Adam Zach and Bsb


Published on Aug 3, 1999


Legal Note: Plese don't read this if you are under the age of 18 years or the particular age of permission where ever you live.The story below is in all parts fictional. All portayal of the Backstreet Boys and other persons mentioned is in no way based on fact. All other characters are completely fictional. All names, songs, events, and other liscensed material remains so. Thank you.

To my readers, still no sex. Now you might be asking yourself, isn't this an Erotic stories archive? Sorry guys. Maybe part 6. Still looking for comments, suggestions and hypotheses on the plot. Special thanks, again, to Matt. Write me at Enjoy!


Part 5

By the time we got to the Plaza, it was about four o'clock. We checked in, tipped the bell boy, and found our room on the eighth floor. It was large room, with two full size beds, a sitting room, a bathroom and a whirlpool. I told Zach more about the conversation I had had with AJ.

"It was so surreal. I was such a dork, too..." I whined.

"Stop torturing yourself. Maybe after the concert we'll be able to hang out with them, and you'll feel better about yourself, huh?" Zach was trying in vain to make me feel better.

"You know, my head still hurts. I should sue Denny's..."

"For what?"

"Good point."

"Look, let's go out to dinner. I need to call up a few friends to let them know we're here and they can come with us. You'll feel better-you haven't eaten anything all day. I know this great Thai place around the corner-only a few blocks away. I'll call right now and get reservations. Jenna and Leslie will be excited to see us again." Zach pleaded in vain.

Jenna and Leslie were these two girls from Anslem's Cross who had rented a flat in the city for the summer. Jenna has always had a crush on me-I only know because she's told me several times. I don't have the heart to tell her I'm gay. Or the courage. Leslie and Zach have always been good friends, and something imperceptible made of sexual tension has lasted through the years between them. In short, this was not a pair, especially with a single Zach, I wanted to hang out with. I opted out. "Zach-my head hurts. I think I'm just gonna veg out and go to bed early, if that's all right with you?"

"Yeah, its fine. I'll tell the girls Hi for you. Make sure you put ice on that bump. I'll be back before midnight. Okay?"

"Mm-hmm. See you tomorrow morning."

"Later." Zach called the girls and left to meet them at five in Rockefeller Center. The suite was quiet. I flipped on the TV. I went past a few movies, lots of commercial, lots of sitcoms. Nothing held my interest.

I turned off the TV and pulled my journal and a pen out of my back-pack. I sat in the chair next to the window and began to write.

`I found you past a door

but instead of passing through,

I fell.

Your paper trail surrounds me-

The posters, magazines, TV shows.

In this one-sided obsession,

I aspire to look for more.'

Underneath it, I wrote `To Kevin' and underlined it twice. I closed my journal. I was in the type of mood to sit in a big apple coffee shop and write more. I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I got a little carried away, and my white t-shirt got all wet. I unpacked a light green long sleeved collared linen shirt that I rolled up messily to my elbows. It looked nice with my khakis. I surveyed myself, ran my fingers through my hair, and left the suite.

I walked for much longer than I had planned and ended up in an Italian coffee shop called Figaro in the Village. I sat in a corner where I could watch the people pass by on the street. It was about six in the evening so people were leaving their jobs or going out to eat. It seemed like everyone had a partner, or at least a friend. I was feeling incredibly sorry for myself.

I sipped my coffee, black, the only way I like it when I'm this depressed, and watched the minutes quickly slip away. I took out my journal, but I didn't really have any sort of inspiration at all. I day dreamed and stared into the hedges of sky scrapers outside. Kevin was really this untouchable being. My worst fear was not that he was straight. If he was straight, so be it. But-if he was gay, and attached-or didn't like me or something-I knew I would freak.

Finally, I decided it was time to head back to the hotel-it was nearly eight. I passed through the doors and began to walk back. I walked for about half an hour-I got lost and found myself in the middle of Chelsea. Chelsea was an area in the city-it used to be all very industrial and dead-but lately, a lot of art galleries had been popping up. After looking for a taxi and not finding one, I decided to duck into one of the galleries to either spend some time-I enjoy most art-or call a taxi.

I found a gallery a few doors down. I entered. I didn't see anyone, or a phone for that matter, so I went into the first chamber of the gallery. It was a small screening room with wide carpet covered benches inside. The projector was playing a solid purple screen that blinked off and on occasionally.

There was someone else in the theater, sitting on one end of the bench about twenty feet away. They were sitting against the wall, their knees near their chin. "Hello?" I said, to the figure. There was no answer.

After a few beats, "Hey," he, (evidently a he), said.

Just then, the film stopped and the lights flipped on. There, sitting so close, was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. There was Kevin Richardson. My brain screamed and my adrenaline started pumping. I composed myself and said, "What's up?" in the most casual voice I could muster.

"Not much," the god spoke. "I'm Kevin," he smiled and raised his eyes to meet mine.

"Hi-I'm Adam," I said, not taking my eyes from his beautiful, sexy blue-eyed stare. "Nice to meet you. I saw you at Denny's today-in Pennsylvania?" I said. I saw you at Denny's today? I saw you at Denny's today? What the hell is wrong with me.

"You aren't the guy who fell, are you?" he asked.

"The one and only, unfortunately," I admitted.

"Cool. AJ said you were really nice."

"Did he?"

"Yeah. We all actually wanted to meet you, but then you left. I don't blame you though. It looked like a nasty fall. What happened, anyway?"

What was I supposed to say? "The chair slipped, I think," I lied.

"Really? That's terrible. Well look, I gotta go and meet the guys in the suites, but I'll see you after the concert, right?"

"Right-which hotel are you staying at-I mean, if you don't mind me asking, I'd understand if-"

"No, you seem like a nice guy. The Plaza."

"Really? Me too." I seemed like a nice guy to Kevin? I sighed with joy under my breath.

"You're welcome to share my limo."

"Thanks." I screamed inside-I'm going to be in the same enclosed space as Kevin!!

"Do you wanna hang out with the guys and I tonight? We're just staying in the rooms, I know that sounds boring, but if you want to..."

"Yeah, that'd be sweet." oh my gosh. Hanging out with The Backstreet Boys. Can I handle it? Well, I'd certainly like to try.

Kevin called his chauffeur on his cell phone, and we waited on the street for about five minutes. It drew up-a normal black number. Kevin opened the door for me and I got in. Inside, it was nice, but a little messy. There were magazines, CDs and fan letters sprawled across the floor and in the pockets behind the two front seats.

"We try to keep up on long car trips. Normally, we have the tour bus, but since the Fourth concert isn't part of a tour, the bus is parked somewhere in Michigan getting re-done until the U.S. tour starts in September. We went up in three limos-B-rok and I shared this one. Sorry about the mess."

"Its fine-don't worry about it. You actually read your fan mail?" I asked, gesturing to the open envelopes.

"Yeah, when we can. They're sorta boring, but they sure do build up your ego. We get a lot of marriage proposals, pictures, lip-stick kisses. A few are interesting, though. Like-I just read this one-" Kevin held up a light blue envelope. "I really wish I could meet this guy-he sounds sincere. I really admire that." I scanned the envelope, uninterested. Then I saw the handwriting of Kevin Richardson'-and it was mine. Below, was the address, which wasn't my handwriting-it was Zach's. I made up my mind to kill him. A few months ago, I had written a faux letter to Kevin, professing my love to him. It hadn't been written to be sent. Zach must have seen it on my desk and figured I just forgot the address and stamp and mailed it. I panicked, but then remembered I had only signed it A.' There was no way Kevin would figure out it was me. I was a little relieved when I noticed Kevin was looking at me funny. "Buddy-are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a headache left over from the fall," another lie.

"Oh-okay. I have some great meds in the room for that if you want-they're specially made for us so we can perform worry-free."

"That's sounds cool." I realized that we had arrived somewhere. "Where are we?"

"This is a service entrance of the hotel. Its good to avoid screaming fans at all costs."

"Yeah," I agreed, guiltily. What about ones that find you in art galleries, Kevin?

We entered and found the service elevator. There was a handyman already in it."Aren't you from some band?" he asked.

Here we go, I thought.

"The Backstreet Boys. Nice to meet you. I'm Kevin. This is my friend Adam."

"Likewise-I'm Ned. My little girl Julia has posters of you all over her wall. Would you mind signing something for her?"

"Not at all." Kevin pulled out postcard-sized picture of the guys, and signed on the back with a Sharpie, `To Julia: XOXO, Kevin.' Kevin handed it to Ned, and smiled. The elevator arrived at the fifth floor. "Tell your little girl I said Hello! "Kevin said, exiting. To me he said, "This is our floor. Welcome." He smiled that sexy smile and I felt warm inside and a little light headed. "Come on, I'll intro you to the others."

I followed him and swooned every other second. He was wearing tight but not too tight indigo jeans and a gray heather t-shirt. He had such a sexy ass. I watched his nicely formed back muscles move under the cotton as he swung his arms at his side. Not only was he built and handsome, he was well-mannered and kind. We reached a door at the end of the hallway.

"This is Nick's room." Kevin knocked. "Nick, you in there? There's a guy I want you to meet." There was rustling from the inside.

"Coming!" Nick yelled. Soon, he appeared, wearing a pine green warm-up suit. "Hey," Nick greeted, titling his head up a little as he said it. "What's up? I'm Nick."

"Nice to meet you-I'm Adam-" I returned.

"Adam's the one who fell in Denny's..."Kevin offered.

"Oh, are you all right???" Nick asked, concerned.

"Yeah-I'm fine."

"We were worried about you. You just left. That's why Kevin sent AJ to see if you were all right."

"Oh," I said. Kevin had wanted to know if I was all right. Kevin Richardson. I felt light-headed again. "Let's go meet Howie, Brian and AJ, O.K.? Nice meeting you Nick!" I said.

"Anytime you want to play N64, let me know, Adam.

"Absolutely!" I yelled. Kevin nodded and we turned down the hallway to another door. It was open.

"This is Brian's room," Kevin gestured inside. Brian, in a t-shirt, jeans, and vest, was sitting on a couch watching True Lies. "Hey cuz!" Kevin said.

Brian looked up and smiled that huge smile of his. "Hey! What's up? Where've you been?"

"I went down to Chelsea to some of the galleries. Look who I found?"

Brian sized me up skeptically, "The guy from Denny's?"

"You are correct, sir. Meet Adam, formerly `the guy who fell down in Denny's'"

"Nice to meet you, guy. So what's up? Where you from? Why are you in the city?"

"You too," I said. I was a little ticked at having been id'ed by my single most embarrassing moment ever, but I was happy anyway. "Uh-not much. D.C. Vacation."

"Very cool man. If you don't mind I'm gonna get back to that movie. You're welcome to watch it with me, if you want."

"Actually," Kevin said, "we're gonna go see D and AJ, k?" I nodded. "Later, cuz."

"Nice meeting you," I added. We walked further down the hall to Howie's room.

"Monsieur Dorough, we have a visitor!" Kevin said into the door.

"Coming, Train." Howie yelled from inside. He opened the door. AJ was there too. We talked for a little while, about music, about D.C., about New York, and the concert. I realized it was almost midnight. We'd been talking for two hours! I'd had a really really long day and I realized I was extremely tired. I told the guys this.

"Go to bed, but will you meet us in the morning for breakfast, around ten?" Howie asked. "You really clicked with us and its hard to make friends on the road."

I accepted and they gave me the directions of how to get to the banquet room they were forced to have the meals in due to the fans outside. As I left, Kevin put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Good night. Thanks for hanging out." He smiled, withdrew his hand and I exploded on the inside.

Deliriously happy, I went back to the regular elevator and went up to my room. Surprisingly, Zach was already asleep, the TV on a test signal. I really wanted to wake him up to tell him about my night, but he looked exhausted and I thought better of it.Tomorrow would be soon enough.

Next: Chapter 4: Adam Zach and Bsb 6 7

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