Adam Zach and Bsb


Published on Jul 31, 1999


Legal Note: Plese don't read this if you are under the age of 18 years or the particular age of permission where ever you live.The story below is in all parts fictional. All portayal of the Backstreet Boys and other persons mentioned is in no way based on fact. All other characters are completely fictional. All names, songs, events, and other liscensed material remains so. Thank you.

This is my first story. Please read and enjoy. Write to to comment. Tell me what you like, what you don't like, if I should write more.


Adam, Zach and BSB, Parts 1 and 2

Part 1

It was about eight o'clock on a Sunday night. I was working the quiet shift at the diner downtown. There were a few men scattered across the counter making their bottomless cups of coffee count. Zach, my best friend, also the other one on duty, finished serving pie to a couple in a booth and walked towards me. We've known each other for years-since fifth grade-and now we were seniors in high school. Both of us were working at the diner for the summer just simply for something to do-something to keep us out of trouble. I had always secretly had a tiny crush on him-6' tall, short spiky blonde hair,heart-stopping green eyes and a body which was naturally built to ogle-but, unfortunately for me, he was straight, indicated by the year long relationship he had just gotten out of with a girl named Jane. No big deal though-there are other cute fish in the sea. And yes, I'm gay. I told him two years ago. I've never had a relationship, although I've had more than a few crushes. Zach's perfectly fine with my sexuality though-he's pretty open minded about stuff like that. Jumping up on the counter to talk, he smiled and said, "Hey Adam, so what ar! e we doing tonight?"

"I dunno. I thought we'd watch a few adventure flicks, and there's something on TV I wanted to see, if you didn't mind..." I said. Both of us, were at the moment dateless. "If you want, I mean."

"Why not-its not like I have a hot date barring me from sitting on the couch."

"Ha Ha Ha. Very funny."

"So what did you want to see on TV?"

"Um..its not really important...." I said. This was going to be embarrassing.

"Come on, Adam." Zach opened up his pretty emerald eyes up wide and I was dead in the water.

"There's this thing, on Disney..." I started.

"Disney? Aren't you a little old for that?" Zach said, teasing me.

"Well normally, but its the bsmphht bzzt." I mumbled-on purpose.

"The what???" he said, raising his right eyebrow. I sighed. Man, he was sexy when he did that.

"The bsmphtt bzzt." I repeated.

"Speak up! Or I'm gonna tell Marge you have a crush on her," Zach threatened. Marge was the 40-something cook who pinched my butt regularly. Any words like that and she'd do more than pinching.

"I surrender. I want to see the BACKSTREET BOYS!!!!" I yelled. It caused a few of the counter occupants to look up and sneer. The all boy band was my new obsession-especially Kevin Richardson-Train to his friends.

"Okay," Zach shrugged. "I don't mind."

"Really?" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah, I don't care. I like that song-um-what is it? I'll Have It Your Way? Wait-isn't that the Burger King motto?"

"Stop playing dumb. You know you record TRL everyday." I said. He didn't, of course, but I wanted to have some fun.

"You-" Zach accused and tackled me onto the counter, planting a few hard punches.

"Ouch!" I screamed. This was going too far and I was loving it. But we didn't want Roy, the manager, to wake up from his nap in the stock room, so I straightened up and slid off the counter. I glanced at the clock. It was eight-thirty-closing time. "Okay, everybody, its closing! In about ten minutes, I'm locking the door, and everyone needs to be on the other side. Thanks, and have a good night." All the diners mumbled and slowly filtered out the door.

Meanwhile, Zach was straightening his clothes and hair. The bear-like Roy stumbled in a Mad Dog stupor out of the stockroom. He fell towards me, and I caught him. "Shthamk yyou Ada-Adamm. Cluse up fer me, k? G'night" Roy stumbled out the door.

Marge walked out of the kitchen, swinging her hips. "Good evening boys, I hope ta see ya next weekend." she pinched my butt, unsurprisingly, and was on her way out the door.

"Not next weekend, Marge. We'll be on vacation. Its independence day," Zach said, and he was right. We had been planning a week long vacation in NYC since May. It was sort of like a belated senior trip.

"Okay then," Marge said apologetically, and closed the door behind her. We closed up to and made our way outside. I opened the door to my car-a cherry red `57 Chevy with wings and in good working order, and revved up the engine. Zach got in the passenger seat and we were off.

Part 2

It was a 45 minute trip home on less congested streets-pretty empty, actually. We drove through residential streets, mostly, to avoid the traffic. Zach and I live in the nice part of Washington D.C. Our parents are all well-off diplomats, so even though there's cash for nice dwellings and other stuff, they themselves are hardly there. They're mostly out of the country or simply out of the house, schmoozing.

The two of us went to a private school called Anslem's Cross, a very upscale co-ed K-12. I've lived here all my life, and Zach moved here in fifth grade from Virginia. Our houses next door to each other, but both have a lot of land, so that's not saying much. Since freshman year, we've shared my parent's house guest house, which is equipped with a kitchen-not like we use it, three bedrooms, two full bathrooms, a living room, a hot tub, a small pool, and a rec. room with a home entertainment system. Yes, we're lucky, and yes, we are self-affirmed brats.

We pulled in the driveway and raced each other into the house. I went into to my room to take a shower. I let the bathroom steam up while I pulled off my uniform and undershirt. I stretched, unbuckled my pants and stepped out of them. I tested the water,pulled off my boxers and stepped into the stall. The hot water felt good. I daydreamed about Kevin Richardson. I rubbed the soap all over my body, careful not to touch down below, because I knew I wouldn't have time before BSB came on and I didn't want to sit on the couch with Zach in that condition. I dreamed about Kevin, Kevin holding me, Kevin smiling at me, Kevin kissing me. Suddenly, the water became freezing and I heard a flush. It was Zach. "Hey shower boy, its 15 minutes to 10. Almost time for the Back Row Boys. Get out!" Zach laughed.

"Gimme a towel," I said, annoyed, but happy he had reminded me before I missed them altogether. That would have been upsetting. An arm poked in the shower with a towel and I dried off. "Bathrobe?" I requested. One appeared. "Thanks," I said, "Okay,now leave, I'll be out in five."

I heard the door close and I got out of the stall. The full length door mirror was unclouding from a crack of outside air. I could see myself head to toe. Not so bad, I thought to myself. I stared long and hard and saw my blue eyes piercing through the condensation. My brown hair looked black when it was wet and fell across my eyes. My tan, lithe body stood up straight. I wasn't muscle-man, but I had a six pack, and defined arms and legs from swimming competitively for ten years. "Come ON!" said Zach. "You're gonna miss them!" I pulled on a light blue GAP pocket tee and some black mesh shorts and walked out of my room looking refreshed.

I found Zach stretched across the couch, so I sat on the recliner sideways towards the 60" TV. "Where's the remote?" I asked.

"I got it, what station?" he answered.

"Channel 51." Zach keyed in 51, but the concert hadn't started yet and wouldn't for another 10 minutes. "So what time are we leaving for New York tomorrow?" I asked.

"I was thinking early, like 6, so we miss the rush hour traffic here and are in the city by noon."

"6 in the morning??" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, you wuss! Besides. Check in time at the Plaza is 1."

"Ok, ok. But you're driving first and I'm going to get some sleep," I answered.

"Whatever. What do you want to do for your birthday?"

My birthday is the fourth. My parents would be sending along gifts in a special suitcase I was not to open beforehand. It had been sitting in Zach's room for a month, guarded by him even while asleep. His gift was in there as well. I was more than curious. "Um, not too much. Let's just go out to dinner, go to a few clubs."

"You sure?" Zach asked. "Nothing else particularly special?" I shook my head no. "Ok then. That's what we'll do." I was a little dejected. BSB was going to play a special July Fourth Bash show in Times Square, but I hadn't gotten tickets. "Unless..." Zach said,mumbling, "You might want to go see the bsmppht bzzt."

"The what?" I asked, confused.

"You heard me," he said with a smile.

"You mean the-" I couldn't even say it.

"Absolutely, my good man. Worship me now, worship me later." he said.

"But how?" I asked.

"MTV connections."


"Yeah-remember that kid that graduated from Anslem's two years ago-Randy?"

"I think..."I said, letting the fact that I would actually be going to see Kevin and the rest of the Backstreet boys.

"Well, I did some French homework for him, that helped him graduate. He hasn't forgotten the favor. He's Carson Daly's personal assistant. So he got me a few tickets-us a few tickets."

"Wow," I said-in shock. I would be in the same space, albeit, a large space with them."

"Randy said to tell you happy birthday and to apologize that fifth row center was closet he could get us. The first four rows are withheld for VIPs."

"Cool! Okay-wait-when did you get them?"

"About twenty minutes ago, while you were in the shower."

"Thanks so much, Zach. Wow." I said again-my nineteenth birthday was going to go down in history.

To Be Continued?

Next: Chapter 2: Adam Zach and Bsb 3 4

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