Adams Road Home

By Alex Century

Published on Dec 29, 2021


The thrill of freedom wore off the second my stomach started to growl. My dad had left me here with no wallet, no phone, no money, and no ID. The sun was scorching and I had nowhere to go, nothing but the clothes on my back. I knew I had to do something but I didn't know what to do. I couldn't be in denial, I was homeless.

So I started walking. I was a few blocks from the famed Fremont Street. I figured I'd go where people were to see if maybe someone would notice me and I could ask to use their phone. I needed to get ahold of my mom so she could come rescue me. But I had to survive until then. I walked up and down the mall and looked at the faces in the crowd. I tried to talk to a couple people and they just brushed me aside as just another homeless kid.

It wasn't long before I realized that nobody was going to help me and I had to help myself. I started thinking through how I was going to take care of myself that night. I needed someplace to sleep, something to eat, and hopefully a shower. I knew I needed to get away from the casinos and find whatever help I could get. It was about five blocks before I came across Bonanza Road. I just kept walking. I figured that if I could find a place like a library maybe they'd let me use a phone.

I think I walked about 10 blocks total before I came across a 7-Eleven. I was tempted to ask the clerk to help me but I just couldn't bring myself to explain the situation I was in to a total stranger. I walked in and just went up to the clerk. I had on my Arizona State t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts so I looked like a typical tourist.

"Is there a library anywhere near here?" I asked before the clerk just barely looked up from the text she was sending.

"Yeah if you just keep going that way on Bonanza it's down the road from here," she replied.

I set out again, more determined than ever. I didn't know where it was but I knew that if she was right I would get there eventually. The heat was overwhelming. I felt like I was inside an oven. It was another mile but I eventually got there. I made it. I headed inside and to the front desk. There was a girl behind the desk with long brown hair typing into her computer. She looked up at me and said "Can I help you?"

"Can I use your phone for a second?" I asked.

"Sure, here you go," she said handing me a cordless phone that was right next to her mouse. I walked out into the foyer and dialed my mom's cell phone number. I was feeling relieved already, once I told my mom what had happened she'd have to come running.

"Hello?" she answered. I could tell she didn't recognize the number.

"Mom it's Adam," I said with the fear in my voice really coming out.

"Adam, honey, what's wrong?"

"Mom I'm in trouble. I'm sorry I never told you this before but he found out that I'm gay and he kicked me out. He drove me down to Las Vegas last night and I'm stuck here without any money or a phone..." I started before she interrupted me.

"You're gay?" she asked.

"Yeah I am," I replied.

"Okay," she whispered before she sighed. "I'm always going to love you no matter what. But I can't help you. I have to look out for myself too, honey."

I couldn't believe what I just heard. She didn't say that, right?


"I'm sorry."

"Mom how can you do this to me?" I yelled at her before I started crying. I ended up in a fetal position on the ground sobbing as she tried to justify what she was doing but I didn't hear what she said. A librarian came out to see what the commotion was as I regained myself enough to listen to what she was saying.

"If I bring you back into the house he'll do the same thing to me. I can't let you come back. You're just going to have to figure it out on your own," she said.

"Mom I'm here alone. I don't have any clothes, any money, I don't even have my phone. You're my mom!" I protested through the tears.

"I'm sorry Adam."

"That's all you can fucking say?" I shouted. "I'm your fucking son!"

The line went dead.

I just gave the phone back to the librarian and walked out the door and around the side of the building and sat down with my head in my hands. My dad doing this to me was a blow but my mom choosing him over me was like being punched in the gut.

I got out of there before the librarian came back looking for me. I wanted to punch somebody. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. It was like being in a dream I couldn't wake up from. There was no way to escape the fact that nobody was going to come and save me. I had to figure this out myself.

I remembered that I'd passed a grocery store on the walk to the library. I figured if I went dumpster diving I could probably find something to eat. I snuck around back and saw a couple employees smoking their cigarettes. I just waited at the side of the building for them to leave and eventually they did.

I snuck around back and found exactly what I was looking for. A bag of pretzel rolls was sitting right on top. I grabbed it and ran because I didn't know if anyone was going to come chasing after me. Once I got a safe distance away I started eating. One turned into another and then another because my stomach was just roaring by that point but that's when my mind stopped me. I didn't know how long I was going to have to make this last.

So my mind pivoted to what I was going to do next. I had some food but I didn't have any money or a place to sleep. It was the evening now and the sun was going to be setting in a few hours. I knew I needed to figure out where I was going to sleep fast or I'd have to do it in the dark. I snuck back to the dumpster and grabbed a few cardboard boxes. I was in business.

I just started walking again and found myself in what looked like a seedy neighborhood. There were far more vacant lots than there were houses, but there were a couple of churches. I figured that was as good as anywhere else. Once the sun started to set I made my move. I walked through the lot and jumped the fence. I opened up the boxes so they were sitting sideways and crawled into them so that I was in a cardboard sleeping bag of sorts.

Once I was truly alone and had some space to start processing I couldn't control the tears. I cried and cried and cried until finally I was able to get some sleep. As soon as I went to sleep I was right back in my bed the night before reliving the entire ordeal in vivid detail. The terror when I heard the door open. The things he said to me. The car ride. I felt even more terror when I felt someone shaking me awake.

"Hey, hey wake up. You were screaming dude, what's wrong?"

I opened my eyes and realized it was a cop. He was a Mexican dude with a buzz cut.

"I'm sorry," was all I could manage.

"No no no, you were having a nightmare. My partner and I heard you screaming back here and someone yelling 'Dad no,' but you were sound asleep. Are you okay?"

At first I was too scared to tell him the truth but then I realized that this could be the way out of the situation.

"My dad kicked me out of the house because I'm gay and so I'm here now," was all I could manage to say.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Do your parents live around here?"

"No," was my response. I didn't want them getting involved.

"Okay, well you can't stay out here so I want to take you to a shelter. Will you let me take you someplace safe?"

"Sure I guess," I said standing up out of my makeshift bed. I made sure to take the food I had with me and I went with them to the car.

"Don't worry we're just going to take you to the homeless shelter," he said as he opened the door to the backseat of the car.

"It's just going to be about a 20 minute ride, okay?" I looked at him and nodded my head.

As we drove to the shelter the two cops kept trying to ask me questions but I didn't want to answer them because I didn't want to get my dad in trouble as weird as that may sound. I kept my arms crossed and sat hunched over in my lap for the entire ride.

"You know there's nothing wrong with the fact that you're gay right?" asked the cop who woke me up. He was the one driving.


"Do you want to talk about it?" asked the other one.

"Not really," I answered.

We sat in silence for the rest of the ride and eventually we arrived at the shelter. The cop opened the door and held the door to the building open for me as I headed inside. The lady at the front desk brought me into the building and let me take a much-needed shower before showing me to my bunk. It was a big gymnasium with bunk beds and I had to climb up to the top bunk.

I woke up a couple hours later and couldn't go back to sleep. I walked through the hallways trying to find a bathroom that wasn't occupied and there was a girl my same age in the hallway. She walked right up to me and put her fingers through my hair.

"You want some pussy?" she asked in that seductive voice women use.

"No I like guys," I replied.

"Come on," she said with a smile as she started to pull her boobs out of her shirt.

"Stop!" I said as I backed away. I was one second away from running as fast as I possibly could out of that building.

"Oh, you're not kidding. Well you know you've got a pretty easy way to make some money," she said before she turned to walk away.

"You don't mean," was how I started.

"Dude you're attractive. There are tons of guys who'd pay top dollar to get a piece of your ass. You're in a homeless shelter right now. Use your assets," she told me.

I didn't know what to say. But what other option did I have? I didn't have any money. I didn't have an ID. I had nothing. The only way to get those things was to get some money. The next day I asked around about where to find a gay club and in the morning when they kicked us all out of the shelter I tried to plan my day out. I had to find something productive to do all day while I waited for night to fall.

It was a six mile walk to the bar I wanted to go to but it was popping that night. It was just off the campus of UNLV and there were people everywhere. There were also bouncers and since I was only 18 there was no way I could possibly get in.

Thankfully I didn't have to wait long. It wasn't long before someone came up to me.

"What's a cute boy like you doing here alone?" he asked. He was a tall, average looking guy who seemed to be in his early 30s.

"I'm trying to make some money," I replied. He seemed surprised by my answer.

"What are you looking for?"

"Couple hundred bucks."

"Want to go back to my place? I'm a med student, I live on campus," he answered.

I sized him up for a minute and decided that this guy seemed like he'd be a good person to do this for the first time with. I rode with him a short distance to his apartment on campus. We didn't talk much. Once we got there he was ready to get down to business.

"$200 right?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"All right," he said as he took my shirt off. I leaned in to try to kiss him but he backed off.

"Dude I'm paying you. Just lay down on the bed and let me do my thing," he said in a cold voice that took me back to my dad disowning me.

I did as he said and just zoned out. My mind was going to a completely different place. I was reliving the drive in my mind and completely checked out of what was going on. He had me on my back and was fucking me standing up, just like Dylan was when my dad walked in on us. He was fucking me harder and harder and then he slapped me.

"You fucking slut," he whispered as he got more and more excited. "You're a dirty, filthy, piece of shit whore!" he yelled before he slapped me again.

Finally he finished and I got up off the bed.

"Can I use your bathroom?" I asked quietly.

"Sure," he replied.

I sat down on the toilet and cried as softly as I could. It was the most degrading experience of my entire life and it was the last thing I needed at that moment. I gathered myself and as I walked out of the bathroom he was sitting on his bed looking at his feet.

"Here you go," he said handing me some cash. It felt like a lot more than $200. When I looked down at the bills I couldn't believe what I was seeing. They were all hundreds. Five of them. I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Do you need a ride?" he asked.

"Yeah that would be great," I replied.

I wasn't sure if I should but it was a six mile walk back to the shelter. We got in his car and I told him where I wanted to go. It was a quick drive back but when we got there I was surprised by what he had to say to me before I left.

"Sorry about that. That's why I gave you the extra money."

I wanted to scream at him and punch him in the face but I just got out and he drove off into the night. But I had some money now. I knew that I had a few options now and that the worst part was over. I went back inside and the receptionist showed me to my bed for the night. I got under the covers and cried into my pillow. I wept as softly as I possibly could and it wasn't long before I was asleep.

The next morning they woke everyone up to kick us out at 7:00 AM. I was inspired to start thinking on my feet to try to find a way forward. The first place I went that morning was the nearest dollar store to buy the cheapest phone I could get, as well as some deodorant and body wash.

My next project was to get to the DMV and get a replacement driver's license. I needed ID because I had a bank accounnt and I knew it was dangerous carrying that much cash when you're homeless. Since I now had some small bills I could ride the bus. And since I had a cell phone now I could look up how to get there on the bus. And best of all, buses have air conditioning.

I sat and waited almost an hour for my turn but I paid the fee in cash and had my new license in hand. I googled where the closest branch of my childhood bank was and walked over there to put the rest of my cash into my account and get a new debit card. I could breathe a little bit easier for the first time since this whole thing started. I was in survival mode. I was doing what I had to to survive.

After a while I felt like I was finally ready to talk to someone about what happened. I figured out which bus could take me to the LGBT center and there was a guy outside having a cigarette. He had brown hair and gauge earrings. He saw me and waved softly as I walked up to him.

"Hi. Normally I'd greet you inside at the front desk but you caught me on my break," he said as he took a drag. He wasn't too far into his cigarette so I wasn't about to make him go inside.

"I don't know if you're the right person but I'm just looking for someone to talk to right now," I said.

I could tell he heard the pain in my voice when I said that.

"What's going on? I'm Justin by the way," he said offering his hand.

"I'm Adam. My dad found out he was gay because he walked in on me and my friend with benefits. So he kicked me out of the house. He put me in his car and drove through the night to Las Vegas and just dumped me here with nothing. I'm homeless and all of this a month before I was supposed to start college," I said as I started crying and his facial expression went from caring to horrified.

"And I called my mom and she told me she won't help me because my dad would get rid of her too. And last night I had sex with a guy for money and he slapped me around while we were doing it and it was just horrible. I don't know how I'm going to get out of this!"

"Oh my god. Dude come here," he said as he stood up off the milk crate he was sitting on and brought me in for a tight hug.

"I'm not supposed to do this but I'm going to anyway. Here's $10, there's a Burger King two blocks from here. Get yourself something to eat and just stay there for a couple hours until we close. I'm going to take you home so you have a safe place to spend tonight, okay?"

"Oh thank you," I said with my tears of pain turning into tears of joy.

Once I gathered myself I was determined to make my stomach leave me alone once and for all. I got a double whopper with cheese, a large fry and Coke, and a chicken sandwich just because I was hungry enough. Right after the center closed, there was Justin. He didn't flake on me. I got into the passenger seat of his beater and we headed into the night.

"So how are you going to support yourself long-term?" Justin asked me as we left the parking lot.

"I haven't figured that out yet. My older brother might be able to help me but he lives up in Reno," I replied.

"Well maybe that's a good idea," he said positively.

When we got back to his place we walked in the door and I immediately excused myself to the bathroom to take a shower. I must have smelled horrible after walking around in the Las Vegas heat all day. I got in the shower and the warm water felt like a cloak over me. I felt safe for the first time since this all started.

I wrapped my towel around my waist and came out of the bathroom. My bare feet froze on the hard flooring. Justin had a small apartment and the bathroom was in his bedroom. I walked out into the living room where he was on the couch.

"Hey there, feel better?" he asked me and I smiled.

"I know I smell better," I replied and Justin laughed.

"See if there's anything in my closet that's your size," he instructed as he gave me the full up and down and I flashed a smile.

I found a t-shirt and shorts and went and sat back down on the couch next to him.

"What are you studying?" I asked him.

"I think I want to be a teacher," he replied.

"That's awesome. Is that part of why you work at the center?"

"Yeah it is. I love helping young people."

"How old are you?"

"20," he replied.

"I just hope I can go to college one day. I think that's over for me." I said looking down at my feet.

"It's not. Dude you just need to get back on your feet. Why don't we call your brother and see if he can come get you."

I put my head in my hands and cried again. I felt so relieved. This whole thing had been so traumatic even though it hadn't gone on very long yet. I moved in to kiss him. He kissed back but when I put my hand under his shirt he stopped me.

"Dude are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yeah absolutely. I'm 18, here's my license," I said pulling it out of my pocket.

He looked it over and checked my birthdate. May 5, 1995. I had turned 18 three and a half months earlier.

We were naked almost instantly and we made out the entire way from the living room to his bedroom. we jumped onto the bed and ran our hands over each other's bodies with passion flowing between us like a river.

I laid on my back as he got up and got on all fours to take me in his mouth. He stroked himself at the same time and that's when my mind started going somewhere else. All of a sudden I was back in that apartment with that asshole med student I'd met outside the bar. Justin kept sucking me but then he stopped.

"Adam? Adam are you okay?"

I snapped back into the moment.

"Yeah sorry."

"You were pretty checked out there. Is something on your mind?"


He sat up next to me apparently not caring that we'd stopped for the moment.

"It's okay dude. What's wrong?"

I sighed.

"That guy who kept hitting me when we were doing it. That's where my mind was going. When that happened it was like I wasn't even there. He's not the only one I was thinking about though."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't really want to talk about it," I said even though I desperately did want to talk about it.

"That's okay," he said.

"It was my friend with benefits, Dylan. We spent the entire summer together but it wasn't romantic. I was starting to have feelings for him and when I finally felt safe enough to tell him how I felt, my dad walked in on us and now I'm here."

"Dude come here," he said as he hugged me tighter than he had the other few times he'd hugged me.

"It's going to get better, I promise," he whispered in my ear.

"You be the big spoon," I whispered back. "Just hold me and make me feel loved," I said and he smiled with a sigh.

He reached into his nightstand drawer for a condom and his bottle of Astroglide and I turned my head around for a quick kiss. For the first time literally since Dylan was still inside me the last time we were together I actually felt safe.

Justin lubed up his finger and eased it inside me. He reached up to hit my prostate and I let out a seductive moan.

"Mmmmmmm, that's good," I whispered as I turned my head around to nuzzle his neck.

He stole a quick kiss while we were together like that and after some more lube he put the condom on.

"You ready?" he whispered in my ear.

"Yeah," I replied as I looked into his eyes.

He slowly pushed inside me and I let out a sigh as the initial uncomfortable feeling turned into that nice, pleasurable feeling that I loved about bottoming. He kept both arms around me as he made slow, sensual, passionate love to me.

"Mmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmmm," I moaned as he gently thrusted in and out of me.

"Oh Adam," he whispered as he did his work.

I didn't want it to end. I didn't even care if I had an orgasm or not, I felt accepted. I felt respected. I felt accepted. I wasn't being hurt or used, and best of all I was in the arms of someone who actually gave a shit about me even though he'd only known me for a few hours.

"Uh, uh," he let out before a long groan.

"Oh Adam, oh my god, holy shit, holy shit," he let out as he finished. He pulled out of me and laid rolled over onto his back as he caught his breath.

"Was it good?"

"Yeah it was amazing," I replied.

"You weren't making a lot of noise except at the beginning," he replied. "I wasn't hurting you was I?"

"No, it's just," I said before I paused. I really didn't want to talk about this right after sex.

"Just what?" he asked as we both sat up. I looked down at my lap and decided to tell him the truth.

"I can't even describe how the last few days have been for me. I've felt a weird mix of fear and pain and hurt. And just now I didn't feel that for however long we were doing it," I answered fearing what he would say.

"Adam that's okay," he replied. "I've met so many people who've been exactly where you are right now. They all talk about those same emotions. You're not alone, you really aren't, no matter how lonely you feel."

"I'm glad," I said with a tear running down my cheek.

"Dude it's going to be okay. Let's call your brother and see if he can help you, okay?" he said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Okay," I whispered as I tried to force a smile.

I dialed Evan's number and after a couple rings he answered.


"Evan, it's Adam."

"Whose number is this?"

"Evan just listen. Dad found out and he kicked me out of the house."


"Yeah and then he drove me to Las Vegas and left me here and I've been homeless ever since."

"Oh my fucking God Adam you better not be lying right now," Evan said with his voice shaking.

"And I called Mom for help and she chose him over me. She wouldn't help me."

"Jesus fucking Christ..." he muttered under his breath before he regained his composure. "Where are you right now?"

"I'm in Vegas," I replied. "I met a guy who works at the LGBT community center and he's letting me stay the night so I'm safe," I explained before Evan cut me off again.

"Put him on the phone," Evan instructed.

"Hello," answered Justin. I listened closely and I felt a little more optimistic

"What's your name?" Evan demanded.

"Justin Caldwell, I..."

"What's your address?"

"9126 Bismarck Street, apartment 9B in Las Vegas."

"Okay. Why did you bring Adam home?"

"He told me what had happened to him. I just wanted to make sure he wasn't spending another night on the street and to make sure he got ahold of someone in his family who could help. That's all," Justin explained.

"Okay. Can you stay with him until I get there?"

"Yeah of course."

"All right. I just got off work so I'll leave right now. Can you put Adam back on the phone?"

I took the phone and put it up to my ear.

"Adam, just be careful. That's all I'm going to say. I'll be there as soon as I can, it's probably going to be at least 7 hours. But I'm coming to get you and you're going to stay with me," he said with authority.

"Okay," I replied. "I'll see you soon."

I hung up and looked Justin in the eye.

"Round 2?" I asked.

"You want to top this time?" he replied.

"Fuck yeah I do!"

I brought him in close as we fell onto his bed and we both giggled as we looked into each other's eyes.

"How do you want me?" he asked.

"Doggy okay?" I responded.

He got on all fours and I ran my hands over his ass. His dick was about 6 1/2 inches and not too thick. He had really nice legs too. I grabbed his lube bottle and opened him up just like how Dylan had taught me.

"You ready?" I asked him.

"Condom?" he said sternly as he looked back at me.

"Yeah, sorry," I said as I took one out of the box that was next to the bed.

I ripped it open and rolled it down the shaft of my dick. He arched his back just he's supposed to and I pushed myself in slowly.

"Ohhhhhh," he sighed.

"Mmmmmmm," he moaned as I started thrusting faster. It wasn't long before I was bucking him like a horse.

"Faster," he whispered and I started pounding him. I went as fast as I possibly could and I probably looked like a fish flopping around out of water. He kept carrying on and on as I fucked him.

"Ooooooooh, ahhhhh, yeah, fuck," he went on and on as we kept going. I stopped and slapped his ass as I tried to catch my breath.

"Dude," he said as I panted like a dog.

"Was that too hard?"

"No, that was perfect. Did you cum?"

"Nah, I just needed a second."

"Awesome. Can I ride you?" Justin asked me and I was getting even more excited.

"Fuck yes dude!" I let out.

I laid on my back and Justin came in for a kiss first. We made out for a minute while I ran my hands over his torso and legs. I just couldn't get enough of his thighs, it was like they were designed by whatever god exists just for my tastes.

He climbed on top of me and pushed me inside him. He thrusted up and down facing me for a while and then he got off of me and turned around. Reverse cowboy instantly became my favorite sex position. I grabbed his cheeks and kept slapping his ass as he went to town and it was just fucking amazing.

Finally I just couldn't hold it in anymore and I took about five deep breaths before I unleashed my orgam.

"Grr, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhh, oh, oh, oh," I managed as my dick made its last few spurts.

"Oh my god dude," Justin whispered.

He got off of me and laid down next to me. He put his arm across my chest and rolled over onto his side.

"Dude whoever you get with is going to be the luckiest man alive," he said and I laughed.

"Any chance it might be you?" I asked.

"Let's not get carried away," he said in a serious but sarcastic tone.

He let me wash my clothes I'd been wearing since the night this whole thing started and he gave me some clothes to wear in the meantime. We went back into his living room and turned on the TV. His favorite show was Breaking Bad. We stayed up into the night waiting for Evan to get there and it just felt so fulfilling to feel respected and wanted again.

It was about 1 AM when there was a knock on the door and I went to get it.

"Adam," was all Evan said before he brought me in for a close hug. "Oh my god I'm so glad you're safe."

"Thank you," was all I could manage to say before I started sobbing. He let me cry on his shoulder until I gathered myself.

"It's okay, you're safe now. You can stay with me. It's okay," he replied.

We walked out to Evan's car, a shitty old Dodge Intrepid that he'd picked up because it was the only car he could afford. I got in and reclined the seat back. I hadn't been able to relax since this whole thing started. We got on the freeway and headed away from the bright lights of Sin City and into the empty desert.

"Do they really hate me?" I asked trying not to sound like a child. Trauma is a weird emotion to go through. It's like pain, shock, anxiety, and isolation all mixed together for a horrible entire-body tingly feeling but it also has an innocent feeling to it as well that's really hard to describe. If you've ever been through it you know what I mean.

"I don't think so," Evan said quietly but with anger in his voice. "I have no idea what to think right now."

"What's going to happen?"

"We're going to figure it out together," he said with a sigh. "You're safe with me. I'm going to take care of you."

In that moment my tears turned from pain to joy. I believed him but I shouldn't have. I thought that was the end of my nightmare, but it was only the end of the beginning.

Hey everyone, thanks for reading! Let me know what you think of this story at I always write back. I love my readers and I appreciate feedback. As always, please donate to Nifty if you can. Onto chapter 3!

Next: Chapter 3

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