Adopted Slave

By Tartarus701

Published on Jun 21, 2020


Adopted slave

Chapter 1 : Getting to know each other

As always, I was looking for a new slave but whilst I continued to get casual meets getting a slave for ongoing training was proving to be a challenge . How I use them and what happens to them will be explored as the story progresses . I got a message on Recon from a new profile which always suggests timewaster in April of last year. It was an 18 year old who was attending University in my city in 4 months' time . It wanted to explore me training it when it was a student . It quickly became clear in the message that it needed a Daddy as much as a Master.

It said it was adopted and started to share some personal details . It was surprised that I didn't need to know its name as I explained I would be renaming it with a public and slave name if I decided I wanted to train it . I immediately referred to it as it from our first conversation as it needed to understand how power exchange worked. Obviously, I would get all of the personal details I needed but there was no need to rush.

I will explore my background as the story progresses, but I got introduced to fetishes twenty years previously when I did a psychology degree and studied abnormal psychology in my third year . Since that time, I have used it a lot in fetish play and have had two fetish based relationships and am after a slave who wants ownership. Whether I keep them permanently is something to be explored as the story progresses. What Psychology gives me is an understanding of a submissive needs. Crucially the training was at slaves' pace because I wanted this to be permanent slavery with the slave willingly signing its rights away when the time was right .

What it did not know was that I was part of a group of men who trained slaves for our own use and for others . When discussing the slave, we wondered if it would be a potential to sell on . That would take time and we were all patient men we all enjoyed the chase ,building the rapport and gaining trust. We always wanted the slave to commit to be a contracted slave with no limits. It did not know it would be manipulated to lose contact with family and friends (unless the friends could be manipulated to help control the slave) and become increasing emotionally and financially dependent on me. Financially at least initially it would have a good lifestyle with lots of treats. This would of course be converted into a cash sum of which the slave had no way of paying it back when the time was right. I suppose I see it as positive and legitimate form of bonded slavery .

I explained to the slave that for the first month we would see how it did and if it pleased me after a month of chat, we would swop WhatsApp numbers which I explained initially would be used only for messaging and not speaking . I explained how most newbies on Recon timewasters, and we were both needed to show by our behaviour that we could trust each other . On two occasions in that month it sent me a mobile number and both occasions it was ignored . I did not mention receiving the message but made it clear a slave listened and did not try to control the training . I had no interest in responding and made that clear. I challenged it that I had no interest in it being a pushy bottom. The slave was made clear that it could expect me to respect its limits, but the pace of the training was up to me. I think encouraged was the wrong word but a mantra I used repeatedly and very effectively was a slave has no secrets from its Master. So, honesty by the slave was a given which I used in manipulating the slave to say what was in its head . A slave has no filter and it says it as it is. This information was processed in a non-judgemental way . It would always get a reward when it was honest, and it struggled in saying what was inside its head. Through conditioning it became an ingrained behaviour for the slave and as the slave become so well trained in time it just said it as it was. Converting the honesty into something I could use against it was a positive experience for me but less so for the slave.

I introduced the idea that it had three holes for my please its oral hole , its cunt and its piss slit . Little did it know that psychologically it would use this in its internal dialogue as anything which emphasised that it was less than a man was to be encouraged . These terms in parallel to the use of it and calling it three holes for my pleasure all had a negative impact for it and positive impact for me in terms of increased control. At the end of week 1 I told it to cease communicating with any other Masters and to change its recon profile with words I had supplied .

slave under consideration by a Master . Please do not contact it at this time .

As the training progressed, I regularly told it how to update the Recon profile . I had not checked if this was within limits but the arguments, I used to be of course manipulative e.g. all your attention should go on your Master which the slave even after a week accepted.

After the first week of it trying to shape the conversation, we had explored a number of key concepts for a slave such as the role of the contract ,how it would be controlled and punished and how I used High Protocol training and my approach to TPE, what was obedience etc. ( These concepts or rather my interpretation of them will be explored in Chapter 2 ) Even at this stage I wanted control, so it was given the task of making notes for the contract . I sent it a detailed message on recon with instructions about what was collected , its role to message me weekly with an update etc. It would soon realise that being under my control was the natural order of the day .

It was interested in the approach to training and we began to explore the psychological aspects which interested us both .I encouraged it to raise topics it wanted to explore more and learn about issues in depth . Throughout this emphasised a slave's purpose was to behave and think in a certain way . In terms of its conditioning this was a technique I had used before as it normalises the slave being treated as inferior . We explored how a good slave responded to one word commands and that whilst we would have lots of social time in our direct training time it `would shut the fuck up , listen and not think' . Whilst there are different views on this, I explained that I did not want a slave to show initiative . It responded to protocols or commands only. Only if it was unclear would it ask questions but then only with permission .

From the beginning I encouraged structure and wanted to know its diary for the week so that I could tell it when to message me . As well as chats about fetish my Daddy role encouraged it to explore issues and begin to trust me . I always showed interest in it and read up on things to develop my knowledge and build rapport around its interests. This was a time of testing out ideas and seeing how it responded .

We explored at an introductory level what it could expect in a training session , my approach to respecting limits . What the slave did not realise was that it would need if trained properly to not have limits . This would take time and patience. I realised by the end of week 2 that it was not confident and with good nurturing could get its emotional and social needs met through being a slave. This of course would be when the training was nurturing and respectful of limits . When this changed of course our relationship would be abusive ,no more and no less.

I promised it a trip to Euro Disney for Xmas which would become the basis of getting lots of control .I knew it liked theme parks . I also talked a lot about other slaves I had trained and their experiences -- only the positive ones of course. The emphasis at this time was on the lifestyle and my connection with other males into fetish . Little did it know that it would have lots of connection with others but only who I decided and only from the gang.

On a few occasions it was using the chat to arouse itself and it became clear after a direct conversation that it did not touch its cock at all when we were chatting . After two weeks of chatting it was comfy with the basic protocol ,liked being called it and was responding to in time demands such as `send me a cock photo' or an underwear photo when it out and about but all via Recon . That's why WhatsApp is so much easier for training as u can do tasks in real time and at the moment it was uploading to Recon and then sending to me. From the outset I began to set it writing tasks and got it to reflect . As time went on, I would not check if something was in limits and just gave orders. These at the time were realistic and proportionate but that of course changed in time.

It was also sharing its background story which briefly said it had been adopted , had fallen out with its adoptive parents and was living in a converted room in the barn on the family farm . Either I was going to get a sob story and it urgently needed money or it was genuine and living a tragic life as we shall see. Whilst it was still seeing its adoptive parents the relationship with them was not positive . It projected onto being a university student as a new start and needed a new beginning. We explored what this meant as a slave and how I could support this new opportunity.

Thinking about its relationship with its adoptive parents I decided to encourage it to be distant from them, so it spent less time with them . I did think about encouraging confrontation but at that stage I did not know if it felt safe enough to come to me if the family relationship broke down. I talked early on about its safety plan and said I would give it money so if it broke down it could get the train to me . At this point it had strong friendships but again this was something I in time encouraged to be less positive in the slave's life.

Naturally I was to offer my `friendship' as being unconditional, but it would soon learn that everything had conditions . I made sure that the chat was an equal mix of fetish and non-fetish so encouraged interest in its hobbies . When we met, I would buy it a violin which it used for several months . A few months later I destroyed it, or should I say I ordered the slave to destroy it . But that's a story for later chapters .

Since our first conversation we had shared face photos and it had sent me full body photos . We explored a range of issues and I must admit by week three was enjoying the chats . I felt it was genuine but naïve about what training meant . It was also clear to me that it was a deep submissive with a need for pain and humiliation . At this point I was direct but not demanding in my expectations . As a marker we would work towards it visiting my city to orient itself to the city but to stay with me for a few days so we could start the face to face training . I talked about my role in fulfilling its fetish fantasies and how fetish would give pleasure . I was thinking about myself of course as yes initially it would get pleasure but once it was locked into chastity permanently its sexual pleasure would be limited if non-existent.

As will become clear it moved to my city and did not return to the family home as there was no family home to return to. By its visit in August relationships had broken beyond repair and in its first visit to me was going to break it down so it was not repairable .

I had shared my photos of my gear via recon and we had explored what gear it needed as a slave . It did not know at this time that I would manipulate it to be a chav slave -- my aim by Xmas was it for to be a chav who smoked and had piercings and tattoos . It naively said it trusted me to get it appropriate tattoos when we vaguely discussed this . When we were putting the contract together, I reminded it of this commitment and I still remember it saying I trust you Master -- we don't need a limit on that in the contract. As will be explored later when it came to my city it did not return to its adoptive home . I was able to use that visit as you will see to get it tattooed with slave and S on its body. That will be explored more in Chapter 4.

In our third week of contact it was clear we were both interested in each other and by now it was responding well to general commands . We explored tasks post WhatsApp and I reinforced that I still did not trust it but it obviously trusted me -- I set it tasks which would give me useful information e.g. 500 words on what I need from a Daddy or its aspirations which the Adoptive Family had not met and it wanted to be met . We were using e mails with a bogus name on mine but his was his real name as he showed me a driving licence to confirm it .

I meticulously recorded everything to log progress .This was viewed by the rest of the gang who were very helpful in gaining ideas. I also did a timeline which captured statements which could be used against the slave . Content analysis could demonstrate that 15 times it had mentioned no limits slavery which of course would be rude for me not to accept .Of course the content analysis did not capture if I had raised an issue which it had then explored.

Of course, this was not used straight away ,it would only be effective when the slave had a slave mindset e.g. putting Master first, working to reduce limits , involved in both pain and humiliation on a regular basis . I would love to make the slave into a pain pig . A good driver might be it has to take pain to such a degree that I can call it a pain pig and it does not need to be sold on. That's a great target for me and a painful one for the slave. If have had Master-slave relationships which have existed in respecting limits however those were with partners where fetish was part of the connection but not all of it . Whilst initially there would appear to be an emotional connection this was an idea that the slave would be disabused of at the appropriate moment. This was when it had no choice but to commit to lifetime slavery . Some of the gang members were for kidnapping the slave and then permanently enslaving it. I was more interested in its journey and taking over its life as the slave requested .

The slave and I also explored what sort of men it was attracted to and more importantly not attracted to. Information which was used in planning any meets with others . It was attracted to older Daddies and younger skinheads . Hence my idea to turn it into a chav slave -- a social grouping it was not attracted to. It was fastidious about showering at least once a day . It would learn that chavs rarely showered and only with its Masters permission. All of its chav gear was `bought' by the slave which is probably the wrong word . It could only get chav gear which was second hand and which it paid for with its body . Something which is explored in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 .

I arranged for one of the Masters with his slave to have a week in the cottage near to the slave's farm .This Masters slave was turned into a skinhead for its visit which again was useful as that slave did not like to be skinhead . As a result of learning this on its return its hair including eyebrows was lasered off . Good learning for it and other slaves it is in contact with . My slave mentioned that its Adoptive Mother ran a Horse Riding School where it worked sometimes . I encouraged it to do more of this, so it got into a routine ready for University .This meant that the gang member got lots of contact with the slave which proved really useful as will be explored in Chapter 2 .

Next: Chapter 2

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