Addicted to My Brother

By Mike

Published on Dec 26, 2003


Warning this story is about sex between teen boys and teen boys and adult men if you are offended by this or it is illegal where you live or if you are under 18 then leave now. If you'd like to comment and want to hear more send me an e-mail:

Addicted to my Brother

Part One

My mom and dad decided that I need to see a shrink six months after John, my older brother died. I was sick had no appetite and the family doctor said that he could find nothing wrong with me. That it was most likely depression over John's sudden death. John died at 20 years old in a car accident. If they only knew the truth. The truth is I am still addicted to John or should I say to his body fluids. I'm going to my ninth or tenth session latter today and I've decided that I can trust this guy to tell him the truth of why I'm sick. I hope he won't tell my parents, they flip and say I'm lying that it could not have happened. Well I can prove it I do have his journal and it tells all.

"Good afternoon, Mark please come in." Doctor Stevenson said. "Hello doctor Stevenson." I said.

I entered his office and took my place on the couch and he took his seat at the base of the couch so he would be facing me. He took his pad and pen and wrote on it what I presumed was my name and the date.

"How are you feeling today Mark?" He asked me. "I'm okay, I ate well today. I think the Wellbuten is working now I feel much better. I think that's all I need." I stated. "Yes, well that is good, but you still have unresolved issues. Are you ready to open up and tell me about your relationship with John? Not hold back, in more then the general terms you have been using." He asked me. "Well I think so, but you sure that it will not get back to my mom?" I asked him again. "Mark, I assure you that whatever you say here is between you and me. I only give your mother progress reports of how you are doing not any details of what we discuss in here." He stated as always. "Okay, it wasn't that I loved John, in fact I detested him, but care for as any brother would. It was that I was addicted to him." I said flatly. "What do you mean you were addicted to him. You can't be addicted to a person." He said. "Huh, well it was really his body fluids." I answered. "His body fluids, which? How could you be addicted to them?" He asked. "He brainwashed me it all in his journal. If I didn't drink some of his piss or cum everyday I'd get sick to my stomach. It could only be his too, if I did another guy I'd get sick. That's why he brainwashed me he caught Joey and me." I told the doctor. "So you and John had sex together? Are you and him gay?" The doctor asked. "Well it wasn't sex like that, he never touched me, and it was more like I took care of his needs when he needed it. John wasn't gay. I am and have known since I was about 12. John found out when I was about 14 and he was 16." I explained. "Okay, why don't you start from the beginning? Who's Joey? Tell me everything, don't leave out anything. He said. "Well I knew early on I was different in some way, I just didn't know what it was. I was considered a nerd at school and my best friend Joey was in the same boat. Maybe that is why we hung out together since about 7 years old. We'd go for hikes and play games in the woods, of course we had to go to the bathroom at times and we'd pee in front of each other thinking nothing of it just what boys did. Then one day Joey said we should hold each other's thing when we peed. So we did then we started playing with each other's cock and talk about how we jerked off and what we thought about while doing it. Neither one of us had shot anything yet, but we both knew about it.... "How old were you then." The Doctor interrupted. .... Oh about 10 or so. Then one day I asked Joey if he ever thought about tasting his pee, he said no have you. I told him I have tasted mine once or twice, just got a little on my fingers and licked it off. He asked what it tasted like and I said it wasn't bad just a little salty. Then I showed him by peeing on my fingers then putting them in my mouth. He tried it and said he thought it was good. The next time we tried each other's pee the same way, soon we where peeing in each other's mouth. We hadn't even cum yet and just started to suck each other. We soon cummed for the first time when we where sucking each other. After that first time we came in each other's mouth we had sex whenever we were together. We started fucking each other when I was about thirteen, but both liked sucking cock more then anything. For my fourteen birthday I got money from my grandmother, so Joey and I went to the mall. I had to take piss so we went to the downstairs bathroom. We didn't know about the sex that went on in there at the time, just went into piss. When we went in there was this older guy washing his hands and we each took and end urinal, then he walked over and took the middle one. He kept looking back and forth trying to see our cocks, so I pulled back and let him see mine. I always piss right through my skin, I could see his cock jump when he seen this. Joey and I exchange looks and both knew what they guy wanted. Then he looked over at Joey, who was lightly stoking his cock as he was done and the guy got all shook up, his cock jumping again. He mumbled that he wanted to blow both of us. I said sure you could suck us if we can shoot right in your mouth at the same time. So we went into a stall, both Joey and I were hard by the time we reach it. The guy got right on his knees and went for my shorts pulling them down grabbing my cock with his mouth as soon as it popped free. Joey pushed down his jeans and the guy reach right up and started playing with Joey's cock then he went back and forth sucking us and jerking us. When we got ready to cum we put but our cock heads in his mouth and jerked off together until we both shot our loads at the same time in his mouth. When we were done I pulled him up and grabbed his crotch. Saying we wanted to suck him off, but it was all wet. He had creamed his pants while sucking us. He told us he wouldn't be able to for several hours. So we were able to do it that day. We went up to the food court with him and talked before we left he gave us his address and phone number. He lived alone and we went over there a few times and had sex with him. Then he after a while all he wanted to do was fuck Joey while we sucked each other, so we stopped going over there. The other thing was we were really getting into sucking guys at the mall. We could go there any time and find a guy to suck and get sucked. It was latter that year that I started sucking John, I'd suck him every morning and most of the time in the afternoon unless he had a date, when he knew the girl would let him fuck her. Then one day he caught me at the mall, I didn't know he was there. He seen me and followed me to the bathroom, he walked in while I was sucking this big black guy. When I came out of the stall with cum on my face he was standing there at the sinks. He told me I was an asshole and scared the shit out of the guy telling him that he was going to call the cops. He told me I wasn't allowed to suck anybody but him unless he told me to. I had already sucked a few of his friends and he wanted to be in total control of me. Latter he caught me and Joey sucking each other off on my bed, that's when he brain washed me so I would get sick if I didn't suck him or drink his piss everyday or if I sucked anybody else. It's all in his journal how he did it by drugging and hypnotizing me... "Mark tell me how it start with John, about the first time you sucked him." The doctor interrupted me again. ...Well it was a Saturday I thought I was going to be home alone. Joey was going off some place with his parents so I didn't have him. I had gone to the mall that morning and found they had lock up the bathroom. Nobody ever went there just to use it everybody went there for sex. I got home and was horny as hell. I striped down planning to look at some porn sites and jerk off. When I went to put my clothes in the hamper, there lying right on top was one of John's jock straps. I could see some stains on it, so I smelled it. The aroma made me so hot that I just dropped my clothes and walked back to my bed. I laid down and put the crotch part over my face, holding it with my mouth. I could taste were he cummed in it. I started beating off and was so into it that I didn't hear him. When he saw me he went crazy he yanked it out of my mouth swearing at me what a fag I was. He was beating me with it. I covered up my face and then he got on my chest pinning my arms down. He kept beating me with the jock, then he started shoving his crotch into my face yelling at me you want to smell this, you want to taste this. Then one of his balls popped out the side. I opened my mouth and it slide in and out. He yelled at me you fucking fag licking my balls. He stopped a minute and I stuck out my tongue and licked at his ball again. I figure what the hell I wanted his cock, I wanted to blow him and taste his cum. I could see him getting hard as it hit him that I would blow him. But he wasn't going to let up me he took his cock out and shoved it right into my mouth making me choke and gag. He was saying well if you want my cock fag your going to get it. He start ramming in and out of my mouth just face fucking me as fast as he could. After about two minute he jammed his cock head down my throat and shot his load. I really didn't enjoy it that time; I didn't even get a good taste of his cum. He climbed off me taking his jock strap and fixing him. He went downstairs and watched TV; I stayed in the room. Latter I went down for a drink, I wasn't planning to talk to him but when I was going back he said to me so you are really a fag, you and Joey. You suck Joey? I told yes I'm gay and Joey and I get together. He asked me if I like sucking him, I told him I didn't know that I hadn't sucked his cock yet. He didn't know what I was talking about as he said well what the fuck was that you just did? I told him I didn't do anything that you just face fucked me and that if you wanted a real blowjob from me then I'd be upstairs. He said well it's getting late mom and dad will be home soon. I can't believe that I got a fag for a brother. I said well that's life but just remember that your fag brother will give you a blow job anytime your horny. I want to suck you have for a long time and it can be a lot more enjoyable for you. I tell you right now, yes I'm gay or a fag as you call me, but I like to suck cock and I'll suck you any time you want. I went upstairs and nothing happened about an hour latter mom and dad came home from the Flea Market they had a really good day and took us out to dinner. After dinner we stopped and rent a movie and we each rented a game for our X-Box. After we got home we started watching the movie then John got up and said he wanted to try out his game. As he was walking up the stairs he stopped, looked at me grabbed his crotch and said you want to come up and play Mark. I got all shook up and said sure and followed him up the stairs. When we got to our room I closed the door. He started stripping right away, I started to take my shirt off and he said hold up fag boy if I'm going to let you blow me you'll keep your clothes on I don't even want to look at your cock. I'm no fag. Well I was willing to settle for that, even through I want to jerk off while sucking him. I dropped to my knees just as he pushed his pants down. I was about two feet from him and he said well come get it cocksucker. I moved over to him on my knees and licked his balls then sucked them both into my mouth. He said to me fuck bro no slut's even done that to me. I lick behind his balls and his cock jumped, I was wondering if I should go further and rim his hole, but decided against it for now. (Just a side note: I was watching the doctor the whole time and knew he was getting horny as he adjusted his cock a few times). Instant I licked up the underside of his cock to the head, which was still covered by his skin. When I got there I stuck my tongue right in the skin and licked out all the pre-cum there. He went wild and shoved his cock right into my mouth, slapping his balls against my chin. I grabbed his legs and held him there not allowing him to start thrusting in and out of me. I slowly made my way back to the tip of his now hard cock, like me his skin still covered his cock even when he was hard, which I guess is why I liked sucking him so much. I wrapped my lips around the covered crown, my lips holding the skin forward. I pushed my tongue in and lick all around the head. John was going crazy trying to push his cock all the way in my hot wet mouth, but I had a hold on his legs and would not allow him to just face fuck me again. I knew that if I did that would get old too soon. I want him to get the best head of his life. I pulled my lips back up to the tip then pushed his skin back slowly, as his piss slit was exposed I flick the tip of my tongue right in it. Then I slid his whole cock right into my hungry mouth ever so slowly. I started going up and down on his cock always watching his face and feeling the pulse of his hard cock so I would know how close he was. I would slow down and decrease the pressure on his cock when he got too close to shooting. If this was going to be my last time sucking his cock I wanted to totally enjoy it. Right now he was under my spell, I knew he never got sucked like this by any cunt slut he went with and knew that no cunt's cunt felt this good. An old cocksucker I met in the mall showed me how to really give head. He was like sixty something and said he'd been sucking cock since he was ten, when his father started making him blow him. Anyway I got right to the brink of shooting three times the forth time I knew I had to let him blow his load, he was getting too loud. Our parent respected our privacy, but I knew if he got too noisy they would wonder what the hell was going on. His first three shots where so hard and fast that they slipped right past my taste buds and into my stomach. The forth eased a bit and I got my first taste of him. I was so surprised that his cum tasted so much different then mine and I loved it. When he was done shooting I let his cock fall from my mouth and gave it one last lick. He fell back into his bed mumbling you fucking faggot cocksucker, you fucking faggot cocksucker. Then he passed out totally spent naked on the top of his bed. I striped and laid down and jerk myself off looking over at his wonderful cock thinking about great it was going to be sucking him. He woke up about an hour latter calling me a fucking faggot and it would never happen again, he would never let me do that to him again. But I knew he'd be back for more, his harding cock revealed that. The next morning I woke to him slapping his hard cock across my face saying wake up fag boy I want to fuck your fag mouth. Which he did just like the day before, he had to prove he was a man and that I was the queer fag, that's all he called me. He pulled out of my mouth when he was ready and shot his morning load all over my face then wipe his cock clean across my throat." I said taking a moment.

"Well Mark our time is up. I want to see you next week and bring John's journal I would like to read it to see what he did to you. If you are addicted to him as you say this is very unusual." He said to me.

I got up to leave and couldn't help but notice the large bulge in his pants. He walked me out and his sectary was gone, as I was his last person to see. I heard the door lock after he let me out and looking through the glass I could have sworn I seen him undoing his pants as he rushed back to his inner office.

Next: Chapter 2

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