Adam Zach and Bsb


Published on Feb 1, 2000


Legal Note: Please don't read this if you are under the age of 18 years or the particular age of permission where ever you live. The story below is in all parts fictional. All portrayal of the Backstreet Boys and other persons mentioned is in no way based on fact. All other characters are completely fictional. All names, songs, events, and other licensed material remain so. Thank you.

Okay guys, here's the deal. I'm getting tired of this story, so this is the end. Don't fret however, cuz there will be a spin off story starting in mid to late February. Please send any suggestions, comments or critiques to

A super-size thank you to these two chaps:

Jeff, an always awesome friend type figure who's good at advice and conversation. DLS, a friend who's been absent for a while, but who I'm unbelievably glad is back. Both of these guys have seen this story through and I cannot thank them enough.

Also, thanks to Nifty, for creating a forum to post this junk.

And last, but not least, thanks to you oh-so-dedicated readers. You've seen me through the thin times, and are unbelievably patient even if it doesn't seem like it when my life gets hectic. THANKS!

Read and Enjoy!

Respectfully Yours, EG

Albany is cold this winter, snow drifts blasting on to the hotel windows in great sheaves. We just arrived for the charity show that will go on tomorrow night. But tonight is Valentine's Day.

It seems like years since I met the boys, years since I worked in the diner. It feels like I have known Kevin all my life. I know his moods, his contours, his smile. And he knows mine. We've found this love in the mist of the storm of complications.

The mystery men: Al and his whole crew, have fled the country to avoid prosecution in American courts. But we're not really about revenge. As long as they stay out of our lives, its just fine.

I think it was hardest on AJ when we found out Amanda had been part of the whole fiasco. New England dancer my ass. Turns out she was a two-bit writer from Miami trying to get a story. We had to get an injunction to keep her from publishing the book, and if she does, she face major fines and possibly jail. She was gonna call it "My Breakfast with a Backstreet Boy: Out of the Closet and Eating Pancakes." I gagged when I heard that. AJ felt betrayed, and took two week vacation in Bordeaux on Kevin's and my suggestion. Nicola and Luc took good care of him, and at the end of it he was ready to get back on the job.

Its no surprise Rocky, the taxi driver, was also part of this chain of fools. Looking back, I stupidly overlooked his "coincidental" appearances. After all, it was a confusing time. He knew who I was the whole time, and no doubt he got richly paid every time he took my fare. I have been told he is presently in Cuba, working under Castro for the release of Elian Gonzales.

Guy was the most obvious member, whom I had suspected during Howie's birthday, but then forgotten. He was the familiar roadie at the MCI Center, and also the man fighting with Zach on the catwalk. He had been trying to unfasten the score board/ monitor above the stage which would have shattered both the set, and probably the Boys. When Zach saw him ascend the ladder he ran followed, and subsequently attempted to hinder him. Although Guy alluded Zach and the interior guards, luckily policemen apprehended him outside the building. Unfortunately, although he was arrested, he escaped and most likely fled the country with his associates.

As it turned out, Sean was never killed. Rather, it was an elaborate scheme to oust the Boys out of the charts and onto the tabloids. Sean and his whole crew, including Andrew, who we had previously trusted, were being paid richly by a multitude of publishing mavens to get the story. They added all the drama to spice up the story. Fortunately for all of us, he failed. A good, honest man named Peyton Hirsch has taken over the job and is doing wonderfully. All the Boys regard him as a paternal figure.

I politely resigned my media job, and now I'm working full time for the boys. I coordinate interviews and appearances from town to town, and it looks like we'll be doing a new video this spring. Andrew told me I had a good shot at executive producer if I keep up the good work in p.r. Its a busy schedule, but it gives me the semblance of my own life, rather than just riding on the coattails of Kevin's.

My parents and I keep in touch via phone, which is all we ever did anyway, so it's no big deal. They are, however, getting at me to start college next semester, which I think I might. I won't be able to work for the Boys all my life, and I'd like to have a degree as support.

Zach and Nick are doing well, and keeping a lot to themselves. We don't mind, because they need time to build up their relationship. Zach's also receiving pressure from his parents to go to school. In fact, this very subject has fueled many an argument. On night, in the midst of such a fight, Zach told his parents he was gay. That shut them up. After some time, they seemed to forget about school and just wanted to make sure he knew they still loved and supported him just the same. Zach's happy they just don't bring up college.

There will always be a million loose ends-a million questions that I'll drive myself crazy with if I ever attempt to answer them. The important thing now is that I'm with Kevin.

As tonight is Valentine's Day, he and I are hiding out in the room. I just got back from the common room, cheering up the singletons: Howie and AJ. They elected to watch American Beauty, which is a good choice. Brian is talking on the phone to the family.

When I returned, the room was very different than it had been. Kevin had redecorated with rose petals and tall white column candles all about the room. He himself was nowhere to be found. I followed the path of rose petals to the bed in the next room. Kevin was lying peacefully on the bed, moonlight hitting him, in a black silk robe.

What happened next is for me to know, and for you to imagine.

The End.

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