Adam Zach and Bsb


Published on Aug 18, 1999


Legal Note: Plese don't read this if you are under the age of 18 years or the particular age of permission where ever you live.The story below is in all parts fictional. All portayal of the Backstreet Boys and other persons mentioned is in no way based on fact. All other characters are completely fictional. All names, songs, events, and other liscensed materials remain so. Thank you.

Hey all. I got more responses this time, so I guess whining works, huh? It was really nice getting all this encouragement.

Thanks to yuli, Denny, Matt, Uberboy, Rich, the guy who doesn't want me to mention his name, and JDM for their comments/compliments critiques.

And big thanks to DLS who helped me proofread and smooth out the kinks in these parts.

Also, thanks to Gene for being a good location reference material.

As always, write me at with comments/compliments/critiques/etc.

Oh, and a correction that no one mentioned for some strange reason. In part 19, when

it says: "Kevin, I'm coming back to the states. When can I see you again?" "Well, we're in ORLANDO" "Can I meet you there?" "I'd be mad if you didn't."

the word in all upper-case wasn't there before. I wanted to be accurate so I was trying to get the tour locations, but I forgot and never filled it in. But it was supposed to be Orlando.

Now that all of that's cleared up, you guys should volunteer as contestants in the game show, ( I entered as an author). Just a little plug.

Okay, that's it, but enjoy, as always! I await the responses.

Thanks! EG

Part 22

We were both zombies the next morning at the breakfast table due to lack of sleep. I poured Lucky Charms into a bowl and then was about to pour in some milk when Zach, yelped, "Adam! Why are you pouring coffee into your cereal?"

I looked down and saw the coffee pot in my hands and tried to play it off. "I just needed some extra caffeine this morning." I laughed, and put the coffee pot back on the machine.

"You might want to try this," Zach said and handed me the milk carton.

"Uh-huh," I grumbled and poured the milk.

"So you didn't get any sleep last night either?" Zach asked.

"Oh, well what makes you think that?"

"Exhibit A: only half your face is shaved." I took both of my hands and traced them down either side of my jaw. Sure enough, I felt stubble on one side. "Exhibit B: you're wearing a sweater in August."

"What are you talking about-that's crazy-" I stopped when I looked down and saw the sweater Olivia had given me last holiday. "Oh-well maybe I was just cold." I pulled off the sweater.

"Yeah, and maybe you're tired. Cold my ass. If you're cold, I'm a-"

"A what?"

"Nothing, nevermind."


We ate the rest of breakfast in silence. I was washing my bowl when Zach said, "I was thinking of going shopping today, want to come?"

"Yeah," I said, "If you can wait `til I finish some business, yeah."

"Okay, what time do you think you're going to be ready?"

"Oh, around eleven."

"Okay-I'm gonna go down to the diner and offer our resignations, that all right with you?"

"Absolutely. If Marge never pinches my butt again it'll be too soon."

Zach, who was already showered and dressed, took the Chevy, and I walked down to the corner store and deposited the roll of film from the other night into the one-hour slot. I looked at my watch-it was nine. I walked back to the house and called information. "City and State?" the operator asked.

"New York City, New York," I said.


"The International Tattler, please."

"What department please?"


"Thank you."

"Thank you."

"The number is-212-555-9203"

I wrote down the number and hung up. I took a deep breath and called.

A secretary picked up, "Hello-International Tattler, Christopher Austen's desk."

"Hello, ma'am. May I please speak to Mr. Austen?" I asked.

"May I ask who's calling?"

"Adam Miller."

"And to what, Mr. Miller, does Mr. Austen owe this call?"

"A very interesting story option."

"Kid," she said, "You need to call the Story Hotline Desk instead."

"Ma'am," I replied, "Just tell Mr. Austen that Sean Miller's son is calling."

"Well, kid, I don't think its going to do any good-he's a very busy man, but I will tell him. Just a moment."

She put me on hold. After a few moments, "Adam? Is that you?" Mr. Austen asked.

"Yeah its me, Mr. Austen!"

"What's this Mr. Austen? Call me Chris, Adam."

"Okay Chris."

"Tell me, how's your father? I haven't seen him for at least a year-I saw him at that National Press Dinner last July."

"He's good, just left for Geneva this morning." Chris was my dad's old roommate from Princeton, class of `72. He was also editor of the International Tattler, the most respectable American tabloid, if that's not an oxymoron.

"Glad to here it, glad to hear it. Still in international policy? He always was such a damn idealist. God knows if his family hadn't started out stinking rich he wouldn't have a penny. But gotta love him, right?"

"Yeah. So Chris, I have a story for you."

"I bet you do. I remember that picture from the Star Inquirer. I didn't run it, for two reasons. One-for your family. Two-I hate that slimeball Al Amsco. He's only in it for the money. Me, I enjoy the entertainment value. I've hated him since he screwed me with that bogus Keanu Reeves/Leonardo DiCaprio pic. I paid big time for that. Tell me, my boy, was the picture doctored?"

"No-just misinterpreted," I lied.


"I have an idea of how you can get him back, if you want."

"I'm listening."

"I recently got some rather unflattering pictures of our friend Al. They aren't instantly embarrassing, but they are once its explained how they were taken."

"How'd you get your hands on them?"

"I took them."



"Boy, that's rich. So how much is it going to take to get me these pictures?"

"They're free-as long as you promise to put them on the front page with a triple level banner and a center spread."

"You drive a hard bargain. but this revenge is gonna be so sweet, I can't resist."

"So deal?"

"Deal, Adam, you're a good boy."

"How soon can you get them out?"

"How soon can you get them to me?"


"Then, start of next week, around Wednesday."

"Great. Thanks, Chris."

"Thank you. Give my love to Sean and Hannah."

"Will do."

"Bye now."


Success. Adam Miller was not the type of boy that let jerks like Al Amsco get the last laugh. I looked at clock-it was a quarter to ten. I walked down to the store and picked up my pictures, developed. I scanned the roll, checking for any errors. Everything was fine, so I Fed-Exed the pictures to Chris.

I walked home, showered and got dressed. It was only ten-thirty, and Zach wasn't back yet, so I flipped on the TV. MTV came on, and I watched I Want It That Way for the million and fourth time. The way Kevin's close up during his solo catches the color of his eyes socked me in the chest. I closed my eyes and laid my head back.

Next thing I knew, Zach was smacking me lightly on my temples. My eyes flew open. "I'm up! I'm up!"

"Okay, sleepyhead, let's go."

I followed Zach and grabbed the keys to the Chevy. We pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the shopping district. It felt good to be behind the wheel of my Chevy again. "How'd the quitting go?"

"All right-they didn't take it too hard-I think Marge did, but hey tough, right?"

"Yeah," I said absently. I thought about how much I had changed-how much we'd changed since we had been working there-how much we'd been through.

"So what'd you do while I was gone?"

"Made a few calls-you'll see next week."

"Planning a surprise?"

"You'll just have to wait and see, won't you?"

"Ach. Anyway."

"Right-anyway. So why are we going shopping again?"

"We're going clubbing tonight. We need some prancing clothes." I raised one eyebrow. "Come on-we're so boring!"


"Yeah, boring."

"You, my dear boy, are daft. I've had enough excitement in the past two months to last me for a hundred years."

"Yes, but you, especially you, are boring-old man boring."

I snorted and pulled into a parking space. I fed the meter and we went into the first store-Versace. I, personally, didn't like the store, but Zach enjoyed it immensely. It was very cold, and all the clerks were stone faced heroin addict model look-a-likes.

In eleventh grade, a recruitment scout from a modeling agency had seen me in Times Square and gotten me a job as an unknown for Versace. It was supposed to launch an international career, but my parents were too afraid it would interfere with my school work. I was way too personable to be a model anyway and it was no fun, so it was my first and last job.

I say all of this, because as I was waiting for Zach to thumb through the racks, I fiddled with a stack of postcards on the counter. I started laughing and almost choking when I saw who the model was-me. A clerk rushed over to no doubt eject me from the store.

"I don't understand what's so funny, sir," she said. I held a postcard up to my face and her expression noticeably softened. "Sorry sir-I didn't realize."

I ignored her and said to Zach, "Come on, let's go, there are some other stores I'd rather be in."

"Okay, just a sec," Zach replied

"I'm just going to take a few of these, if that's all right with you, miss." I took the entire pile which reached up to my chin, backed out of the store, and saluted her.

Completely serious, she nodded back and Zach followed me outside. "What was all that about?" he asked.

I handed him a postcard and he broke out laughing as well. We put the cards in the car and hit some other stores. By the end of the day, we were package laden and satisfied. Zach had bought some plum cords, a black v-neck pullover and a white shirt to go underneath-if I wasn't so terribly head over heels in love with Kevin, I definitely would be checking him out. I had bought a white embroidered dress shirt, straight leg khakis and a thin black blazer.

On the drive back, I dropped the news. "So, I'm going to Orlando next week."


"Why do you think? Do want to come with?"

"Let me think about it, okay?"


part 23

That evening, we both got ready, put on our new outfits, and hopped on the metro down to Dupont Circle, where most of the gay community in Washington hangs out, and also just an all around happening place to be. We dropped by a coffee bar combination club first. We ordered our drinks and sat at the bar. I knew this night was more about Zach then me. I helped him scope out possible escorts of both sexes. There were a few hot guys that passed, but I got the vibe he just needed some "normalcy" so I saw a few girls. I mentioned a blonde in a blue summer dress, but he shook his head-she was too innocent looking. I showed him a girl with black hair bob, but he was listless once he got into a conversation with her.

We cut out of that club, and found a dance place down the street. A girl asked me to dance and I accepted, and her friend dragged Zach. We danced to some techno stuff, some Fat Boy Slim, then the predictable selection-Everybody. I rolled my eyes at Zach and he shrugged and smiled. He was getting on well with his dance partner. I told mine I was going to take a rest and we sat at the bar.

I ordered a vodka martini, in a very vintage mood, and luckily, the bartender didn't card me-because the girl with me was at least twenty-four. She ordered a beer-which I could never cultivate the taste for, and said, "So, I'm Joanna-you?"

"I'm Adam."

"You look really familiar-is there somewhere I might have seen you?"

"No, I-"

"Oh-I realized how cheesy that sounded-I'm serious though."

"Its fine."

"Seriously though-"

"Uh-I don't think so-"

"Okay. So, what are you studying?"


"Your major?"

"Oh-right. I'm a film student at NYU," I lied easily. This night was just a game.

"Seriously? I'm doing graduate work this fall! Maybe I'll see you!" she said, tracing a finger from my shoulder to my knee.

I flinched and she withdrew. "Yeah, maybe," or not, I thought to myself. I excused myself and led Zach off of the dance floor outside to the street. He looked a little ticked, but as soon as we picked another club and went in, he was placated. The same ordeal with Joanna happened a bunch of times, with Rose, Tiffany, David, Lana and Will. Throughout the evening I was the film student, a bio major, a med student, a philosophy major and an Internet graphic designer. By the time I had my seventh martini, I had become a roadie for Dave Matthews Band who sculpted on the side. Will was absolutely ready to sleep with me and had been rubbing my knee as we talked. He was hammered and kept asking if I wanted to go back to his place. He wouldn't take a no. Just in time, Zach sashayed up to us, kissed me full on the lips and said, "Hon, I couldn't find you anywhere. I was so worried!" He winked at me and turned to Will. "You'll have to excuse us. Its time to go on home, love!" He dragged me out by the hand.

The metro had closed up two hours ago so we took a taxi home. Zach paid the cabby when we arrived. He slung me over his shoulder and flopped me on my bed. "Hey Zach?" I said.

"Don't worry. I know you're Kevin's all the way. And I still have it bad for Nick. Another time another place..." Zach trailed off.

"Good night," I said, "and thanks for bailing me out."

Zach nodded and left the room. I fell asleep immediately.

part 24

I woke up with the worst headache and an overwhelming urge to vomit. I made it to the bathroom just in time to see the entire contents of my stomach lining being spewed forth into the toilet bowl. Lovely.

Zach knocked on the bathroom door and opened it. "Morning," he said.

"How come you don't have a hangover?" I asked in between retches.

"I didn't drink."

"Oh. Okay Mr. Wonderful-have any cures?"

"As a matter of fact..." He gave me a tall glass of something tomato based. I drank all of it.

After I was finished, I asked, "What's in it?"

"Oh, tomato juice, six ground up aspirin, a raw egg yolk, fresh ground pepper, Tabasco sauce, cream of tartar and orange juice. Mmm. Aren't you glad I told you after you drank it?"

"Maybe. I'll be happy when it starts working." And surprisingly, it did, within the next few hours. I went back to sleep, and woke up at a more suitable hour-half past noon. Zach had left a note on the kitchen table.

It read: "Hey Sunshine, I went out to get some groceries. I'll be back in a couple of hours. c'iao, Zach"

I took some of the burnt coffee that was sitting in the machine and slugged it back black. I took the phone and dialed Kev's cel.

"Hello?" he said. Just the tonations of his voice made my heart stop.

"Hi." I said.

"Adam-I miss you so much."

"Me too."

"But look-we're in the middle of rehearsals, can I talk to you later?"

"Absolutely. Can't wait `til next week."

"Me neither. Love you," he whispered.

"Love you too." We hung up.

The rest of the week blurred by, as I got things in order to leave for a three week vacation in sunny Orlando. By Friday, Zach had decided to come as well, but on the condition he would get a hotel room rather than stay with the boys like I planned to. I said that'd be fine, and he got ready as well.

When we went to bed on Sunday night, we were both too excited to sleep. Instead, we just closed our eyes. Miraculously, we went to sleep for a little while despite our nervous energy.

We got to the airport just in time. I began to laugh when we boarded and the music piped in was We've Got It Goin' On. Zach heard it and began to giggle. We sat down in our seats and just talked for the rest of the flight. I called Kevin about half an hour before landing and told him when we'd be arriving. He promised to come pick us up. I sipped a bottle of water nervously as Zach read a magazine. Finally, the pilot announced we'd be landing.

We disembarked and immediately I saw Kevin in a t-shirt and khakis waiting expectantly. We spotted each other and I stifled the instinct to run up to him and give him a huge kiss. Instead, walking, we met shaking hands. Kevin said, "One sec," to Zach and pulled me behind a wall into a deserted hallway. We hugged tightly and attacked each other with a passionate kiss. I felt his tongue explore my mouth as I explored his and rubbed the back of his neck. Finally, I pulled away, remembering Zach was waiting.

We rejoined him and collected our luggage. Kevin pulled his dark blue Jeep up to the front and helped us load it. We jumped in, and he zoomed off towards the apartment he was staying for the break.

It was around lunch time, so Kevin suggested we drop off our bags and have a bite to eat. We went to a small Asian Noodle place called Bamboo Palace. The food was good, and we didn't talk much throughout the meal. At the end, Zach broke the silence. "What's Nick been up to lately?"

"He's been sleeping a lot," Kevin answered. "I'm a little bit worried about him, actually. He's been falling behind in rehearsals and hasn't really done anything social-since, well-since you left."

"Oh," Zach said.

"Maybe you could talk to him?"

"Maybe. Do you think he's still interested?"

"Who knows. He hasn't been talking to anyone, except for B-rok, occasionally."

"Okay. Well maybe I should talk to him before I talk to Nick."

"Good idea."

Kevin firmly insisted paying the check, which he did, in cash, (to avoid shock from the name on his credit card). He took Zach to the hotel to get settled in and then me back to apartment.

The apartment was more like a small house, with two stories. One story (the first floor) was Kevin's, the other, AJ's. Each story had two bedrooms, three bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a rec. room with gym equipment. Kevin had a patio and AJ had a balcony. I was told the others had similar living arrangements, in the buildings on either side of Kevin's. The cluster had a pool and hot tub complex in the center, and the entire thing was guarded with a twenty-five foot fence, gates, and a full time security guard.

Kevin showed me to my room, and once again I was relieved he didn't expect that we would be sleeping together-at least not right off the bat. The room was great, with an attached bathroom. Everything was decorated in yellow, blue and green-I wondered how Kevin knew my favorite combination, but figured it was just a coincidence. I left my bags in there and he showed me around the rest of the house. His room was really nice, decorated in different shades of blue and with a four poster Ethan Allen bed, which had a thin white linen canopy tied above, on a two-step-up platform. He had windows that looked into a courtyard and skylights that looked, well, into the sky.

Both the kitchen, rec. room and living room were beautifully decorated and perfect for living in. By far though, my favorite room was Kevin's. I wondered if perhaps I would get to see more of it later, and smiled to myself. "Whatcha smiling at lover?" he asked.

"Nothing, sweetie," two could play at that game.

"Well honey," he said giggling engagingly, "You want to go for a swim-dear?"

"Okay, sugar lips, if you say so." I laughed and went to change into my bathing suit-a board shorts number that was on the short side in a stylish European type of way.

I made my way to the pool, where Kevin told me he'd meet me, and I stopped breathing. Standing before me was a beautiful, chiseled god. I had figured he had a good body, and even seen some pictures with his shirt off-but nothing compared to the real thing. Every inch of skin had the shade of a tan-nothing overtly cancerous and was completely clear of imperfections. The body wasn't over-muscled but perfectly defined. The bathing suit was a pair of long black pair swim trunks, hiding any sort of family jewels in the loose folds of the fabric. It left plenty to the imagination, the way I liked it. And finally, I scanned up to see my favorite part-Kevin's gorgeous face. "You gonna swim? Or just sit there and look pretty?" he asked.

I answered by charging into the pool cannonball style making a big splash. I stayed under for a little bit then surfaced to tell Kevin to get in the water. He was nowhere to be seen. I turned in the water slowly and looked for him. All of a sudden, a large object popped out in front of me, laughing. "Fooled ya!" he said. I splashed back until he constrained me by hugging me from behind with my arms pinned at my side.

"I could get used to this." I said, in a joking tone , but desperately serious.

"Me too," he said, and released my arms, still hugging me. He kissed me on the neck and ran his fingers down my sides. I hugged him around his ribs and laid my head on his shoulder. This really was my favorite place to be.

We finished swimming, and Kevin told me to get dressed, because we, meaning the boys, me and Zach, were going out on the town. I protested, thinking it was too early, but my watch suddenly said seven. Boy, time flies...

Next: Chapter 12: Adam Zach and Bsb 25 27

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