax poured over it and was fucked three times and fisted for over an hour. Slave David was very vocal and moaned a lot. Little did it know that the next time it saw my slave it would only be able to grunt. We had used lots of lube in the fisting so when we had all finished we moved slave David so that's its arse was over the adopted slave's face, and then gravity took its effect and it all slowly showered over the slave's face.This made some great real time photos . Just before it started to cover the slave, I took off its mask so it could see what was happening. I also took its gag off and instructed it to keep its mouth open. It then swallowed the arse slime after gagging a few times .

The other Master started to take some photos and I told the slave not to speak; I gently touched its cock and gave it some pleasure. I reminded the slave it was not to come until I gave permission. The other two then left the room and I told my slave it now needed to make the choice. I talked about how I felt about it and how I needed it in my life but I also needed to control it. I basically gave the slave an ultimatum which met its needs. I was offering it a new life but it had disappointed me by hiding something so important. I told it not to speak and I took it into the shower, and we washed and did not speak while I sucked it off and swallowed its cum. It remained only in its collar and I asked it what its decision was, was it to serve or will it be going. I gave it lots of physical contact while it decided and ensured that there was some salve on its arse.

The slave shared its thoughts and fears with me. It begun by saying it knew it needed to be manipulated, and it wanted to go on a journey that led to total enslavement but it needed to go along with the manipulation. I called the other two in and said this is now an owned slave. The slave did its obeisance in front of everyone and I again pissed in its face.

I told the slave it was to be chipped. I chipped the slave in the top of its neck. Photos of this procedure were taken and we then went into the dining room. The table was set for two and we ordered the two slaves to serve us and not to speak to each other. I told my slave to follow the actions of the other slave when serving.

There was a delightful twist to the evening. We placed slave David in a metal cage. It's Master then told the slave that it had no further use for it and it was being sold on. The adopted slave was clearing up in the kitchen at this time and did not hear what was said. Slave David was told that there would be two weeks of training and modification with another Master which would result in it not being able to be seen in public. It would then move in to my cellar before the adopted slave joined us. And after more training, slave David would be sold on. We then moved the cage, which slave David is in, out into the garden. I needed a shit and so I dropped it into the cage.

After the meal the adopted slave and I explored what its life would become. I showed it a copy of the draft contract which it read before its signing in the morning. The contract was a permanent Master slave contract which could only be rescinded by the Master . It ensured that no permanent harm would come to the slave .It stated that the Master would have absolute control of the slave's life permanently. It committed the slave to serve the Master permanently and to the best of its ability. We spent two hours discussing its implications and this was recorded and we both agreed on camera that the discussion would be part of the contract's legal framework.

I also made it plain that there will be consequences if it did not turn up in London as agreed. I told the slave to go to the car to get my briefcase. On its return I told it to kneel and from my briefcase, I gave it a thick file from which it read. This was a file full of its social history, exam grades, social media profile and the profile of its friends. While it was reading, it was told of the consequences if it did not turn up.

These are : (1) Outing it to its adoptive parents so that it could not stay there

(2) Everyone in the folder would have a photo and explanatory letter as described in 3 sent to them

(3) We would find it, kidnap it, and under anaesthesia it would have all its head hair lasered off, then it would have the word paedophile tattooed on its head. Once healed, it would be left unconscious in front of an Evangelical Church with a letter asking them to cure the slave from the devil inside.

It knew that it would sign the contract tomorrow and it confirmed this and would have a month to sort out its life. It would move in with me but I was still undecided if it would attend university as planned (not that I told the slave this). It had already applied for a student loan but I would be giving it an allowance on top. It could earn extras by performing other tasks such as nude cleaning, like a lifestyle slave would do. Before I left, I measured the slave so I could order some bespoke outfits. It was also ordered to grow its hair long and grow facial hair.

I called the other Master and said he could fuck the slave. Whilst he did use lube, it was a functional fuck with no thought on the slave's pleasure and in fact, that was the last thing on our mind. I checked with the slave that this was OK. It said it was an owned slave and Masters could do what they wanted subject to limits. It would be another 2 months before it stopped mentioning the limits rubbish.

After the other Master came, we all got into a bed and cuddled -- I edged the slave with my mouth whilst the other Master kissed it. I wanted the slave to realise that there would be lots of gentle play as well as a rough fuck. That's a lie of course as its first month of training would be immensely intense. Depending on how it responded, it would become either a lifestyle slave or a drone which would be dehumanised until there was nothing human in there. If it was droned, it would then be sold off when I got bored with it.

The Next Morning

We all woke up at about the same time with all of us sporting a morning erection. I told the slave to kneel and take our morning piss. It was then told to go for its own piss in the bathroom and return to us. We prompted the slave to suck both of us off and after that the other Master rimmed the adoptive slave as I sucked it off. I put some salve on its buttocks.

The slave was then instructed to make breakfast for us both and which it waited on. It was then given 30 minutes to make its breakfast, eat and then meet me in the bathroom. The slave was told not to speak while we sat in the bath facing each other so that our cocks rubbed against each other's. We gently washed and explored each other until we both shot on each other's body.

By now it was clear that I was unpredictable, sometimes rough and sometimes gentle. Allowing it to cum lots in a short space of time was of course manipulative but also very effective. On reflection, giving so much pleasure to the slave reinforced the benefits of it becoming a slave. Psychologically, whilst I often give out punishments, I would also use positive rewards and reinforcements. The most important positive reinforcement was supporting the slave to envisage a new life and lots of positive touches. These positive experiences compared favourably with the slave's current existence.

We talked about the hopes we both had for our relationship and what training would give us. I had decided that once in my house the slave would be initiated into the dungeon for a month before it re-entered the outside world. What it presented as and how it viewed itself afterwards would depend on its training. After showering together I dressed my slave in new gear; it was an expensive collar with a matching harness, cuffs, gags and a paddle all with the same design. The cuffs, gags and paddle were all engraved with "slave Albert" on it. Little did it know it was the fourth slave Albert.

Contract Ceremony

The other Master got a lead and took it into the room with the fuck bench. The video camera had been set up to capture it entering the room. I reminded it that as an owned slave I could use it to its limits. I locked it onto the fuck bench . I was not concerned whether any limits were being breached while it was being videoed as these could be edited out. I decided that no lube will be used and I should be the first to use its cunt during the ceremony. I mounted it with no preamble and the slave screamed. I asked it if I was breaking its limit and it replied "No Master". From the slave's reaction, this can only be described as a violent rape. Unknown to the slave, it had actually been given two Viagra in powder form in its morning drink. So even though it is being used so roughly, it got hard during the whole ordeal and this reinforced its need to be a slave and also strengthend the connection between arousal and hard use. After a month in my cellar, it would realise that it would only be used roughly.

After I came, I needed to be cleaned up which the slave did with its mouth. I felt like taking a piss so this was a good opportunity. When I finished, I shot a great close up where it looked like it hated me. I asked it if I had broken any limits and of course it said no. I told it to smile and tell the camera why it is a slave and what it needed from its Master. We stopped recording afterwards and I said it was to be raped again. If it did not show it was enjoying it, then it would be punished as it is a slave's duty to please its Master. Before the slave was raped again, the other Master and I had a competition as to who could redden the slaves arse cheek more. The slave was encouraged to scream as much as it could. I reminded it that it should not speak unless it was given permission and I prodded it to remind it of this rule . I also discovered that prodding a slave as u fuck it adds to a masters enjoyment as its movements can bring it off .

I gave it a few prompts as the next rape was the other Master's turn; he was bigger and thicker than me so it must have hurt but it managed to smile and say thank you. The slave was far more verbal in its thanks for being used following the verbal prompt. What also helped was that we had zapped the slave off camera with a shot each in its cunt and balls in one of breaks. This obviously acted as a negative reinforcement against what we didn't want the slave to do. We then plugged the adopted slave up and left it on the fuck bench after it had been fucked. We thought it would be useful to do a focussed pain session, i.e. by focussing on its nipples and/or balls. We left the slave on the bench to think about its future. We had also booked the cottage for the next month for different members of the gang. They had also booked some horse riding lessons.

Both Masters were pleased it was raining and slave David has become quite wet. We tipped the cage on its side and hosed the remaining shit out. We then loaded the cage into the other Masters car, and they left. I was pleased about that as this was my cage which I would get back in a fortnight with a new version of slave David in it.

The slave and I cleaned up the rest of the cottage. Before it left for its adoptive home, I took it into the bedroom and stripped all of its gear off it and put them in an ornate box marked slave Albert. I then took from the box a gold chain which I put round its neck and said it was to wear this from now on. It loved the gold chain and said it was beautiful. I locked it on with a built in lock so it could not be taken off. Its leather collar would be put back onto it in a month when it moved in with me.

On my last day with the slave, it brought 2 suitcases with possessions and clothes which I packed in to my car. Little did the slave know that all of these would be burned in front of it when it entered my cellar. This chapter has explored the slave's motivation at length . I would argue that I basically gave it no choice, but it was clear from its behaviour that it needed to be enslaved. Looking back on its behaviour I think it knew that by not informing me of its meet with the couple that it was asking to be punished. What was also interesting that my interaction paradoxically got control over it but also made it happier. This is something that is explored more in Chapter 4.

Next: Chapter 4

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