Admire Me

By creamdeli333

Published on Feb 7, 2010


Meet the clique part 2

When I walked passed the black large designed gates of Ryan's house. Bright lights from my mom's car hit me.

I opened the car door rolling my eyes as I got in. I already knew what she was about to say. She always ask the same questions. Everytime she comes to get me.

"what did you do over there?","who all came over?",and "why is your hair wet?"

I can't share that information with her. That's our private meetings. Nobody is suppose to know anything we talk about, ever. I could do better with her minding her own business.

"What did you do while you were there?" my mom grinned at me.

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it...Argh!!

"The usual, watch TV, and talk all day." I lied. My mom continued to drive. Letting the night sky pass by, as we mad our way home. Nothing but silence lingered between us.

We made it home. Jason my older brother, who everyone swears we resemble. Answered the door.

Jason is more of the urban guy, the thuggish type. I'm more preppy I don't see the resemblance. We are opposite in every way.

I entered the house hearing, "It's your night to wash dishes." From Jason's scratchy deep voice.

Dang!! I just got home. Ease up a bit. Give me a day off on chores, please.

I had got settled in, and I took my shower. I decided to tackle the dishes now. The earlier I finish them, the earlier I can go to bed. I feel a little sleepy after that Jacuzzi worked it's magic on me.

I made the dish water sudsy. I put the plates, cups, bowls, and silverware in the foam. While I washed dishes. My mind went back to the scene from the Jacuzzi.

I saw Keylan leaning back. Jade's skin radiating, Ryan's wet hair sticking to his face. They looked incredible tonight. Do they ever think about me like this? or maybe they share the same secret as I do. I wonder what if one day, I told them what really goes on in this head of mine. Would they still acknowledge me as alpha?...Scratch those ideas. Especially after, I was told Keylan was dating Kimmie.

When I snapped back into reality. I was finished with the dishes. Wow! I must have been in the zone. I left the kitchen heading for my sanctuary.

My green and black room. I had to love it. It keeps me safe from the judgmental world. I flopped down on my bed. Getting snuggly under my cozy covers.

I laid down trying to sleep. My mind kept alerting me about tomorrow.

I have to give my best impression for this newcomer. Keylan and Ryan assume this guy is worth our time, but I will see about that tomorrow.

Korbyn's here

Chapter 2.

I had to pull myself out of bed this morning. Today, was one of those days. When you come to school and your body feels heavy. I was still able to brush my teeth, my hair, and my other daily rituals. It is a must to keep yourself in tip top beauty.

Keylan says, `I'm girlish', he thinks I take a long time preparing myself, and my gestures are similar to Jade's, but he doesn't mean it in a harmful way.

He says, the same thing to Jade. Ryan is more masculine. I guess that's why they talk amongst their selves when Jade and I gossip.

Where are they anyway? I'm at the breakfast table by myself. When is this new guy coming? I was so focused on my impression that I wasn't eating breakfast today. If this guy is going to hang with us. I have to show him off the top, who's boss!

Five minutes later, I saw Jade leading Ryan, Keylan, and the new guy. I have to admit I am impressed by this guy. He has dirty blonde spiked hair, emeralds for eyes, braces. A Hollister model to sum it up.

Am I still at school? Why does he want to hang with us? Braylon, snap out of it! Remember, show no emotion. I can do it... I can do it. I thought as they sat down.

"This is the marvelous, Braylon. A.K.A our alpha, He can handle the responsibility of alpha. Trust me, it isn't easy." Jade said, giving me a good intro. I have to thank him for that later.

"Hi." The new guy said holding his hand out. I gave him a firm shake. Jade began to ramble again.

"Braylon, the guy in front of you is Korbyn."

Korbyn huh?... So far he isn't a waste of time. I can get use to him being around. He does add an extra flavor to our clique. Okay.. I'll keep him, but I can't be to eager.

"Korbyn, you can hang with us this week. After this week if we decide we don't like you, you can't be apart of us." I said without expressing any emotions.

The more I talked to him. His face was changing to a look of disgust. I hope he hasn't picked up on anything. He has to, get to know me. Before, he judges my cover.

Keylan and Ryan talked to him as if I said `He was in'. Jade gave a unusual smile. Korbyn looked at me uncomfortably again. I tried to ignore it, even though I'm not the type to hold anything in.

Until he asked, "Why do you act like a girl?" oh no, no, no, no! How dare this buffoon insult me!

Keylan tried to speak before I could say anything, "We don't care about that. Because once you get to know him, the girlish thing is awesome."

Ryan's eyes were big. Like Korbyn had set off a nuclear missile. Jade's mouth dropped. They know how rude I can be. I'm very crafty with comebacks.

In this situation I will let him off with a warning, since I like him.

The bell rang dismissing breakfast. I was moving angrily to my locker. How could he insult me? Next time, I will crush his feelings.

"Bray, are you okay?" Jade asked, with a concerned look.

I fake smiled," Yes, I am, don't worry about what happened." Jade watched me carefully before heading off to his class.

My classes flew by, even lunch. I wasn't admiring Jade's full lips when they talked. I didn't admire Keylan's fit body as usual, or Ryan's mysteriousness.

I was entranced in anger. Korbyn, had brought this to me, this morning. I suppose the girlish thing is okay, when Keylan or Ryan mentions it. They seem fine with it.

I was sitting in my last class, Family Development. We don't do much in here. I'm being taught things I already know. Everything was trying to get back on track. Until, Korbyn sat down. He kept giving me dirty looks, as the teacher talked about abusive parenting. That added fuel to my fire again.

I made it home. A place where Korbyn, could never show his face. I finished my English homework. I sat on my bed as anger held me hostage.

Hours later

my mom made nachos. Believe it or not I didn't taste anything when I ate them. I was so mad. After my shower I still felt the anger. Which isn't normal. Before, I could get any angrier my phone vibrated. "BZZZ BZZZ" It's Jade!

"Hello?" I picked up.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He said with enthusiasm. I'm really not feeling it right now.

"Laying down."

Jade's voice got soft and light. It was like when he spoke to me I was hearing a lullaby. It was knocking some of the anger away.

"Today, I thought Mr. Korbyn was about to get shutdown." I heard him smiling.

"I thought about doing it, but I had mercy on him." Jade hurry up and switched the subject.

"I like the yellow polo you wore. It matched your skin wonderfully." He complimented. I wish he knew, his yellow tone, was what's hott.

"Thanks, Jade."

"You're welcome!"

We talked for thirty minutes. Just gossiping, and laughing. We hung up to get our rest for tomorrow. I was off to sleep before I knew it.

That's All for now. Email me if you liked

Next: Chapter 3

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