Admire Me

By creamdeli333

Published on Feb 4, 2010


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Characters and events portrayed in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Admire me

Chapter 1-meet the clique

The warm sizzling bubbles glided over my caramel skin. The Jacuzzi is a comfortable place for my body. It's going to be hard to get out of here. I'm drinking orange juice, enjoying time with my clique. The best people anybody would like to have an alliance with. I'm the alpha, someone has to keep them in line, and that's me.

We have the best looks, and clothes in school.

Jade, he's the gossiper of the clique. If we want to know anything, we ask the information bank. He's feminine, and keeps an abundance of energy somehow. jade has the yellow skin, with the even hair cut. Don't be fooled by the cute looks. He can be just as devious as me.

Right now he is staring into space. I bet, he is trying to remember all the gossip for this week.

Leaning back against the Jacuzzi is ,Keylan. We call him the instigator. He is always pumping something up. He keeps people arguing for ages. Besides that, he is athletic, great build. First, Hispanic I have met with a dark tan, green eyes and spiky black hair. Another wonderful asset to the clique.

Next to keylan is, Ryan. Ryan is supportive of the clique. He is also the rich one. His parents have too much money. They have their own yacht! That is why we are in his Jacuzzi. Ryan's hazel eyes were brightened by the warm bubbling water. He eyed keylan, jade and i. probably waiting to see what task we would be taking on.

The problem with everything is I cant confess to them how I actually feel about them. If I did, it would destabilize our friendship. It gets frustrating just looking at them sometimes. like now Keylan leaning back exposing his muscular chest.... Ok...ok focus on something else, Braylon!

I took another swig of orange juice. Trying to distract my eyes, but when I put my glass down. Ryan caught my attention. His wet black hair was sticking to his face. Making his facial features stand out. Awww... how cute...wait...stop! Braylon these are your friends, remember?

"Oh, Braylon!" Jade said, breaking from his trance. Thank god for his voice. It stopped my wandering eyes.

"What?" I said trying to contain myself. Jade moved closer to my direction smiling.

"Ryan and Keylan ,met this awsome person who wants to be in our clique. "He said, making little feminine gestures.

"oh really! Who is it?" I wonder who could it be this time. We always get a thousand request. New people who want to be around us, but nobody ever fits the qualifications.

Keylan lifted his head . Joining the conversation,"Yeah, this guy I recently met. He is pretty cool.i don't know how we manage to skip over him when we go to school. Tomorrow he'll be at our table to talk to you about it."

This better be a good apple. Because I'm tired of want to be's!

"ok, I will check this guy out tomorrow. Hopefully he is what you're telling me." I responded.

I stole a glance at Ryan. Who was smiling. His eyes moved around like he was thinking about us in a `different way'. At some points I do have my suspicions about these three friends of mine. I don't want to see things through the wrong perspective, but occasionally I do think they flirt with me. Then when I think about it. It could be them just being loyal friends.

Agh!!! That is why I cant tell them how I feel. Because if my perspective is incorrect, one wrong word and a disaster could awaken. Jade, I believe has the same feelings, but you can never be to sure.

Jade open another conversation. His yellow skin was radiant. "Oh, did I tell you? Keylan is dating that awful Kimmie."

No way! Kimmie the cheerleader! How disgusting. What does she know, anyway? She certainly dosent know how to treat him.

"Eww... that sounds bad. She is always three seconds off on her cheers." I let out. Jade and Ryan laughed.

"leave her alone for now Braylon. She hasn't did anything wrong." Keylan said blushing.

"okay, I'll try to cut her some slack." Is said rolling my eyes. The jacuzzi's heat grew. I had got so comfortable I thought leaving Ryan's house wasn't an option. We had our normal talk. Playing and joking with each other.

"BZZZ, BZZZ" my cell was vibrating and my mom was texting me. She said she was waiting for me out front. She is here to take me home for the night. I have to say `bye'. Until, tomorrow when I meet this' want to be'.

"Hey you guys that was my mom. I hate to leave but she is out front." I said trying to pry myself from the amazing comfort I was exposed to. I gathered my clothes and dried my body off."I will see you guys tomorrow." I said in a low voice. I don't want to go.

"Don't leave yet!" they all pleaded. Praying I could stay and chat longer. I turned around. Seeing how gorgeous they were.

"I want to stay longer, but you guys know how my mom is." All of their expressions changed. When I said that.

"it's going to suck! With you not here." Keylon said,trying to avoid eye contact.

I felt bad leaving my clique here. With sad expressions written on their faces."Don't get all sad on me." I said in a happy tone." We will reunite at school like, always."I was walking away. Towards the front gates of Ryan's house.

On my way, to the front gates. I could hear them in the background still saying "bye!"

This is the first part of chapter one. This also is my first if anyone likes this story ,email me. If anybody thinks I should continue, email me. Let me know what you think. Thank you!


Next: Chapter 2

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