Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jan 26, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of boys, youth and young men and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.


Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

New Email:


20 - Road Testing the New Recruit


G. Cutter

Hi, there. Mark again and I'm going to tell you more about Ian and how we took him onboard as a fully fledged member of our little Addlestone Boy's Club which hadn't yet registered as a member of the Association of British Boys Clubs... but you'd worked that one out.

Saturday dawned fine and dry with the promise of later heat once the sun was up. Peter was taking Nathan and Jamie over the Common for the day and I was meeting Ian in the big Tesco car park at noon. I'd chatted to the boys and told them that I was 'progressing' Ian and more importantly about his circumstances... Nothing to really interest us apart from being gay, having the run of a big house and garden and of especial interest, having pots of dosh. Perhaps, and this was only floating an idea, but if we provided him with amusement and some models he'd provide the shelter and privacy we needed. One other thing was that we had the two kids at Weybridge that I had yet to meet and from what I'd heard they'd be more than happy to mix in.

I had a nice long chat with the boys and as they'e all seen Ian in the flesh if only briefly they went along with my plan and that was for me to tackle him solo to see how interested he was and then to wheel Jamie around in the first instance as some sort of a tester. I know it all sounds pretty mechanical, scheming and downright dirty but they didn't see it that way. Any port in a storm as Peter put it.

I was loitering at Tesco's main door when a red Fiesta rolled up and hooted at me, well, the driver did and to my surprise it was Ian. And here's me thinking he was a footslogger, I hadn't realised he had a car.

'Hi,' he greeted me as I slid into the passenger seat. 'I was fingers crossed all the way that you hadn't changed your mind.'

'Why should I? You promised your body and a bed...'

'So bold,' he grinned and clasped my knee as we drove off. Well, that was better he was a bit more relaxed than last time.

'How long have you had a car?'

'Around three months, I only use it weekends or if I'm visiting.'

'Ah,' I ventured a feel of his knee and he just grinned. Yeah, he was over his first night nerves, let's hope he didn't go back to the coy and shy stage.

'My people have left us a salad lunch and I got rid of them.'

'Right.' From what I'd gathered last time when he talked about 'my people' he was referring to the couple who looked after the place in his parents absence and looked after him as well to a certain extent. Mind you, a quick meal or a lunch seemed good, I hadn't eaten since breakfast and that had been a mere snack .

'So, we have the place to ourselves plus I told them not to come in Sunday if you're free sorta thing.'

'Maybe,' I smiled. 'Perhaps I could bring the boys around if you're in the mood for some photographs.'

'All of them,' he nearly hit a bus with that one but quickly recovered.

'There's only three.' I looked out of the window as we turned into his avenue. This time he drove straight onto the drive and did a sharp turn at the end directly into a garage I hadn't spotted the other night. He carefully parked his little car alongside a huge Merc which took up most of the space.

He shut the door on the garage making sure it was locked and took me into the house. He did the same routine with the alarm and I guessed it was set every time the place was empty. Leading through to the kitchen he produced a chilled drink and then a plateload of salad from the fridge. We didn't bother spreading it onto two plates but just dug in.

'I've got something to show you,' he told me half way through the munchies. 'Down the end of the garden.'

'Not a little nooky den hidden in the trees,' I spoke through a mouthful of lettuce.

'Not quite,' he began to tidy up as I indicated that I'd had enough and then we walked out into the sun. I gave the place a good eyeball on the tour and the first thing that struck me was that they had a nice pool, not a big one but more than adequate for the size of house, a good one to party around and even better most of the garden including the pool was sheltered from the neighbours by the lie of the garage and a tall hedge. Perfectly suited for skinny dipping and nude sunbathing, the only risk would be from someone on the first floor of the house itself.

I also noticed a trampoline which would interest the boys and what looked like a baby log cabin on the Wendy House style.

'Mine, when I was a kid,' he admitted with a blush and embarassed grin.

'Jamie and Nathe would like that.'

'What about Peter?' He flashed me a glance.

'Probably prefer to be on the bed between you and I,' I laughed.

'Gawd' he sighed and I saw the front of his shorts were perking a little. It looked like Peter was on his wish list as well as Jamie. Behind a wall of shrubbery there was a panelled fence with a bolted gate which he opened up and ushered me through to the adjoining garden or the backing garden to get it straight, logically this must belong to the first house on the next road.

'We allowed in here?' I spoke nervously assuming he was giving me a spy on his neighbour's garden for some reason.

'It's ours,' he laughed. 'It's my eighteenth birthday present, the guys are in decorating at the moment... well, in the week that is.' We walked down the garden which was a damn sight scruffier than his own and approached the house which was much smaller than the original or the main house but as big if not bigger than my own place. 'The two were a job lot and dad bought both. He was going to rent this but decided to let me have it if I did well in my finals. I did well and he kept his word.

'Can we have a look inside?'

'That's the idea,' he unlocked the backdoor and led the way. It was brill, the ground floor seemed perfectly fine to me although they were decorating the stairway and the first floor. Only three bedrooms although one seemed to be dedicated already as a studio. This particular room was completely bare put it that way and I saw excess sockets scattered around no doubt for lighting and whatnot.

'Not bad for a birthday present,' I commented. What I wouldn't give for some rich dad to be giving me my own house for a coming of age present.

'A good place to entertain your little friends,' he grinned.

'Right.' I gave him a crafty look, he must be a mind reader. This was the place for dirty weekends and all we had to do was to find a bit of 'spare' to pay our way. Be fair, the way Ian performed he was never going to swag his own but he was about to get involved with our little Boy's Club. The school holidays and long weekends were looking a whole lot better. OK, it was early days yet and I was making a raftload of assumptions but thinking big was always my way.

'Yeah,' he sighed. 'A lot of work to do but hopefully it'll be done by Christmas.'

'Yeah,' I moved in closer. I wasn't going to go through the performance of our first night so I grabbed him and pressed him against the wall. He froze for a moment but then his arms went around me and his hands dropped to the back of my shorts grasping my bum pulling us even tighter together. I could feel his meat pressing against mine and he was clearly on his way, his thing began to get harder as I pressed against him and rubbed up and down. 'We going to try out this bedroom of yours?'

'Yeah, let's go,' he croaked. We quickly exited the place and carefully locked everything before galloping up the garden back onto what I'd call safer ground. I hadn't even seen the front of the house or really determined how to get to it but that could wait. I had an itch which needed satisfying and he was the kid to do that but this time he had to take his turn in the barrel which is an old nautical expression believe it or not.

We went back in through the kitchen and quickly polished off the platter of chicken and salad and then clutching Coke's headed for the upstairs. I was hot and sweaty and from his looks so was he.

'Shower first?' I asked as we stood in the studio. He was still acting slightly dithery and lost which I'd have to change, if he was going to have any standing with the boys he'd have to be a bit more forceful without getting dictatorial... a bit like me to be honest.

We stripped off and left our gear on the floor and of course as soon as we were under the tepid water cooling down and freshening up we both rose to the challenge. He was after one thing from the off, his hands were soaping my bum and his fingers were delving into my crack but today was a day of trade offs, he'd gotten his freebie or sampler the other night. It was time for him to join the Club.

'God, this is the life,' he ran his hands up and down my back ending each move with a good fondle of my buttock's he was in love with my bum the sad sod. Then again I was in love with his so there you go, two sad sods.

'Turn around,' I whispered working his erection in my soapy hand. He seemed to hestitate for a moment and then turned to face the shower's wall. My hands were now on his shoulders and working their way down onto his slim waist. It was time. I soaped and caressed his tight little boy bottom and slid my fingers into his crack.

'Ooooh,' he warbled as I soaped a nice creamy mix into his cleft and slipped a finger inside him. He did a little twitch but accepted me as if it was a game. He sighed and in the end made some experimental clamps with his strong anal muscle. Two fingers made him jump but I pressed my chest against his back and slipped my cock up and down his smooth cheeks whilst still plugging him with my fingers. He must had known what I was about to do and he seemed to have accepted the fact, he was about to get done and he knew it.

I couldn't read his mind but he must have known this was a milestone, no way was he going to shag me forever without I got some payback and there were the other three waiting in the wings. This was something he had to do and he seemed resigned to it.

'Ready?' I slipped my fingers free and slowly ran my erection up his soapy divide.

'We do it in bed after this?'

'Yeah, you get to give me a nice bit of loving,' I whispered as I guided my straining hardon between his cheeks.

'Don't hurt me.'

'Just push out like you wanna fart.'

He was still giggling when I took him in a slow push. His pucker opened up and I felt his anal muscle resist and then grip me as I my knob slid into his gut. He didn't say anything so I started to shag straight away moving in deeper at every thrust. 'OK, Ian.'

'I'll live,' he croaked and made a very slight push back but it was onto my movements. I grinned and held his hips as I moved a little more forcefully sinking deeper into his tight arse. 'Feels so weird,' he grunted and then deliberately pushed back much harder onto my hardness. I wrapped my arms around his wet body and bottomed out in one determined thrust feeling my pubics mash against his springy buttocks.

'Yesss...' I remained glued into him and dug a little trying for deeper.

'I think you're there,' he said and I heard the quaver in his voice but it was done, he wasn't resisting, he wasn't moaning and as I began to move inside him he just gave little pants and sighs. He was fine and it would get better from now on.

I reached around his slippery body and placing one hand flat on his well muscled tummy wrapped the other around his mansized cock which was as hard as a steel pipe. I grinned as I moved within him, anyone that hard was having fun whether they denied it or not. Incidently there is a school of thought (and I came across this snippet in a crime series) that everyone gets hard when they have an anal intrusion. I choose to think that when you get something up the arse and don't like it you go limp, if you get something up you and you get hard you like it. I'm sure someone's going to contradict me but don't bother, it's only a point of view and I chose to feel that Ian was enjoying what I was doing to him.

'Ian... Ian,' I groaned as I felt my heat rise. He pushed back and pushed back hard as I rammed in for the last time and felt my seed spurt up and into his body. He flinched and accepted the second surge still pushing against me. That was it, I was played out but only for the moment, I never did get on with soapy fucks, loss of traction etc etc. I liked the two in a bed scenario and we were going to get around to that.

'That's so wierd,' he laughed nervously as I stayed in him and held him around his waist. 'Don't make me cum,' he warned.

My turn to laugh. I know what he wanted and slowly withdrawing from his oozing bum I rinsed off and he helped. He was on top line now and his cock was actually dribbling a long dripping stream of precum. 'Let's go to bed.'

'You go, I'll be there in a minute.'

'Right.' I went into his bedroom and lay on the bed with the damp towel covering my middle. I knew what he was doing, he was probably a little uncomfortable with being fucked for the first time and he was coming down to earth aborting ,one of the less delightful aspects of being shagged.

'That was an experience,' he smiled wanly as he came into the room.

''You're a good fuck,' I said bluntly studying him for a reaction.

He just laughed and jumped onto the bed alongside me. 'Thanks for that,' his lips touched the side of my face and then settled onto my lips. We were off.

We rolled around basically playing around for a bit but he was on top line and in the end I lay on my back and offered myself. I know he was a novice and all that but I'd come prepared, I had a small pot of Cold Cream which is cold and a cream hence the name. The main thing is that it is slippery, it smells nice and it washes off very easily. I tried Jamie with Vaseline once and what a mess that was. Ian freaked when we got to the stage of me in the knees to chest stage and him kneeling in position. I smeared the stuff on his steaming hardon until it was like a shiny and slippery spike and then handed him the glop.

'Put some on me and a bit in me.'

'In you?' He looked baffled.

'Finger. Work it in and relax my back door,'

'Back door?' Jesus, he was starting to sound like a parrot, a parrot with an exceptional dick I might add but I had to explain again. I gave him a brief lecture regarding the fact that no one wants pain and he was a bit bigger than most. When he got to shag Jamie, Peter and maybe little Nathan he'd have to spend more time on them than he needed with me. I think he nearly passed out as I mentioned the names but he certainly got harder and harder. I must admit I was a bit worried myself, the last time we'd done this it was in the shower and in the missionary position, this was a full frontal and that's the one with maximum penetration depthwise.

'Slowly and gently, Ian,' I warned him as I guided his slippery and dripping glans to my pucker. With the cream and his precum it should be easy peasy. Yeah, right. Jeez, it hurt as he pushed against me and I felt my ring stretch and just before I told him to stop he penetrated. My pucker yielded under his pressure and I felt his spongey lump enter me and then my ring relaxed around his shaft and he'd done it.

'Jesus Christ,' he sighed and looked down at me with his big, fat joint lodged in my anus. 'You are so tight.'

'Not really,' I grinned flexing a little on his lump. 'You're a bloody monster.'

'Jeez,' he grinned looking pleased with himself. With him in me and now more comfortable I wrapped my legs around his waist as he began to slowly move to and fro. It was an experience, this was totally different from taking him standing up. This time I felt filled and bloated as his dark skinned cock moved in and out sinking deeper at each movement. At last he settled on me and I clamped on his heat and thickness as he lay on me and his lips came down onto mine again. 'Alright, Marky.'

'Fine,' I wriggled on his hot cock and savoured the feel of the bloody great lump up me. 'Nice and easy.'

He started to move and after a bit got the idea, he put his hands either side or my torso to support himself and then went for it. He was good and a quick learner, he shagged me well and I felt every minute of it as he slid in and out and then in the end gave a long shuddering groan ramming into me and doing the mother of all cums. God knows where it all came from but he sent jet after jet of his hot squirts inside me and I just lay there flooded and totally squishy. I was usually the bossboy in this sort of situation but I'd met my match with this one. He fucked well and was still shagging although he was softening.

'That was so wicked,' he smiled down at me and slowly withdrew but not before very sensibly ramming a towel at the point of exit. 'An absolute uber fuck... you are so good.'

'Thanks,' I clamped my cheeks on his offering feeling the dampness and stickiness between my thighs. He'd cum like a donkey and we still had the rest of the day together.

I did my clearout and afterwards we lay on the bed just cuddling but we had a good chat as well. I told him about Peter's little Club and how it started and then how they got to doing sleepovers at Mick's and so on. I could see his mind working overtime all the while as he took it in and doubtless thought himself into Mick's position. Well, it made sense to me and it must have crossed his mind, be fair, he had the house (or he would have), he had the wherewithall to pick up where Mick had left off.

'We should make a point of introducing you to my parents and to Peter's as well... we need a cover story as well.'

'What for?'

'Well, you're older than both Pete and myself for starters, people might think it's a bit odd us all hanging out together.'

'We'll think of something,' he said confidently. I agreed although I had my doubts, maybe just let it slide, Mick was twenty plus after all and Ian is only seventeen.

We had a swim and a splash around in our underwear a bit later on and it was nice. One thing I did notice being a bit of a nosey one was that as this house's pool was shielded by the hedge and the lie of the house his own place didn't have any problems on that front. His next door neighbour had a bungalow and a wooden fence backed by a row of leylandii which took care of them.

'I was thinking of getting one of those muckabout pools, you know, the big plastic things for my new place.'

'Good for pictures, kids in wet speedos.'

'That's what I thought,' he laughed. 'Tell me something...'

'Go on.'

'When you said that you and Jamie do things, did you mean you actually do sex together.'

'Yeah, I thought I'd said. He does me and I do him.' I could never understand people's hangups about Jamie and I, I thought that all brothers shagged each other. Perhaps not but Peter did and it seemed this pair over at Weybridge did.

'You could do some for the camera,' he suggested shyly.

'For you, you mean,' I laughed. 'Of course you could join in, Jamie likes bigger boys.'

'Don't...' he moaned.

'You'd love to,' I took a grab at his crotch and sure enough he was perking. I looked up at the sky, it was so peaceful here, the boys would love it. 'Feeling horny?'

'Always,' he giggled.

'Back to bed or poolside?'

'There's some suntan oil in that cupboard,' he jerked his head towards a small fitting bolted to the wall just by the french windows. I ambled across and collected a couple of fluffy towels and sure enough there was a huge bottle of glop stashed in the storage alongside goggle, flippers and some other junk.

I wandered back and draped a bathtowel over him as he lay there and he struggled removing his still damp underwear. I eyeballed around the pool and even walked over to the garage end, no way could the neighbours see what was going on poolside. I don't know if this was by accident of design but I felt a bit better as I returned. I knelt down and slowly peeled his towel away exposing his naked body to the sun.

'Jeez, Marky,' he whined and tried to cover up.

'You're safe.' I uncapped the oil and squirting it from just under his jaw to his dark pubics and he flopped back.

I rubbed the stuff into his chest and then down onto his belly and finally took his hardness into my hand, once again I blessed the recovery power of youth, he was hard enough to pop and his scrotum was tight upto the base of his erection. He moaned as I went between his cheeks and lifted his legs slightly allowing me better access. I took him there and then sheltered by the patio and the super hedge. It was nice sex if slippery and when I rolled off him and lay there just about tuckered out he spread me on my belly and took me from the rear. Our sex together was getting more familiar but better, he was bigger than I was used to but I was getting a taste for it and for a recent virgin he was certainly beginning to like boy cock.

He took me back early evening and we bumped into the gang. They were a bit shy around him but as soon as they sussed out how it was between us they relaxed. We'd clearly been having sex and the kids knew, they weren't dummies. It was also a good opportunity to introduce him to mum and dad which was a must, hopefully they weren't as sexually aware on the boysex front as the crew were. They seemed to like Ian all the same and were very interested in his gap year and the routine for applying for the Universities. Hopefully, I'd be in the same situation in eighteen months time.

Naturally enough he shared our dinner which was a bit of a shambles as Peter and Nathan also stopped over and after I trooped them upto my room we got down to some serious conversation.

'Ian and I are fucking,' I announced once Jamie had checked the door was secure and the parents were stuck in front of the televison.

'Well, we knew that,' Jamie giggled and the other two sat there smirking. Ian, of course, had gone a dark red and tried to pretend he wasn't there.

'You lovers or spreading it around?' Peter surprised us all by speaking out... talk about blunter than blunt.

'You're all on Ian's shopping list,' I spoke really cranking up the embarassment stakes.

'I don't mind,' Peter grinned brightly. Well, that was that and it didn't really need any effort. Ian had lost if by now and was trying to hide under the carpet. That's a little bit of exageration there, he wasn't really but he wa still red faced and probably wondering what the hell he'd walked into.

'Ian's into photograhy big time,' I told the assorted munchkins. 'Kosher stuff like portraits, seascapes, landscapes and whatnots but... as a hobby he like doing nude studies of boys.'

'Mmmm...' That was from all three of them.

'He did some of me, pretty hot.'

'Can we see them?' Jamie was in like a ferret down a hole.

'I don't mind, it's upto Ian,' I looked across at him sitting on the floor opposite and he nodded.

Ian looked at me and I nodded. 'Tomorrow,' he said.

'Well, we better go,' Peter got to his feet and Nathan followed like an obedient dog. 'We're going over to Weybridge tomorrow to see Bill and Ben... can we tell them what's going on?'

'Yeah, carefully,' I smiled. 'Don't forget Jamie and I wanrt to meet these guys.'

'Busy, busy,' Peter said mockingly. 'You scratch our back and we'll scratch yours.'

'Dead right, rock on.' Nathan gave us a toothy grin backing his foster brother up.

'Come around tomorrow night after dinner and we'll compare notes.'

'You got it,' Peter moved over quickly and whispered something in Ian's ear and then both of them said their goodnights. Jamie did the courtesy bit showing them out and I suspect they had a mini meeting downstairs but I was curious.

'What did he say?' I asked Ian once we were alone.

'Nothing really,' he laughed softly.

'Come on, Ian. Don't hide things from me, we're supposed to be boyfriends.'

'He told me that Nathan fancies me.'

'Jeez,' I sat down with him. 'He's so tiny.'

'That's what I thought,' he admitted. 'I prefer the bigger boys,' he fondled my crotch until he felt it thicken and begin to get hard.

'Get a room you two,' Jamie cackled as he came in the door. 'The deadly duo are going to get us an invite to Weybridge for a swimming day on Monday.'

'Excellent,' I grinned. Things were beginning to move along. 'Torrow. Ian would like to do some pictures of you but it's your decision.'

'No probs,' Jamie smirked.

'Maybe some nudes...'

'No probs again.'

'Some of the two of us snogging and maybe getting romantic.'

'No probs,' Jamie sighed. 'One condition though.'


'If we get romantic enough to get sexy like... all the way romantic...'

'Go on,' I said as Ian watched seemingly mesmerised.

'You do anything to me on camera I get to do the same to you. You fuck me, I fuck you. I don't want you flashing pictures of me around without I have pictures of you. You follow me, brother dear.'

'No probs.' This time it was me and Ian smiled seeming to be happy with the result as well he may.

'One small fee...' Jamie grinned at Ian.

'Name it,' Ian glanced at me with a question in his eyes.

'Stand up, Ian.' Ian did as he was told and then Jamie pointed to the door and positioned Ian with his back to it, Ian flashed me a despairing glance but I knew Jamie was upto something. Jamie promptly and unzipped Ian's strides and reached inside.

'Jamie,' Ian protested but I laughed to watch my kid brother sample Ian's goodies. I couldn't read Jamie's mind, I never could. He may have been making his own wierd statement but he dragged out Ian's hardening meat and examinded it closely and then slowly wanked it until the dark red knob slid free of it's foreskin. 'Jamie,' Ian moaned again but Jamie just laughed and sank his mouth over the end of the rapidly hardening organ.

'Go for it,' I grinned and flopped onto my bed to watch the show. Jamie was good I'll give him that. He sucked and slurped at Ian's meaty cock and played with his scrotum until Ian gave up and grabbed my brother's head and started to fuck his face for real. Jamie's cheeks bulged and spittle ran from the side of his mouth down onto his jaw as his head moved to and fro.

Jamie, Jamie,' Ian moaned and I saw his belly muscles tense and then Jamie began to swallow. He managed it all, Ian's full creamy load and I knew how much that was. In the end he wiped slime from his lips and stuffed Ian's softening penis back into his fly.

'We fuck tomorrow, big dick,' Jamie moved clear and made with a self satisfied smile. 'Mark can do me first and then you. That's my price for all the dirty pictures you want.'

'Seems very fair,' Ian smiled wanly and red faced once again. 'I'd better make a move before you parents get the hump.'

'You know my price.' I added my twopennyworth .

'Yeah, I know,' he laughed as his blush faded.

'What time tomorrow?'

'Around ten... it's upto you really.'

'OK, ten,' I checked with Jamie and he nodded his head. After that we saw Ian off at the door and it was bedtime.

Bugger me, no sooner had I got settled and was listening to some music on my cans than I heard my door creak open. The rents had gone to bed so it could only one person and it was. I 'twas the outline of Jamie in the gloom and he slipped in with me managing to drop his sleeping pants all in one movement. 'I got a taste for it,' he giggled softly and rested his head on my chest. His hand wrapped around my penis and I heard a satisfied snuffle as he found it near hard. A few seconds later it was how he liked it.

'He's big,' he mumbled from under the bedclothes.

'He's very gentle though,' I whispered.

Good,' he grunted and I felt his mouth on me and then his gentle suction and lapping took over. He was bloody good and I never get tired of saying it, he gently cupped my balls and his head bobbed up and down on my hardness as he did his bit. He played around a bit nipping off my nuts until I removed his hand and told him to get on with it. He was also trying to get a finger in me but none of that tonight. We finished up on our sides and right at the end he rolled over and shoved his sweet bottom back onto me and I shafted him gently and then deep and hard for the last few minutes.

'Jamie...' I sighed and pushed in deeply crushing him to me as I felt myself pump my essence deep into his gut. He chuckled quietly and rammed back hard on me but once he felt me begin to wilt he slid off me and fell out of the bed grabbing his night clothing.

'Nighty-night,' he pecked me on the cheek and was off to his own bed. What a boy... what a monster and I'd given him all his basic training, I'd given birth to him. I was quite proud of myself.

We didn't get up too early, it was Sunday for our parents after all and they liked a lie in. We did most of the basic preparation for breakfast which pleased mum no end. I was waiting for something to be said and at last it was.

'That Ian seems a nice enough boy,' my dad got the ball rolling.

'Very wealthy parents from what he says,' my mum came in on cue.

'Yeah, his mum and dad are in the South of France or somewhere expensive,' I said a bit womdering what was coming next.

'I'm a bit surprised you managed to make friends with him bearing in mind we've only been here a week or so.'

'One of those things,' I hedged. 'He's a friend of a friend of Peter's.'

'Well,' my dad pontificated. 'Don't make yourself nuiscances. I know he's got a pool and a spare house of all things but don't outstay your welcome.'

'He will be going to University in due course,' my mother smiled ending the subject. Well, that was the short version of the lecture. They hadn't warned us off and not a mention of an older boy mixing with younger. More some heavy hints not to bug the guy. If they knew where Ian's interests lay the short discussion might have taken a different turn. We helped clean up after breakfast and learnt that mum and dad would be visiting friends in Guildford and wouldn't be back until late afternoon. The brief was be home for dinner around eight or die (as my dad put it). Oh, yeah. The old regulars - don't get into trouble and don't burn the house down.

We were on our way around Ian's just before ten and I decided to walk on to the next turning and spy out the small house and the lie of the land. One thing was immediately obvious and that was the side road was well shielded from the gardens, the only people who may possibly peep would be upper deck passengers and Addlestone didn't run to double deckers. The small house was well clear of the next door neighbour who was indeed a bungalow person... better and better. A quick stroll back with Jamie babbling all the way and we were on the doorstep for just after ten.

'Hi Mark and James,' he greeted us and ushered us down to the kitchen where we found the door and all the windows open, in fact, the whole house was open as if he was having a good airing. He was and it was something he did every weekend but we don't need to know his freaky views on fresh air. We sat just outside the door and swigged our drinks in companionable silence.

'Can we use the pool after the pictures?' Jamie asked plucking at his t-shirt which was clinging to his chest.

'Of course, I can do some speedo shots or wet willy shots.' Ian laughed.

'I can do some of you getting oiled up by Jamie,' I ventured.

'Even better,' Ian laughed.

'What's the score with these pictures,' Jamie broached the subject close to all our hearts. 'What exactly do you want us to do?'

'Right,' Ian stretched himself out and pondered. He was a boy for pondering but I think it was a bit of a cover for his shyness, maybe he just liked a good ponder, it's a nice word to type anyway (try it... go on). 'I thought of starting off as you are now and slowly undressing with snogs and gropes. When naked get on the bed and carry on getting to know each other with maybe some oral, finishing up in a sixty niner, after that see how it goes. I would like full one on one penetration if you don't mind.'

We sat and looked at him and Jamie broke the silence by laughing. 'Just like that?'

'Yeah, why not?' I broke in. 'That's what we're here for. I flashed Jamie a look trying to let him know that we knew what Ian wanted and that the man had just laid it all out for us.

'That sort of thing,' Ian added lamely. The thing was I think I knew Ian and his difficulty in calling a spade a spade to be blunt. He, compared to Jamie and myself and even Pete and Nathe had led a sheltered life, he was new to all the treating sex like an everyday thing. To him it was all something new and something strange, to us it was just routine.

'Let's romp,;' Jamie stood and I could see he was already aroused. Thank God the kid bro was up for it otherwise it could have been a disaster. We should be alright once the hormones kicked in. Ian's hands were shaking I noticed. Poor dear, he probably thought he'd gone to heaven or sliding down to hell but this was his moment. He'd got two models who were going to give him a fun time and that was whether he wanted one or not.

'OK,' Ian grinned almost shyly like a little boy and led off with Jamie in tow, I followed on.

'Nice arse,' Jamie comented as we climbed the stairs and Ian leading the way laughed. I didn't say anything, it was just Jamie acting big but Ian did have a nice one and no doubt Jamie would get to sample before the day was out.

Once in the studio we gave Jamie time to wander around and do his oohing and aahing and I think he was getting excited at the thought of the whole thing. He slung himself of the bed and did a couple of laviscious poses still clothed until I called him to order. 'When you're ready, Ian and you'd better make it quick, Jamie's on heat.'

'Slut,' Jamie sneered at me but I knew Jamie and he wanted some action and the good thing about him he wasn't fussy what direction it came from when the lads were bigger. If we'd have been Nathan or Darky types he'd be trying to shag them by now.

In the end and after much buggereing about from Jamie we went into it. The gradual undressing trying to be as sexy as hell with lots of stroking and kissing, Ian jumping around like a loony clicking every five seconds and no messing with a tripod this time. As I gradually got Jamie naked and splayed out on the bed poor ol' Ian nearly had a cow. I could see in his own baggies he'd sprouted and so could Jamie who I'd, quite naturally, told of Ian's size. I knew Jamie wanted it, he wanted to sample Ian but that wasn't on the cards, just yet.

I gave Jamie a good rimming or a good lap and lick out until his little pucker was shiny and almost dribbing with sailva and Ian got it all in glorious closeup. When I entered Jamie doggy and then did the twist and turn so that he was in a full frontal Ian just gave up, he sat on the bed and watched.

'Get it out,' Jamie ordered from his position with me slowly moving in his gut. Ian assumed the instruction was for him and it was. He struggled for a moment with his shorts until I told him to get them off and get naked and he did so. He even seemed to like being told what to do and I suppose that saved him thinking for himelf. He'd get his confidence and maybe more after his first little taste of group sex. 'Hey, dishy,' Jamie giggled with me still in him and as Ian stood naked in all his extended glory for a moment before falling back onto the bed.

I gave Jamie a few more minutes without cuming and slowly withdrew.

'Fantastic,' Ian breathing heavily excalimed looking at Jamie's slowly closing hole.

'Get onboard,' I looked at him. 'Jamie's alright with it.'

'Damn right. Come on Ian,' Jamie held his knees tightly down to his chest totally exposing his well relaxed and slick pucker. 'Come to moma.'

I think Ian might have still been slightly embarassed but he was well and truly hard now and Mr Stiffy was in charge. He could no more turn down Jamie's prepared pucker than turn down his newly decorated rumpy pad down the end of the garden. He knelt by Jamie and slowly positioned himself at Jamie's entrance and pushed. I don't know who did the most moaning or sighing, Jamie or Ian but they mated like a pair of kosher lovers, no crash, bang, wallop here. Ian took his time and Jamie moaned as his pucker was stretched by Ian's fat hardness. Jamie loved it, he did like the big dicks and he held Ian tightly as my new friend began to move.

'Hold it,' I put my hand on Ian's back. The new man had one more surprise.


'Hold still,' Jamie smirked and held him tightly. 'This is a BBMS... welcome.'

'What the hell's that?' Ian groaned with frustration as we both held him tightly.

'The Blair Boys Meat Sandwich,' I smiled as I thrust right into his quivering fanny with one long and slow thrust.

'Aaaaah...' Ian's face dropped to be met by Jamie's eager lips as I rammed in deep and hard and he was shoved even deeper into Jamie's honey pot. After that it was a sweaty and savage shag. I think Ian liked it, he made far more noise than Jamie and that's a first.

We plugged away at each other and I felt Ian's arse cheeks clamp on me as he clearly voided his juices into Jamie and then it was my turn to send my thick streamers of cum into Ian's muscular bum. It was a hit and as we lay there all sweaty and exhausted in a tangle of arms and legs Jamie struggled free and rolling the laughing Ian onto his tummy sank into his bottom in a series of Jamie jabs. They lay on their sides as Jamie got his revenge and I lay face to face with Ian kissing and handling his spunk stained tool, I still wanted my share but I might have to wait a bit longer.

Jamie fucked away with a big grin on his face and Ian lay there returning my kisses and when Jamie came Ian closed his eyes and rested his head on my shoulder. 'I never thought I'd say this,' he whispered in my ear.

'Go on,' I whispered back. 'I won't tell anyone.'

'I enjoyed that both ways.'

'Yee hah.' Jamie had to spoil the moment but even Ian laughed. He may have been a bit of a dreamer before but he was well and truly one of us now. A full member of the ABC, it would soon be time to waltz Peter and Nathan up here.

After we'd had a cleanup we went outside and lazed around the pool. Jamie was the only one swimming and he had to go nudey. I just lay soaking up the sum and with Ian tending me with the occasional swipe of sun oil.

'Jamie and Nathan would make a nice pair for your camera,' I said rolling over and offering my back for his busy hands.

'They would,' he agreed. 'What's that Peter like?'


'Yeah,' he giggled and I felt his hand drop onto the small of my back and then a stray finger slipped into my crack, I opened my legs a little.

'Peter's nice, similar to Jamie I suppose,. They're about the same age and built the same down below. Peter and Nathan are uncircumcised by the way to get all official about it.'

'I like Peter, I liked him when he was knocking about with the other mob, Jake and Zander. I couldn't get in though.'

'You hadn't got the bottle to chat him up, you mean.'

'I suppose,' he admitted and I felt the trickle of oil onto my tailbone. 'You alright with this,' he whispered and I felt his fingers slip between my cheeks and probe. The next thing was the smear on the pucker and the fingers opening me up. 'I'm as had as a chocolate frog,' he giggled and pushed his finger in deep. I flinched as I felt his finger inside me and then relaxed. It seemed Ian had found his feet at last and we had all afternoon after all.

The Soap continues.

Maybe another one with young Darky next.

The story will chop between Banstead and Addlestone but come together when Darky comes back for his holidays.

Next: Chapter 22

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