Adopted Slave

By Tartarus701

Published on Nov 16, 2020


Thanks for all of the positive feedback I have had on the story .

Thanks to the slave david for its editing and help with story ideas. He can be thanked for some of the more sadistic ideas in this story. I am grateful for the speedy way it provides the edits and its contribution to the story.

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Chapter 18 Training Kevin and his brothers

I had met Kevin when he had been caught abusing Joshua. He had realised that he had a shit life and he and his five brothers were all in dead end jobs or unemployed and in poor housing on a sink estate in South East London. I had decided to offer them the opportunity to work together on my private estate. This would be a real and positive opportunity for the family to live together and earn a decent wage without all their existing worries. That was the picture I wanted to portray at least! They all lived in run down rented accommodation and had only been in London after all moving from Scotland to try and find work. It had certainly not worked out as they hoped. Kevin felt that all of his brothers would respond positively to my offer.

Kevin had arranged with me to meet his brothers one evening at their home. The six brothers were Liam 18, Kevin 19, Ian 20, Joe 21, Curtis 23 and Karl 26. Obviously their parents had been into fucking regularly! As their home was crowded, I took them to my London place and got them chilled and relaxed. I was pleased that they were either trim or muscular, so their appearance pleased me. In terms of formal education none of them had above college entry. I explained about the estate and how it needed some work and the six of them would be perfect to help me with a range of on-going tasks.

I explained that I was gay and lived with my partner on the estate. I had wanted to check out if me being gay was this a problem but when Curtis and Kevin said it wasn't an issue in this family as they were both gay themselves, they all smiled so that was a positive. Kevin had told me privately that he was bi but mostly gay.

I brought some photos of the estate and explained the various jobs and tasks that needed doing. I explained that this would be a permanent role, for all of them. I asked them what they were on now salary wise. They currently took home about £ 3250 a month between them from which they had to pay a very large rent and all their the bills on top . I explained that I would pay them £6000 and all bills would be included as they would be living in the house on the estate. I explained that I could pay directly to relatives, if needed, but they explained that they were by themselves so even better as no one to take an interest in them once they had disappeared from their current life.

We agreed that they would visit for an assessment to see if everyone liked the job and then return and make arrangements to move. I emphasised that I was a very private person so if they were telling friends etc that they should be discrete. They could meet any friends they wanted in the future but not at the estate. I said they could meet in my London house. They all looked around at the beautiful surroundings and appreciated my offer to allow them access. I felt I had build up considerable trust from all the brothers. They explained that they had been so work focussed and hadn't had time for friends as they worked or slept with little time for socialising.. This was perfect and I suggested that the six of them come down for the weekend at my expense and then, as there was so much work, three of them could stay so that I could use their help. I said that I would pick up the other brothers once they had sorted out their current flat. I gave them £2000 up front, so they had money for incidental expenses. I had decided that the brothers who stayed on the estate, after the initial family visit, would be slaves and the brothers who came back down later would be involved in controlling them. Basically, I would pick two of the slaves from the first visit as the guards and they would stop their training if they abused their brothers. However after speaking further with Kevin privately this original plan was to change significantly.

Over the planning period Kevin gave me a pen picture of his brothers and I discovered that they were in an abusive, incestuous, relationship with their eldest brother Karl. He had set a very abusive tone which was negative on all of the family. We explored how Kevin would like life to be and looked at his relationship with his brothers. I did a focussed exercise, and it was clear that Kevin had a positive relationship with two of his brothers and a negative one with three. Deciding which brothers to enslave would therefore be very easy. Kevin said he was close to Curtis and Ian and these slaves would join our household and not be sold on.

Kevin made a separate visit to the estate so that more planning could be done for the eventual transfer of his brothers. When I had met all of the brothers Karl had been very interested in the sleeping arrangements and now that I knew he was an incestuous abuser I understood why. I had told Karl that they would all be in separate rooms on the second floor. He had seemed concerned about this. I had even shown them my plans for the sleeping arrangements for their initial visit. Little did they know that the initial family visit would be the one and only time that they would ever be using them. I had decided to treat this induction, training and enslavement process differently to other potential slaves for a simple reason, because I could! It was also much more fun for me because they would all be willingly walking into this slave training. During his visit I showed Kevin the whole house including the cellar with the incest slaves. We initiated him to the life on the estate with all of us playing together on the bed which he really enjoyed as shown by his cock and willingness to be involved in everything sexual. After I had dropped Kevin off at the station to return home I was already looking forward to owning him properly.

When I returned from the station Alfie asked to speak to me. His cousin, Shane, had been in touch with him. His cousin has always fantasised about becoming a slave but had got into an abusive relationship. He was now frightened of his partner and wanted out of the relationship. Alfie and I looked at the options and I suggested that we pick his cousin up. Alfie and his cousin agreed a time and a place. I told Alfie to tell him not to worry about possessions as that would be sorted out once we had him in a safe space. We met as arranged and I gave him a hug and told him he was safe now and he became very emotional and clung onto me.. I explained that he could live with us as a slave or I would set him up so he could have somewhere to live and a job etc.

We took Shane to my London house and showed him around and explained that he had two choices to live here until he was sorted or he could move to the estate and immediately life like a slave.. I told him and Alfie to go and chat and catch up whilst I went online to catch up with the others at the estate. When they were sorted, I heard a knock on the door. They entered nude and crawling and Shane, my latest, new slave was carrying a collar in his teeth. They had obviously made a decision lol. We explored what Shane needed at length so that I could get a picture of how to induct and train him. We then relocated to the kitchen where Alfie cooked us a meal . I was pleased that Shane helped out when needed without being prompted.

I hugged the two of them and we discussed more about slavery. Shane commented that he could not get over how cheeky Alfie was to me and we explored this . Alfie said he knew his boundaries but sometimes he had to show how much he loved his Master. He asked Alfie directly was he frightened of his Master. Alfie said no but he knew that I had more power than him but his Master had given him a new life and if I needed a kidney, he and the other slaves would somehow supply it.

Shane started to cry again as he was permenently frightened of his current dominant partner. I decided to get the details of his soon to be ex and sent them to the Arabic Master who agreed to get his London contacts to trace and enslave him. The next day we got a brief video of Shane's ex, now enslaved in a cell, naked and with a very bruised face and body. The Arabic Master had plans to sell him to one of His most sadistic clients, in Scotland, who had a regular supply of slaves to take part in his live medieval war games and authentic torture chamber, on his estate. His secret circle of equally sadistic friends would be holding an event in a few days time but were short of able bodied slaves. It was a bonus that the new slave had a full set of decent finger and toe nails!

Now that Shane's ex was completely out of the way it meant we could go to Shane's old house and get some furniture for the mansion and get more of Shane's personal stuff. As Shane owned the house I immediately arranged for it to be sold and the profits were shared amongst all of the slaves.

As I was in London I decided to visit the brothers and I paid particular attention to Curtis and Kevin as they were of course the gay ones. It was obvious that these two had a bond and how this would develop before they came down would be very interesting. Curtis and Kevin asked if they could go to a gay club with me and Alex the following weekend, in London. Alex and I were happy to do this so the following weekend we met up with the two brothers at my London house. As I already had a good relationship with Kevin, I focussed on him and Alex focussed on Curtis. Alex challenged Curtis as he was submissive in front of his brother. We paid for the drinks, but Alex had noticed that it was always Curtis who went to the bar. We spoke about it openly in front of them and Curtis explained that he liked having Kevin in charge. We took them back to the house and instructed Curtis to go into the cage in the bedroom and lock itself in which it did without any further prompting.

Kevin explained privately that they were not Master and slave, but he decided when Curtis got fucked but that Karl was having a negative impact on his access to his brother. We all went into the bedroom and took a leather collar which we put on top of the cage . We let Curtis out of the cage. I explained that his brother had said he was his slave and we liked training slaves. We told Curtis to explore what he needed and wanted. We could collar him but only if it was what he wanted. He explained that he liked other men in charge, and he dreamed of wearing a collar. I told him to strip and he was told to fold his clothes. We complemented him on his body and gave him a hug to calm him down. He really looked good and we took a gentle approach with him. I told him to kneel and that Alex and I would be his Masters from now on, but it was a secret until they were all living in the mansion, on our estate. We explored basic slave protocol and showed it the present position and we got Kevin to suck his brother off which of course we took photos off.

We explained to Curtis that his role as our slave that evening was to cum as many times as it could. It would also have to bring us all off as much as possible and that we would be using both of its holes as much as we could. We continued to use it until we were all too tired to play any further. We had a delightful session and at one point we all just tied Curtis down and all regularly worked its holes. We also discovered where Curtis's erogenous zones were. During the session we also introduced it to pain and humiliation and it was pleasing that it responded well to both. We joked about Neil's cock and mentioned we all wanted to see how he dealt with Neil's cock lol. Kevin had been introduced to Neil and his cock in his first visit to the estate. Let's just say Neil wasn't disappointed!

We explained that Kevin was very special to us and we would make sure they were both looked after by us forever. Ideally, we would keep these two and enslave the four brothers as one unit. It would be interesting to make those four looks as alike as possible. Curtis was told that he was to call us all Master when we were in a private space. Curtis was also told to remove all of his body hair below the neck and then I locked a permanent chastity device on. I told him this would not be removed until he had settled in his new home as our permanent slave.

Whilst we had all been playing we had made sure that Curtis got lots of protein and that both his holes were well used. Curtis was a real sweetie and said he loved all of his Masters at one point. We made sure that Kevin was involved as well, and we gave them both lots of physical attention. We took the opportunity to show them photos of slaves being trained so they knew what would be happening to their brothers. Curtis did not want to remove his collar that morning, but I explained that it would be better if the brothers did not see it as I wanted it to be a surprise for them in the future.

When I had taken Kevin and Curtis back to the brothers' flat, the next day, there had been some discussion with the other brothers. Karl had decided that he, Curtis and Kevin should stay after the family weekend at the estate. The trip had been arranged for two weekend's time. Alex or I would meet with all the brothers every few days to check in and explore worries etc. Kevin and Curtis were delightful, and I thought of the other four as the runt of the family who I would be glad to enslave and move on. However it would become clear that Ian would also join Kevin and Curtis as part of our family.

Eventually the brothers' visit to the estate arrives. We made sure that when the six visited us that they had a nice time and we did nothing to arouse their suspicions about our true lifestyle or purpose. William and his slaves and Neil all relocated for the weekend to the other house so we did not have to worry about them meeting the brothers and concerning them. The good thing was that we had hidden cameras throughout the house and when the brothers went to their bedrooms we could watch them having a group fuck which made some great video. Neil noted down where all six could improve their sexual skills and he decided to give all six specific targets whether they were slaves to be sold or household slaves.

On the Sunday afternoon I took the three brothers back to the train station and agreed to meet them next Friday when I would pick them up with their luggage. When I got back to Kevin, Curtis and Karl, we began a game that Kevin and I had planned. Basically we would get Karl drunk and then set him a dare. We made sure that he was befuddled and got the three brothers to try on different sets of cuffs. Karl being Karl had to be the big I am to prove that he was better than anyone and was soon comfortable in some metal cuffs with his hands behind his back. I got his two brothers to lock him into the cage having hogtied him.

Kevin and Curtis knew that they had to go into a cage as well. I had already given slave Karl a purgative end ensured that he drank lots which would need to escape into the cage with a bit of luck. The two consensual slave brothers were looking forward to the surprise that Karl would face in a few hours' time. We used the slaves to carry Karl`s cage to the cellar and we said that we would induct the slaves into the cellar once Karl had been processed. They then brought two cages from the cellar and put it near to Karl's cage and got in after we had collared them, and I then locked my two slaves in.

It took about four 4 hours for Karl to wake up and the first thing we did was get our two brother slaves out of the cage and give them a hug. Karl would have been very confused as we get onto a play mattress and just hugged each other though the slaves always used Master and just explored and played. Karl could also see the twins joining in and he could also see Neil's large weapon in use. Curtis had not been in his chastity device all weekend and this was the first time I had seen his beautiful cock erect and it was wasted on a slave as it was nine inches long. I made sure I enjoyed it and made sure that I got its spunk emission which I told him was delightful.

Karl did not look too happy when I told him Curtis would be fucking him later. I had rationed us all to one orgasm and as each of us came we went to Karl's cage and shot all over him. We then had shower and after being dried by my slaves I locked the two brothers into a six person cage. I explained that this was always the protocol so we only worked with one slave at a time. I told the slaves they could wank and play with each other as they wanted to. I told Curtis I wanted to see him fuck Karl.

In the next chapter (19) the story explores how far Karl could be debased and modified.

Next: Chapter 19

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