Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Dec 3, 2006


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff or allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

ADDLESTONE BOYS are shorty short shag stories to be blunt. Just fillers but hopefully someone out there will like them. Might go to two or three dependent on reaction as always.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep Nifty free and keep NIFTY alive.


1 - JAKE


G. Cutter

A few years back I lived in Addlestone which is around twenty five miles South West of London. A self contained village community I suppose but surrounded by stockbroker belt and more or less part of the ever growing London suburban sprawl. At least we had fields and farms around us but they would go as the march of grey concrete, super stores and city dwellers with their flash 4WDs was relentless. Sad really but life goes on, towns become metropolitan areas and the old villages become urban conurbations. Addlestone was like the latter eventually it would join with other villages and be called Surrey Town I suppose. The last blade of grass would disappear, the last farm would go and everyone would live happily ever after. Sad.

I was only nineteen at the time of this story but I was an old fashioned nineteen, my parents had passed away the previous year and I'd sold their overly large old house and moved into a flat in Addlestone. I'd taken a damn good break, a cruise, in fact and then then I'd thought about what I was going to do with the rest of my life. I wasn't a party goer, I wasn't a great drinker and I had few other vices like smoking or chasing girls. All in all I suppose I was a pretty dull sod but not everyone can be a star.

I got a job in Millett's which was a general camping, workwear shop... you know the style, everything from commando knives to tents, jeans to anoraks. Just like me pretty old fashioned.

The one thing that gave it five stars was that it was under where I lived. Actually it was at street level naturally enough and my place was around the back and up a couple of thousand stairs. Well, you went up the stairs and Flat 82a was facing you and above that was 82b which was mine. So, I was up in the clouds, I overlooked what they called The Parade from the front windows and the Municipal Car Park from the back ones. The place was quite nice apart from lugging shopping up three flights of stairs. I had a large lounge and an equally large bedroom, I never knew which was supposed to be which so settled for the bed in the front and had the quieter rear for the lounge. I also had what the Estate Agent jokingly called a second bedroom, this was basically a box room and would have been small even for a kid. Of course, as you came into the place you passed a toilet and bathroon and a small kitchen. Not perfect but it did me, I never saw the neighbours but I understood the guys below me worked out at Heathrow and when I did occasionally see them it was all down to a nod and a mumble and that was good enough for me.

Addlestone at the time had a gay pub called the Blue Parrot (it had to be didn't it), this was over the level crossing no more than a brisk walk away, I trawled there now and then and collected a couple of companions but nothing earth moving. I didn't really like the drinking and yelling types, I liked homegrown newspaper boys or whatever and they were in pretty short supply. Getting the job at Millett's was a Godsend, there were schoolies, working boys and youths in and out all the time. I hadn't swagged yet but I kept my fingers crossed. I wasn't a dog, I was reasonably good looking, active rather than passive but versatile at the end of the day and I wasn't short of a few bob (that's a very English expression by the way if you're an outlander) meaning that I wasn't exactly poor.

Anyway, that's the scene setting all done and now for the little story.

It was early in May and I remember it quite well as it was going to be a long hot summer. The long range forecast said so and you can always believe that mob. Time for a true or false here?

Our staff which varied season to season was running at it's low level of four although we'd be looking to take someone on in June, probably a student as they're cheaper for the employer and also they aren't hard to get rid of at the end of summer, they have to go back to their wherevers.. We still carried out the traditional early closing day on Wednesday although there were only around three shops on the whole Parade that did. It all had something to do with the staff's hours and some antiquated laws, I never did sort it out and I wasn't all that bothered anyway, it was a break before a busy Friday and Saturday and that was enough for me.

The Manager and his number one man, myself and a spotty youth comprised the team although I understood the Manager's sidekick was getting his own shop in the near future and would either be replaced or I would step up into his place. I wasn't that fussed as no one would come out and say if there was any extra money involved. I might have been reasonably well off but I wasn't a dummy and extra responsibility equals extra pay as far as I was concerned. My parent's house had provided a nice little nest egg and at the end of the day it was more the proximity of the store and the young eye candy passing through the place kept me there... I had a sparkly licence, I had funds, I could go mini cabbing any time I liked.

'OK, Mick. I'm off,' George Rush, the Manager had completed his cashing up and squirrelled the goodies away in the safe. Freddy the Zit was lurking ready for the off.

'Right,' I gave him a little smile. I knew perfectly well by now that he trusted me to lock up and make sure the backdoors and all the rest of it were secure. 'See ya tomorrow.' I've got to say at this stage that he did bung me a tenner a week and seeing it only entailed about ten minutes flying around I didn't whinge too much. He went out closely followed by Freddy who gave me a limp wave and I was on my own. There was only one rather good looking kid looking in the window so I left the door on the latch, this kid was still window shopping although I did flip the card around which indicated that the shop was closed.

You've got to love dim school kids. As I tidied up and put things into some sort of order this kid pushed open the door and wandered in. I must admit I was very near the stage of asking him if he was blind or bloody stupid but if you want to keep a job you don't say things like that to customers be they kids or not.

'Just about closed,' I sprang across and dropped the catch on the door so that no one else could get in in, then again it stopped him getting out.

'Oh, closing for lunch,' he gave me a surprisingly bright smile.

'No... for the day. It's our early closing.'

'Ah, knickers,' he looked at me like a little boy lost. 'I need swimming trunks, I've got a meeting tonight and my old ones have come apart.'

I stood for a moment eyeing him but pretending not too, you know what I mean. The thought of him standing naked with the shreds of a swimming costume around his hips were sending signals down to you know where.

'Well, you can have a swift look around,' I offered being a generous pervert especially as far as dark featured beauties were concerned and especially when the front door is locked and we were at the back of the store probably near invisible from the street. 'We have this lot here,' I waved at a display of baggies and bermudas.

'Nah,' he frowned at me and I thought again how nice he was, probably around the fourteen mark I guess... young I know but not too young, kids breed at fourteen nowadays. 'Gotta be speedos, I'm in two races.'

'Ah,' I nodded understanding his original reference to a meeting. He must be in the local school or youth swimming club. 'I've got these,' I pulled out a drawer of the skimpier editions, all the sizes and colours you could wish for.

'Great,' he pulled out a red pair and stretched them across his hips.

'White's more you,' I tried to look professional.

'Why?' He looked at me with a grin and raised an eyebrow.

'You're dark skinned, the white would show up your skin tone.'

'It's a race not a fashion show,' he laughed but pulled out a white pair with a discreet pseudo logo on the leg. 'You might be right.'

'Better, still...' I babbled on dropping myself right in the cart. 'Black are even better you'd look almost...'

'Almost what?' His dark face looked puzzled. 'Almost what?' He repeated.

'Streamlined,' I settled for. I'd nearly said naked but he might have got the hump and thought I was referring to his dark skin. Don't get me wrong, he wasn't a West Indian or a Asian he was just darker than your normal Surrey boy, maybe a bit of a Romany or even Eastern Mediterranean, I'd be pushed to call him an Anglo Saxon put it that way.

'Streamlined,' he did a little schooly giggle. 'Can I try on a pair?' He looked at me with that little puppy dog look again. He probably knew we didn't allow clothing on bare flesh tryons but he was having a go. 'I've just come from the pool so I'm not sweaty or anything.'

This was well out of order, you just didn't let kids or anyone else try out swimwear or even y-fronts and briefs for that matter, it just wasn't done. I should have been harsh and fucked him off out of it but the was just that little glimmer. Just that minute touch of electricity in the air... just that bit of anticipation, suspense, call it what you will. I just had that feeling...

'Go on,' he begged, smiled and stretched the white pair over his hips again.

'You'll get me shot,' I hustled him around the corner and showed him the small changing room. As he went in with a grin I wheeled the big mirror over so he could look at himself.

I saw him seat himself or at least I saw his feet and the bottom of his legs, firstly his shoes and socks disappeared and then his khaki jeans fell down accompanied by a blue pair of briefs, he must be half naked now and I pressed my burgeoning erection upto my hip. Luckily I was wearing a shirt which hung outside my trousers effectively covering my bits. As I stared at the gap between the changing room curtain and the floor I saw his t-shirt drop to the floor and then him shuffling around probably adjusting his danglies.

'Nice,' I heard him mutter and then he called out in a louder voice. 'There's no price tag on these.'

At this stage I could have offered to treat him provided he did a swim around on my bed but I held back, common sense won out.

'Fifteen quid plain, eighteen with stripes or edging.'

'Jeez,' he muttered to himself and the curtain was slid aside. 'How do I look.'

How did he look. His brown skin was set off perfectly by the white of his costume and his body was slim and trim, everything a young swimmer's should be. The speedos may have been a little tight on him but they're supposed to be, I could clearly see the outline of his compressed nuts and his relaxed penis which he had placed exactly as I had mine. The tube of flesh lay outlined pointing up toward his hip.

'Well,' he grinned with a flash of white teeth and turned around slowly showing off his little boy buns tightly contained by the straining white material. A slight sheen but not glossy, some sort of nylon or nylon mix I supposed.

'Terrific,' I smiled back. 'Every inch a winner,' I had to tack that on and I also had to give his relaxed penis a good oggle.

The special oggle is the one where it's pretty blatant and they can't miss it. It also gives them a fair warning and a chance to withdraw from the confontation or even get a bit stroppy. As the Americans would say, it's deniable. If they ignore it they're either thick skinned, just plain thick or ready for a bit of a giggle. He ignored it.

He laughed and did the loose muscle shake as they do before they're about to enter the water. He held his arms out and crouched in a racing dive and looked up at me. 'They feel alright.'

'They look alright,' I laughed. 'Wanna try something else?'

'I'm a bit skint, I can just about afford these.'

'Well you can try some beachwear, maybe a couple of boy thongs,' I looked at him and still felt that tension in the air. 'You don't have to buy them, just gimme a bit of a fashion display.' There. I'd said something silly and dropped myself right in the mire.

'Got to ask?' He looked at me with the slightest of smiles on his face. 'What the hell is a boy thong.'

'Same as a girl thong only a bit more material about the front. Absolutely essential if you plan on swanning around the Greek islands this summer.'

'Small chance and no chance,' he grinned. 'Early closing day? Haven't you got to rush off?'

'I only live upstairs,' I pulled out another drawer and started to rake around. At least he knew where I lived now, the next trick was getting him upstairs or giving him his little treat in the shop. I held up a pale pink thong, in fact, it was almost flesh coloured. 'Wanna try it?'

He shrugged and then smiled. 'I'm not going to buy it.'

'No probs,' I handed him the garment if you could call it that. 'That pale pink with your tan should look good.'

'Weird,' he giggled and shot behind his curtain again. Good. He was up for it, he was game for a giggle. Be fair, what normal boy would do a model show in the back of a closed shop for a solitary man. He was clearly after free speedos or perhaps he got a buzz out of displaying his body, mind you if he was a swimmer he wouldn't be shy of running around half naked anyway.

'Which way do they go on?' He asked.

'Little tag at the back, yoyo.'

'Right,' he laughed and a moment later he pranced out in his spimpier than skimpy thong. I nearly fainted away on the spot, he'd managed to cram all his goodies in the front and looked quite bulky. The damn things were nearly a posing pouch let alone a thong, as he slowly rotated I saw that the narrow supporting strap was buried in his crack and reappeared at the top and joined the so called waistband.

'Jeez, you look absolutely brilliant,' I was stunned, he was a wet dream walking. If this went no further he'd provide me with wanking images for the next month. 'Very good, maybe a size smaller might suit better.'

'No, no,' he laughed. 'I'm just about falling out of these. How much are they?'

'Twenty five, our cheap line,' I told him. 'Interested?'

'I'm skint,' he smiled at me and I knew he was hooked. 'Unless you have a offer on that is.'

'I could think of something,' I gave him 'the oggle' again and did a suitable pervy leer. If he missed that combination then I'd give up.

He laughed. He stood back and pushed the front of his front pouch down exposing the top of his crisp black pubic bush. 'How would that look on a beach?'

'Sexy as hell,' I looked him up and down, not a zit, not a crud, not a blemish he was flawless, skin like a dark skinned, caramel coloured angel. 'I've got some red ones upstairs,' I risked.

'Really?' He grinned. 'I guess you'd look pretty good in red.'

'I think so,' I laughed and then turned on the serious bit. 'You are right, it is early closing, time for me to go.'

'Oh, all right,' he looked a little crestfallen. 'Do you want me to pay for the speedos, I'll gave to give the thongy thingy a miss.' He stoopd there giving me his forlorn look again. Jeez, he must have done hours in front of a mirror practicing that one but it worked.

'Come upstairs and we can sort out a deal on the lot.' There you go. I couldn't get blunter than that.

'Up your place?' His grin had miraculously reappeared.

'Yeah, I feel the call of a Coke or Pepsi... what say you?'

'Sounds good to me,' he gave me another one of his teeth flashing smiles and disappeared behind the curtain, this time he didn't bother to draw it to and I had the pleasure of actually seeing him turn his back on me and remove the thong. His slightly paler bottom was small boy style or maybe swimmer smile, well muscled but tiny, as he put his underwear back on and tugged on his khakis his crack opened and I'm sure I got a flash at his dark pucker but I must have been imaging things, a minute or so later he was ready for the street. By then I'd put his gear in a bag which I diplomatically held onto, I did require a small payment and he bloody knew it. I wondered how far he was willing to go for a couple of pieces of cheap tat but I'd find that out upstairs.

The heat struck like a hammer as we left the shop and shot down the side alley after locking up. His eyes were everywhere as we started the ascent up the Matterhorn as I liked to think of my climb to my eerie in the sky. it was fine when you got there, getting there was the hard bit.

'Hey, that's some sort of a climb,' he stood huddled alongside me at my front door whilst I jiggled with the keys. 'Betcha get a good view up here.'

'Come in and see,' I swung the door open and guided him in. My flat was in a L shape and you walking in down a skinny passageway with the bathroom and kitchen going out to the left and in the base of the L the bedroom and lounge were situated. It may have been a bit odd but the flat nextdoor was a mirror image so that noise comtamination was kept to a minumum by the two passageways side by side. I took him into my lounge and he seemed quite impressed with the scenic view of the Council Car Park.

'Bet it's spooky up here on your own at night.'

'Not really, there's always something going on, that's the main Surrey Police HQ over there,' I pointed out the large complex at the far end of the car park.

I'I know, I live on the Estate the other side.'

'I'll show you the front room,' I then took him into the larger of the two rooms, the one I used as a bedroom. This one had most of one wall occupied by a window which overlooked The Parade and the shops and smaller or lower flats the other side of the street.

'Mmmm,' he glanced at my double bed and hurriedly turned to the window. 'You overlook everyone else but no one overlooks you,' he grinned. 'You should get a pair of binoculars.'

'I would if I was a Peeping Tom. Sit in the other room, I'll get you a drink.'

'This'll do,' he peered out of the window. 'I can watch all the ants scrurrying about.' Well, I liked a kid with a fertile imagination but we weren't that high up.

'Run the fan then, make yourself at home.' That left him two choices, he could sit in my one and only bedroom armchair or perch on the bed.

When I returned with the cans he'd decided to sit on the edge of the bed which left me the armchair. I handed him his can and sat. 'So, whatcha think, spacious?'

'Yeah, very big,' he looked around. 'I'd have had the lounge out here and the bedroom around the back.'

'Yeah, I thought about it but in the winter it's easier to keep the smaller room warm. Plus, for some reason the TV reception is better back there.'

'Ah, gotcha,' he looked over his drink and grinned. 'My match doesn't start until seven and my first race isn't until seven thirty.' That was it, a pretty bald statement, I suppose I could read it as I liked.

'You wearing the whites? You'll look good.'

'Mmmm,' he peped at me over the can. 'They're not mine yet.'

'Yeah,' I agreed, the conversation had stalled. I was a hundred and twenty percent sure that he was haveable to be crude but I'd just run out of courage and chit chat for that matter. 'Oh, yeah.' I was suddenly inspired. 'I have another pair of those speedos in yellow, they'd look good on you.'

'You in your red ones and me in yellow?' He looked at me boldly. He'd jumped the gun and called my bluff but this was it, put up or shut up time and we'd spent too much time beating around the bush. 'Too hot up here to stay dressed anyway,' he added for a bonus.

'You're right there. Gotta ask... what is your name?'

'After all the flashing and chat,' he laughed. 'Jake, what's yours?'

'Mick, pleased to meet you Jake,' I stuck my hand out and he solemnly shook it with a firm grip. No squeezing or the butch boy bit, just a firm handshake and a ready grin, this boy was a great smiler.

'Where's the yellows then,' he smiled. 'I love trying out gear,' he said quite innocently.

'I love watching you,' I retorted beginning to gain confidence.

'I worked that one out,' he laughed so hard he spluttered his Coke all over the place. I dove for the bedside drawer whilst he was in the mood and fished out a canary coloured copy of the white ones he was about to pay for. I tossed them into his lap and also removed the red pair I had tucked away, why work in a sports clothing shop and buy your own gear.

He silently unlaced his trainers and removed them after placing the can on the floor. 'At least you don't have to draw the curtains,' he looked at me and gave me a little grin and stood. 'Let's do it.'

I gulped and stood up kicking my own shoes off. God, he was so bold, here I was trying to be a seducer and he was running rings around me. Still, as they used to say, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. I hurriedly peeled my shop shirt off concious of his eyes on me and also concious that I was as hard as a rock but no going back now.

I turned my back on him to shed my trousers and pants and heard him mutter 'chicken' behind me but ignored him, a quick wrestle with the too small speedos and I was ready. I turned around and he was pulling his yellows on and adjusting his penis which was well and truly extended. he was at the semi erect stage that just precedes chocolate rabbit time.

'Big boy,' I murmured.

'Ditto,' he raised his arms above his head as if about to dive and his belly disappeared into a flat smooth surface. He relaxed again and gave a very tiny pelvic thrust. 'How do I look?'

'Fuckin' gorgeous,' I croaked and taking my life in my hands moved in and put my hands on his slender hips. It was all over now, I was past caring, I had to have him.

'About time.' His arms encircled me and rested lightly on my buttocks as I nuzzled at his smooth neck. We slowly moved backwards and subsided onto the bed. I think we'd both given up on the buggering around, we were like a couple of mongrels in heat wrestling and moving around on the bed grinding our crotches together both getting harder and harder.

'How old are you?' I gasped as I felt his hand grasp my turgid meat through the thin material of my speedos.

'A bit late for that,' he laughed. 'Fifteen... you, nineteen, twenty?'


'Nice,' he squirmed against me and looked at me face to face. I lightly kissed him on the lips and awaited his reaction. He closed his eyes and kissed me back. Excellent.

I slipped my hands inside the back of his tight canary coloured speedos and as he moaned and writhed slipped them down savouring the feel of his silken smooth buns and then the heat as his stiff cock jerked free of the restraining material and slipped against my belly.

'Take yours off as well,' he muttered tugging at my waistband and eventually getting them down to my knees. Still joined at the middle by our hot bodies grinding against each other we kicked our respective speedos clear and lay at last naked in the hot sunlight thrashing in through the uncovered windows. 'Cor, it's sweaty in here,' he smiled as I dry humped against him rubbing my own hardness against his. 'I've never kissed a bloke before.'

'First time for everything, baby,' I kissed him fully on the lips again but this time flickered my tongue at his lips and as he opened up to admit it probed at his teeth until he admitted me into the warmth and wetness of his inner mouth. It seemed like an eternity before we came up for air both red faced, gasping and grinning like loons.

'You coming to watch me tonight or have you go things to do?' He looked a bit sadly but by now I was beginning to read his young actor's face like a book.

'No, I'll come and watch you and your beautiful mates.'

'Might put a couple your way,' he laughed softly. 'Next summer.'

'We can eat on the way.'

'On the way back, I don't eat before a race.'

'OK, pal.'

On the way back. Now there was a thought but I put it aside I was too busy trying to get his dark brown nipples to go stiff but I was going lower. I held his hard boy meat softly and slowly worked the loose skin to and fro and neared it all the time. Running my thumb over his glans I could feel the smear of precum at his slit and smeared it until he whinced and begged me to stop. His sensitive glans bulged and gleamed as I finally ran my tongue over the top of it tasting his watery spunk and envisaging his creamy squirts and spurts when he finally came. A good sportsman needs regular relief and I wasn't going to let my Jake go short.

'Mickeee...' he wailed as I finally slipped my mouth over his glans and began to mouth wank his solid shaft with my lips up and down until he was wriggling and thrusting up into my avidly swallowing throat. 'Turn around,' he croaked and began to move around on the bed. What a darling, he was going into a sixty niner and without the slightest prompting, my catch had hidden talents and so far they were all good.

He gave his little giggle as his face drew level with my groin and he held my own erection firm and took a slow and slippery lick at my own spongy glans.

'Eew, that's a bit gross,' he chuckled and then took my weeping knob deep into his mouth, so much for gross. I took him in deeper and sensually doing the best of a deep throat as I could and he followed me step by step. he even stroked and clasped my bum as I did his. This kid wasn't going to roll over and play bitch, everything I did for him he was going to do it for me and that was fine, I can handle two ways especially with a kid like Jake. I was in fuckin' love for God's sake. Not bad in two hours, we'd probably be getting married tomorrow.

I was a bit lost in the moment (which is a delightful expression) but I was also doing some rapid thinking. Where exactly on the Estate did he live? What was his family setup? Did he have any brothers? Ho! ho! All the things that flit through your mind when you have around five inches of very hard boy cock slipping in and out of your mouth and you're also feeding your own raging hardness into your partner's wet and warm suction.

'I'm cuming,' he spluttered around my meat and I felt his penis jerk and then throb in my mouth as a series of warm splashes splattered into my throat. I swallowed and gulped but there was to much, as I let it slip from my lips it streaked my lips and chin with his thick creamy juice and I nuzzled at his hot and slippery cock as it lay on my cheek. This wasn't the weepy precum, this was the pure white, thick as cream, kosher baby juice. So nutritious, I thought as I lapped at the dribbles on his belly and still slipped in and out of his mouth.

I didn't announce my cuming but just held his head as I spurted my own load into the back of his throat and enjoyed a little revenge as he spluttered and gagged on my juice.

'You dirty bastard,' he giggled when it was all over, he followed my example and cleaned me with his tongue and then reversing himself on the bed glued his spunky and slippery face to mine. 'That was so WICKED... you randy sod.'

'Didn't do too bad yourself, lover boy,' I just pigged out on his super smooth body caressing his torso and his buns avoiding the mess down below, a bath would take care of that. We lay there with the sun streaming through the window raising the temperature and leaving us bathed in sweat and post sexual funk. Glorious.

'You definitely coming to watch me tonight? You might bring me some luck.' his legs entwined with mine and I felt his soft cock moving against my leg.

'As long as you don't tell everyone we've been doing naughties.'

'We haven't yet,' he gave a dirty snigger like an evil minded schooly... well he was one of them anyway.

'Pity you can't stay the night,' I made the offer and waited for the excuses

'I'm like a vampire, I've got to be invited,' he glanced at me and grinned. 'Go on.'

'Stay with me tonight, lover and let's shag the night away.' God. How romantic can you get.

'Orrite,' he gave his little grin. 'You've got to feed me after the meeting or I might pass out or something.'

'You OK with this, with your parents I mean?' I had trouble containing my delight. Jesus, with Jake staying overnight it was day off time tomorrow no doubt about it, sod the job.

'No probs, I am fifteen you know,' he cuddled me and I could feel his penis getting harder as he rubbed up against my thigh. 'I'll do an E.T. and let them know I'm having a celebration with mates and sleeping over.'

'Well, as long as you don't get in trouble.'

'I won't,' he declared confidently. 'One thing I've got to tell you though...'

'Go on.'

'I've done all the wankies and blows with mates but I've never gone the whole way, never done the real dirty.'

'Why now, light of my life?'

'Camp cow,' he giggled. 'Cos I fancy you, that's why. I clocked you the other day and fancied you and I thought if we got alone something might happen.' He paused and kissed me lightly on the jaw. 'That's why I came in right on closing when I saw the others leave... I just prayed you didn't sling me out and you didn't.'

'It worked out well then?'

'It worked out very well,' he grinned and turning towards me clambered over and slipped his rehardened penis between my legs and lay belly to belly slowly moving.' He gazed at me. 'We gonna do it tonight,' he whispered and gazed deeply into my eyes and lowered his face to mine giving me a long and very tender kiss.

'Yeah, nice and slow, nice and romantic,' I whispered and ran my hands down his smooth back clasping his soft bottom as he slowly moved in and out between my clamped thighs.

'Not gonna hurt is it?'

'No,' I promised tongue in cheek. 'I wouldn't hurt you, Jake.' At least that was honest. I wanted to make love and to love him not to hurt him. I knew he was on school holidays and I could snatch a week if things worked out well. Even if a long term relationship with a fifteen year old was a pipe dream I could certainly envisage a brief affair.

'Wanna nap? I need to recharge before a race,' he looked at me and gave me his sunny smile again.

'You need to stop shagging my legs then,' I pointed out. 'Fancy a nice cuppa tea?'

'You certainly know how to end a sex session,' he laughed and rolled clear laying all messy and slightly smelly with the aroma of perspiration and cum. 'Tea and Sympathy.'

'Very literary,' I grabbed my dressing gown and left him laying there in the sunlight before I attacked his hot body again. It wasn't even three o'clock yet and his meeting wasn't until around seven, we had time to kill and it would be an effort keeping my hands off of his sweet body.

We sat in the bedroom nattering away and I told him about my life missing out the bit about having a stash on money of course. I did go on a bit about getting fixed up with a decent car and doing some mincabbing but that was a risk and at heart I'm not a risk taker. He told me about his school and his swimming. He wasn't very forthcoming about his family but as he'd said they lived on the big Council Estate the other side of the Police Headquarters so he lived no more than five minutes walk from myself which was handy. It struck me that he didn't have a lot to do with his family being more tied up with his swimming club than anything else.

The event I was invited to this evening was up the road in the Sports Complex past the library and he was entered into a sole freestyle and a relay with his pals, he seemed supremely confident but that's kids all over, I was quite looking forward to it, it's not often that you get to oggle about fifty or sixty schoolies strutting their stuff. The thought of Jake in his white speedoes or maybe the yellows was a bit of a turn on not fogetting the promise of what was to come later.

I couldn't belive this gorgeous creature had actually singled me out but the more we spoke and the more I studied him I realised he was was genuine. We were doing it tonight and he was just as determined as I was. My bath had one of these shower attachments and we had a nice long play around in there before the off and after a very light salad in his case little more than spam and lettuce we strolled up the road. The sun was on it's way to bed and we met up with a couple of his team mates on the way. I was introduced as Cousin Micky which I thought was rather sweet as were the pals but I was a sucker for anything thirteen to seventeen.

At the Complex I had to buy a ticket which was mere peanuts but they didn't as competitors and I took a seat in what was a raised seating area poolside, perfect view of the judges, the various coaches and more importantly loads of half naked boys milling around. Jake stood out, he was the bestest. He'd decided on his bright yellow speedos and he stood out like a wet dream amongst the others although I'm not putting the other lads down. I'd have group orgied with the lot of them at the drop of the proverbial hat.

There were two races before Jake's one and when he did his bit I was standing clapping with the rest of them, of course I was, he won quite easily and I could see by his grin as he pulled his dripping body from the water that he was delighted... God those yellow speedos looked so hot.

I studied the other lads as I would and fell in love about five or six time in the first half hour but the relay came around. Jake's mob didn't win but they came second and it seemed that their honour was satisfied as they were all high fiving and jumping about like space cadets which I suppose they were. As far as Jake was concerned it was all over, I saw him glance my way, give me a nod and turn to talk to one of his rather handsome mates.

Ten minutes later he was alongside me dressed and ready for the off, he also had two mates in tow who were no slouches in the good looks department.

'Andy and Peter,' he did a brief introduction and we did the English head nod and grunt. These kids were in the same team but Andy was tall as in six foot tall and Peter was the other way around, he didn't look to be more than twelve. I didn't ask their ages as I didn't want to seem pushy or too curious, in fact I kept in the background and let them pig out in their self congratulation. In the end we split, they watched the next couple of races but their Club didn't have anything further going on and we walked back down into Addlestone as a group. Andy intruiged me, I caught him looking at me a couple of times and put it down to natural curiousity but he was certainly very hands on with the smaller kid, Peter. He seemed a bit over fond of wrapping his arm around the boy's shoulder and that sort of thing, the kid didn't seem to mind and I wondered if they were at it, then again I would, I've got that sort of mind. The actual mating would have been worth watching, Andy was so tall and Peter so small it would have been like a Great Dane and a Jack Russell.

Anyway, they peeled off at the main roundabout in the town centre and we continued onto the Chinese Restaurant. I had promised Jake a nice meal and let's face it, if you're going to go for romance at least make the effort.

He seemed to enjoy his meal although he ate like a wolf, mind you, he hadn't really eaten all day and I suppose you burn of a hell of a lot of energy in competitive swimming. he was well pleased with himself I could see that and I was pleased for him. 'How old's that Andy... and Peter?'

'Andy's sixteen and little Pete's fourteen, I think.'

'Jeez,' Andy looks around eighteen and that Peter looks like an infant.'

'Yeah, I think they're probably some sort of an item,' he announced blandly. 'Dunno if they do the shagging bit though,' he laughed with a mouthful of noodles. 'The size of Andy he'd split the munchkin.'

'Big is he?' I asked casually.

'Seven at least,' Jake swallowed and grinned at me. 'Perv.'


'Well, you're my boyfriend and you're sussing out all my mates.'

'Your boyfriend?' I looked at him and smiled. 'Am I really?'

'Toldya, I'm like a vampire. Once I'm in you've got a hell of a job getting rid of me.'

'That'll do me, boyfriend,' I reapplied myself to my meal. I could see from his face he was pleased, his grin split his face although it was spoilt a bit by him shovelling in his Chinese grub like a JCB.

At the end of it we wandered back up the road, it was now dark and I popped into an offy and got a six pack, I wasn't a great drinker although I liked sitting in a pub now and then and I certainly didn't want to give him any bad habits other than loving me.

'What are you doing tomorrow... working?'

'I thought I'd take a day off, the Boss owes me a couple of days anyway.'

'Great,' he laughed. 'We could ask little Peter around and torture a confession out of him, he lives on that little private estate the other side of the big car park.'

'Ask him around so you can have sex with him you mean,' I led into our little side alley and he followed.

'You read me like a book, Sherlock.'

'Yeah, a dirty book,' I laughed. Mind you the thought of the dishy little rugrat on the bed between myself and Jake was a bit of a turnon. I'd been watching both Andy and Peter poolside and Andy did indeed have a big package but the kid wasn't lacking either and I'd like to see him in the raw. Still, one thing at a time and Jake was the priority at the moment, I was hooked on Jake, the others were mere incidentals.

Once indoors we sat in peace and quiet in the back room, the one I called my lounge. I know it overlooked a big car park but it was very quiet at night, the park was more in use in the daytime with the shoppers and whatnots, early evenings you may have a few kids buggering about on cycles or kicking a ball about but that was it. I cracked two cans of lager and Jale sat supping his like it was the adventure of a lifetime.

'Wanna watch a video?'

'Don't mind,' he replied stretching his legs reminding me he had his little agenda still in mind. 'Televsion's crap.'

'This isn't... you might get some hints.'

'Yeah,' he looked interested and then slumped as he saw the black and white start. 'How old's this? He wailed.

'Late fifties I think, keep watching.'

He did just that and the first giggle came as the priest or whatever he was went around waking the boys who were sleeping two to a room. The next one came as the boys were having a rather frugal breakfast and one got stood against a wall and had his shorts tugged down. Jake squealed as the other boys ran out slapping the 'bad boys' rather tasty bottom with jam on bread.

'Dirty sod,' Jake giggled. 'He's just pulled his pants up over all that jam on his bum.'

'Film critic,' I mocked. Jake wasn't listening, the film had his attention now. Lager forgotten he sat up in his seat watching the screen intently. My new boyfriend had found another hobby other than swimming, he liked old Cadinot movies.

Jake's interest flagged a bit when the actors started playing at boys playing at football, we had a brief discussion about their real ages and agreed that they were all probably in their early twenties although a couple may have been of the eighteen plus variety, it was hard to tell with a film reputedly fourty years old. One Godsend that it was condom free and the pentration was real, no sims here.

'Gawd, look at that,' Jake nearly wet himself when the male nurse pronged one lad on a surgery table and then ten minutes later the same lad was serviced again by the chef. 'Must like cock,' Jake sniggered and groped himself. 'This has got me so hard,' he gave me that plaintive look again.

'And here's me thinking it was my charm.'

'That too...' Jake laughed. 'Ten o'clock already, my bedtime.'

'Really?' I was surprised, he was fifteen after all and on seasonal holiday. Ten o'clock sounded a bit harsh.

'No,' he stood up and stretched himself displaying his assets in a manner of speaking. 'That was something like: Come on let's cuddle.'

'Sounds good,' I clicked the remote and the film died. 'Let's go and practice.'

'Yeah, let's.'

In the bedroom I turned the bed down and drew the curtains. I had a kiddy's night light by the bed and turned this on switching off the main room light. That was it subdued lighting but no music, we'd make our own. We sat either side of the bed and undressed like an old married couple and then the moment was on us.

'Show me yours and I'll show you mine,' Jake chuckled and standing turned to face me.

Perfection. He stood darker brown than normal with the dim light gleaming on his smooth torso and flashing teeth. His even darker brown cock jutted from it's tight nest of black pubics rampant with it's fully exposed and swollen glans gleaming with it's own lubrication. We kneeled up the bed and met in the middle with a gum mumbing kiss and then we were in a tangle of arms and legs each one trying to outsmart the other, in the end I came out on top and spread his wriggling body out under me and ducked taking his heavy penis in my mouth, that slowed him down. He lay back and gave a contented sigh stroking my hair as he gently pumped up into my suction.

'Gonna do me?' His voice was barely audible.

'No rush,' I opened his legs and kissed his smooth inner thighs licking and sucking at his tight hairless scrotum. His balls were like tight little nutmegs in a silken sac and I took one in my mouth and then the other as he moaned and pumped away as if intent on cuming in my mouth again. Very slowly and very gradually I turned him over on the bed kissing and mouthing his smooth body all the way until his exquisite tight little boy bottom was spead invitingly and his head was snuggled into the pillow. 'Boooootiful,' I mimicked the choice turkey and chicken adverts.

'Your own oven fresh chicken,' he giggled and wiggled his bottom. I ran my tongue from the bottom of his cleft to the top probing and feeling him open up for me and spreading his legs. It was his time and he was ready for it. 'Take it nice and slow and stop if I tell you,' he whispered.

'I shall,' I promised.

'All the yak and the way I carry on,' he was barely audible. 'I haven't done this before... honest.'

'Well, let's make it good for both of us,' I slipped my hand under the pillow and found my Body Gel. I'd come across this stuff in Tesco's just as a matter of complete disinterest and it was great., it was supposed to be good for wrinkles, it was great for sex.

'Ooooooh,' he warbled as my slippery fingers slipped between his cheeks. 'What's that?'

'My finger, ducky. Didn't think it was my dick did you?'

'Har, har,' he wriggled and shoved his bottom up as I smeared the clear gel inside his cheeks and took a tentative prod at his pucker and getting no real reaction slipped my finger into his heat. 'Aaaah,' he went limp.

Encouraged I slowly worked my finger into his tight little passage oiling it and relaxing the muscle. He sighed and after a bit of this made little push ups onto my moves. When I slipped my finger out he gave a moan of disappointment but flinched a little as I pushed harder this time and he absorbed two fingers. This time I applied more oil and worked my two digits deep until I felt him totally relax and start to give little mutterings. As he had his face firnly in the pillow I couldn't make out what he was saying but he wasn't fighting me and he didn't seem to be in any discomfort. The first time he opened his mouth was when I slolwy and gently withdrew my fingers and felt his sphincter close up.

'Whew. That was different,' his voice broke. 'I'm ready... I think.'

'Relax,' I crooned and got my knees inside his. Reaching up I got a spare pillow and slid it under his groin copping a feel of his rock hard cock on the way. My next move was the penultimate, I ran my hardness between his pre-oiled cheeks until I felt him totally relax and I then moved in. One gentle push and I was into his delicious tightness. He didn't make a sound although I saw his fists clutch the bedding and then I was moving.

Slowly and ever so gently moving to and fro and gaining a bit of depth at every movement.

'You alright, Jake?'

'Yeah, it's a bit like having a crap in reverse,' he gave a strangled giggle and gave a little push up with his hips.

'One way of putting it I suppose,' I lapped at his ear and as he finally turned his head kissed him on his soft cheek. A few more ins and outs and I felt my pubics press against his soft bottom.

'Go on,' he whispered and I did. I was moving slightly faster now but I was bottoming out. I was in him as far as I could get and I lay still for a moment enjoying the heat and tighness of his body as he experimentally clamped and relaxed on my stiff manmeat fully inserted into his boyish body. 'Thasss better,' he pushed up a little harder this time and we were off.

I started off slowly as one does corkscrewing and reaching every corner of his gut, a little bit faster letting him feel it and then the regular slap, slap as I pounded his tight little bottom. He squirmed and moaned all the time pushing up onto me all the while, the harder I smacked into his slick tightness the more he pushed back until I felt the surge.

'Jake...' I sobbed and rammed in hard pushing in that extra little bit splattering and splashing my meaty, creamy cum deep into his writhing body.

'Mickeeee,' he gasped and pushed up for the last time forcing his sweet bottom onto my groin and my still jerking erection fed him cum until I felt the excess trickle onto my balls and he sighed in complete and abject surrender. 'Wow,' he craned again seeking my lips. 'You cum loads and loads,' he giggled. 'I'm all soggy.'

'Great,' I laughed and holding him tightly carefully slipped free and nestled my depleted organ up against his spunk stained cheeks 'I'll wipe you off in a bit.'

'So romantic,' he whispered and rolled over to face me. Ah, well, there go the clean sheets,' I thought as his wanting lips met mine. 'You are so good,' he smiled lazily and relaxed in my arms. I love a compliment and smiled back. Yeah, we made a good couple and deep in my evil little heart I couldn't wait for him to do me and then I'd do him again. No school for him tomorrow and no work for me, we could come out of the flat shadows of our former selves like dried out husks.

I stretched out on the bed listening to the mutes sounds of night, a group of youths wending their way down The Parade, a few car doors slamming, nothing out of the ordinary at all.

'Gotta go,' Jake flew off the bed suddenly and rushed for the door. I smiled, he was going to learn the downside of having babies or in basic English, what goes up must come down. He was back in five minutes looking a bit brighter clutching two of the lager cans fresh from the fridge. he raised one and gave me an questioning look.

'Yeah... please,' I sat up on the pillows and he settled alongside me and snuggled in as I wrapped my arm around his smooth shoulders. 'How do you feel?'

'Shagged,' he grinned and snapped the can. 'You certainly go to town when you go,' he looked at me almost shyly. 'Wicked.'

'Are you glad you stopped over or not. There you go a straight question.'

'Glad,' he amswered unhesitatingly. 'I fancied you, I had you... or I will have,' he flashed his teeth.

'Later,' he smiled at him. Of course he was going to have me, his stiff prick stuck up on his belly as he supped his lager, he wasn't finished yet and as I sat there looking at his boy cock and his smooth brown legs I knew that I wasn't finished either. 'I like this flat,' he suddenly spoke again. 'Nice and high, nice and quiet.'

'Apart from your moaning and gasps of pleasure.'

'Big head,' he laughed. 'Moans of pain and gasps of horror.'

'Yeah... right.'

'Yeah, I love it up here,' he gazed at the big plate glass window. 'Love this room, it's huge.'

'It's not all that big, it's just empty,' I tried to bring him down to earth.

'Should invite Pete up,' he glanced at me sideways and I grinned. Now he was getting to the point.

'What for?' I acted dumb. 'You don't know even if he wants to come up, he doesn't even know me.'

'He does, he talked to you tonight,' he scowled.

'Alright, do what you want.' Cowardly? Yeah but I didn't want him moaning all night and there may even be a spin off, let's face it little Peter was quite nice. I'd let Jake do all the spade work and if anything went wrong it was all down to him. If anyone was going to finish up with egg on their face it would be young Jake, young devious Jake that is.

'I can go over tomorrow morning and invite him up just to hang out, show him that film and then do the dirty...' he gabbled this out and grinned at me. 'Good plan, or what?'

'Or what,' I replied dryly. It was as plain as the nose on my face or even the dark skinned lump jutting up on his belly that he had a bit of a thing for this midget Peter. Then again he had to have good taste, he liked me as well. As I've said if there was a chance for me to get a dabble in as well, I may as well let him have a go... otherwise I'd never hear the last of it. 'How's the thing,' I reached down and fondled his hot cock. I wanted to remind him that he had a duty to perform before we had a snooze although it was going to be a problem sleeping with the heat.

'Ready,' he looked at me sideways and smiled. 'Tell me what to do.'

'Do what comes naturally,' I slid down the bed and pulled him down with me and into an embrace. I could feel the smear of his natural lube, his precum on my leg as he hunped against me like a randy dog... just about right there I suspect. 'Use some lubricant, don't go at it like a bull in a china shop.'

'Yes sir,' he grinned and awkwardly rolled me onto my side and snuggled in behind me. 'Where's that stuff,' he fumbled around and found the gel. 'Smells nice,' he gave a boyish giggle and I felt his oiled fingers in my crack, he was on his way. I could feel his hot meat pressed up against my bottom as he fumbled around and nervously smeared the glop between my cheeks and finally found my ring. A clumsy jerk and his finger was in me, nearly time for the main course. 'Cor, that's so weird,' he giggled as he slipped his finger in and out of me and when I gave a little moan and clamped on him he nearly had hysterics. Not quite the reaction I was hoping for.

'Cone on,' I growled and grasped his hot cock guiding him upto me.

'Ready?' The giggles had gone and his voice broke in a nervous squeak.

'Ready,' I reached back and held his hip to stop him getting carried away and groaned this time with real feeling as I felt his hotly stiff boy cock open me up and begin to sink into my body.

'Oh, my Gawd,' he moaned and continued to slowly sheath himself and suddenly start to move. 'I'm gonna pop,' he groaned and moved even faster.

'Al the way...' I grabbed him fiercely dragging him into me and me onto him and his little pubic bush of soft black hair pressed against my bottom.

'Let go,' he grunted and I did. That was it he started off like a manic bunny rabbit and a couple of minutes later I felt his warm gushes shoot into my gut and he was laying on me slowly moving to and fro. He's shot his bolt, talk about premature ejaculation, that was the quickest fuck in history. 'Sorry, sorry,' he babbled. 'I couldn't hold on.'

'No matter,' I clamped on his softening cock and felt his fluids inside me. 'It'll be better next time.' I stroked his sweat sheened back and held him tightly giving him little butterfly kisses on his lips. his nose and his closed eyes.

'Fantastic all the same,' he opened his eyes and looked at me with a grin spreading across his face. 'My first fuck.'

I looked at the bedside table and it read just after eleven. 'Right, next one's around three in the morning or dawn.'

'Sex maniac,' he laughed and as we rolled onto our sides his flaccid cock slipped free. 'Yeuch.'

'Lay still,' I got my little hand towel from under the pilow and dried him off and resumed cuddle mode. It was far to hot for that sort of thing but I liked it and so did he by the contented look on his face. 'Well you got a first and second swimming and I'll give you another first for speed.'

'Don't take the piss,' he laughed. 'We'll do better next time around.'

'Right. Go to sleep,' I nudged him around until he was turned away from me and moved in and onto his back, my relaxed penis nestled at the base of his crack and as soon as I felt him relax and his breathing steady I composed myself for sleep. The witching hour was not too far away and it was another day in a couple of hours. A whole day with Jake and possibly Peter as an bonus... sounded good.

To be continued

with Peter

Next: Chapter 2

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