Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jan 4, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of boys, youth and young men and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.


Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


16 - All good things come to an end.


G. Cutter


'Mick's given you your own room?' My mother looked at me suspiciously. 'How many bedrooms has he got in that house?'

'Three,' I replied promptly. I didn't want any upsets this close to 'the do' and 'the do' in question was Mick's farewell to Addlestone. He and Jake would be moving down to Lewes on the following day. Zander was staying up in town and then he too would be collected a couple of days later. I think Zander's remaining was more to see Darky off back to the Home early in the following week although he was officially doing a last cleanup before Mick handed the place over to the Agent. The glorious long summer break was coming to an end and lots of other things were ending as well but nothing lasts forever.

Mick with Jake and Zander were immigrating to Lewes and Darky, our Henry was returning to the Care Home at Banstead. Ian, Mick's boyfriend was staying in town and I think that they'd mutually ended or were ending their relationship. The one shining light was that mum and dad had promised Darky that he was always welcome to spend each and every holiday into the future with Nathan and myself, it was the next best thing to fostering and Nathan got all weepy but he was well pleased.

'Ah, well. I suppose you'll be alright,' my mum gave up in the end. I think secretly she was pleased that dad and her could have a night of peace and quiet for once and what harm could we come to when we were only a street away? None really. Zander had claimed Darky, I and Nathan had claimed Jake and Mick had his regular boyfriend the rather gloomy, Ian. All cut and dried as they say.

I went back upto the boys who were in our room playing some music. Darky had settled in well and I'd be sorry to see him go back to Banstead. I knew he liked being with us and that he had a hell of a crush or even a love job going on with Zander that's life as that bird with all the teeth used to say on television. I can't think of her name but she was an ugly fuck, anyway...

'We'll go over in an hour or so we don't want to be too early,' I sat down with them and relaxed. I couldn't belive my mum and dad had allowed it but they had. Good job they didn't know what we were upto otherwise they'd have had joint heart attacks.

'That Ian's quite nice,' Darky commented.

'He's a dog,' Nathan squealed and he did squeal a lot especially when being shagged. I hadn't quite made my mind up if I'd got myself a foster brother or a foster sister and think on, if mum and dad had their way he'd be officially and legally adopted in a year or so. Pity we couldn't do the same deal for Darky or Henry to use his real name. I think he and Zander had cooked up some wild and wooly plans for the future but maybe the enforced absences to come may make them cool down a bit. Zander would be with new friends at Lewes and Darky would be back at his home and as he'd told us he was fully intending to make use of his new knowledge so I reckoned Banstead Care Home could have a spate of pregnant small boys in the near future.

'Aw, Gawd...' Darky lay back on the carpet and gazed at the ceiling.

'Shut up moaning,' I told him and put my stockinged foot on his crotch. 'You'll see us again at the Autumn Half Term.'

'What about Zander?'

'If he's any sort of a man he'll get up here for a week,' Nathan said quite reasonably. 'He'll have himself sorted out by then.'

'Yeah, got another boyfriend,' Darky grumped.

'You'll have to make do with us two then,' Nathan shot back rather unkindly I thought.

Darky climbed up onto the bed and lay on his belly deep in gloom which at least gave me the chance to hop up alongside him whilst Nathan stayed sitting on the floor lost in some teeny bopper crap.

'Cheer up, kiddo,' I stroked Darky's cheek and he looked at me sadly with the suspicion of a tear in the corner of his eye. 'You knew it had to come to this. You've just got to go one day at a time.'

'It's alright for you, you've got Tweey Pie.' That was his name for Nathan by the way and before you ask I can't imagine why. I was at a loss what to say, I wasn't naturally an Agony Aunt or even a very sympathetic person. I felt for Darky but then again I had what I wanted. Selfish, no doubt but Darky did overdo the abandoned lover a bit too much. I think he was a bit of a drama queen and was making a meal out of it and nearly told him so but that would probably bring a flood of tears and a moody from Nathan as well.

'You've still got us whatever happens,' I gently bit the seat of his jeans and felt the yielding flesh within. He huffed and puffed and rolled onto his back.

'It's all so cruel,' he whined and I nearly laughed but repeated the soft bitebut this time on his little package front and centre. 'Slut,' he muttered but I felt his hands rest on my head.

'Yummy,' I grinned and nuzzled at his fork and then he gave a little prod upwards. So much for the end of the world saga. As Nathan was quite happy on the floor and had even stuck the headphones on as I'd climbed onto the bed I slowly unzipped Darky as he lay there softly ruffling my hair.

'I'm saving it for Zander.'

'Rubbish,' I smiled up at him and bared his smooth dark skinned belly and then tugged his loose fitting jeans. As they came down his briefs came into view and then I grabbed their waistband and slowly slipped both them and his jeans down to his knees leaving his beautiful crotch bare. A quick check that the door was jammed shut and I took his soft but becoming harder morsel into my mouth.

'Peter, you loony,' he sighed and as I worked his little foresking around in my mouth I felt him harden up and then the feel of his smooth glans on my tongue. He got hard almost instantly, I suppose having a hot mouth around your dicky does that. I knew he didn't cum a massive amount but he was getting there. The last couple of times had been watery dribbles with lots of jerking and twitching, so, ever hopeful I reached under him grasping his smooth and springy cheeks and started to move my head up and down.

'Don't spoil him for the party,' Nathan's head appeared over the edge of the bed and sunk down again.

'Shurrup,' Darky grinned back to his old self and grabbed my head harder and started to pump up into my mouth as I sucked away at his stiff little noodle. He didn't last long, he never does. First the laboured breathing, then the gasping and finally a taste and the feel of warm slime in my mouth. He was cuming but just about and I smiled as I sqeezed his foreskin over his cherry red glans extracting a pearly dribble from the end of his dick. 'I'm getting better,' he bragged.

'You need more incoming from Zander,' Nathan grinned over the edge of the bed. 'He needs to pump you up a bit more.'

'Don't start him off,' I warned lover boy. 'Come on let's get sorted out and make a move. Watch what you say downstairs as well.'

'Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir,' Nathan giggled and even Darky laughed. It seemed he was over his little gloomy, a bj works wonders it seems. Leaves a nice taste in your mouth as well at least Darky's did. God, I'd love to have the two as my private little concubines or maybe catamites is the proper word. No matter, it won't happen at least not this year although there are all the holidays to look forward to.

We went over about an hour later none of us really knowing what was going on, a meal, a drink, a shag? It was a farewell party at least and old friends and lovers were heading for the hills in a manner of speaking. I'm sure we'd see them in the future but new friends come along and distance is a hell of a barrier especially when you're kids and haven't the luxury of transport. We had Bill and Ben over in Weybridge and I was still in the local swimming club where I'd noticed some of the lads giving both Nathan and Darky less than innocent ogles, well, that's what I thought anyway.

'Greetings children,' Jake, the ever piss taking Jake opened the door and ushered us to the living rooom or the lounge (they changed the name every week depending how classy they were feeling). Mick was with Ian as expected chugging away at a can apiece and Zander was flopped out in an armchair. He came to his feet and he and Darky met in the middle of the room like a pair of mating buffaloes... well, you get the idea. Ain't young love sweet. Jake grabbed my bum and got Nathan in a headlock which set the tone for the next ten minutes and then we sat around moaning. Let's face it, there's nothing to celebrate when friends leave and I think we were all determined that tonight was going to be a shag night supreme. It might be our very last after all and I, at least, was determined to get my share of Jake's long skinny cock and his tight little bottom... perhaps we could have some fod and drink as well. I saw that there was a table of bit's and pieces set up. You know, little sausages on sticks and those vol-au-venty things that stick to the roof of your mouth.

'Grab a can girls,' Mick did his host bit. 'And take it easy you two,' he spoke to Nathan and Darky. 'Drink too much and you could be doing the rounds.'

'Great,' Nathan giggled and as usual Darky followed. I had the funniest of feeling that neither of them would have minded and to be honest I wouldn't have minded a last taste of Mick, I'd always liked him and his droopy pal for that matter.

Things were slow to liven up and I've got to say this is where a television running doesn't help but after a couple of cans Mick slipped out his favourite film, the old French one which we all knew off by heart apart from Nathan and Darky, it was a treat for them. I couldn't rememebr if Nathan had seen it but Darky certainly hadn't and was soon dribbling into his lager watching the French boys do their stuff. Mind you he was being cuddled by his love object at the time which might have helped.


I'd watched this film so many times before that I knew the words off by heart. The action was good ali the same if a trifle old fashioned, none of the nitty gritty close ups that they like nowadays. It was supposed to be a Bleisch but I don't think it was, I didn't recall him going French before and by the release date he'd have been behind the Wall, mind you that's assuming I had the facts right. It was of no great concern my Darky liked it and he was making a pont of rubbing his little arse into my groin, he was hot.

'Keep doing that and I'll fuck you silly,' I whispered in his shell like.

'Soon,' he turned his face a little allowing me to kiss his smooth cheek.

'When the film finishes,' I promised and he gave a contented little sigh. Jesus, how I was going to miss him ? How the hell I was going to get upto Addlestone for his visits was anyone's guess. I couldn't let him down because all the shit I'd been spinning about waiting three years for him wasn't shit... it was true. 'Mmmmm,' I slipped my hand under his jumper and stroked and clasped his flawlessly smooth belly.

'Zander,' he sighed and pushed back into me and his hand drifted down into my lap. 'You dog,' he giggled after a feel.

The film ended and we made off with a limp excuse about wanting to have a private chat but no one took any notice, I think Mick and Ian had decided to wander down the local and the other three were sprawled out in front of the idiot box with tapes and DVDs all over the floor. These werre Mick's 'hot' collection so no doubt they'd be happy for a while. Not much of a party but it wasn;'t supposed to be a 'party' party if you can follow that, just a sleepover special and who would finish up in who's bed was anyone's guess.

'I liked the little dark haired one,' Darky clung to me as we mounted the stairs.

'He was the one who got nobbed by everyone?'

'I know,' he laughed. 'Which one did you like the most?'

'The one with the floppy blonde hair, the one who got the jam and bread on his bum at breakfast.'

'Yeah, he was dishy,' Darky grinned. ' A bit like you, washboard belly and a big dick.'

'Thanks for that,' I replied dryly and guided him into my room. No timewaster this boy, he kicked off his trainers and jumped on the bed.

'Take me, I'm yours,' he declaimed dramatically striking a pose on the bed. He looked like a dark skinned little angel doing an impersonation of a slutty boy Lolita but that's what I loved about him. He didn't come across as all prim and proper like his pal Nathan. Darky was all wanton and once you had him in private he was all systems go. I knelt on the bed between his legs and started to slowly undress him but as ever it turned into a frenzy of clothes being almost torn off and a damn good wrestle. At the end of it we were naked and his darker skin stood out against mine as we lay together belly to belly slowly moving against each other. 'I love your cock,' he whispered and his face darkened in a blush.

'I love you,' I smiled as I felt his knees slip against my side as he moved under me offering himself by putting his legs onto my shoulders and shuffling his spread bottom into position.

'Excellent,' he smiled and kissed me. 'I put a smear of stuff on before I came across, I'm all ready for you.'

I didn't reply, I just gazed steadily into his dark eyes, positioning my swollen and now leaking knob at his tight little ring I felt the lube or oil he'd use and gently pushed into his now familiar hole. He opened up to me with a small groan and then I felt my cockend captured by his ring and the warmth of his tight body gripping my shaft as I effortlessly slipped into his slick boy fanny.

'Excellent,' I smiled using his word and sealed my lips to his. We kissed long and hard as I continued moving in only stopping when my pubes were under his nuts and I could feel the full length of my hardness encased in his hot flesh.

'Yesssss,' his legs slipped off my shoulders and clamped around my waist and his thin arms reached around me pulling my willing body down onto his so that we were joined from mouth down to knees. Perfecto. I started to move slowly in and out, as usual after a moment he started to react pulling himself onto me as if trying to swallow me whole. I slipped in and out quite easily, by now he was used to my size and he accepted me without stress. Amazingly enough he was still as tight as a hampster (not that I've shagged one) and totally receptive. His little three or four inches jerked up and down on his belly and it's cherry red end almost glowed and shone with the gleam of his own tiny oozing. 'Yeah, great,' he grinned and looked up at me.'Harder, slave,'

I obeyed, how could I not. He was right I was his love slave, I'd do anything he wanted and rumping him harder was a pleasure. I moved in and forcing his slender thighs down onto his dark skinned chest, he was almost doubled in half when I started to fuck downwards deep into his tight little hole until he was squirming and wriggling in delight. This kid was a natural born bottom although he had his boyish side, he loved playing with his own stiffy and I'd seen him having a good go at joining with Nathan. Maybe the bottom crack was a bit out of order, he was doing good at what he was able to do and for the moment that was being fucked. Give him a couple of years and he'd be shagging everything in sight of that I was totally confident. It was time for me to finish him off and have a look at the others, that was, of course, once I'd attended to his needs. He liked being sucked, he liked to try and fuck, he was open to offers, my Darky, he was going to be a very versatile boy in time. I just hoped I could keep the contact and the romance going over the next three years and that he didn't find a local boyfriend.

I had heard of his moaning and his despair to go overboard a bit about our forthcoming split but he didn't realise it cut both ways and the future was uncertain for both of us.

I think in his suspicious little mind that he might have thought I was just using him as a plaything but I wasn't. I loved him so deeply and he didn't get it. I realise from his background trust had to be well and truly earned and I was deternined to do do by hook or by crook. Don't ask how, I had no idea but he could sleep easy in his bed, I wouldn't forget and as Arnie is wont to say: I'll be back.

'Darky...' I moaned and rammed into his tautly spread hole for the last time and stayed in deep, the heat and the squirting was brilliantr as always with him and as his slender brown legs slipped down I collapsed on him pinning him to the bed and my deflating penis slid free smearing cum inside his thighs and we lay cheek to cheek well and truly worn out.

'Get off, you lump,' he kisseed my nose to remove any offence. 'You weigh a ton, you cum a gallon, you're a bloody elephant.'

'Ho, ho,' I grabbed him and rolled over onto my back taking him on top. 'You cum yet?'

'You ain't that hot, pal,' he giggled and rubbed on me belly to belly. I felty his stiff little spike rub intop my spunk and sweat stained limpness. Messy, messy but he seemed to like it. I clasped his tight little buttocks as he moved against me.

'Suck or fuck.' That, by the way, was a routine of ours now. Once I'd had my pleasure I always gave him the option.

'Assume the position, bitch.'

Oh my Gawd, he was going into his Randy Rabbit mode or was it Roger the Rabbit, I was never too sure with him but even if he didn't cum a lot he had enthusiasm and perversely I enjoyed his little cocklet in me. It was fun and a far cry from the occasional quicky I still had with Jake. Mind you, having said that Jake was a bit out of the ordinary for a sixteen year old and I still had a lot of affection for him. They say that you can't really love two people at the same time but I did, so, everyone's wrong and I'm right... so what?

I raised my legs and folded my knees back into my chest taking up the stuffed chicken mode which he does so much better but he was up and in me in a nano second. 'Last one,' he whispered eyes beginning to get all watery, the poor little waif was almost in tears.

'We've got all night yet,' I reminded him but he wasn't listening he was moving in and out trying to look butch. I loved it, he looked like some sort of demented gypsy boy with his dark skin, jet black hair flying around and the beads of sweat splatting onto my face added to the charm. I held his little perspiration slicked bottom as he pounded away and grinned as I felt him moan and then jerk. His cum wasn't a big deal but he was getting better and he slipped out with a moan. I quick rub at the well eased pucker and he was inside me again but he was done for now and I cuddled him in our sweaty and smelly funk. Brilliant.

'I love you so bad, Zand,' he whispered.

'Me too, Short Stuff.'

'You are going to keep in touch, aren't you.'

'I shall write every week at least and I shall arrange to see you every time you stay with Peter. I might even do a flying visit to your place but no promises on that one.'

'Great,' he sighed and smiled at me. 'Promise.'

'I promise,' I kissed him lightly on his lips. 'Come on, let's have a shower and see what's going on downstairs.'

H did ask me one question in the shower and it was something I'd been expecting for some time, I'm a bit of a mind reader in case I haven't mentioned it.

'The last you'll see of Jake tomorrow?'

'Until I go down after seeing you off,' I replied. 'Then I go down in this guy's van with some odds and sods.'

'I wanted top ask something iffy.'

'Go on,' I laughed.

'I wanna shag with Jake,' his dark complexion reddened and he buried his face in my chest.

'No probs,' I grinned stroking his wet back. 'But you sleep with me and Nathan.'

'You've been chatting to Jake?'

'Sorta,' I laughed. 'He is a monster when he's hard, you know that?'

'Yeah,' his soapy hand grasped my semi hard penis. 'You gotta try though.'


Well, here we were, it was our last day in Addlestone and then Mick and I would be on our way. On our way to Lewes in fact and a bit of a gamble for me. I feel a bit ashamed to admit that I was sixteen and had only left the Addlestone area twice and that was on school camps within the U.K. Going to Lewes with the yokels would be like immigrating to Cornwall or somewhere odd. The one good thing was that I had a job and accomodation arranged. I would be working for Mick at his new store and living with Peter and Anthony who we'd met in the summer. I'd have a room in their place and was assured of being left alone and being allowed to do my own thing whatever they meant by that. There was a lot going on down there with friends of Peter and The Antman and this would be one of the first things for me to investigate.

Mick had got his own flat as our short term mariage had well and truly ended as had my just as short marriage to Zander. I was still in liaison with him which is the tarty way of saying we still got together but went our own ways... we served each other to be blunt and we were still good friends, what we had we shared and there were two little urchins that on this the final night I needed to get a grip on. The total was three if you included my little friend Peter who was into his growth spurt and getting bigger all the time. He had his new foster brother, Nathan, who was a darling but the one I really needed to crack was this kid called Henry who went by the nickname of Darky. He came from the same Home that Nathan had and in the normal course of events I'd have 'joined' with him after Zander but unfortunately the pricks had gotten into a love scene and the kid had spent his stay dodging me. Time had run out for this kid and I was fully intending plundering his little dark skinned bum come hell or high water.

The lads came across and once they'd settled down Mick got out this crappy French film and away we went, Mick had Ian, Zander settled with his Darky and I grouped with Peter and Nathan. All well and good, scene set. Action, roll the film.

The first move of the night was Zander swagged Darky upto his bedroon and I felt sorry for the little lad who was twelve by the way, he looked a right bundle of misery but Zander would work his magic. I bet you a quid to a ton of cowcrap that kid would come back down those stairs with a smirk on his face and a much looser backdoor if I knew my Zanderman. The second move of the evening was that Mick and his Ian decided to go down the pub for a couple of drinks and probably to get away from Peter, Nathan and myself. As the two younger ones had designs on my body I don't blame Mick and his miserable mate. A funny one, Ian. He always looked most uncomfortable when what you could call our little club was in action but on his own he was a ball of fire. I had been told there was a similar setup down in Lewes but Anthony would be the only one I knew, I'd heard mention of a Patric and Denis but meeting them was still a pleasure to come. It was all a bit of a worry and an adventure at the same time but back to the Last Night in Addlestone... make a good title for a zombie film that one.

I was sitting on the sofa and Peter was alongside me with little Nathan sitting on the floor between Peter's legs. 'This film goes on a bit,' he moaned.

'I've got a more modern one, all bits and ppieces of Russian kids.'

'Kids?' Nathan had woken up a little.

'Eleven to fifteen at a guess,' I said casually but I knew both my companions would like what I called Mick's Wank Job. There were about three of them but the one I had in mind was good as in very good. 'Hang on kiddies.' I clicked the remote and stopped the old tape and scurried about sorting out through half packed boxes for what I wanted. 'Here we go.'

'Russian Flowers,' Nathan giggled when he saw the title on the side.

As soon as this one started they were all eyes and Nathan was up on the sofa between Peter and myself. For starters it was much better quality and the kids were kids not early twenties pretending to be sixteen year olds, these were the genuine articles and probably most around the fourteen or fifteen style. The action was good and the close up penetrations even better.

'Golly Gosh,' Nathan giggled again and looking down I saw that he had one hand on my crotch and one on Peter's, the action was about to begin. We watched it for half an hour and Nathan had Peter's peter exposed (couldn't resist that one) and his hand was inside my trousers fondling me through my boxers. 'This is brill,' Nathan breathed quickly.

'One thing better for me.' I gazed at the screen.

'What's that?' Peter grinned reading my mind as he does.

'Watching you and Nathan doing what they're doing,' I nodded at the screen where two kids were at it on a bed. An older with a younger who could have been brothers but this was genuine, no simulating with these two beauties.

'What if Mick and Ian come back?' Peter asked.

'They get a free show but those two will stay in that pub until around eleven.'

'What about the two upstairs?' Nathan was next.

'What about them, they're family,' I laughed.

'You gotta join in,' Peter started getting excited and got to his feet and kicked his shoes off. 'You can watch for a bit but you've got to get in on it, it is last night at the old hacienda after all.'

'You've got it,' I stretched out on the sofa nudging Nathan off with my feet. 'Gimme a show lover boys.'

That was it, they went into their act and I've got to say it was far superior to the film. I got up for a minute and dimmed the lights and they did their bit illuminated by the flickering fire, the TV and just the one small lamp. Cosy and sexy as hell.

They did the sexy and almost mandatory kiss and cuddle as in the film snippets and then got down to action, a rather hurried undressing and then solo blows followed by a sixty niner. I just lay back and watched giving the occasional direction and they performed well. To be honest I was envisaging Henry or Darky as they called him getting it together with Zander upstairs but they'd be back down soon. I had asked Zander to put in a good word for me as I was still to crack Darky as my Zander had virtually comandeered the tyke from word go leaving me out in the cold a bit. This night was our last night and did so want to take little Darky all the way. Funnily enough I'd done it with Nathan who was smaller in all respects and he handled me well, one of the drawbacks to being endowed a bit to well. I know Zander loved two way with me and that's why we were on and off boyfriends, Peter liked it as well but Peter had a rather well built boyfriend before I'd arrived on the scene. I still remember Andy shagging me some time back and that boy was well rigged but not quite as well as I was. To get into measurements I was now at seven inches and that's not too bad for a sixteen coming on seventeen, biggest in my little club that was for sure. My trouble was that I had to be careful with these smaller boys, I didn't want to hurt them and God forbid that I actually injured them in any way. As far as Henry was conmcerned, he was older than Nathan and slightly bigger built so he should be able to cope, I was beginning to think he didn't like me... it happens.

'Let Nathan have a frontal and then you go for a doggy on Nathe,' I spoke to Peter and they both happily set about it.

By now I'd got my trousers around my ankles and my shirt up around my tits but as they performed I stripped and lay back naked idly playing with my pride and joy keeping it nice and hard for what I had in mind. I watched Nathan plug away at Peter and Peter really got a kick out of the smaller boy doing his business, he hung onto Nathe actually binding the kid in as he huffed and puffed.

'I'm cuming,' Nathan squealed. He wasn't, he was doing his air shots although Peter had said the kid was now producing a trickle or a smear. It all takes time I suppose but the sight of Nathan's spread cheeks and his pucker tensing as he thrust into Peter held my interest more than his supposed sexual development. It was over and Peter slipped free and positioned the boy onto his hands and knees without any messing, moments later he was in the grunting kid giving him a long slow shag. I watched closely as I saw Peter's four or five inches slide in and out of Nathan's little hole. They were made for each other and as I've said Peter was getting bigger. Sweet, they'd grow together and enjoy each other for many years to come.

I grabbed the KY and sat watching and lubricating myself up, I think Peter knew what was coming and kept up his almost slomo fuck as I got behind him and got between his legs. 'Ready, Pete?'

'Go on,' he held still for a moment and I pushed up against his already slippery ring and pushed.

'Aaaaah...' He held Nathan tightly as I took him in one slow thrust slipping the full seven inches into his swet arse in one determined and firm motion. 'Jeeeezus, Jake.' Peter moaned but pushed back and then we were off trying to find a rythm that suited. Peter fucked young Nathan faster and faster and I tried to time myself to ram into his sweet bottom at the same time he slid into Nathan. The trick with this one is to try and come at the same time which is virtually impossible but it's fun trying.

Peter came first but he stayed in Nathan as I worked to my climax and then came myself and then and only then we fell onto the carpet in a sweaty and well shagged mass of arms and legs. I had one trick up my sleeve my party piece you might say. I always had problems after sex, I had problems going soft and the condition served me well now and then, this time was a now or maybe a then. I slipped free from Peter and spreading the giggling Nathan onto his back lined up with his slippery and spunk drooling little ring and gently took him. I knew in my mind I could cum again but what I wasn't expecting was for Peter to go for a double header.

As I fucked Nathan and he clung to me like a bloody chimp I felt Peter behind me and then a slippery boy cock thrust straight into me. Even at his size you can feel Peter when he shags, he gets a bit enthusiastic to put it mildly. As I pleasured myself and Nathan Peter did the same to the rear, I could feel his hot meat moving inside me as I plugged the little one. An excellent finish to our little club, a double threesome and the night was still young or relatively so.

I heard a couple of polite coughs on the stairs and guessed that Zander and Darky had joined the party. I couldn't look as Peter was hammering away at me and Nathan was clinging to me like a bloody limpet but it ended as these things do with weaker cums and a lot more sweat and heavy breathing.

Zander was looking dishy, freshly showered and just had a damp towel around his waist showing off his chest and six pack, Darky was also still damp and had someone's bathrobe on which was huge and trailed on the carpet, he looked so sweet that I felt my tired and now softening penis come to life, there was more to come and I could see by Zander's face and the quick wink he gave me that things were looking good.

'Conference in a bit,' the boyfriend (both mine and Darky's) said and sat on the sofa with his little chum looking down at us as we sprawled on the carpet.

'Wowie,' Darky goggled at the TV which was still running Russian Flowers. 'Jeez...'

'Calm down, Buttercup,' Zander grinned at him and draped his arm possesively around the dark skinned angel.

'Whassup, Batman?' I wanted to know where we went from here and if Zander had any success with our plan, later on I found out that it was all Darky's suggestion so all's well that ends well to be completely trite.


I tried to stiffle a grin as I sat alongside Zander on the sofa. The TV was a distraction as there were boys and I mean real boys, not the French pseuso teenies, shagging away and sixty nining and my friends laying on the carpet like they'd just gone through a sexual marathon. Peter and Nathan told me all about it in the morning and I was amazed. That Jake must be a spunk making machine, he'd done one after the other and they both swore he'd done a good cum. As for me, more of that later. Zander called for a conference but that was merely to state what had already been decided. I thought it was pretty obvious that Nathan and myself were the two prizes in this little setup and whilst Jake went to get some more food and drinks I just sat back watching the film and waited.

'Good?' Nathan snuggling alongside me as Zander went to give Jake a hand, Peter had gone into the kitchen as well so I reckon they were sorting out the sleeping arrangements for later on. Nathan and I were the babies so I suppose we'd have to do as we were told. I'd been a bit scared of doing things with Jake as both Peter and Nathan had said he was a bit on the rough side and had a donkey dong but why then did they go back for more? A bit of a mystery here and Zander said the complete reverse, he admitted that Jake had a big dick which was obvious enough but denied that Jake was rough in any way. There was only one way to find out and that was to sample the Turkish Delight. That by the way was my private name for Jake. I knew he wasn't Turkish but it suited. I don't know where he was from but Peter said the old East Indies wherever they are. Born here but his parents came from out East and I don't mean Southend.

'Announcement,' Peter started to pass cans of Fosters around. Nathan grabbed his and would have wet his knickers if he'd had any on.'Act Two of our evening's entertainment is the reversal of the elders,' Peter laughed thoroughly enjoying himself especially as both Nathan and I were looking a bit bemused. 'Jake and Darky, Zander and Nathan with myself.'

'What about the sleepover?' I asked just to show I was my own man in a way and also to show that I was happy with the Jake setup. I had asked after all.

'The infants are in with me and the slut Peter is shacking up with Jake,' Zander grinned.

That was it, all done and dusted as they say and from the way the drinks were going down and the food was disappearing everyone was happy. Mick and Jake must have been shopping as there were three big trayloads of party bibs and bobs which were enough to feed a boy's football team but we did our best and still managed to save some for Mick and Ian when they returned. I shouldn't have thought Zander would have anything left in his spunk factory for Peter and Nathan but that was his problem. Would Jake have anything left to give? That was of more interest to me, I know he was supposed to be a sexual athlete but come on, there's only so much cum in one body... isn't there?

When Jake and I left the lounge the remaining threesome were sitting on the sofa watching football of all things and I suppose ninety minutes would give them time to build up some energy. I wan't too fussed, my dick was telling me I had no energy problems. I was like a Duracell Bunny, ready to go and keep going. Jake put his arm around my shoulder and guided me into his room which was dimly lit and nicely warm. He guided me onto the bed and lay alongside me, I trembled a bit as I felt him move closer and then he leant over and kissed me gently fully on the lips, exactly what I wasn't expecting. I had the horrible feeling he was going to rip the bathrobe off and fuck me there and then but he didn't. As we kissed and his first tongue probing met no barriers we shared a breathless kiss and his hand snaked inside my robe grasping my stuff noodle and slowly worked the foreskin to and fro. I reached out and grasped him through his thin shorts he'd put on for our little snack, he wasn't fully hard but I could feel the turgid mass, heavy and hot as I fondled it and squeezed it gently. As I did so I felt it getting harder and harder.

'You are really beautiful,' Jake murmured and he slipped the robe aside as if he was unwrapping a present. He ducked his head and I felt his tongue at my navel and my cock jerked in his gentle grip. 'Beautiful.'

'Ain't to bad yourself,' I stroked his this dark hair and fondled his hugio pony tail. 'Get 'em off,' I croaked eager to see his hardness in the flesh and this time a private viewing. He grinned and shucked his shorts down to his ankles and kicked them off. His meaty mass flopped free and then twitched as I grasped it's warmth.

'Yeah, go on,' he breathed as I slowly wanked him moving his foreskin over his big purple glans. It was enormous but his shaft was slender. I suppose he was about an inch up on Zander but Zander's was thicker. 'Yummy,' he whispered and as I slowly handled his hot cock he ducked his head and he swallowed me whole. I felt his hot breath on my noodle and then the gentle suction as he began his routine. I forgot to say that his hands had slid under me and now clasped my buttocks squeezing and fondling.

As he sucked and groped he moved me around on the bed. Then as I gently fucked into his mouth I felt his fingers in my crack and then one pushed and it slid inside. Not surpring really, Zander had done his bit and I'd had a bit of soapy in the shower so I was well relaxed already. A few minutes later I felt lube and found out something else about Jake... apart from a long cock which was now slipping up and down on my thigh he had bloody long fingers.

'Aaaaah...' It started off as a whine of protest but ended as a sigh of satisfaction as he hit the spot and I felt my ring relax as he finger fucked with a circular motion,

'You alright?' He raised his head and looked at me.

'I'll live,' I grinned and squeezed his hardness which was now well and truly back to being a full blown erection, no Mr Floppy this time, he was ready to go but was I?

'Good,' he smiled in return and flipped me over onto my belly shoving a couple of pillows under my groin elevating my bottom for his assault. Bad word that, perhaps 'loving' would be better. I felt his fingers slip free and then horror, a pain and a massive stretching, he had three fingers in me oiling and easing my pucker, it must look like the Channel Tunnel by now. After a while I began to like it and pushed back onto him as he dug away. I was as hard as a rock as I felt his fingers leave me and I felt empty, I actually felt my stretched pucker close as he wiped his hands by massaging the remaining lube into my buttocks. I felt like a bloody eel as I wriggled myself comfortable. Now it came, no more foreplay and no more messing around. Jake was about to fuck me and as they say; It can only get better (or worse).

I tensed as I felt his smooth and bulging knob slide between my cheeks and then experimentally push against my ring. I flinched and tensed even more but he whispered to me to relax, relax, relax. As I did I felt the pressure and his well lubed meat opened me up more than ever before. The pain was intense for just a moment but once his engorged glans was through my tight pucker he was over the main hurdle and I moaned half with pain and half with pleasure as I felt his shaft begin to fill me with his heat and stiffness.

'Jakey...' I clutched the pillow as he began to move within me. I squirmed as he kept fucking, filling me more and more with his length. It was extraordinary, I felt like I was being filled with a huge salami or maybe a cucumber - you get the point. I felt like I was about to burst but I started to get used to it. He was constantly kissing me and stroking my shoulders and finally I felt his smooth belly touch my back and then touch me again. I was nearly split when I felt his weight settle on me. The one bonus was that he wasn't as heavy as Zander but Zander was lover boy after all, Jake was juss a fuck, another feather in the cap or dicky up the dirtbox to be totally crude. I loved it, I must have been a Junior Queen which didn't go with the fact I liked shagging people as well... weird.

'I can see why Zander loves you,' Jake grunted as he slid in and out giving a delightful corkscrew motion at the end of each thrust.

'It's the intelligent conversation not the sex,' I pushed back up onto him as I felt him coming to the end. Well, it had been no biggy and I mean the sex not his whopper up my jacksie but I liked him. He wasn't my Zander but he was better than the others had led me to believe. Perhaps when he'd done Nathan he'd had an off day but then again Nathan was head over heels with Peter and maybe Nathan had resented being farmed out as he may have seen it. 'I'm moving,' I grunted and dropped down onto my side taking Jake with me.

'What?' He was slow on the uptake but got it as I began to move around and coax him into doing what I wanted. The usual maneuver and our legs got tangled up but I finished up on my back and he was doing me in a full frontal as he headed for the home straight. A bit of horse racing there, dear audience but he had a dick like one... so what.

'Darky,' his hips smashed in and out and I felt his monster cock swell inside me. 'Jeeeeez...'

'Aaaah...' I clung to his sweaty body as I felt his outsize weapon fire it's slippery and warm load into my belly. 'Jakey,' I sighed stroking his sweat beaded face as I feklt his hot surges and splats up into my gut. I'd cracked it, the Club's star had been conquered. Jake lay on me slowly moving on his own mes and I thought about a quiet night with Zander. Small chance and no chance there I reckoned but Jake was munching my lips and then he looked at me and smiled.

I tried to split but he was pinning me to the bed. He smiled and his tongue slipped into my mouth, as I returned the compliment I felt his long schlong start to move again, the bloody thing was hardening up yet again and he was on the go. I closed my eyes and held clutched his slippery torso. My fanny felt like a horse collar, God knows what it would be like after this, Zander would have to wear sea boots or risk falling in.

o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o


Well the boys have come to the end of their little run.

Mick and Jake will be taking up the management of a larger store in Lewes and will mingle with the lads already living in Lewes (THE DEPA BOYS and the rump of JO'S BOYS).

Poor Zander, he's in love with Jake and an underage boy... what will he do? Decisions, decisions... maybe a fudge. Probably the latter once he gets his driving licence.

As for Peter and Nathan, they will continue. They have their pals in Weybridge. They have new friends moving into town who my regular readers will recognise to complete the new Team Addlestone, Darky will be settling back in the Care Home but he will be having his own little adventures and will be coming back to Addlestone for his holidays

Next: Chapter 18

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