Adams Life of Slavery

By Patrick

Published on Jul 27, 2023


This story is fiction about consensual sex, bondage, and BDSM between age (18+) boys and adult males. If it is illegal to read such material in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the legal age to do so, please exit this site immediately.

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NOTE TO READERS: I am interested in feedback, so please send comments, questions, story ideas, and information about what worked/didn't work to me directly. I'd love that feedback and am interested in improving my writing. I'm also interested in meeting others who share my interests, so don't hesitate to reach out, please.

By Patrick -

Adam's life of slavery - CMNM Challenge - Chapter 3

When he returns Adam is still in the same position but has his hands are now cupping is sore caned bottom. "Time for your next challenge young man" Steve said with a loud commanding voice to wake Adam up from his contemplation.

Adam pulls himself up from the table still holding on the his sore buttocks with Steve's smelly jock strap over his face "Yes Sir I am ready"

"Hand to your side" orders Steve

Adam drops his hands to his side and stands up straight. Steve gentle slaps Adam's semi-hard cock which catches him off guard as he's partly blindfolded by the jock strap. The slap brings Adam's cock to full hardness. "You are a horny bugger aren't you?!"Steve jokes "Right let me have my jock back. If you're good I will let you have it back again." As Steve pulls his jock off Adam's head and drops it back in the bag "Right, follow me"

"Yes Sir"

"I imagine you're a little thirsty after that" Steve quips as they walk back up the hallway and up the stairs. "Well the next challenge should sort that out"

Steve leads them into the bathroom. Which is a nice modern bathroom with a tiled floor and with a separate bath and shower and a toilet and sink at the far end under a window. "Kneel down in front of the toilet" Steve orders

Adam did as ordered. Steve then took out the handcuffs again and locked one end onto Adam's right wrist. "Bend over the toilet so your hands touch each other around the back of the toilet" Adam did as he was told and Steve locked his left wrist to the handcuffs. Adam was now lock to the toilet on his knees facing the bowl. Steve lift the seat and Adam looks down at the toilet. It looked pretty clean apart from two yellow piss blobs on the rim at the top and a couple of piss run marks down the sides on the outside which had collect at the base as dried yellow piss.

"Challenge number two" Steve started "You're going to be my piss boy toilet cleaner. And this is for your trousers. But first I need a piss. Get your head deep into the bowl" Adam did as Steve said. The smell of piss and chlorine from the water filled his nose. He look down on the shimmering water at the bottom of the toilet and waited. He could hear Steve unzip his flies. Adam want to turn around and see his cock but he did as he had been ordered and held his head in the position deep inside the toilet bowl looking down at the water at the bottom of the toilet.

He then felt the warm stream hit the back of his head. The piss started to run through his hair, down his neck and across his face. He closed his eyes as the shower of piss gushed over his head. He breathed deep and was filled with the strong odour of piss. The torrent of piss kept raining down over Adam's head.

"I made sure I drank plenty before you came over. I've got one full bladder" chuckled Steve. The stream of piss was didn't seem to want to relented and it was only after a good minute that the stream paused, as Steve squeezed out the last few burst of piss over Adam.

As Steve zipped up his trouser Adam started to lift his head up in a hope to get a glimpse of Steve's cock. But he was quickly told off "Oi, did I tell you to get up!" followed by Steve's shoe pushing his head into the bowl so that's Adam's nose and face went into the piss water at the bottom. Steve held his foot there whilst he finished zipping up. He then lifted his foot off "Don't you bloody move away again!" he scowled.

"Ok this time you've only got 3 minutes to complete your challenge and this is for your trousers. Same rules apply. If you fail to complete it in the time you will never see your trousers again. You need to clean this toilet spotless and you are only allowed to use your tongue. I don't use bleach bathroom cleaners on this loo so you're completely safe. Now get your head deeper into that bowl" Adam pushes his face into the piss water and deep into the bowl. Steve then drops the loo seat over Adam, which bangs against his shoulders and plunging him into partial darkness.

"When I flush the loo the clock start" and with that Steve pushes down the flush button and Adam suddenly showered in toilet water. Adam tries to pull his head out of the waterfall of toilet water but there is resistance on the toilet seat. Once the toilet stopped flushing he could feel the resistance release from the toilet seat. Adam pushes his head up trying to get the loo seat to sit up but it keeps falling back down on him.

"One minute" as Steve counts down

Adam then shuffles closer to the toilet and gets it to stay up. He quickly surveys the area and sees that with his head been in the bowl and been pissed on. That Steve's piss had sprayed all over the sides and onto the tile floor beside. No time to waste he thinks to himself and gets to work. Runs his tongue around the top rim licking up all the fresh piss. He looks back at the area he's done and the two yellow blobs are still there.

He opens wide and sucks his mouth over one of the blobs, pulls back and see it has worked. He swallows the disgusting old piss and works on the other. Success he thinks to himself.

"Two minutes. Only one more minute, boy"

Adam slides away from the toilet and strains against the handcuffs so he can get his head and mouth down to the outside sides of the toilets that have got the old piss run mark and now also fresh now runs of piss. He can get to the top parts but with the handcuffs he just can't get his head to get to the base of the toilet.

"Times up" cheered Steve pleased that yet again Adam had failed his impossible challenge "You've failed yet again. You have got all the bottom bit here" Steve points the areas that Adam would have never reached "and here all over the floor. This is all your mess again" chuckles Steve. "And you didn't even attempt the loo seat itself. Nor give the actual inside of the bowl a clean. I am very disappoint with your efforts boy"

Steve then leans over to the handcuffs and releases Adam's left wrist. Adam pulls his arms from behind the loo and kneels up.

"Right hand" barks Steve as Adam raises it up for Steve to get easy access.

Once the handcuffs are removed Adam rubs his wrist where the cuffs pressed against his wrists.

"You might have failed but you still need to finish the job boy. Come on get on with it"

Adam's head drops as he know he must do as he is told. He can now get his head right to the base and he licks and sucks the old and fresh piss. The stench is intoxicating but he does it. He then lick the floor with piss clean. Once he is finished he looks back at Steve for approval.

"Hmm I suppose that will do. Stay kneeling there I need to get somethings for your punishment" as Steve leaves the bathroom and heads downstairs.

Adam waits for Steve to return whilst he trying to swallow away all the yucky old piss taste out of his mouth. He hears Steve's footsteps come back up the stairs.

Steve comes back in the room with a bucket which is full of something. "Time to get you cleaned up and to punish you. Come into the shower cubicle and kneel down." Adam gets up and heads into the shower "Face the wall" which Adam does. "Hands behind your back again" Adam complies and swiftly gets locked in the handcuffs again.

There is a rustle from the bucket that Steve has brought up with him. "Head up" orders Steve. As he puts a big heavy rubber collar around Adam's neck and buckles it around the back. A sound of a chain been pulled out of the bucket and sure enough there it is in front of Adam's eyes. Steve clips the chain to Adam's collar and wraps the chain around the back of the shower taps pulling Adam's face towards the wall of the shower and locks it in place.

"Have you ever used poppers before?" Steve asks

"Yes many times Sir" Adam replies

"Good as it will help"

"Help Sir?" quizzes Adam

"Yes it will" chuckles Steve and more rustling in the bucket goes on behind Adam. Steve then hooks up what looks like a bag to the side wall off the shower high above Adam's head. There is a hose coming from the bag. More goings on behind Adam who is unable to see what Steve is preparing for Adam. Then Adam feels Steve's hand rubs around his arsehole. His hand is covered in lube and massages the outside and then slides his finger in. Lubricating Adam's tight hole.

"Ok, deep breath now" as Steve pins one of Adam's nostrils shut with his finger whilst in his hand he holds an open bottle of poppers under the other nostril. Adam takes two deep breathes in and then Steve swaps nostrils and Adam takes two more. "Now here it comes lad" as Adam feels Steve push a rubber butt plug into his arsehole. The popper are making the blood thump around Adam's head and making him feel giddy with its powerful fumes. It takes his mind of the firm pushing of the butt plug up inside him and before he know it, it's all the way in. Sitting nice and snug.

"Good boy, are you ok?" checked Steve

"Yesss Sirrr!" Gushed Adam "I want that to be your cock Sir" head still swimming from the effects of the poppers.

"You have to earn that!" teased Steve "Have you ever had an enema before?"

"No Sir"

"Well you are about to have one. As I said we needed to get you clean and that means inside and out" laughed Steve "You will feel full and have the urge to push it out but don't. I want you to hold it in as long as possible"

"I will do whatever you want Sir"

With that Steve went to the bath and filled the bucket with water. He then comes back with the full bucket. "Let's get you showered" as Steve reaches over and turns the shower on. Cold water pours over Adam's head making him jump.

"Argh! It's cold Sir! Please turn on the hot water Sir"

"Hot water is for Sir's; young man" Steve replied with a deep demanding voice "only cold showers for you"

"Ok Sir. Sorry I questioned you Sir. Thank you for the cold shower Sir. I am very lucky Sir" Adam quickly replied in fear of upsetting Steve

"I can warm you up" Steve replied as he reaches over Adam and clips some heavy duty nipple clamps to each of Adam's erect nipples. The chain adjoining them dangles around his belly. Which swings and tugs on his nipples as the water from the shower hits it.

Adam makes a moaning sound but does not protest.

"Now let's fill you up" as Steve pours the water into the bag hung to the side wall. Adam starts to feel the warm water fill him up inside. The comparison of the cold water that was relentless pour over his head and body with the warmer water coming inside him heightens the feeling. "Well done. That's one load, let's get a bit more inside you" as Steve pours more water into the bag.

"Ok young man, you can stay in the shower till I am satisfied that you are clean" as Steve walks out of the bathroom but leaves the door open.

The cold water makes Adam's body shiver but the pain from his nipples and the warm water filling him up from inside keeps him distracted whilst he waits for Steve to return. Steve comes back in "Have you showered enough?" Steve asks

"If Sir thinks so" Adam replies through chattering teeth. Not wanting to challenge Steve.

"Ok" as Steve switches the shower off. He unlocks and removes the cuffs and unclips the chain from the collar and releases the nipple clamps. "Ok the next bit you need to do by yourself" Steve explain "Go over to the loo with the enema bag, remove the plug and empty yourself. You are not allowed to use the loo seat. Loo seats are for Sir's, you must only sit on the rim of the seat. If you think you need more cleaning there is a douche in the bucket. I want you completely clean. Put everything back in the bucket and when you're finished come back downstairs to the living room and kneel down in your spot in front of the fireplace. Understand?"

"Yes Sir"

Steve makes his way out of the bathroom to leave Adam to get himself clean and ready for Steve. Adam then hovers himself over the toilet rim with the seat up, as ordered by Steve. Pulls out the butt plug trying to keep his arsehole clenched to hold the water in. He then sits down on the cold porcelain rim and pushes out all the water. He wants to make sure he's completely clean, he gives himself a few goes with the douche. He soaps up his hand and gives his arse a good thorough clean. He dries himself off with one of the towel hanging up on the radiator.

He tidies up the bathroom to make sure he leave it clean as before for Steve to try and avoid any extra punishments and heads downstairs to where Steve told him to report to.

Next: Chapter 4

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