Adam Learns To Jack

By Dude Sweet

Published on Mar 9, 2003



This story has nothing to do with the TV show Chares In Charge. It has nothing to do with the actors or anything. It is only a made up story for fun.

So I had a nightmare and woke up sweating. My mom was on a business trip, my grandpa wouldn't wake up even if the world was coming to a end and my sisters didn't care about my nightmares anymore. So I went down to Charles room. I saw Buddy naked with a super gigantic dick. Now I have seen my dick a lot of times and sometimes it even gets big and hard. But not like Buddys was super big and super hard. I even seen my grandpas dick a few times and Charles to. They are bigger than mine, but they just hang there. But Buddys was huge and he was playing with it.

He saw me come in and looked at me and laughed. That made Charles turn to see me. He was in his underwear and said what are you doing here. Your not supposed to be barging in on me. And started yelling and stuff. Now even though he was in his underwear I could see he had a big lump in it. So I was wondering what is was while he was yelling at me. I had seen his dick a couple of times when we went to the beach and when he was in his shower. It always looked the same. Hairy like grandpas and hanging down a couple of inches. But I figured that maybe his bump was his dick when it got hard like Buddys.

So while he was yelling at me he yelled at Buddy to stop and cover up. Buddy did for a second but when Charles turned back to yell at me, I could see Buddy start to play with his dick again. I could also see he had a magazine with naked ladies in it that he was looking at. I also saw that Charles bump in his underwear had gone away. But I had a bump now. Yeah that's right my dick was hard in my underwear. Only you couldn't tell because it was not big like Buddys plus I had on pajamas.

So when Charles finally stopped yelling I told him I had a nightmare and was scared. And he always told me when that happened I could see him. And then I said and what are you guys doing. Well Buddy just laughed again. Charles blushed. He does that when he gets embarrassed. He said never mind what we are doing its none of your business. So Buddy said Charles I think he needs some explaining. That's your job. And so I said yeah I need some explaining. What are you guys doing. So he said go to my room and he would come up and explain. Before I left buddy held up a centrefold and asked me if I thought she had good tits. Charles yelled at him and kindof pushed me up the stairs. Buddy went back to playing with his hard dick.

So Charles came to my room. He had put on pajamas and sat on my bed. He didn't ask me about my nightmare or anything. He said didn't your mom or grandpas teach you about sex. And I said yeah. He said well then what do I have to explain. And I said I knew about sex, but that's not what you and Buddy were doing. He said of course not. So I said so what were you doing.

Then he explained about masturbation and said it was normal and someday I would be doing it to. So I asked him how come they did it. He said he feels good when you play with it and when sperm comes out. I said sperm that makes babies. He said yes but they were invisible. Weird. So I went to sleep.

But I wondered about it a lot. And when I wondered about it my dick got hard like Buddys.

About a week later when Buddy was over Charles had to take the girls to the mall so me and Buddy were left alone at my house. I was beating him at checkers and he said so Charles taught you all about jacking off huh? And I said what? He said jacking off, spanking the monkey, choking the chicken and moved his hand up and down like he was playing with his dick. So I said masterbation. He said duhhhhh. So I said well he sort of told me about it but he really didn't teach me anything. Buddy said he didn't show you or tell you how it was done. I said no he just talked about it. Buddy said yeah that sounds like Charles, always talking never doing. So I said is it fun. He said yeah its almost as fun as girls. He says sometimes its more fun than girls because you can do it all the time. So I said well you sure looked like you were having a good time. He said oh yeah.

I finally got brave enough and said can you show me how to do it? He said show you how to jackoff? And I said yeah please. So we quit are game and went downstairs to Charles room. Buddy said the most important thing is to have good inspiration and pulled a magazine out from under to rug. It had pictures of naked ladies. He said the next thing is to get ready. He started to take off his shirt and said that means get naked Adam duhhhhh. So I started to strip. I got kindof shy when I got to my underwear because I had a hard dick and nobody, I mean nobody had ever seen that before. Buddy said naked means no clothes duhhhhh. So he was naked but his dick was only hanging down like when I seen Charles before. So since I saw his hard dick before I figured it was ok if he saw mine. So I pulled off my underwear and out popped my hard dick. He just looked at it and smiled. He said now what you do is look at these pictures and play with your dick until it gets hard. I said mine is already hard and he said duuuuh do you think I'm blind? I can see that. He said I got to get my dick hard. So he was rubbing his dick and looking at the magazine. I was looking at the magazine and also watching his dick get bigger and bigger till it was hard and huge. I also got a good look at his hair. I never seen Charles or grandpas close up. He also had hair on his balls. Then he said now come the good part. He said grab you dick like this and put his hand around his dick and I did the same. But my hand was bigger than my dick. He said ok maybe that wont work for you. He said grab your like this and he grabbed my dick with his thumb and finger. He said and move it like this. And moved it up and down.

Then he went back to his dick and started moving it. So I did mine. He kept looking at the magazine. I looked a little at the magazine and a little at my dick but mostly at his dick and he face to cause he was breathing heavy and making funny faces. It was like he forgot I was there. Finnaly he got very intense and serious and stopped breathing I watched knowing something was about to happen. Then it did. His dick exploded and stuff was shooting all over his stomach. I yelled aaaaaa what is that. After he finished squirting stuff he said that's sperm duhhhhh. I said Charles said sperm is invisible. He said well do you see it and I said yeah so he said its not invisible. I said but Charles said it was invisible. So he says give me the Kleenex so I grab the Kleenex and he wipes up all of his stuff all of his sperm. Also his hard dick goes away. And I say what happened to your big hard dick. He says its got to rest now. I looked at mine and said mine isn't ready to rest yet. He said nope. He said jack it some more. So I did he stayed naked and looked at the magazine. It wasn't as much fun cause he wasn't doing anything to his but I tried anyway. After a while I got bored with it and said it's not working. He said ok maybe your not old enough. I said old enough for what. He said old enough for sex and jacking off. I said I think I am. He said duuuuuuh. So e was getting dressed so I started getting dressed and we went back upstairs and finished our checkers game.

Later when Charles was home and nobody was around I asked him how come he lied to me about sperm being invisible. He said what do you mean. I said I saw Buddys and it was not invisible. I kept trying to get him to explain his lie but we was yelling at me wanting to know about how I say Buddys sperm. So I told him. Then he explained that the sperms a smaller you can see and you have to have a microscope. They live in the semen and that's the stuff that comes out of a penis when excited. So I said does your do what Buddys does. He said yeah of course everybodys does. So I said mine doesn't he said of course not. So I pulled down my pants and pulled my dick out it was hard and said is something wrong with mine. He yelled put that thing away. He didn't even look at it. He said nothings wrong with your dick. I said you didn't even look at it. I pulled it out again. He said ok, ok I see it. It is fine. Now put it away. So I put it away. He said when I started to get hair, then I would be able to make sperm and jackoff.

So I made a plan so I could see Charles hard dick and maybe even his sperm. I waited until a weekend when he would come home very very late after a party. I set my alarm for 2am. When it went off I almost had a heart attack. I almost hust went back to sleep but I was excited about my plan. So I got u and I went to Charles room. I didn't turn on his light, but I turned on only his desk lamp to make it a little bright cause I wanted to see what I was going to do. So I woke him up and said I had a nightmare. I crawled in his bed. Well I didn't want him to wake up to much cause he would kick me out and send me to my room so I just was quiet until he went back asleep. Then I pulled down the covers and pulled his underwear down so his dick was hanging out. It was not hard but bigger than when I seen it out of the shower and seen him naked. So I touched it. It was warm. So I slowly played with it until is was hard. And I was seeing it very close up. I liked it.

He woke up and said what are you doing. I said I wanted to see his sperm. He pulled his underwear up and said no go away leave me alone I don't want to make sperm get out of here. I waited until he went back to sleep then I pulled them down again and played with his dick and started to jack it off. He woke up and said stop Adam or you gonna be in real big trouble. He pushed my hand away and said leave my dick alone. It doesn't want to make sperm. I grabbed it again through his underwear and said if it doesn't want to make sperm why is it hard? He didn't say anything. So I pulled his out and started jacking it again. He didn't push my hand away but he said Adam stop I'm not kidding. But since he didn't push my hand away I thought maybe he liked it. So I didn't say anything just kept jacking his dick off. He told me to stop again and then just put his pillow over his face. So I kept jacking him.

He started breathing funny then he tensed up. Then sperms came shooting out of his dick and all over my hand. I quickly pulled away and he grabbed his dick and jacked it some more while the sperms were shooting out. I rubbed the sperm that I had on my hand and felt it and smelled it. He was cleaning up with tissues and said ok now are you happy? I said yes very happy. He said ok let me go back to sleep and get to your room. So I left.

I was very happy cause I got to see his hard dick and his sperms and play with him. It was the most exciting thing I had ever done.

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