Adams Life of Slavery

By Patrick

Published on Jul 27, 2023


This story is fiction about consensual sex, bondage, and BDSM between age (18+) boys and adult males. If it is illegal to read such material in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the legal age to do so, please exit this site immediately.

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NOTE TO READERS: I am interested in feedback, so please send comments, questions, story ideas, and information about what worked/didn't work to me directly. I'd love that feedback and am interested in improving my writing. I'm also interested in meeting others who share my interests, so don't hesitate to reach out, please.

By Patrick -

Adam's life of slavery - CMNM Challenge - Chapter 1

"Turn right and you have reached your destination" went the sat-nav as Adam turns the car off the main road onto the quiet suburban cul-de-sac road lined with quaint middle class terrace house. Cars are parked tightly all the way up the road. Adam drives to the end in hope that there will be a space at the end of the road; no such luck. He sees No. 42 at the top right-hand corner of the cul-de-sac. Adam heart starts to race as the moment he's been fantasising about for so long is about to come a reality. He stops the car and puts it in reverse and drives the car backwards down the road. With every car length he drives the pit in his stomach gets bigger. He know the further away he has to park the car is going to make it more of a challenge for him later. There is one small space near the corner to the main road. He has no choice but to park his car there. After several manoeuvres he squeezes his car into the tight spot.

He turns the car off and takes his keys out of the ignition. He takes a deep breath to try and ease his anxiety and calm the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Come Adam, you want this!" he says to himself and with that he gets out of the car and locks the door. He looks down to the main road as cars drive past. There seems to be no break in the cars along the main road. He then looks around at the houses on the road. Plenty of lights are on and curtains are drawn. He can't see anyone looking out of the windows but he does have the feeling of been overlooked. He sighs "well this is the challenge I wanted" he mutters to himself.

It is a warm summer's night. The sun has set and dusk is properly setting in. The street lights have come on. The road only has 3 street lights. He eyes up the dark spots between the lights as he walks up the road. The busy road behind him gets quieter and quieter as he walks towards No. 42 and his heart beat gets louder and louder. He comes to the gate of No. 42 and pushes it open and walks up the path to the front door. "No turning back now!" as he pushes the doorbell. He hears it chime behind the door.

The door opens with Steve standing there. He looks just like the photos that he had sent Adam. He's taller than Adam, about 6ft. He has short dark hair with just a few specks of silver coming through. His dark brown eyes have a naughty glint in them. He's wearing a tight black T-shirt that shows off his muscles. I can tell he likes to keep fit. He smiles down at Adam "Good you're here. I was worried you might chicken out".

"No way!" Adam defended "I have been wanting this for too long to chicken out. I am nervous though" as Adam looks down the body of this powerful man stood before him.

"Let's get started straight away then Adam" commanded Steve "Come in" and Steve steps aside to let Adam into the hallway.

Adam steps through the doorway and into the hallway. Steve closes the door behind him. "Right, take your shoes off and put your keys, phone and anything else into this bowl" Steve points towards a wood bowl on a hall table beside them. Adam quickly kicks off his shoes and drops his car keys into the bowl and takes his phone out of his pocket and presses firmly down on the power button. The phone plays it's shutting down music and the screen goes dark and Adam drops it in the bowl with his keys. "Anything else?" asks Steve

"No" Adam replies "I left everything else in the car"

"No SIR!" Steve says back to Adam with a look of discontent

"Sorry Sir" Adam quickly replies

"Good, let's keep it that way" Steve orders "Right follow me" as Steve walks down the hallway towards a back room. They walked into his sitting room which has two black leather sofas, an open fire place with a large TV beside it. There are French doors that lead onto a deck area and garden that is lit up with outdoor spot lighting. "Stand there" points Steve at a spot in the centre of the room in front of the fireplace. Adam does as he is told and stands to attention on the spot. Steve then walks around Adam slowly. Adam tries to stand still but the nerves get the better of him and his hands shake a little. Steve notices and chuckles to himself.

"Do you like what you see?" asks Adam

"Always address me as Sir" Steve barks and with that he gives Adam's butt a firm slap

Adam lets out a yelp as he loses his balance from his spot "Sorry Sir. Does Sir like what he sees?" as Adam gets himself back into position.

"That's better. Yes you have potential" as Steve square up in front of Adam and looks deep into his eye "Now strip boy!"

Adam knew this was coming but the order still caught him off guard. But he quickly followed the order. He unbuttons his shirt and pulls his arms out of the sleeves and pulls the shirt off his shoulders. Steve casts his eyes over Adam smooth bare chest. Adam is slim with not too much muscle, just how Steve likes his boys. Adam drops the shirt to the wooden floor.

"Don't just drop it on the floor boy. You're making my place look a mess. Fold it properly and put it in that box" Steve points with his eyes towards a big wooden chest beside the fireplace.

Adam picks the shirt up and goes to the big heavy chest and opens it. Adam looks inside and sees ropes, chains, handcuffs, sex toys and leather items which he can't make out what they are. It's very ordered in the chest and can tell Steve like things to have its place. There is a clear space for his clothes to go, so Adam folds his shirts and places it in the clear spot in the chest. He then undoes his belt and takes his trousers off and starts to fold them to go into the chest.

"Take the belt off the trousers" orders Steve

Adam slides the belt off his trousers and rolls the belt up and places that beside his shirt. Then folds his trousers and place them into the chest. He then pulls each sock off and rolls one over the other to make a sock ball and place them into the chest.

Adam turns to face Steve in just his baggy boxer shorts. His excitement of the situation showing in his boxer shorts. His cock had been growing every second he got closer to been completely naked in front of Steve. It was now at full erection and raising his boxer shorts right up. Steve's gaze had not left Adam and he could see everything. "Get them off now" ordered Steve.

Adam slide his boxer shorts over his hard cock and then let them drop to his ankles. He stood there for a good time to let Steve enjoy every moment. He then stepped out of his boxer shorts and folded them and place them into the chest and closed the lid back. He turned and stood back in the spot Steve had directed before.

Steve then walks past Adam and towards the chest. He pulls out a key from his pocket and locks the chest and comes back to stand in front of Adam again. "I very much doubt you're going to see those clothes again" Steve smirked. Steve then starts to run his hand over Adam's bare smooth chest and down to his belly button and towards his hard erect cock. Adams had quite a bush of pubic hairs and as Steve's fingers reach them suddenly grabs a bunch of the hairs and pulls on them. "I like my boys smooth, shaved and trimmed!"

Adam looks down at his feet "Sorry Sir. I don't want to disappoint Sir"

"Well that is easily solved. Don't move!" Steve orders as he walks out of the room

Adam keeps still and looks down at his bush of pubic hairs "I should have trimmed them" he mutters to himself

Steve returns to the room with a pair clippers in his hand and a disposable razor. "Time to say goodbye to that thick bush boy" as Steve flicks the on button of the clipper and a buzzing sound fills the room. Steve then grabs Adam hard cock and pulls it towards him and then glides the clippers along Adam flesh down to the base of his cock. Adam pubic hair fall to the floor and he is soon left with no pubic hairs as Steve shaves the area to grade 1.

"Arms up!" orders Steve "As I suspected, you haven't taken care there as well" the clippers make quick work of any armpit hair. "Arms down" as Steve surveys Adams arms. Adam is pretty much naturally smooth but does have hairy forearms. Steve grabs Adams left hand and the clippers glide over his arms leaving a smooth path behind. He then take his right hand and does the same.

"Right, stand on the coffee table" Steve directs. Adam step up onto the big old solid table. Steve runs his hands down Adams legs and tuts to himself. The clippers soon follow and in no time at all his leg hairs are removed and Steve switches of the clippers and silence comes over the room again.

Steve then gets the razor and grabs Adam's hard cock again he shaves the shaft and his balls. "Turn around, bend over and pull your arse cheeks apart". Adam did as he was told. Steve couldn't resist letting out a "Mmmm" of delight when he examined Adam tight arse hole. "Have you ever been fucked boy?" quizzed Steve.

"I have Sir but not for a long time. So I am very tight Sir"

"Good" as Steve removes and hairs in Adam's arse crack. "Right, I expect you to keep yourself smooth like this; understand?"

"Yes Sir" says Adam defiantly

"Good, now let's start with your first challenge" as Steve makes his way back to the chest and unlocks it and pulls out a set of handcuffs. "Hands behind your back" Steve commands and quickly locks Adam's hands behind his back.

"So boy, if you want your clothes back you are going to have to complete challenges I set. Your first challenge will be for your boxer shorts"

Adam and Steve had discussed this beforehand but with Steve reiterating the rules again made Adam's cock pulsed with excitement and pre-cum started to pearl at the head of his throbbing cock.

"You have made a mess of my living room with all your body hair. You have 5 minutes to clear it up and you are not allowed to use any implements to help you. If I find one hair left behind your boxer shorts are mine and you will never get them back?"

"But Sir, how I am going to do that? You've locked my hands behind my back. Do you expect me to lick up the hairs?"

"Well that's one way" grinned Steve "5 minutes from now" as Steve makes a note of the time on his watch.

Adam hops down from the tables and tries to get onto his knees without falling over. He bends down to where the big pile of pubic and body hair is scattered on the hardwood floor. He try to bend down to get his face to the floor but without his hand to support him he falls flat on his face into the pile of pubic hairs. He pulls himself a bit and then starts licking the floor clean. Hairs fill his mouth. He regrets not shaving beforehand even more now.

"1 minute" Steve counts

Adam works as fast as he can slide around on the floor lick every part he can get to

"2 minutes" as Steve give him a kick up the arse and knock Adam face first onto the floor again like a sprawled mess. "Chop! Chop! Boy!"

Adam then coughs as his mouth is full on hairs, whilst he struggles to getting back onto his knees

"3 minutes. You'll never come into my house again with body hair again will you! My boys must be shaved from the neck down!"

Adam pull himself up onto his knees and looks down his naked smooth body and can see the trimmed hairs have stuck to his body from where he's fallen into them.

"4 minutes" Steve chuckles "you've got only a minute left and you haven't even made a start on the arse hairs on the table

Adam shuffles on the floor to the table which is scattered with leg hairs and pubic arse hairs. He knows he has no chance of winning the challenge but he want to please Sir so sticks his tongue out and give the table as many long licks as he can in the time he has left.

"5 minutes. Times up!" Steve smirks "You've done a terrible job at clearing up your mess. No question about it, absolute fail. Not only do you never get your boxers back but you must carry out a forfeit punishment! But first do a proper job at clearing up" as Steve walks out of the room to return with a dustpan and brush which he places on the table.

"Turn around, I will release your hands so you can clear up" as Steve removes the handcuffs.

As soon as his hands are free Adam is picking out hairs from his mouth but doesn't take too long as he can tell by Steve's look he doesn't look impressed. He picks up the dustpan and brush and makes sure he sweeps up every last hair.

"Empty it in the bin" Steve directs as he points to the small bin in the corner of the room. As Adam heads to the bin Steve puts the handcuffs back in the chest and pulls out a neatly coiled white rope and locks the chest back up.

Next: Chapter 2

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