Admire Me

By creamdeli333

Published on Feb 8, 2010


Korbyn's here

Chapter 2 cont

After sleeping, I did feel better than I did yesterday. I did my morning ritual, as usual. Since, I had time to spare. I decided to eat some breakfast before school. I ate some Lucky Charms. I was surprised to see this morning my brother or my mom didn't get in my way. Because some days they cause me problems when I'm trying to get to school.

Today, makes me feel like with each passing hour, my anger from yesterday flakes off.

At school, Keylan and Korbyn, were chatting like never before. Ryan was talking in it too. I don't think Jade knew what to do. He clung to my side. Instead of chatting with Korbyn. That's why I chose Jade as Beta, because he can tell when I still have issues with somebody. It never fails, he always avoid the issue. So he can stay on my good side.

At lunch, I was eating tender strips with chili and cheese. I love this meal. steam seeped from the strip as I bit into it. The chili and cheese added their flavors to the tender. Wrapping my tongue with delight. I was enjoying this.

My ears started to pick up on Keylan's sad tone. He was explaining to Ryan and Korbyn that he was a good boyfriend.

Which was strange. I wanted to know, why was he talking about that? Jade must have caught the curious look on my face. He came out of nowhere explaining what the conversation was about.

"Keylan, is upset because, Kimmie, has been acting `not her self', and she is sitting over there.." jade said pointing at a table to the far let. "chatting it up, with David. We all know that David is a big player." he sighed drinking his Powerade.

I told Keylan, about Kimmie. I felt the urge to interrupt Keylan.

"Keylan, you don't really know if they are trying to date. Plus, I told you when you first started liking her. She was a cheerleading tramp!" I couldn't help but smirk after I said that. Korbyn did a double take. I forgot, this is his first time hearing me in action. He looks shocked.

Jade laughed loud," HAHAHA...Braylon you are so crazy!".

Keylan put his head down saying, "you're right I shouldn't jump to conclusions." Ryan patted him on the back. When I looked at Korbyn.

He rolled his eyes at me. For no reason! Yesterday's anger came back to me. Adding to what just happened. I was about to holler and scream at him. He doesn't get off with another warning. Braylon keep your try to respond.

A smirk spread over my face. I didn't want to ,but I have to attack this Hollister cutie.

"Korbyn, do you have a problem or something? Because I see all those dirty looks you shoot at me!" I let out.

Jade's mouth dropped, Ryan's eyes grew, Keylan's mood switched. From the looks of their reactions the knew the nuclear missile was in motion, and the results wasn't going to pretty.

"Yeah, I have a problem! You act like a freaking GIRL! I don't see why they let you boss them around!" he blurted out. This pretty boy, Has some nerve.

Everybody gasped!

"Is that your way of saying you're jealous? Because you don't seem happy with yourself" I snapped back.

"Whatever little girl."

"Save that little girl crap to address your mom, not me." I felt good letting the steam off. I could hear the clique laughing at what I was saying.

"You are such an idiot." he muttered to me.

"you are the one who started giving me dirty looks."

"Yeah because I hate the way you act!"

"don't start things you know you can't finish." I replied.


"You are the one who's face is turning red. Because you're getting shut down" I could feel the heat. And the fuel aging me on to keep going. "If you can't handle the heat, get out of the cafeteria!" what am I doing? "Who's the girl now?"

After I had blew my top. Korbyn got up from the table. Keylan and Ryan chased after him. Jade sat beside me still stunned.

"Braylon, oh my gosh! You shut him down! There was nothing he could say or do or think. You let him have it. I believe that's what was suppose to happen yesterday. The missile was launched and it blew up in Korbyn's face."

I snickered lightly because Jade was talking so fast. I didn't hear some of the things he said.

"Jade I think you and I both have said enough"

We both sat there laughing for the rest of our lunch period.

The remainder of my day blew away with the wind. I felt high in my spirits. I finally got that off my chest. In Family Development Korbyn didn't try to look my way.

I had to teach him. I don't care if he doesn't ever sit with us anymore, and I certainly don't care, if he doesn't ever look at me again.

Then again, I had an ounce of guilt floating in me. Only because his green eyes would never be focused on me.

One Week later

The rest of that week slipped by. Korbyn continued to ignore me, but he still sat with us. Kimmie got worse, flirting with David. Jade called me every night with nightly gossip.

The thing that bothered me the most. Was my brother Jason. He kept having his friends over at our house. His friends were always loud, and it wasn't just two or three friends. It was like five, or six.

At the end of the week the clique took a vote. To see if Korbyn was going to be apart of the clique. The votes ruled that Korbyn was officially in the clique. Thanks to Ryan,Keylan, and for some reason Jade. I guess I can take him being one of us.

Jade announced that David was having a small get together. Not many people knew about it, but of course Jade did.

I told the clique we would be attending this `get together'. It's not like David to throw a small get together. He is known for throwing the biggest bashes at school, and inviting everyone. We were invited through sneaky gossip, strange...

Korbyn said ` thanks to me, he won't be going.' too bad. He would have been a good look for us.

I told them to dress their best because there could be drama. I can sense drama a mile away. This get together has the drama stench.

Party Conflict

Chapter 3.

There isn't a better way to dress for a party. Navy blue American Eagle shirt with shredded pants. It was a hott look for me.

I was the first, out of my clique to arrive. David's house was an incredible piece of work, but I can't compare it to Ryan's mansion. I was hearing music, TV, laughing, and loud talking. They sound like they are having a blast.

I didn't want to enter yet. I was waiting for my clique to come, first.

Come on you guys...I've been waiting in this frosty air for a long time. They text me earlier saying' they would be here'

After two minutes Jade arrived. He was wearing navy blue, too. I thought it was a turn on. To see we kind of think alike.

"Hey!" Jade greeted me as he ran. He was giving me the warm embrace I needed. The air was shivering me at first. His warm body zapped the cold air from my body. It was so good to feel our bodies touch...I mean it felt nice to hug my beta.

When he released me, I quickly switched my thinking. "Jade get the rest of them here. So. We can intrude."

Jade pulled his phone out getting right on it. He had the phone to his ear waiting for an answer

"Ryan, Where are you guys?...Well, get here ASAP. No excuses!" Jade said before hanging his phone up. Jade and I talked for five minutes.

When Ryan and Keylan, pulled up. They came over to where we stood.

"I'm ready to see what this secret party is all about." Ryan smiled.

"Follow my lead" I said stepping up to the door opening it.

We stormed through the small crowd of people who were dancing in the living room. It was less populated, than your average party. Some people stopped and their eyes followed us as we came through. I love when they admire our beauty, clothes, and actions.

" Everybody," I whispered without turning around. " to the punch table."

When we got there we were gazing at the appetizers. We had walked in to the right spot. Drama was directly in front of us.

Kimmie was hugged up with David. Kissing all over him. They had their backs to us.

"I know that isn't Kimmie." Jade said covering his mouth. Keylan's face flushed. He was witnessing what kind of girlfriend he had.

"Whoa!" Ryan said surprised. I saw rage in Keylan's eyes. He started to charge in on David.

"No, Keylan, no! We won't resolve this matter with fighting." I told him keeping him back. "I have a better idea."

Jade tried to comfort him saying, "It's okay, she isn't worth fighting over." while they petted him. I was drawing up schemes in my head. We were interrupted by...

"What are you guys up to?" Korbyn popped up. This is the most awkward time to show your face Korbyn. I thought.

Jade immediately filled him in. A light gust of wind came by my nose. The smell that hung with it teased my sense of smell, It was a lovely smell coming from...Korbyn? He was wearing Hollister too. He was defiantly one of us.

I remembered what I was suppose to be doing.

"Time for the Confrontation." I said leading them straight to David.

David was still kissing when I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse us David, and Kimmie." I said making them aware of Keylan and the Clique. "We see you two are more than friends."

Kimmie was looking mighty nervous.

"Kimmie I have some words for you." I mentioned with a evil smile. " Why are you such a disgusting whore?"

The looks on everyone's faces was priceless. They didn't expect that.

Before she could build up, to say something. I was talking again

"Don't you see this `whore' life. is messing you up on your routines, and in your love life. The best thing to do is keep your legs closed, okay." I heard laughter in the background.

"Braylon, you can't talk to a girl like that!" David said walking up to me. He had authority in his voice. I wasn't scared of him. No matter how intimidating he pretends to be.

Kimmie jerked away from David running somewhere else in the party. I stood there wearing my famous smirk. She can't mess with anyone in my clique and get away with it.

Jade responded to what David had said. " Who can' t talk to a girl like that? We do what we want to around here!" go Jade!

David locked eyes with Keylan, Ready to fight. Keylan tried to charge at him, but Ryan grabbed him quickly.

David walked closer in my face huffing and puffing. I could feel the air from his nose blowing on me. I didn't tremble or step back, because I'm the alpha here.

I learned , taking a step back when somebody is coming at you. Shows weakness.

I think David's approach offended Korbyn, because Korbyn tried to take a step forward. I stretched my hand out to stop him. I felt his slender rippled abs.. what shocked me was he allowed me to touch him.

He stopped at my command. I'm happy he sees me as alpha, now.

Keylan finally broke the mess up. "You can have her!" he said to David. David looked at all of us. Then he ran off to find his new girlfriend.

"Does anybody feel like leaving?" Ryan asked. I didn't want to stay here either. I'm glad Ryan drove here. If he had not, we would all be waiting on our moms.

"let's leave this dump." I said moving towards the exit. As we were leaving everybody's eyes glued to us. I forgot other people were here. They had turned the music off. I'm sure they enjoyed the show.

We all loaded in Ryan's car. I could still feel my adrenaline pumping.

"You shut Kimmie down so bad." Jade said, like he felt sorry for her.Keylan looked like he was still bothered about catching her cheating.

"She can't handle harsh words like that." Ryan added while driving.

"This was my first confrontation, as a clique member. Did I do good?" Korbyn wondered.

Oh yeah he is new. I wanted to know if he remembered me touching him? He ignored me all the time, he hasn't spoken to me since the argument, but he obey my command. It's weird

Jade answered him." Yes, you were good. You blended in like you have been in the clique for years."

Korbyn smiled showing his braces.

"Ryan where are we going?" Keylan mumbled.

"I was just driving around. You know it is Saturday. Everybody can stay at my place." Ryan offered grinning.

I'm not turning this offer down. Especially now that Korbyn is staying too.

"sure.""sure."yeah" we answered.

Twenty minutes later

We all were lounging in Ryan's lavish room. Eating, joking about what happened at the party. Keylan's mood kept switching. One thing he made clear to us. `He hated David' . Jade was watching "The Bad Girls Club" I laid on Ryan's master bed. Studying them. Still thinking about how I admired each of them differently. They will always have my back no matter what.

I was proud to say tonight we became one unit. Even though, Korbyn still might hate me...


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Next: Chapter 4

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