Adams Life of Slavery

By Patrick

Published on Jul 27, 2023


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NOTE TO READERS: I am interested in feedback, so please send comments, questions, story ideas, and information about what worked/didn't work to me directly. I'd love that feedback and am interested in improving my writing. I'm also interested in meeting others who share my interests, so don't hesitate to reach out, please.

By Patrick -

Adam's life of slavery - CMNM Challenge - Chapter 5

"Kneel in your spot" directs Steve

Steve then undoes the buckles of the head harness and pulls it off Adam's head. "You can take the sock of your mouth and put it back in my gym bag" as Steve puts the head harness back in the chest.

"So young man that is the end of all the challenges and I am pleased to say I now own all your clothes" smirks Steve as he sits back in the sofa.

"Sir I don't want this to end" Adam looks back at Steve eager for more

"Well we could do a double or nothing"

"Yes please Sir"

"But the stakes will need to be much higher"

"Sir?" Adam looks quizzically

"For this one if I win, I win you" Steve sits forward and looks deep into Adam's eyes

"You win me Sir? I don't understand" Adam looks confused

"You become my slave. You will sign a contract today and will become my property" Steve says keep his eye fixed on Adam's "I will control every part of your life and your life will only be about me, my pleasure, my wants. Everything. Your wants and needs will not matter anymore. Only mine" Steve coughs "Do you understand? I can see your cock does but I need to know your head does as well." As Steve breaks their gaze to look at Adam hard pre-cum dripping cock.

"I completely understand Sir and I have always secretly wanted to be owned. But I don't know if I could sign myself away like... indefinitely."

"Ok, fair enough" Steve sits back in his chair and pauses for a moment "What about we start a probation period? And after that you have an option of either leaving or signing to be my complete slave for an indefinite time. How does that sound?"

"Yes I would like that Sir" Adam replies with a smile "How long would the probation period?"

"One year!" Steve replies quickly "And only after one full year of been a slave will you be given the option to leave or stay. I, however, can terminate the agreement at anytime"

"Sir I don't need that long a probation period. Could it be 3 months?"

"No, I need to train and develop you. I would need one full year of training you before you can make an informed choice" Steve shuffles forward again "In the first year, I won't take full control but I will need you to move in so I can make you into a perfect slave. You will still control your finances and have a social life with my approval but after the probation period you willing want to hand over all of this to me and I will then control every part of you. Every decision will be mine. This is no game Adam."

Adam smiles "I know this is no game. I have wanted this all my life. I am nervous of taking the leap but I want it to be with you. What about six months?"

"Year!" Steve says defiantly

"It was worth a try" smirked Adam "Agreed Sir. A year it is."

"Anyway, this is if you lose the challenge"

"Oh yes Sir" Adam giggles "I was about to sign without any challenge then"

Steve laughs "Well we better make this impossible then"

"What do I get if I win the impossible challenge?" asks Adam

"My jockstrap" smiles Steve "you can wear it home"

"Deal!" Adam quickly agrees

"Ok the challenge then" as Steve ponders

"What if I just refuse to do the challenge?" Adam interjects as Steve is thinking

"Do you just want to sign a contract then and skip these games?

"Yes I do Sir" Adam says sitting up on his knees grinning from ear to ear

"So you forfeit and give yourself freely to me?"

"I do Sir"

"Very well" As Steve reaches for a large brown envelope sat beside him "Well I had a feeling this might happen so I have had a contract already drawn up" as he slides out the contract and puts it in front of Adam.

"Can you unlock my hands Sir? So I can read it" Adam asks with his head bowed

"I do like watching you struggle but I want this to be done with no force. You are still free to refuse. You can ask any questions. Request changes. This is the time you can do that. Understand?"

"Yes Sir"

With that Steve gets up and unlocks the restraints and removes them and puts them back in the chest which he locks. "Ok, Adam. I am going to leave you to read the contract. Take as long as you need. I am going to take a walk and I will be back in ten minutes to see if you need to ask anything and if you need longer"

With that Steve picks up his gym bag and walks out of the door and down the hallway picks up some keys and heads out of the door. Silence fills the room and Adam takes a deep breath. "Am I really doing this?" he asks himself out loud "Yes I bloody am" he smiles to himself.

He bends down and reads the contract from cover to cover. The year probation clause was already in there. Steve had this all planned Adam thinks to himself. I want to be owed by him so badly.

He hears the front door open and keys been dropped on the hall table as Steve walks back into the lounge. "Well Adam. Have you read it all? Any questions?"

"Yes Sir" Adam shuffle up on his knees "I have read it from cover to cover. And both my head and my cock want to sign" Adam grins looking down at his erect cock.

"Good slave" Steve says to Adam "Pick up both contracts and bring them into the dining room" as Steve walks down the hallway to the dining room.

Adam pulls himself up from the floor and picks up the contract that Steve had given him and the envelop he left on the sofa. And follows Steve into the dining room.

"Ok slave" Steve sound more controlling now to Adam, especially when he calls him `slave'. "Pull those two chairs up to the table and put the contracts down on the table in front of those chairs and then go and kneel on the floor over there"

Adam did as he was told and once he was kneel down Steve then sat down at one of the chairs and looked down at the contract quietly. The silence was defining, Adam didn't understand why they were waiting. Then the silence broke by the chime of the doorbell.

"slave; go and open the door and bring our guest back here" Steve ordered

Adam pulls himself up from the floor and looks down at his naked body and back at Sir but Steve is still looking down at the papers

"Hurry up slave" Steve says without looking up

Adam snaps into action and heads down the hallway to the front door and nervously opens the door as he is completely naked. A plump older man in a grey suit is standing in the doorway. Adam greets him with "Hello Sir, please come in. I believe Sir is expecting you".

"My, my Steve's found himself a right hotty hasn't he" as the man casts his eyes up and down Adam's naked body. "Mmm very nice indeed" as he then runs his hand over Adams body and gropes Adam's hard cock. Adam flinches but doesn't stop the man's advances.

"George" shouts Steve from the dining room "Stop play with my new property and get your arse down here"

"Alright, alright Stevie!" as the man leads the way to the dining room.

"Come in mate, take a seat beside me" Steve gestures to the chair beside him "slave back to your spot now!"

Adam kneels back down where Steve had said for him to be before.

"Right Georgie, here's the contracts" as Steve points down at the papers on the table.

"Oh very good Stevie" as George reads over them "Oh love it, this little fucker never going to get away" he chortles

Adam keeps his gaze down and can tell Steve's friend likes to wind him up.

"Yes this all looks fine" smirked George "It very close to an employment contract which makes it legally binding. As I said this little fucker is never going to get away. Well apart from this one year get out clause. Are you sure you want that in?"

"Yes George. That has been agreed with the slave." Steve replies defiantly

"Ok slave" George barks down at Adam "look at me you fucker"

Adam looks up at George "Yes Sir"

"Do you understand you have forty eight hours to get your affair in order? So on Sunday at... "as George looks down at his watch "10.30pm you will have moved in and relinquished all powers to Stevie here and you will become his property?"

"Yes Sir"

"Ok get your fucking arse here and sign" George orders

Adam quickly gets to his feet comes to the side of George "Don't be nervous slave" George tease "I don't bite, well not that hard" as George's hand slides up the inside of Adam's leg.

"Oi George" Steve interjects "He needs to be doing this of his own free will and not have your grubby hands all over him whilst he signs"

"Cool your boots Stevie" George smirks "I'm not influencing you am I?"

"No Sir" Adam answers

"Well I can tell this little fucker loves it" as George grabs Adam's hard cock "His cocks been hard the whole time" as George strokes Adam's cock up and down making Adam shiver with excitement.

"George" scowls Steve

"Alright Stevie" George cheekily grins "But I want to have some of this in payment for my services"

"You will but not today!" Steve exclaims

"Spoilsport" George huffs as he releases his grip of Adam's hard cock "Right what's your full name?"

"Adam James Mitchell, Sir"

"Ok put that here and here and also the same on this copy" George instructs "What's your date of birth?"

"12th February 1987 Sir"

"Mmm you are a young one aren't you?! Fuck Steve that makes you about 25 years older than this fucker" George jokes as his hand yet again gropes and feels Adam's butt "Right sign here and here and initial each page and the same on this copy."

Adam does as instructed. As he signs his name for the last time he looks over to Steve and smiles. Steve looks back and smiles "Last chance to back out Adam?" Steve ask.

"This is what I want Sir" as he finishes his last signature

"Well that is you done! Good and fucking proper" George hoots

"Ok slave, go back to your spot" Steve instructs

"Right Stevie your turn." George pipes up "Yup there and there. Perfect! Now my wittiness signature and that is it. Master Steve here is your slave" as George gestures to Adam kneeling down on the floor. "Shall we have a drink to toast the moment?"

"Another time George" Steve answers "it is late but thank you for coming at short notice but I want to dismiss this slave. Would you like to come over on Sunday to see the completion of the agreement?"

"Fuck yeah! Can I get my fee then too?"

"Yes George you can"

"Fucking awesome! What about the other lads?" George asks

"Yeah we might make a party of it" Steve answers

"Excellent" George smiles "Right I will leave you to it. I will need to get a copy of the contract sometime, Sunday?"

"Yes Sunday" Steve answers "slave go and see our guest out. Thanks again George and see you on Sunday"

"Anytime Stevie." As George stand up and give Steve a friendly slap on the back. And heads out of the door and down the hallway. Quickly followed by Adam.

"I am looking forward to Sunday when I will collect my fee" George says to Adam as he gropes Adam yet again and pulls him close and snogs him deeply driving his tongue deep down Adam's throat. "Right have fun" as George opens the door and walks out.

Adam close the door and comes back to the dining room.

Next: Chapter 6

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