Adopted Slave

By Tartarus701

Published on Nov 23, 2020


Thanks for all of the positive feedback I have had on the story .

Thanks to slave david for its editing skills and its additions to the story. This is the last but one chapter of adopted slave and I will upload a new story in the new year.

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Chapter 19 Splitting the Brothers

The twins, Alex and I then turned our attention to Karl who was still in his cage. One of the twins opened the cage door whilst Alex and I prodded its left and right buttocks and then shouted to the slave to get out of the cage. It took some time as it was suffering from spasms due to the continual prodding. We then carried it to the spreader frame and connected it to the five points. The slave struggled and made all sorts of threats, which were soon to be silenced but these were ignored apart from further prodding. Once it was upright one of the twins did the cauterisation as it needed practice. This finally brought relative silence apart from gurgles and splutters. The other twin douched the slave after Alex and I had cut all its clothes off. We added its clothes to its personal possessions from upstairs and burnt it all in front of the new, now silent and frightened slave.

I looked over at the brothers and it was delightful to see them kissing each other. They were both very erect which was great to see, lol. I went over to the brothers and asked if they wanted to fuck their former abusive brother and they both said yes. As a precaution I put a leg iron on them, but they knew who they needed to obey. I put a mask on Karl's face so that he had no idea who fucked him. I told the brother slaves not to make any noise as they used their former brother and I made sure that the cleaning out was especially deep as we plugged Karl between each douche and it was great to see the slave physically responding to the severe stomach cramps.

I disliked Karl more than most slaves we had processed so I had spoken to the Arabic Master about transforming it into a pain pig to be sold on. The Arabic Master had an even better idea and suggested turning Karl into a her and suggested that after transformation the brothers would use her cunt before it was sold on. I decided that this was something for a discussion later. Ideally the slave would not respond well to this, which was great after how it had abused its own younger brothers. Of course I took no interest in what happened to slaves once they were sold on but decided we could have fun humiliating it before selling it to the Arabic Master.

I also masked Curtis and Karl so they would know who was in charge. I took Curtis over to Karl, put some lube on slave Curtis's cock and then lined it up with his former brother's hole. Curtis knew he had to be rough and would be punished if I felt it not rough enough. You could tell Curtis was enjoying itself and I also liked the way that he was holding onto slave Karl's nipples. Eventually Curtis came and of course made loads of noise. Kevin was even rougher and really held onto Karl's tits causing great pain. Alex and I decided that Karl's mask would remain on as we all had a go at ramming its hole, which was already raw and seeping cum. Neil was next and Karl certainly struggled with those 12 inches. Not that Neil cared as he believed rape helped to focus the slave.

Alex and I gave the brothers lots of hugs and encouragement and support as we knew they needed lots of nurturing. Once the fucking had finished (for now) we took Karl's mask off and then got on with the rest of the initial transformation. Once we had done the hair removal, I thought it might be a good time for some tenderising. I explained the next part of the process to the brothers and showed them the paddles and floggers. I explained how they could use the devices to cause maximum pain but no permanent harm. I explained that whoever lost e.g. their side of the slave was not as red and bruised would be locked into chastity for a month. This was obviously some incentive. I told them they were of course able to mark the other side of the slave and Curtis looked as if it was enjoying focussing on Karl's chest turning it scarlet red. I showed him a number of floggers which are meant for the front and I also encouraged him to focus on the slave's abs.

The brothers got stuck in and it was lovely to see the pain on slave Karl's face. We decided it was a draw and retired upstairs minus the leg irons for a play. We left on slave David's transformation video so that Karl had something to look at, not realising that its transformation was to be even more extreme. The twins went to make some food and we retired to a lounge area where we planned the rest of the transformation. We encouraged the brothers to ask questions about the transformation process. We encouraged them to be comfortable and become entwined with Alfie, Simon and Mark. Not that those three needed any encouragement. It was good to remind the five of them that they were there for our sexual pleasure not theirs. I ordered Curtis and Kevin to show us how slutty they could be and without doubt they showed that off to perfection in a great incestuous performance.

I explained that below ground there was a strict protocol but above ground there was a chilled atmosphere. We explored their thoughts about what was happening to them and Curtis asked about the slave markings which it liked. We thought it would be good to do sooner rather than later. We got a fuck bench and did the "s" neck tattoos and the arse tattoos and the arse and chest brands on both slaves. It would be interesting to see how different slave Karl's tattoo "slave" on its forehead would be. We also decided that Karl's piercings would be as large as possible so they could impress his brothers, when they arrived, on Friday. I ensured that the transformation was as painless as possible for Curtis and Kevin but both slaves looked great.

I told Curtis and Kevin about the plan to feminise Karl and they asked if it could start now which I suggested to the Arabic Master. Within two hours a package was delivered which contained female hormones and some make up for Carly to wear as Karl would now be known. Curtis asked if he could do Carly's make up and we agreed a plan of transformation. We went back to the dungeon for the next stage of Karl's transformation. When Neil was prepared he gave Carly the first of her daily injections and then I informed her of the new plan. As Karl couldn't speak we could only tell its displeasure by the look of horror on its face and the tears that began to well up in its eyes. By now though it was resigned to who was in charge.

On Friday Curtis, Kevin and I went up in the van to pick up their other three brothers. When we arrived at their small apartment it was obvious that they had tried to tidy up the house, but it was not brilliant. They were ready with their bags which were mostly large shopping bags rather than suitcases. We soon put them in the car and were away. We lied that Karl wanted to do some work and that they would see him later. Once we arrived at the estate we had a drink in the lounge and made sure that Liam and Joe got the ones with the drugs in. Once they were relaxed I took Ian to another room where Neil and the twins were waiting, and Kevin and Curtis attended as well. They explained that they were now consensual slaves and that both of us Masters were looking after them. They explained to Ian that he could either stay here as a slave and stay part of the family or be transformed into a slave who would be sold on. They explained there was lots of sex and that they were being very well looked after. Ian did not take long to think about it and was soon collared as a consenting slave.

We returned to Alex with some cages and put the other two brothers, who were now asleep, into separate cages. We carried them down to the cellar and Kevin and Curtis stripped outside the cellar before they carried their brothers in. Ian told us he had never slept with guys apart from being used by Karl and it had always been rough and he did not enjoy it. Neil helped him to strip making sure, as always, there was lots of skin contact and then got him douched so he was nice and comfortable. Ian saw Karl glowering at him as he came in and he laughed at his face tattoo which of course said "slave". It was clear most of the family hated him.

Neil got behind Ian and rimmed him and slowly opened him up with some lube. He gently douched him twice so that he was chilled and not stressed by the procedure. We were then all on the bed and had started to play. As always, we made sure that the three brothers got lots of attention and caring touches. We all worked Ian over, so he had our mouths all over him and he soon came which we all shared between us with lots of deep tonguing. We explained that he would have tattoos and piercings like Kevin and Curtis but not like Karl and that it would be relatively pain free. Ian then asked if he could have a full body shave including his head and Kevin and Curtis said that they would like that too. We decided to do this immediately so we all got into the shower space and shaved the brothers' heads and for Ian his body as well.

Alex and I sat down and the twins served us drinks. We then got some collars and put them on our three new slaves. Once this was done we told the eight slaves to go and cook a meal. We joined them at the kitchen table and explained to the brothers that whilst we ate together, we always had one of the slaves to serve us and they would rotate this duty daily. After the food we took the slaves on a tour of the house and asked them what jobs would interest them. Curtis and Ian were interested in the garden and Kevin in cooking, so these were the tasks assigned to the slaves.

The next morning, we took the three consensual brother slaves down to the cellar and locked them into their large cage. By now the other brothers were up and they watched Karl coming out of the cage and walking to be locked up in chains. We had set up two other sets of hanging chains and got Liam out first and locked him in and then Jo was locked in, so the three brothers were hanging side by side. As well as train them we wanted them to look more similar in terms of body shape, so we decided they all needed to lose 5 kg each and become similarly muscular. Their brothers would be involved in encouraging them to improve their musculature, but we made sure that they worked with a twin as well to allow experience to be shared amongst the slave team.

We went out shopping the next morning with the house slave brothers who were wearing the clothes they came with. We took them to a sports shop and bought them two sets of chav gear each. We wanted to show them off so we got them tight Adidas polyester tracksuits as small as we could get them to squeeze into. We then bought them three sets of Nike Tn trainers in different colours and matching baseball caps. The slaves couldn't believe we were spending so much money on them. They didn't know that we had a plan to get them to earn the expenditure back. We then went to a gay fetish store and bought some more trackie bottoms, this time PVC and rubber versions. We finished our shopping by buying some other fetish items including some tight cock rings. We asked the shop assistant, who was also dressed in chav gear if we could get our slaves changed in the shop. He was more than delighted to allow this and said that was ok as long as our slaves would worship His Nike Vapormax. We got the slaves to strip off and the shop assistant gathered all of their old clothes to put into the refuse. We got them to wear the tight cock rings and then wear the tightest trackie bottoms, tops and baseball caps. The three looked great! Once they were dressed they were forced onto the floor and the shop assistant ordered them to lick His trainers. By the time other shoppers arrived all of the slaves were either licking the shop assistant's trainers or had our feet in their mouths. The shop assistant asked if He could spice things up and we agreed so he went to a display and removed some paddles and whips. After another 15 minutes the slaves were almost naked again with mouths full of feet and very sore looking backs and arses.

Once the slaves were dressed again, we thanked the shop assistant, handed all the bags to the slaves and headed out. We decided to go for some drinks so headed for a straight bar. Once we all had drinks we made the slaves take a Viagra and got them to drink several pints of beer. All the slaves had enjoyed the scene in the fetish shop and couldn't believe they were being looked after so well. After the first two drinks Curtis asked permission to go to the toilet. We said it couldn't and just bought it more beer, in fact we bought the slaves several pints each without allowing them to take a piss. By the time we decided to leave the slaves were quite drunk and desperate to piss. We still stopped them from using the toilet. As we all stood up it was great to see that all three brothers had massive bulges in their tight trackies despite needing to piss. We left and went for a slow walk through a very busy part of London. After a while Curtis pleaded to be allowed to piss. I said it could but would have to just relieve itself in the street. Curtis looked extremely embarrassed as the first damp patch appeared on the bulge in his trackies. Within a few minutes it couldn't hold it any more and a long stream began to appear running down the black polyester legging and into its new trainers. Alex and I enjoyed this humiliation especially as shoppers and business men and women looked in disgust as its predicament. It wasn't too long until we had three sodden, piss stinking slaves. We headed back to the van and bundled them into a wet heap in the back. During the journey home I explained that a Master from our network was opening a private illegal S&M club for sports and chav fetish Men. I had arranged to rent out the brothers on a rotating basis to work as foot, piss and cum slaves at the club. It wouldn't take too many weeks to ear considerably more than the cost of their new clothes.

On our return Neil did Ian's tattoos and piercings and locked on its house collar. Neil took Ian for a walk and he experienced the shock from moving too far away from the estate as a lesson about not trying to leave should it ever try to.

That evening we got the three brothers to put on a display for us of them sucking and fucking which Alex and I and the twins were eventually persuaded to join in. That evening we all went down to the cellar and locked the three brothers into the cage. We told them they were not to play with each other which we saw later through the video camera they had ignored our instruction.

The next morning the twins and I set up three fuck benches. One at a time, the brother slaves were let out of the large cage and taken by us to the fuck bench and locked on. We gave them no explanation until all three of them were locked up. I explained clearly that they were to be punished in two parts firstly six of the best and then permanent chastity for a month. Once the caning punishment was taking place, which Neil carried out, it was great to hear their screams. We then left the cellar and had a snack leaving the slaves to think about how they were going to behave in future.

We decided that before we did the chastity we would fully denude them of all body hair permanently. To do this we took them one at a time to the chains space and locked them up. We then covered them in the blue gunge, apart from a strip on their heads. We then hosed them down. When we looked at their photos of before transformation to slavery they did not look like the same people. I left the three slaves in the cellar with Alex and went upstairs. Alex then did their PA's and took off their cock rings before locking them into chastity. We knew the hair removing gunge would hurt where they had been caned but what we did not know is that the gunge left some cane marks on permanently which would always be there which was an added bonus. This was a lovely touch and I always enjoyed touching the marks as we played in the future. We left them in the large cage overnight, but I explained that tomorrow was a new day and that we would forget their bad behaviour and move on.

The next morning, I went to get them and let them out of the cage and said that breakfast was waiting. I gave them each a long hug and we went upstairs. Alex did a de brief with them and said as far as we were concerned the punishment was old news and would be forgotten unless there was a similar fuck up again. We had decided that one of us would mentor each slave to support their development into full slavery. Ian chose one of the twins whereas Curtis chose me, and Kevin chose Neil. After breakfast had been cleaned up, we went to a lounge and had an orgy with, of course, the brothers being used but not allowed to come.

Over the next few weeks whilst the brother's downstairs were being trained the family slaves just blossomed and started to look healthier and happier. As it was summer, they worked on their tan and enjoyed planning and improving the garden. They were enjoying their life and one of the twins made sure that he took lots of photos of the garden with the brothers in it.

We decided that as the Arabic Master would have a new batch of slaves in 3 weeks that they would be unlocked to initiate the next batch of slaves. It was interesting that we never had to punish the slaves again they had learnt their lesson and had really grown as people and as slaves. Once a week, one of the brothers would be driven to the Chav Master we knew from our network. They were rented to him for £500 a session and used at His secret private S&M club. When each returned they needed at least a day to recover from constant use as urinals, licking and choking on feet and severe beatings and raw fucking. They all interestingly enjoyed supporting the wider family and realised it was a duty to us for looking after them.

When at home we would unlock them to fuck their, soon to be sold, brothers but they were cruelly never allowed to come. They accepted this as part of their training and it was interesting that they all seemed to like fucking Karl/Carly a lot. The slaves were now leaner and more defined and looked like brothers as we had given them all a Mohican which grew only where we had not put the blue gunge on their heads.

It was time to fully transform Karl to Carly. Unfortunately our sadist doctor friend felt He needed to do the surgery in a completely sterile environment. It was important that Carly would be sold on without any infections or illnesses that could be passed to a potential new owner. As we couldn't be present to witness the event we set up a live stream and got all the brothers to watch. The sadist doctor tied Karl down and gave him medication that would prevent it from passing out, reduce some pain but keep it awake. He also pinned its eyes open and placed a video monitor in front of it so it was forced to view its permanent transformation. Its look of fear and hatred was obvious but it had no choice. The removal of its testicles was fairly quick and straight forward. What took longer and was fascinating was the removal of most of its penis and cutting the remaining urethra and shaping it into a vagina. The brother slaves, who were now part of the family, seemed happy that their former abusive brother would now only ever be fucked and incapable of ever fucking or raping anyone again. The doctor held up the now small tube that had been Karl's penis and waved it in front of its eyes. He then sterilised it and put it into a small freezer. The final part of the sexual transformation was the insertion of breasts implants which made its large nipple rings protrude obscenely.

By the time Carly's surgery had healed it was time for the brothers, who were being sold, to move on. Prior to this we all had great fun fucking Carly's new cunt and even better fun using all its three holes at the same time.

Prior to leaving us we decided to treat all the brothers to a "final meal" together. All of them were shocked by this, especially the three to be sold. The twins produced a lovely casserole with chicken. For Carly and her two former brothers, who were being sold with her, it was the first decent food for many weeks. Although they all had to eat from bowls, on the floor, all three seemed to enjoy it and licked the bowls clean. Once the meal was over I showed Carly a video of the twins making the food. She realised the final humiliation when she saw the twins chopping up her former frozen cock and adding it to her bowl of casserole. She looked as if she was going to throw up and unfortunately she didn't as she would have been forced to clean up any mess.

Once the meal was over we caged the three of them and took them to the van upstairs. The three family brother slaves were sad to see Carly go but only because they would miss humiliating and fucking her. I was to do the trip with one of the twins and Alex explained to our brothers that we were expecting eight new slaves this evening for training, and they would be actively involved in it. Alex checked in with slave Curtis, Ian and Kevin that they were ok to be involved in the tenderising process which they were. This was especially so as they would be unlocked from chastity.

Alex gave them specific roles in the process but they all were to be part of the tenderising reddening. Alex emphasised to them the importance of only working with one slave at a time. They all tidied up the cellar and did lots of cleaning whilst the slaves did most of the work. Recently Alex and I had decided to standardise the training gear, so we had ordered matching sets of harnesses, jocks, leather trousers and boots. In addition, Neil, Alex and I had nicer harnesses and of course we did not have metal collars like the slaves.

We took the eight cages downstairs and put them in the usual 4 3 1 formation and put slave David's training video on. As we were leaving, we heard and saw one of the new slaves shouting fucking poof. I noted who it was and decided that this would be the first slave processed tomorrow. I spoke to Alex and we agreed some special treatments for it.

Next: Chapter 20

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