Adams Road Home

By Alex Century

Published on Jan 17, 2022


Evan seemed really off during the drive back to Reno. We had 7 hours of barren desert and rural roads ahead of us and this was the part I was looking forward to the least. I knew he was going to want to talk about it but it was just way too fresh.

"Do you want to get something to eat? You must be starving," he asked as we pulled out of Justin's apartment complex and headed out of Las Vegas.

"Yes please," I replied.

We pulled off at the next exit and ended up at Jack In The Box. Evan put the car in park because we were going to be in the drive-thru line for a while and he looked at me with pain on his face.

"Did anything happen to you?" he asked.

"No," I replied and he sighed with relief.

"Why didn't you call me sooner?" There was pain in his voice when he asked that question.

"For one I didn't have a phone. I called Mom first and when she told me no I just...I guess I wasn't thinking straight after that," I replied.

"So what happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it yet." My voice was shaky and it was really hard not to cry.

"Okay, we don't have to talk about it then," he said sounding slightly annoyed.

Once it was our turn to order that's when the Evan I grew up with started to come out. He's always been a bottomless pit with the appetite you'd think a football player would have but he still manages to stay skinny as a rail.

"Can I get a large bacon ultimate cheeseburger with curly fries and a root beer?"

"Yep, anything else?" asked the cashier.

"Yeah," he started before he turned to me. "You probably haven't eaten much in a few days, you can get whatever you want."

"I want the Sourdough Jack and a Coke," I replied.

"Can I get two large number threes with no tomatoes and Coke for both," he barked before he turned to me and asked "You want the curly fries right?"

"Sure," I said silently impressed that he knew I hated tomatoes. Even though I'd already pigged out on Burger King earlier in the day I was starving again. I was ready to plow through what he'd gotten me.

"And curly fries for both," he yelled. "Then I need six Jumbo Jacks with no tomatoes and another large root beer."

"You want anything else?" he asked.

"How about a chocolate shake?" I replied.

"And a large chocolate shake," he repeated into the speaker.

"$54.07, first window," said the cashier and he turned to me again as we pulled around the side of the building.

"Adam I want you to stay with me from now on. I'll buy you a bed, I'll even get a bigger place if I have to so you can have your own room, but I want you to be safe while you're getting back on your feet," Evan said to me speaking from his heart.

"Dude," was all I could manage. I was overwhelmed.

"I really don't know how this is going to work out but we're going to figure this out together. I want to find some way to get you into college. You don't need to be like me working shitty jobs and barely getting by," he said as he put his hand on my shoulder. I was trying not to cry as I took all of this in.

"I love you Adam. I'm sorry this happened to you. I just can't believe that..." he said before he broke down. He gathered himself as there was one car left in front of us before we got to the window.

"How do you feel right now?" he asked.

"Shaken up, lost," was the best thing I could say. I really didn't know how I felt. I had a ton of different feelings all at once. Some of them good but most of them bad.

"Me too," he replied as he nodded his head.

Finally we made it to the window and the cashier was suprrised that there were only two of us in the car with all the food he'd ordered.

"$54.07, any salt or ketchup? Man you boys are hilarious. You really gonna eat all dem burgers?" asked the cashier with a smile and a belly laugh.

"We're headed to Reno," he said as he handed over his debit card. She handed it back and put the drinks into a carrier. I laughed a little as she handed him bag after bag after bag and then he pulled into the parking lot so we could eat.

"Do you want to know what happened?" I asked.

"Sure, tell me what you're comfortable with saying," he answered

"Remember Dylan?"

"Yeah," he said with a laugh.

"Well Dad came home sick from work and walked in on us. Like he barged into the room and saw us naked and in the middle of what we were doing. He wouldn't let Dylan get his clothes and he chased him down the street naked," I explained watching the horrified look on my brother's face get worse and worse with every word.

"Okay, and then what happened?" he asked with the fear in his voice coming out.

"He went into his bedroom and didn't come out until after I went to bed. Then in the middle of the night he came into my room, woke me up, and told me he was getting rid of me. That I wasn't his son anymore. He said 'Wake up, sodomite.' Then he made me get in the car and he drove me down here."

"Adam," he whispered with tears in his eyes. "I can't believe this."

"And then the next day I walked three miles to a library to borrow a phone so I could call Mom and she told me that she wouldn't help me or bring me home because she didn't want to lose him. She chose him over me."

"No," he managed as he put his face in the palm of his hand. "Dude please tell me that's not true."

"I'm not lying I swear," I said freightened.

"I believe you but I can't believe Mom would do that to you."

"I slept in a box for the first night but I was having a nightmare and someone heard me screaming. A couple cops took me to a homeless shelter and that's where I spent the second night."

"Oh my god Adam," he said before he put his hand on my shoulder.

We sat in silence for a minute as we finished eating and then we hit the road again. Evan was quiet for most of the ride and I just put my seat back and tried to relax. The further we got into the drive and the more he stewed on what I'd told him the angrier he looked.

We got to Evan's apartment at about 8:30 the next morning and we were both exhausted. I had never been to the apartment he was living in at that time before and it was really small. The bathroom was near the kitchen and the bedroom shared a door with the living room. Evan got me a blanket out of the bedroom and then sat down next to me on the couch. I was still pretty dazed and my mind was tired. He looked at me and put his arm around me.

"Adam nobody's going to hurt you like that again. You're safe here. I promise. Can I give you a hug?"

I nodded and we hugged for a long time. He went to bed and I laid down on the couch to get some sleep. It wasn't hard drifting off, but as soon as I was dreaming I was walking around Las Vegas again. Suddenly these four guys burst out of an alley and started jumping me. I screamed for help and fought as best I could as they started fishing in my pockets for my wallet and phone.

That's when I opened my eyes and saw Evan shaking me awake.

"Dude, dude stop screaming, stop screaming!" He sounded really scared. He took a step back once he realized I was fully awake and I started to sit up.

"Dude were you having a nightmare?"

I couldn't speak. I just nodded my head yes.

"Dude you were alseep for like five minutes and then you were screaming. Are you sure you're okay?"

I looked him square in the eyes with what was probably that dead look I'd had since this whole thing started and asked him "Do I sound like I'm okay?"

"Adam you're safe. You don't have to be afraid..." That struck a nerve.

"I don't fucking feel safe! Of fucking course I'm afraid!"

"What would it take for you to feel safe again?" he asked.

"I don't know yet," I replied honestly.

He sighed and walked back to the bedroom door.

"Well I mean you can't stay awake forever. You're not yourself, Adam." he said harshly as he went back into his bedroom and closed the door.

Not knowing what else to do I laid back down on the couch and went back to sleep. My dream wasn't scary after that and I finally was able to get some much needed rest. It was dark out when I woke up and I went outside to get some fresh air. The cooler air was refreshing to my lungs. Just like when I was in Las Vegas I had nothing better to do than to just go on walks. For the first few weeks I was there I pretty much just existed. I made sure to wake up around the time Evan was getting home from work and staying up all night. But this was also really boring.

One evening in the early fall I walked down the main street outside Evan's complex just alone with my thoughts. It hadn't really sunk in yet that I didn't have a clue what I was going to do next. I came across a gay bar where there were a few people outside. I looked over at them even though I knew that I wasn't going to be allowed inside and one of them and one of them saw me. He came up to me and I smiled. I thought to myself that if I was going to have this kind of luck outside bars then I couldn't wait to be old enough to get inside them.

"Hey dude, what's going on?" he asked me. He had white blonde hair and green eyes. "I'm Cody."


"Can I buy you a drink?" he asked with a smile?

"I'm 18," I replied.

"Don't worry about it, I know the owner," he said and I followed him inside.

"He's with me," Cody said when we got to the bar.

"What can I get for you young man?" the bartender asked with a sly smile.

"Rum and Coke," I said.

"That'll be my tab," Cody said and she nodded.

I sucked through the straw and the sting of the alcohol lit my mouth on fire. We chatted for a while longer until I finished my drink and was feeling a little woozy.

"So where do you live at?" Cody asked me.

"Pine Gardens," I answered.

"I know a dude over there who might like you," Cody said getting excited. "Let me see your phone," he instructed. His name was Garrett.

I left the bar before anyone decided to ask me for my ID and walked back to the apartment. Sure enough by the time I got back Liam had texted me back.

"Cody gave me your number I live in your complex" I sent.

" guessin you like dudes then?"

"Fuck yeah"

We exchanged some pictures and did the usual things guys do when they're looking to hook up and before long we had a date set. The next night I went over there at around 9:00 PM. I had only been awake for a couple hours and this was definitely how I wanted to start my day. He lived in a different building in Evan's complex.

It took some effort but I finally found apartment C6. I knocked on the door and he answered. I stopped for a minute to take in what what Garrett looked like. He had black hair and ice blue eyes.

"So you ran into my ex, huh?" he said as I walked inside.

"Guess so," I replied.

"Glad to see he's still looking out for me," he muttered and we both laughed.

"So..." was what he said as he sat down on the couch.

He couldn't figure out what to say after that so I sat down next to him on the couch and kissed him. I slipped my hands under his shirt and he seemed a little bit surprised that I was willing to just go for it right off the bat. I pulled his shorts down and reached into my pocket for a condom before I got rid of my shorts and boxers. He had a thick, seven inch dick that I enjoyed the sight of. I took him in my mouth and he sprung to life as I started fingering him. He let out a moan before he whispered my name and tapped me.

"Dude I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself. I haven't even gotten to touch you yet and you're already heading for home plate," he said with a laugh

"Sorry I'm used to doing all the work," I replied.

I finished taking my shirt off and came in to cuddle with him as he ran his hands over my torso and played with my cock. We stayed there spooning together on the couch and he grabbed the condom I'd set down on the coffee table when I took my shorts off and he sat back up to put it on.

"Do you mind if I top?" he asked before he went into his bedroom to get his lube.

"Not at all," I said with a sly smile.

We laid back down and he reached down and got me ready. I moaned with pleasure as he fingered my prostate for a bit and I thought to myself that this was exactly what I needed in the middle of all this bullshit. I let out a good moan as he entered me and his first few thrusts took my breath away. It was amazing. He was slow and sensual at first and then hard and raw as we went on. He kissed my neck and nibbled on my ear with his lips and he just sent a tingle through my body. I was in a state of bliss, nothing else mattered but me and him.

"Oh my god," I let out as he went back and forth between making passionate, sensual love to me and pounding me like we were in a porn movie.

Finally he slowed his thrusting down and each one became more purposeful. He took a deeper and deeper breath with each thrust before he let out an intense moan as he finished. He took a little while to catch his breath and gather himself before we sat back up on the couch. I moved closer and kissed him again and he smiled.

"So now that that's out of the way I'm Garrett," he said sarcastically and we both laughed. He stood back up to put his pajamas on and turn on the Xbox.

"What do you like to play?" he asked.

"How about GTA," I said looking through the shelf of games he had his TV sitting on. I love Grand Theft Auto.

"Good choice," he said with a chuckle. He put the disc into the Xbox and sat back down next to me. He handed me one of the controllers and we started playing. A few hours went by and we just vibed really well.

"So are you going to school here?" he asked me.

"No, I live with my brother right now," I said intentionally withholding the details.

"Oh okay. Are you from around here?"

"Yeah I grew up in Fernley. I just graduated high school a few months ago," I replied as I aimed my character's shotgun at one of my opponents on the screen and blew him away.

"Oh nice. Ever had a boyfriend?"

"No just a friend with benefits."

"That sounds like fun,"

"It was," I said feeling uneasy of what this was making me think about.

"How about another date?" he asked. I smiled and he said "I'll take that as a yes."

"I need to get home," I said and he stood up and gave me a hug.

"See you soon," I said grinning ear to ear.

I walked across the parking lot back to Evan's apartment and let myself in. He was sitting in the living room and looked like he'd been waiting impatiently.

"What were you doing over there?"

"Hanging out with someone," I answered.

"Is that all?" he asked seriously.

"Yeah," I said trying to sound convincing.

"I did your laundry today and I found a couple hundred bucks in your pocket. Where did you get that money? It's not like you have a job," Evan said like he was accusing me of something.

"Why does it matter?" I asked.

"Because there are a lot of bad ways you could have gotten it. And you were just over there 'hanging out' with someone you don't know," he replied with air quotes around the words hanging out.

"Dude what the fuck are you saying to me right now?" I asked getting angry.

"Are you fucking selling yourself?"

I sat down on the couch and started to cry.

"I only did once when I was in Vegas," I admitted.

"Adam," Evan said putting his face in his hands. "Were you turning a trick just now?"

"Jesus fuck Evan no I wasn't! He and I played video games and hung out," I said defensively.

"And why should I believe that?"

"Because it's true," I replied with tears in my eyes.

"Did you have sex wtih him?" Evan asked forcefully.

"Fuck off," I yelled with a disgusted look on my face.

"I'll take that as a yes," he snorted. I just walked away from him and went into the kitchen. "You're a fucking prostitute dude!"

"You have no idea what I went through and you have no right to judge me," I said quietly, trying to hide how pissed off I was. "It only happened once and never again."

"You have way too much time on your hands," Evan said angrily. "You sleep all day and you do these kinds of things at night. If you want to keep living in my house then you're going to get a job. Find something on third shift if that's what you want, but you're going to get a job. You're going to go to school if that's what you want to do. You're going to get on your feet. You don't need to be doing this."

"Fine. I'll get a job. But seriously fuck you."

"Fuck me for what? For taking you in and feeding you and clothing you and taking care of you while you do nothing for me? And on top of that you go out and have sex with men for money? God fucking damn it Adam. Tomorrow I'm going over to Mom and Dad's and I'm going to make them take you back. This bullshit needs to end."

"No you can't make me go back there!" I said with horror flying through my body.

"Then get a job you bum," he whispered in an icy voice.

I stayed up earlier into the morning than usual to go down to the Burger King down the street and apply for a job. I figured if someone wanted to work third shift they wouldn't turn me down. I walked in the door and took one of the applications from the bin on the counter and sat down at a table to fill it out. I figured that would at least show a little initiative. The manager came out and walked up to me. He was a hefty guy with a beard and mustache.

"Hey, I'm glad you're applying. We need you," he said to me.

"I need third shift though," I said trying to sound businesslike.

"We need people for overnights. When can you start?"

"Whenever," I said with a smile.

"Welcome aboard then."

I went home and got some sleep and waited for Evan to come home. I was going to shove it in his face that I got a job and I wasn't a fucking bum like he called me. That really hurt. I'd just lost both my parents and now he was starting to treat me like my dad did there at the end. When I woke up his car was in the driveway but he was gone. About 15 minutes later a car pulled up and Evan walked in the door.

"Hey dude, I've got a surprise for you," he announced in a cheery voice. I didn't believe him and I wanted to snap at him about how bad he had hurt me the night before. He motioned for me to come with him outside and I did.

"My buddy got a new car and I bought his old one for you," he said with a smile. It was a shitty old Ford Contour that was built when I was little but I was really grateful.

"Thank you," I whispered and he brought me in for a hug.

"Can we sit down and talk?" he asked.

"How about we go for a drive," I said with a smile.

"How about it," he said nodding his head.

I checked out my new car and I felt a lot of pride that I finally had something that belonged to me. As we pulled out of his complex he took a deep breath and sighed.

"Dude I feel like shit for what I said to you last night. I'm really sorry. That was horrible of me. I hope you can forgive me," he said sounding contrite.

"I can try. Do you have any idea how you hurt me last night?"

"I thought about that today," he answered with his head down.

"Yeah well I wish you would have thought about that last night. You made me relive all kinds of shit all day today. And by the way I got a job." I said in a defiant voice.

"Dude that's great," he said positively. "I wanted you to have a car so you could get a job easier."

"Was it that or so you could feel less guilty about what you did last night?"

"Will you get off my back?"

"No, you need to understand how that was for me. You can't just apologize and pretend it didn't happen. Mom ruined that trick forever."

"What do you want me to say?"

"How about 'I love you and I didn't mean that?' How about 'I won't ever treat you like that again?' How about 'I get how traumatic this whole thing is and I'll be more sensitive to how it's affecting you?' Can you do any of that?" I yelled. I didn't give a shit anymore.

"Man I knew I fucked up but not that bad," Evan half-whispered quietly while shaking his head. He let out a long sigh.

"I'm always going to love you Adam. I didn't realize what you were going through. I was just concerned about you and I just lost control of my emotions for a minute," he said.

"I already know you're always going to love me, Evan. What I need you to do is not judge me. Don't accuse me of prostituting myself just because I made a new friend. Don't call me a bum when I'm trying to figure out what to fucking do when my life just got fucked up for no fucking reason," I spit at him.

"Okay. I'm going to do better," he said tearfully.

"Good," I replied with a smile. "I love you too."

After we arrived home we hugged tightly and he stepped back to look me in the eye.

"Adam I'm proud of you. Good job on getting that job today," he said tapping the side of my arm.

"Thanks. My first shift is tonight."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"You said you had sex for money when you were in Vegas," he asked. Instantly in my mind I was back in that apartment with that guy slapping me as he did whatever he wanted to me. I completely forgot where I was and in that moment I was lost.

"Adam are you okay?" Evan asked me and I snapped back into the present.

"Yeah sorry," I said shaking my head and trying to gather myself. "Yeah once, it was just so I could get some money so I could get some food. That's all. I'm sorry Evan."

He sighed hard.

"I'm not judging you. Just please don't ever do that again," he said gently.

"I won't. I've got to get a shower, I've got work tonight." I said wtih a smile.

After I arrived at my new job I walked inside and headed to the back. There I found the night manager. He was college aged, average looking, and had sandy brown hair and hazel eyes. I thought he was pretty cute.

"Hi, you must be Adam," he said. "I'm Jake."

"Nice to meet you," I said and we shook hands.

"Come on back. This is Zane, Nate, Kyle, and Lucas," Jake said as he went down the line.

Zane was of Native American descent and had a short haircut and brown eyes. Nate was a tall and lanky dude with glasses. Kyle looked like he belonged on a surfboard in California with his wavy neck-length blonde hair and blue eyes. Lucas was freaking hot. He had curly brown hair and blue eyes.

I spent the next few weeks slaving away in the back of that Burger King making Whoppers and chicken sandwiches in the middle of the night. I did my job and kept my head down but Jake kept trying to get me to open up. He was always testing the waters wtih me to see if I was gay. I wasn't sure if I liked this attention but I figured I'd at least humor him.

One day he told me about his friend group.

"I have one friend who's gay, another who's a lesbian, another who's bisexual, and a white girl who only likes black men, and then there's me," he told me one day.

"Dude I'm all about social justice. I try to hang around as many minorities as I can," he told me another day.

One day after work he invited me into his office. I figured I knew what this was and I was totally okay with it. Jake was very attractive, he had a tight body and a beautiful ass that just looked perfect in those black pants they made us wear.

"Come on in, have a seat," he said and he had me sit in his office chair.

"You want a blowjob?" he asked with a smile.

"Totally," I said with a smile. He flashed a shit eating grin and unzipped my pants.

He pulled out my dick as it came to life and took it in his mouth.

"Mmmmmmmmmm," I moaned as he started going back and forth.

"Yeah," I let out as I started getting more excited. He was really good at what he did and I was loving every second of this even though I knew how naughty it was.

"Oh fuck," I whispered as he teased my head and my breaths got deeper and deeper. Before I knew it I was erupting down his throat and moaning with pleasure.

Just as I was coming back down to earth that's when Lucas walked into the room.

"Seriously?" he yelled before he gathered himself and lowered his voice.

"The only way I'm okay with this is if you invite him to come have a threesome," he said quietly. Jake stood up and laughed.

"We've been fooling around for a while. That's all we do though. You want to join?"

"I'm up for whatever," I said with a smile.

The next day I came into work and it was completely dead all night. We did our jobs and as soon as it was shift change time we waited for the others to leave.

"I really need to get home so let's just do this here," I said taking my clothes off in Jake's office.

I was excited but also exhausted and I really wanted to go home. I wanted to do this but I didn't want all the bullshit of going home with someone.

"All right, here's how we're going to do this," I announced. "Lucas, you're going to fuck me and Jake I'm going to suck you off. Okay?" I asked with a naughty smile.

Lucas got into position as I bent over the office chair while Jake dropped his pants and boxers. I turned back around to take a look at Lucas and I liked what I saw. He had a flat stomach but no abs and skinny legs. He had a pretty average dick, maybe 5 inches. Jake had a bit of a gut but he wasn't overweight. Jake had a fucking monster, really long and thick. It was like a sewer pipe.

Lucas reached into his backpack for a condom and some lube and he worked me over before he slid inside me. I let out a sigh before I took Jake in my mouth. It almost felt like trying to pleasure one of those giant things of hard salami they have at the deli.

"Oh dude," Jake let out as I teased his head and shaft and I noticed that he was reacting as I was moaning with him in my mouth from getting fucked. This was the most fun I'd had in a while even though it was so fucking wrong.

"Yeah, oh my god," Lucas carried on behind me. "Fuck!" he let out as he finished.

"I'm getting there," Jake whispered as I tried to stay focused on the task at hand.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, ahhh, ahhhh," Jake exclaimed as he blew his load down my throat.

"Dude that was the most fun I've had in a while," I said as I started to get myself back together. That was when something clicked in my head: sex was about the only time I felt like my old self before all of this happened.

"Well we can do it again whenever," Jake said as we got dressed and left the office. We gathered our things and locked the doors and headed out to our cars to head home.

"See you tomorrow," Lucas said blowing me a kiss.

The next day we did it again and we had another threesome a few days later. Unfortunately that's when my 18-year-old dipshittedness caught up with me. I was topping Jake while Lucas did a bukkake. And that's when the morning shift manager walked through the door and busted us.

"Whatthefuck!?" she tried to scream as she gasped in horror and I had to try not to laugh at that while the terror set in. We were all so fucked right now.

She stood there gaping in shock for a second before she put her hand on her forehead in disgust and I hung my head in shame.

"You three get out of here and don't ever come back!" she yelled at us.

We put our clothes back on and walked out of the store. Without a word I got back in my car and went home. I took a shower and when I came out Evan was just getting out of bed.

"Morning dude, how was your night?"

"I need a new job," I said.

"Well go find one then. At least you're making money," he answered and I knew I was going to regret what I was about to tell him but I felt like I just had to get it off my chest.

"I got fired."

"What, why?" he asked.

I sighed and realized I was fucking up by telling him this but it was too late. He was going to find out eventually.

"I had a threesome with my boss and another coworker in his office."

Evan's face turned beat red and I could tell he was just getting angrier and angrier with each passing second. Then he exploded.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, his spit flying onto my face.

"You are so fucking stupid! You're a fucking loser! You fucked up our entire family because you were fucking that dude at mom and dad's house and now you do something like this? God you are so! Fucking! Stupid!" he screamed in my face before he shoved me with both hands and I fell backwards onto the couch.

"You motherfucker! All you ever do is make problems! All you ever do is get into trouble! Fuck you Adam! Fuck you you fucking piece of shit! You're a worthless, useless fa..."

I stopped listening because I didn't want to hear Evan call me that word but I knew he had said it. My brain flipped a switch and I was back in survival mode. My mind went dark and I had a little flashback to that summer night but my brain brought me back.

"I'm done," was all I could manage. I said it in a quiet voice, just barely audible.

"What did you say?" he asked in a mocking voice.

"I'm done," I repeated. I grabbed my laundry basket with all my clothes and headed to my car.

"Adam, come back!" Evan yelled but I wasn't having it. I got in, started the ignition and tried to ignore Evan yelling at me as he ran out to the car.

"Adam please!" I heard him yell as I put the car in gear and backed up.

I pulled out of there as fast as I possibly could and just started driving with no destination in mind. As I got further away from the city and was surrounded by nothing but the Nevada desert one thought went through my mind: "Time to try something new."

Hey everyone, thanks for reading! Let me know what you think at I want any and all feedback and if you just want to chat, feel free to drop me a line. I love my readers and I appreciate you very much. Onto chapter 4!

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