Adams Life of Slavery

By Patrick

Published on Jul 27, 2023


This story is fiction about consensual sex, bondage, and BDSM between age (18+) boys and adult males. If it is illegal to read such material in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the legal age to do so, please exit this site immediately.

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NOTE TO READERS: I am interested in feedback, so please send comments, questions, story ideas, and information about what worked/didn't work to me directly. I'd love that feedback and am interested in improving my writing. I'm also interested in meeting others who share my interests, so don't hesitate to reach out, please.

By Patrick -

Adam's life of slavery - CMNM Challenge - Chapter 4

Steve is sat on one of the sofas waiting for him. "All done?" asks Steve

"Yes Sir" replies Adam

"Any problems?"

"No Sir"

"Did you use a towel to dry yourself?"

Adam didn't want to lie "Yes I did Sir"

"Did I order you to use a towel?"

"No Sir. Sorry Sir. I thought it was ok Sir"

"You really must learn how to take instructions, don't you?!"

"Yes Sir" Adam says with his head bowed

"Well I will punish you later for that but for now it's time for challenge number three" Steve says as he sits forward in his chair with an evil grin. "For this challenge we're really going to test that tight arsehole of yours" as Steve glances over to the French doors. "This time we are playing for your shirts. You don't have many clothes left do we?" teased Steve

"No Sir" Adam replies with his head still bowed but his cock grows erect again "I fear I will be trying to get to my car and home completely naked. If I lose this challenge all I have left is my socks, Sir"

"Well let's see how you fare with this next challenge" grinned Steve "There are four dildo's fixed to a bench on the deck there. You need to sit down completely onto each one to pass the challenge. Now I have neighbours so I need you to be quiet outside. So I need to gag you again. Do you want my sock in your mouth again?"

"If Sir wishes it" Adam replies as his cock pulses with the excitement

"Or would you like my jock strap"

Adam glances up and grins up at Sir

"Let's make this a little games as well then" smiles Steve "I will flip a coin and if it lands on heads I will use my jock to gag you and if it lands on tails I will use my other gym sock but I will also take your socks out of the game. Which could mean this is the last challenge for your clothes. Are you game?"

"I'm game Sir" grinned Adam loving Steve evil games and secretly hoping he completely loses to Steve

Steve puts his hand into his pocket and pulls out a coin. He flicks it into the air and catches it and slaps it on the back of his hand. He looks at the coin and then down at Adam with a grin "Tails"

"Ok Sir, my socks are yours now" Adam tries to say it disappointedly but can't hide his enjoyment of been completely stripped of all his clothes. His cock twitches and jumps with anticipation.

Steve gets up and heads out of the room and comes back with his gym bag which he drops in front of Adam. "Find my other gym sock in there. Not the one that you've sucked clean mind you" chortles Steve as he heads to the chest again.

Adam rustles through Steve's gym bag and finds his shorts which he picks up and sniffs.

"Oi, did I say you could do that" Steve says with a smile "Blimey we really need to teach you some discipline"

"Sorry Sir. I couldn't resist"

"You are addicted to it already aren't you?"

"I am completely addicted to you Sir"

Steve laughs "have you ever been owned as a slave before?"

"No Sir but I have fantasies about it"

"Hmmm good to know" Steve grins as he comes back from the chest holding some leather straps "hands" Steve gestures Adam to raise his hands up. Steve then wraps and secures some leather wrist restraints onto Adams wrists. "Head up, you haven't earnt to wear my collar" as Steve remove the heavy rubber collar from Adam's neck. "Have you found the other sock?"

"Yes Sir" Adam replies as he holds up the Steve very smelly soiled sock

"Put it in your mouth" Adam does it slowly and shakes his head as the strong smell overcomes him again "Quickly boy" which speeds Adam up.

"Head up" as Steve wraps a leather head harness over his head with leather gag that wraps around Adam's chin and up to his nose. Completely holding the sock in his mouth. Steve tightens the buckles at the back of the head. "Hand behind you back again" as Steve locks a padlock to the wrist restraints.

"Comfy?" Steve asks

Adam nods his head and mumbles "Yes Sir"

"Follow me outside" as Steve heads out of the French doors onto the deck area in the garden. Adam can see a wooden bench in the middle of the deck area with four towels draped over 4 sticking up objects about equal distance apart but getting bigger. Steve walks over to the bench and picks up a bottle of lube from the table and squirts some into his hand and removes the first towel. A flesh colour dildo sits erect on the bench.

"Here is the first one" Steve explains as he lubes it up "an easy one for you to start off. It's only six inches" as Steve beckons Adam over to the bench. "I am only going to give you one minute for each one. Clocks ticking!"

Adam walks over the bench with it between his legs. He lines up his arse and lowers himself down on the first dildo. His eyes widen as the tip pushes into his arse but he does it and bends his legs down as the shaft of the dildo slides up inside him.

"Your balls and arse cheeks have got to be touching the bench" instructs Steve

Adam winces but he does it as he feels the rough wood of the bench touch his full ball and sore bottom.

"Good boy, first one down. Stay sat down whilst I prepare the next one for you" as Steve flick the next towel off the next dildo. It's a much bigger black dildo and is much thicker. "Now this one is eight inches and is more my size. So you better get used to this!" as Steve lubes it up with his hand but with his other hand he starts rubbing his own crotch. "Yes about the same size" Steve exclaims.

Adam can see Steve is getting hard in his trousers. He could tell Steve was well endowed by the growing bulge in Steve's trousers.

"On your marks... Go" Steve orders as he steps back to give Adam space to try dildo number two. Adam pulls himself off the first dildo and shuffles his feet to position himself over the next dildo. He pushes his arse hard against the large dildo but it slips and slides up his crack. Adam lets out a groan with his disappointment but he try again and goes harder and faster down on it. He makes a direct hit and it goes up inside him quicker than he expected. He lets out a muffled moan and his eye open as wide as they could. He catches his breathe and then pushes all eight inches deep inside him and is quickly met with the feeling of the rough wood against his bare flesh again.

"Well done lad" smirked Steve "Looks like that the perfect size for you" as Steve keeps rubbing his hard cock inside his trousers. "Ready for the next" and with a quick flick the other towel falls to the floor to show a massive thick clear gel type dildo with sculptured veins down the sides and a big helmet head.

Adam makes a groan sound and shakes his head as he looks down at the next massive dildo. Steve chuckles as he again lubes up the next dildo. "I will use a little extra lube for you. This one is twelve inches"smirks Steve "Ready, steady... GO!"

Adam just looks up at Steve whilst still sitting down on the eight inch dildo. "Don't let me down boy, you can at least try"

Adam pulls himself up and shuffles towards the dildo. The dildo is so much taller that Adam that he has to get up on his tiptoes to position himself over it. He then tries to get the tip to line up with his hole. But it keeps slide up his crack and missing his tight hole. Steve comes over "Let me help you" as he hold the dildo in position with one hand and the other on the shoulder of Adam. He pushes Adam's shoulder down to make Adam sit on the dildo. The dildo helmet pops suddenly into Adam's arsehole which makes Adam give out a muffled yelp.

"Come on lad, breath and lower yourself down" with Steve reassurance that he can do it. Adam gives it a go and pushes hard down on the dildo but can only get halfway. Giving muffled moans he looks to Steve and just shakes his head and drops his head down in failure.

"Ok boy. At least you tried and didn't just give up" Steve said disappointedly "Get yourself up"

Adam stands up and the ribbed dildo slides out with a moan from Adam as the large helmet end comes out.

"I don't think you would be able to do number four" as Steve reveals the last dildo. Which is a black fist type dildo which was at least eighteen inches long and as thick as Adam's arm. Adam makes moans of no way when he sees it. Which makes Steve chuckle more.

"Ok, come back inside" as Steve wipes Adam's arse clean of lube with one of the towels guiding him back inside.

Next: Chapter 5

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