Adam Zach and Bsb


Published on Aug 3, 1999


Legal Note: Plese don't read this if you are under the age of 18 years or the particular age of permission where ever you live.The story below is in all parts fictional. All portayal of the Backstreet Boys and other persons mentioned is in no way based on fact. All other characters are completely fictional. All names, songs, events, and other liscensed material remains so. Thank you.

Hey guys. This is the third and fourth parts of what promises to be a long and slow process. Sorry the pieces are so short-I'm really busy lately, but will try to get a new part out every two or three days. No sex in this part either. the actual body of the plot will start in the next piece. hope you enjoy! write me with comments, suggestions and where you think the plot will go next at special thanks to those who already wrote-Matt and TonnY.


Part 3

Finally, the Backstreet Boys came on TV. Kevin was in all his glory, of course, and I just about died when he took his shirt off. One of the camera guys seemed to like him too, and in close ups you could see sweat trail down his beautiful abs. They sang their songs, and each one I knew by heart. In the beginning, Zach made fun of me, but I was so entranced I didn't notice. Finally he gave up and left to pack. After it was over, I sighed and flipped channels. I began to watch a rerun of the X-files, but I fell asleep soon after.

"Get UP!" Zach screamed at the top of his lungs. "Come on! Its four-thirty. Let's go. Let's go!" My head swam and I tried to open my eyes and failed miserably. I am not a morning person. "We have to go, Adam. You still have to pack." Sometimes I admired the paternal qualities in Zach, but this was not one of those times.

"Shut up! I'm getting up, just a few more minutes," I whined. Instead of letting me go back to sleep, he dragged up and threw me into a waiting shower with my clothes on.

"Take a shower. Remember-we're leaving at six. Please be ready by then?" Zach pleaded.

"Mmpht." I said in agreement.

"O.K.. I'm going to be at the store getting some last minute necessities. I'll be back by five-thirty."

"Bye," I whined. I heard the bathroom door close, then the front door. I was so tired I leaned against the side of the stall for support. I removed my clothes. Slowly, I let the water wake me, and soon, I was fully conscious.

I remembered last night. I remembered my birthday plans. And I remembered Kevin on that stage, in his majesty. Man, I was smitten. I thought to myself, I'm coming Kevin.

The car trip was longer than it should have been. After I'd packed, Zach had returned and we were completely ready, it had been not six, but get ready for this, seven o'clock. Zach was very very very upset, but he got over it after I, being such a self-less guy, offered to drive. Boy, was that a mistake.

Traffic was extremely thick. Normally a five hour drive to New York, we were only in southern Pennsylvania after six hours. We decided to stop for lunch.

Despite Zach's claims that Denny's is not only racist and slow serving, but also has bad food and is below our(his) standards, I dragged him in. It was the only restaurant for the next two hours and I was hungry.

It was really busy. We approached the maitre'd, or what ever they call them in chain restaurants- hostess, or something-and asked for a table for two, non-smoking.

"I'm sorry sir," she said. "The wait will be about thirty minutes."

"What about in smoking?" I asked.

"Maybe. Let me go see," she said, which was better than her saying `no.'

Zach looked at me with a grimace. "Let's get out of here," he said.

"Come on," I pleaded. "Just wait a few more minutes, then we'll go." I hoped the hostess would be back soon.

After about five minutes, we saw her walking towards us, arguing with what looked like the manager. Finally, she addressed us. "Okay guys," she stated, putting both hands on her hips. "There's one table that guys are welcome to if you're willing to stand a party-" she leaned in, "a loud party-in the next room."

I nodded in acceptance and avoided the look I knew would be on Zach's face-one of annoyance and rage. She led us to the table, gave us our menus and asked for the drink orders. I took a coke, and Zach asked for a mineral water. "I'm sorry sir, we don't have any mineral water. If you want, I'll just bring you some Sprite and you can just look at and pretend you're in some place that does carry it," she said-not a very nice gal.

"I'll just have some water, thank you," Zach replied. The hostess left and Zach began to lecture on the service at chain restaurants. I instead of listening, I paid attention to the party going on in the room 10 feet from our table. The door was closed, but I could hear muffled laughing and talking. One of the revelers opened the door and made their way across the restaurant to the hostess. I checked him out. He was sort of cute, with light hair and a muscled but not pretentiously worked on body-not really my type, but cute-definitely cute.

I went back to trying to be polite to Zach when I looked back to do a double take. Holy shit. It was Nick Carter.

Part 4

I clutched Zach's hand that was resting on the table. "Zach! Zach!!" I whispered.

"What Adam!?" he answered.

"Its-its--" I started to breathe very fast.



"Your nails are digging into me!"

"Oh! Sorry. Zach!"


"That's Nick. That's Nick!" I whispered excitedly.

"Nick who?" He was annoyed.

"Carter. Nick Carter!"

"But isn't he part of the Backstreet-ohhh. O.K.. Ummm. But what is he doing in a Denny's?"

"He's at the party. I-" Then it hit me. What if Kevin was in there?

"You what?" Zach asked.

"I-I dunno. Never mind."

"Never mind? A member of what-your Favorite band just walks on by and you say nothing? What the hell is wrong with you? You're always talking on and on and on about your beloved `bsb.' Just introduce yourself or something. Damn. What's wrong with you?" Zach finished his tirade and looked at me expectantly.

I didn't answer him. Instead, I watched Nick's little ass swing its way back into the party room. When he disappeared within, the door was still a little bit open. I knew if I was at a slightly different angle I would be able to verify Kevin's presence or lack thereof.

I tilted my chair up, just the tiniest bit, and peered in. I could see Brian sitting next to Nick, drinking a soda and laughing really hard. Where's your cousin, B-rok? I asked him silently. I titled my chair a little more. I could now see AJ and Howie sitting on a table playing cards. Just a little more-and there he was. Kevin. He was even hotter in-BAM! I fell backwards quickly with a loud thump and hit the floor.

My back hurt a little bit, but mostly, I was embarrassed terribly. I remained in the chair, though horizontal, and closed my eyes, hoping and using up every wish possible that this was a dream. Zach was suddenly towering over me. "Adam! Adam! Are you all right?" he screamed.

"I'm-I'm fine, I just took a little fall," I managed a smile, not a very real one, but a smile none the less.

"Okay, well get up then, you dork." Zach offered me a hand and helped pull me up.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and my heart leaped. I turned, but it was only the waitress. "Sir? Sir?" I looked off into the distance and day dreamed. "Sir? Are you all right? What would you like for lunch?" she asked.

"Nothing," I replied. My appetite was gone. "Zach? Can we please leave?" I asked, attempting to look as if I had hurt my body, instead of the truth of my injured ego.

"Yeah, okay," Zach sighed. He let me lean against him as we made our way to the door. We got to the car, and I sprawled dejectedly across the back seat. Zach got in the driver's seat, and said, "We need to go get some gas, and I'll get some junk so we won't have to stop before we get there." I nodded. He drove to the station next door, started to pump the gas, and went into the gas station convenience store.

I closed my eyes, and let the cool breeze from the open window wash across my face. Suddenly, the breeze stopped and I felt a shadow fall across the backseat. I opened my eyes but all I could see was a silhouette. The shadowed figure shifted and a young guy's voice asked, "Where you goin' with that bump on your head?"

"I-" I couldn't speak. Was it Kevin?

"Are you o.k.?" the figure trailed off.

"Yeah." I said, although I wasn't altogether sure I was.

"I saw you fall in Denny's. We wanted to know how you were."


"Me and the guys. Oh-sorry-I'm not used to having to introduce myself. I'm AJ." I was crestfallen, but still excited that the BACKSTREET BOYS cared about me. He stuck his head in the window. "Are you sure you're all right?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I'm Adam."

"Nice to meet you Adam. I just realized what I said sounded really stuck up. You see, I'm part of this five-guy band called the-"

"The Backstreet Boys. I know-I don't live in a hole. Plus, I happen to own all of your CDs." Oh, shit. What was I saying? I clasped both hands over my mouth. The last thing I wanted to look like was a puppy-dog-eyed fan who happened to be an eighteen year old male? What kind of weirdo was I, anyway?

"No kidding?" AJ asked.

"Uh..." What was I supposed to say?

"No, its real cool. I'm glad to see someone who's a fan besides the average twelve year old girl who only wants us for our bodies."

"Uh..." I was still at a loss. So I was just an eighteen year old guy who only wants them for their bodies, (and their minds too, of course). Big diff.

"I'm just kidding. Seriously though, are you all right? You took quite a fall."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I really appreciate your caring though-it kind of obliterates that wild, devil-may-care attitude rep you have." Oh no-he looked surprised. I've insulted him.

"I didn't know I had that rep..."

"Oh I wouldn't listen to-" AJ cut me off.

"I'm surprised the fans were so perceptive," he smiled. "Just kidding. So look, um, me and the boys were wondering if you and your friend had tickets to the show on the fourth?"

"Yeah-fifth row, center."

"Really? You must have Carson Daly connections, then?" I nodded. "Well, maybe you can come back and see us after the show?"

I nodded again. "Definitely!" I said, still nodding vigorously. I am such a freaking dork.

"Cool. So, see you in a week. You guys headed up to the city too?"

"Yeah," I said. "Its sort of a birthday/belated senior trip odyssey." Where the hell did I come up with odyssey? Curse AP English.

"Really? Whose birthday?"

"Mine. I'll be 19."

"Cool, man. Well, looks like your friend is coming back. I gotta go, but nice meeting you. Always nice to meet a fan who isn't a screaming girl and is cool on top of that."

"Likewise, AJ-that is, except for the fan part because I really don't have any-" I shut up before I completely dug my own grave in the cemetary of social ability.

"No worries. Chill, Adam."

"Later," I said.


AJ walked back towards Denny's and Zach got in the car. "Wasn't that a backstreet boy?" asked Zach.

"Yeah-AJ. They wanted to know if I was all right." It hit me then. I had been fifteen feet away from my all time celebrity crush and I did nada. Nada! But then, I thought of all the reasons it was better to wait to meet him in my dreams. To my knowledge, Kevin wasn't gay. Also, what if he wasn't a nice guy? What if in reality, he was just a pretty face-what if he was just a male bimbo? What if he had a girlfriend? What if he had a secret wife? Whoa there Adam, I thought, you're getting a little ahead of yourself. The night of the concert would be the night. It was better to wait, and not to speculate, until then.

"Was he nice?"

"Yeah, he was really cool. He invited us backstage for the concert."

"Um, Adam?"


"Did you actually get passes?"

"No..." I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, (and my heart, thanks to Kevin)

"Well, then how do you propose we get in? I bet they tell that to every poor shmoe who hits his or her head craning his or her neck to see them."

I sighed. "You're probably right-but hey-there's nothing to loose."

"But our dignity."

"Well I lost mine back in Denny's, and you didn't have much to begin with, so I say we try anyway, you cynical bastard." I laughed and was beginning to feel better for the first time since the fall. "Let's get going. On you drive, Geeves." Zach started up the car and we got onto the open road.

Next: Chapter 3

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