Adams Road Home

By Alex Century

Published on Dec 20, 2021


I looked across the gym at my parents and older brother as I only had one more person ahead of me before I got to walk across the stage. I had turned 18 just a few weeks before and I was about to receive my high school diploma. I knew I was going to miss my friends here but I couldn't wait to go to college.

"Adam David Foley," said my senior year English teacher and I smiled while I walked to the principal and shook his hand. He gave me my diploma and I went back to my seat on the basketball court. After the ceremony was over my mom and dad both hugged me and we went out for ice cream before heading home. I had to get changed because I was headed to my summer job at the grocery store.

I changed into my work shirt and pants and looked in the mirror. I ran a comb through my dirty blonde hair and leaned forward to look closer into my blue eyes. I smiled as I walked back into my room because I felt a lot of confidence. I wasn't out to my family yet but I couldn't wait to be on my own in a city full of gay guys. It was hard growing up gay in rural Nevada. There was nothing there and the only gay people I'd ever met were on the internet.

It was time to go or else I'd be late to work so I said goodbye to my parents and got into my car to go stock the shelves at Raley's for $7.80 an hour. This was my first time working the night shift so I didn't really know anyone that I'd be working with. I parked on the edge of the parking lot like we were supposed to and headed inside to clock in.

After I swiped my badge at the time clock I went into the break room. The only person in there was a tall lanky dude with blue eyes and light brown hair that he had swished across his forehead. He had a long face and a big goofy smile. He looked up from his phone and he saw me and smiled. I looked down at his nametag. His name was Dylan.

"Hi, are you new? I don't think I've seen you here before," he said when he saw me.

"No, I usually work the afternoon shift," I answered.

"Oh that makes sense. How long have you worked here?" he replied.

"Just a few months. My parents made me get this job before I went away to college," I explained.

"I'm home for the summer too, I go to Nevada," he explained.

"Oh nice," I said as we went into the back room to start working.

"Hey Dylan," said the night manager. "I see you've already met Adam. He's just filling in tonight. Adam, why don't you help him in the boxed dinners section?"

"Sounds good to me," I answered and we headed out into the store.

We started with the pasta aisle and as we were pushing boxes of Kraft mac and cheese onto the shelf we struck up more of a conversation.

"What are you going to major in?" Dylan asked me.

"I don't know yet," I replied.

"That's okay, it took me my whole freshman year to decide. Now I'm majoring in communications," he said.

"What year are you in?" I asked.

"I'm going to be a sophomore this year. Where are you headed off to?"

"Arizona State," I replied.

"Why there?" he asked.

"I want to get out of BFE," I said and he laughed.

We spent our entire shift together shooting the breeze as we worked. Dylan was funny as shit and I even learned that he was a stage actor in his spare time. After our shift was over we hung around for a cigarette as everyone else was leaving and the morning shift was headed in.

"Man you really are a cool dude," I said to him as we sat down on one of the benches in front of the store. I lit my cigarette first and then loaned him my lighter

"I wish you worked thirds more often," he said as he drew in a puff. That's when he asked me something I wasn't expecting.

"You got a girlfriend?"

"I like guys," I answered, trying not to sound startled.

"Me too," he said with a smile. I thought very carefully about what to say next.

"My parents leave for work right around this time if you want to hang out," was what I went with.

"Yeah that's a good idea," he said with a shit-eating grin looking me straight in the eye.

"Come on, I live five minutes away," I said heading for my car.

He got into the passenger seat and looked at me with a cute smile.

"You ready?" I asked him slyly. I put the key in the ignition and started moving before he could change his mind. Five minutes felt like five hours but it was a quick ride before we were home.

I unlocked the door and as soon as we were inside Dylan slipped his hands under my shirt and pulled it over my head. I embraced him but I needed to tell him the truth before we got down to business.

"I'm a virgin," I whispered in his ear.

"That's okay," he replied. "You'll have a good time," he said smiling ear to ear.

I showed him to my room and he flopped onto the bed. He unbuckled his jeans and let me pull them off. I slid my fingers into the waistband of his Calvin Kleins and pulled them down to his ankles. His dick sprung to life and my heart started pounding. He was about 5 and a half inches, about the same as me. I got rid of my pants and underwear as fast as I could and I moved up to meet his gaze. I kissed him and I don't think I did it right the first time.

We looked each other in the eye and exchanged that "Are you sure you want to do this?" glance before I reached down under the bed for the box of condoms I had stashed. I kept my bottle of lube in my nightstand.

"It's your first time, you get to top," he said. I was shaking with excitement. After he lubed himself up Dylan flipped over and got on his hands and knees. I put my hands on his cheeks and savored the moment for a second. I held my dick at the base and aimed it as I pushed myself inside him.

"Ahhhhhh," he sighed as I started moving slowly. He kept moaning with pleasure the faster I thrusted and before long I was pounding him like I'd only fantasized about. All of a sudden I felt it building up and the orgasm blew my mind. I had never felt my dick explode like that when I was just jerking off.

"Shit, I'm sorry," I said feeling embarrassed that it was over so quickly.

"Sorry for what? It was your first time," Dylan replied. "Doesn't mean we can't do it again," he said with a smile.

"Just so you know my brother will be home around noon," I said as I sat up on the edge of the bed. "Nobody in my family knows I'm gay and they can't. My dad is a real bigot."

"That's too bad," Dylan said with a sigh. "Being out makes your life a hell of a lot easier. At least you'll be away at college in a few months," he said sitting up next to me and moving in to kiss me.

He wrapped his arms around me to embrace me before he gave me another quick kiss on the cheek and we both laid back down. I rolled over onto my side next to him and flashed him that same look into his eyes. Dylan ran his hands across my chest and torso before he started exploring my thighs and ass.

"Want to go again?" he asked.

"Yeah, let's see if I can last long enough to enjoy it this time," I said sarcastically.

"Don't be so hard on yourself," Dylan answered as he raised his legs and turned himself so he was laying sideways across my bed.

"Stand up and fuck me," he instructed.

I smiled and did as he said. After I put on a fresh condom I grabbed his knees with each hand and pushed myself inside him.

"Uhhhhhh," he let out as I pushed my hips forward and back. He was moaning more and more with each thrust and I was just trying to do what was making him moan.

"Is that good?" I asked, trying to sound dirty. He nodded his head.

I loved the slapping sounds we were making with each thrust. I felt like I could last forever this time and Dylan was loving every second of it. He was rolling his head side to side and gripping the sheets like his life depended on it.

"Grrrrr, mmmmmmm, mmmmmmm, holy fuck," he let out as I kept going. I fucked him as hard and fast as I possibly could and just as I was starting to get close to my orgasm Dylan started moaning uncontrollably.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm," he almost sounded like he was crying.

He reached up and grabbed his dick as I finished inside him. He only jerked it a couple times before he shot ropes of cum over his head and onto my bedroom wall. We both laughed hysterically as we recovered from the moment. Dylan put his hand up for a high-five and I slapped his hand. I dug through my laundry hamper for a towel to clean the cum off the wall with.

"Dude you're a fucking stud," Dylan said to me. I was flattered but still insecure. "You did great for your first time."

"Will there be a second?" I asked, still thinking that he'd ditch me even after the session we'd just had.

"Fuck yeah," he replied. "You should get on third shift at work and we can do this all the time," he said with a smile.

"That's a good fucking idea," I said nodding my head emphatically.

"I need to get home," Dylan said as he stepped into his pants and underwear.

"Yeah I'm ready for bed. I'm exhausted," I said as I put my shirt back on.

Dylan and I walked out of my bedroom and down the hall to head out the front door to my car. When I went through the door, there was Evan, my older brother, smoking a cigarette.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Uhhhhh," I stuttered with my heart pounding out of my chest. "This...this is Dylan. Dylan, this is my older brother Evan."

"Hi," Evan said, offering to shake Dylan's hand.

"I've got to go," I said, trying to get into my car as fast as I possibly could. I wanted to die.

"Dude I've known you were gay for years," Evan said as I closed the door and Dylan finished buckling his seatbelt.

"Dylan I am so, so sorry I didn't know he was going to be here," I started but Dylan totally laughed it off.

"It's okay. Did you hear what he said to you?" he asked calmly.

"Yeah. I'm still scared though. I don't know what my dad would do," I said with panic setting in.

"Adam, he's your brother. He knows your dad just as well as you do. If it's going to be that big a deal then he's not going to tell him," Dylan said trying to reassure me. "I'm definitely coming back though if you want to have some more fun."

"Okay," I said after I let out a deep breath as I pulled up next to his car in the Raley's parking lot. "See you soon."

"Text me!" he said as he got into his car and then drove off.

I sped home as fast as I could and found Evan sitting outside having another cigarette. I couldn't believe this was happening and I was so glad he stuck around.

"Dude come here," he said as I got out of my car and he brought me in for a hug. He had me sit down on the patio chair next to his.

"Did you...hear..." I tried to ask but I was too embarrassed to finish my sentence.

"Yeah. I did. Kind of hard to miss," he replied and I sighed.

"Was that your first time?"

I nodded.

"Did you use a condom?"

I nodded again.

"That's all that matters then. Dude I know I haven't been the best brother to you but as long as you're safe that's all that matters. Are you in love with him?"

"No we just met at work last night." He laughed and high-fived me.

"Don't worry, Dad's not going to find out about this from me," he said putting his hand on my shoulder to reassure me.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked.

"I needed to borrow one of Dad's wrenches. I was going to go into the toolbox in the basement but then I walked in and heard something I wasn't expecting. So I came out here and smoked a cigarette until you guys were done." he answered. "I hope you and him work out. You two make a cute couple."

"We're not a couple," I said quietly. "At least not yet."

"Well I'm going to get what I came here for and dip. Wash your sheets," Evan said sarcastically as he went into the house and I laughed. I headed to my room to go to sleep as I'd been awake since about this time the day before.

"See you around Adam," Evan yelled to me as I started drifting off to sleep.

When I woke up it was 4:00 in the afternoon. I picked up my phone and saw a text from Dylan.

"been thinking about you all day wish you were workin tonight"

My parents weren't home yet so I decided to go up to the store and ask our manager if I could move to thirds from now on. He was glad I asked because they needed help on third shift and they couldn't get anyone to volunteer.

After I got in my car I pulled out my phone and texted him back.

"Don't worry I'll be working thirds from now on"

"Shit really"

"Ya...they needed peeps on third but nobody wanted to work overnights so the dude was like fuck yeah you can move to third"

"Dude we're gonna have LOTS of fun"

I almost dropped my phone and looked up at the sky in disbelief at what I'd just stumbled into.

I went back home and watched TV until my parents got home. My family is...weird to say the least. My dad is a Mormon bigot who hates gays, libtards, and feminists because he watches Fox News all night. He works in middle management at one of the casinos in Reno and my mom is a cynical atheist and a receptionist at a doctor's office. My mom loves me and my brother a lot more than my dad does.

"This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it," announced my dad as he walked through the front door.

"Do you always have to announce it Gary?" yelled my mom who had just gotten home and was getting dinner started.

"Why don't you just finish your women's work Jenny," he spat out as he headed into the living room to turn on the TV.

My brother Evan moved out as soon as he turned 18 because of all the fighting and the drama. He's been living in shitty apartments and working as a janitor at a casino because that was what he had to put up with to get out. He's the black sheep of the family who my dad has hated since he was little. I was the golden boy so he was going to pay for me to go to school out of state.

I came in and worked a couple days later and sure enough Dylan was there. The anticipation made the eight-hour shift feel like 18 hours. After our shift we went to Dylan's place because I was still uneasy about having sex at home after what happened with Evan. His bedroom was a lot messier than mine was. He was into Magic The Gathering and some other weird adventure games I didn't know a lot about.

This time I asked him to show me how to properly suck a man off.

"Have a seat and get rid of your pants," Dylan instructed.

I quickly shed all of my clothes and sat down on the edge of his bed. As soon as my pants started to come down my dick popped out in a full salute. I opened my legs to give him room and that's when Dylan stopped. He had another idea.

"Stand up real quick," he said as he dropped his pants and boxers and revealed his own erect dick.

He got close enough to me that our toes were almost touching. He held his dick out next to mine so we could compare our equipment. Just like I expected we were both almost the same size. Mine was just a little bit longer but his balls were bigger. We were both cut and about the same thickness.

Dylan dropped to his knees to start demonstrating.

"The most important thing about giving head is to make sure your teeth are covered. Roll your lips over your teeth like this," he instructed looking up at me and I laughed at how ridiculous he looked.

"Then once you've got his dick in your mouth you want to pleasure him with your tongue and use the roof of your mouth to stimulate the head of his cock. Like this," he continued as he took me in his mouth.

The sensation felt like fireworks going off. It was so new and the pleasure was overwhelming. He took his mouth off my cock and I let out my breath. It was like torture trying to make sure I didn't nut so early.

"Here lay down on the bed," he said as he got up off the floor. He laid down with his legs hanging off the end of the bed and looked up at me with a playful smile.

"He might like getting his whole shaft sucked like this," before he started going straight up and down a few times and my toes curled

"And if he really wants to cum play with his frenulum with your tongue like this," he said playfully.

He took me back in my mouth and wrestled with the bottom side of my dick, just below the tip. My eyes went from squinting to wide open because I felt it starting to build up.

"Don't cum yet," he said as he quickly pulled back. He licked his index finger and looked me square in the eye.

"Is this okay? It's going to make it feel amazing when you cum."

"Yeah totally."

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay with that first," he said and I smiled wide. "Open your legs."

I did as he said and he took me in his mouth again. He licked his finger again and went inside about one knuckle deep. He knew just where to touch and I lost my breath. It was like stepping into a cold shower. He kept doing that thing with his tongue right at the tip of my cock as he was fingering me and he sent me to heaven.

"Mmmm, mmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," I let out in a muffled scream as I shot a massive load into his mouth. It was even more intense than the orgasm I'd had the first time we had sex. Dylan started laughing as I was catching my breath.

"Dude that almost went up my nose," Dylan said after he swallowed the last of it. "That was insane dude," I said as I panted.

"Want to practice?" he asked with his goofy smile.

He sat up at the head of the bed with his back against the wall so that there was enough room for me to lay down all the way. I did just like he said with my lips over his teeth. Using the roof of my mouth. Teasing him with my tongue. And then to top it all off when he started squirming more and more I went straight for that sweet spot near the tip which was all it took.

Bam! It went down my throat so fast it was like a firehose. We spent the next couple months fucking every chance we got. One night in late July we were in my bedroom fooling around when I asked him to fuck me.

"You're down?" he asked getting excited.

"Yeah, I want you to come close," I said as I wrapped my arms around him. "I want to be close," I said dreamily.

"Yeah let me make sure you're ready first," Dylan whispered. "Get on your hands and knees."

I did as he said and he came to my side to touch me to have me arch my back. He grabbed his bottle of lube and put a glob on the outside of my hole. He just rubbed it for a few seconds before he put another glob on his finger. He only went about one knuckle deep at first and he spread the lube around before he pulled his finger out.

"Did that hurt?"

"No, it was okay," I answered.

"I'm going to go in a little further this time, just one finger okay?" he said supportively. "Yeah do it," I whispered.

He pushed his finger deep and this time the muscle didn't tighten up.

"Are you okay with one in?"

"Yeah it feels good."

"Okay, I'm going to put a second finger in," he whispered. He was doing everything right. My prostate was just glowing as he fingered me and I wanted this more and more.

"One more finger and you'll be ready to go," Dylan said looking up at me from my nether regions. It was a real stretch getting his third finger in but I could see what he meant. Three fingers was about as wide as a penis.

"How do you want to do this?" he asked me.

"How should I?" I asked.

"Missionary has the most intense pressure on your prostate," Dylan replied.

"Let's do it that way then. I want to hold you close," I said looking into his eyes.

"Put that pillow under your hips and breathe when I put it in. If it hurts tell me and I'll stop,"

"Okay. Talk sexy now," I replied.

"You ready for this cock?" he said in his dirty voice.

"Fuck me," I blurted out and he positioned himself.

He rolled the condom down his dick quickly and then positioned himself. He got in between my legs and placed his hands on the bed by my sides. He aimed his dick inside me and pushed in slowly. I had to really try to breathe because it felt uncomfortable and good at the same time.

I put my arms around his neck and brought him as close as I could. I wished this moment could have lasted forever. I felt so safe with Dylan and at that point I was starting to wonder if I wanted this to be more than just sex.

He made slow, sensual love to me at first and as the pleasure got more intense, the faster I wanted him to fuck me. It wasn't long before he was pounding me just like I had done to him many times before. I kept moaning and moaning and Dylan was getting more and more excited by the sounds I was making.

"Oh, oh, oh, ohhhhhhh, hmmmmmm, ahhhhhhhhhhh" Dylan let out as he finished. Instead of our usual high five after sex, I brought him close to me for a cuddle.

"That was amazing," I whispered in his ear.

"Yeah it was," he said catching his breath.

"I like you a lot Dylan. I want to know if you think this could be something more" I said flipping on my aside to look into his eyes.

"I like you too but this isn't the best moment to talk about those kinds of feelings," he said calmly but firmly enough that I got the point. "We'll talk about them though."

He kissed me passionately and ran his hands over my midsection real quick before he grabbed his alarm clock to look at the time.

"I have to get some sleep," Dylan said before he yawned.

"I should go home too," I replied as I started to get dressed. Once I had my clothes on and my keys in hand we shared one last kiss before I left his house and headed home. I figured that the next time we had one of our fuck sessions that we'd have that talk about whether we were going to be a couple or not. That opportunity never came.

It was an agonizing four day wait before I could see Dylan again. It was about three weeks before I was supposed to go off to college. This time we had to go to my house after work because Dylan's mom was home that day.

It was like any other fuck. We went home, kissed, did foreplay, got warmed up, and then Dylan was inside me pounding away. We were just going to town, Dylan was fucking me standing up from the side of my bed when all of a sudden my bedroom door opened. It was my dad. We were caught.

"You get the fuck out of my house!" he screamed as he grabbed Dylan by his hair and pushed him out of my bedroom.

Dylan tried grabbing his clothes but my dad wouldn't let him. He kept pushing him out the door and started chasing him down the street buck naked. He came back a couple minutes later and headed straight for my parents' bedroom. He walked in there and locked the door. It was 8:45 in the morning. My dad's workday should have been just beginning. I didn't know why the hell he was home so early.

My dad stayed in the bedroom all day and I didn't come out of my room until my mom got home. I wanted to tell her what had happened so bad but I just couldn't bring myself to. I pretended everything was fine and told her that dad was just home sick from work and still asleep when she made dinner.

I couldn't sleep at first that night because I was so tense and anxious. Dylan wasn't answering my texts and I was worried about him. I finally was able to get to sleep at about 1:00 in the morning. I wasn't asleep long before my bedroom door opened and the sound sent a wave of terror through me.

"Wake up sodomite," were the first three words I heard.

"Dad what are you doing," I managed to get out in spite of the fear I was feeling.

"I'm kicking you out of the house. You don't get to call me Dad anymore."

"Please don't do this," I said as I started crying.

"If you want to lie with men then you're going to go do it somewhere else."

"Please Dad," I begged as he led me through the kitchen and into the garage. He went to open the driver's seat of the Tahoe before he turned around to face me.

"Shut the fuck up would you?" he spat at me before he got into the driver's seat and started the engine. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm taking you to Las Vegas."

I was scared but I did as he said and stayed quiet as we drove into the night. I couldn't believe it was happening. One hour turned into two. Two became three. Time excruciatingly crawled by. It was pitch black outside and we weren't talking. After six hours of rural two lane roads we pulled onto a freeway. My dad finally pulled into a parking lot of some sort a block or two from downtown.

"Son, if you want to fornicate with men you're not going to do it in my house. You'll do it here," was how he began in a cold icy tone. "You are not my son anymore. I don't ever want to see you again."

"Dad how could you do this to me?" I said with the tears rolling down my face. "I'm your son."

He paused for a second before he started screaming so loud that spit went flying from his mouth.

"It's bad enough I've got one fuck up son who doesn't know to look up to his fucking father as a role model! Now I've got to deal with this! Fuck you! I don't need you anymore, I don't want you anymore, just fuck off! Go to hell!"

I opened the door and got out and he just drove away. I watched him turn onto an on-ramp to head back to Reno and that was that. I stared at the sidewalk for a minute as I began to process what had just happened. My emotions swung back and forth between angry and sad and scared. But then I realized something that made me smile: At least I'm free.

I sighed and looked at the horizon and the glitzy casinos off in the distance as every part of the situation finally came together to fill in the puzzle. I heard it in my heart:

"It's going to be hard, but you're going to survive."

Hey everyone, thanks for reading! Let me know what you think at I want all feedback and if you just want to chat (or would like the link to the first story I wrote here on Nifty), I'm up for that too. I always write back. So let me know what you think! I want any and all feedback. If you can, please donate to Nifty to keep the site running. Thank you so much for reading and stay tuned for chapter 2!

Next: Chapter 2

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