Adam Does Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Apr 10, 2009



Adam Does Eric By Storyguy22

Adam had first begun to realize an interest in other males when he had been an eighth grader at the tender age of twelve. At first it had not been a matter of any particular concern to him, and he had chalked it up to his budding sexuality, and a fairly normal curiosity that is common to a large percentage of males who find themselves on the cusp of puberty.

All boys, Adam thought, harbored an interest in how their own developing bodies were measuring up against their peers, and therefore some subtle checking out of another boy's penis and balls was a normal expression of that interest. How else, he reasoned, was a guy supposed to know if he was progressing normally, or ahead or behind the curve?

The thing that had begun to tug at Adam recently was that now that he had reached the age of fifteen he felt that his interest in other male bodies had somehow undergone a shift from mere curiosity to what could only be defined as a very real interest, if not an out and out an obsession. And, it had gone from mild curiosity regarding how his own development stacked up against other boys and men to much more of a sexual interest. He had sometime ago become comfortable with the size and shape of his male equipment, confident that he easily fell into the above average group, and without fully realizing it, his focus had become more one of wondering how it might be to handle another penis, to play with it, savoring the abject hardness in his hand, and possibly even in his mouth. He had spent countless hours surfing the multitude of web sites that purveyed gay male or bi-sexual videos and pictures, and the more time he had spent studying the seemingly endless variety of male-male sexual acts that the material depicted the more his desire to experience each of those acts in the first person grew and intensified.

His vivid imagination had run amuck as he pictured himself nakedly entwined with a wide assortment of nubile boys and men, and it was a small wonder that his rampant six inches of teen meat had not simply dissolved from over-abuse as he fisted it to spurting ejaculation again and again. But, along with the breath-taking pleasures he enjoyed from this intense self-abuse, his frustration grew at a pace equal to his pleasure, and he had now reached the undeniable point where action very definitely needed to replace imagination. Adam was boiling inside, his young balls in a constant uproar, and he had set his very determined mind on finding a way to bring that action to reality, and sooner rather than later.

It was to that end that Adam had very purposefully selected his briefest pair of running shorts from his wide array of choices, and coupled those with his freshman year track shirt, a rather skimpy garment in its own right, and made all the more so by repeated launderings over the past year and a half, and by the fact that his lithe body had sprouted from the five foot five, one hundred twenty pound status it had been at when he had first been issued the shirt to its present five foot ten, one hundred forty pounds. The end affect of that, he decided as he surveyed his image in the mirror in his bedroom, was that his scantily clad body oozed sexuality, if not quite actually brazenly announcing his rabid horniness. He let his gaze take in his reflection, noting his fully exposed shoulders and arms, and the flat smoothness of his tummy where the shirts shortened hem left the creamy swatch of skin fully bare for a good six inches between the bottom of the shirt and the elastic waist band of his silky shorts. He eyed his small belly button, and he smiled as he flexed his abdominal muscles which caused the tiny cave to seem to wink at him, and he let his gaze drift lower, pausing to appreciate the bulging definition of his stirring boyhood, the ample tube of flesh clearly unfettered by any sort of under-garment, and he briefly wondered if he was being too overt by going commando under the skimpy shorts. Dismissing the nagging notion, he dropped his eyes again, and checked out his well shaped and nearly hairless legs, satisfied that his fit if slightly lean body was pleasing to the eye, at least to the extent that he should be noticed in a crowd, which was in large part today's objective.

He exited his house, and climbed aboard his bike, and then pedaled the mile or so to his high school where a swim meet was being hosted my his alma mater. Adam wasn't actually all that interested in competitive swimming, other than the delicious eye candy that those barely-there little Speedo swim suits offered, but he was definitely interested in one of the teams premier swimmers, a junior named Eric Wright. Adam had known Eric since they had become nearby neighbors when Eric's family had moved into a house just down the street from Adams about two years ago. The one year age and class difference between the two boys had prevented them becoming anything more than casual friends, and while each traveled in mostly different social circles, Eric had at some point began to hold the featured role in the majority of Adam's heated sexual fantasies, and he had recently become more and more determined to elicit Eric's co-operation in bringing some of those vivid fantasies to life. To put a point on it, Adam had become nearly obsessed with finding some way to seduce Eric to whatever extent possible, even if it turned out to be nothing more than his giving the hot stud the juicy blow job that he had imagined so many times during his feverent jerk off sessions.

Adam was definitely not alone in his lustful admiration for the delectable Eric, in fact, a large percentage of the campus females were all but falling over themselves to curry his favors, and Lord only knew how many other closeted gay boys like Adam might secretly share that lust. Eric was one of those typical high school jock types, a multi-sport standout and all around big man on campus type. At an easy six feet, and a well assembled one seventy, he was built like a chiseled statuette, with rippled muscles everywhere, and, Adam was certain, an equally sculpted cock and balls. When Eric pranced about the pool deck between events, all eyes followed his taut body, and in particular the very enticing bulges that filled the pouch of his form fitting Speedo, and the amazing mounds of his incredibly tight little ass. Sitting among classmates in the crowded bleachers, Adam had all too often struggled to conceal his own rigid erection as he silently drooled over his paramours stunning body and boyish good looks. There simply had to be a way, Adam decided with finality, to get this stud out of that Speedo, and to get that rampant cock into his mouth, and by God, today was going to be the day. Straight or not, if Adam played his cards carefully he saw no reason on earth that Eric would refuse him sucking his cock, and taking a mouthful of his spurting warm cum. What healthy sixteen year old boy would refuse the mind altering sensations of a grade-A blow job, no matter of the sucker was a girl, or another guy, he reasoned hopefully.

Reaching the school grounds, Adam pushed his bike into a bike rack near the pool area, and then he glanced around to ensure he wasn't being watched before he quickly bent down and let the air out of his back tire. Standing, a satisfied smile on his face, he ambled off toward the pool, comfortable that the first step of what he had come to think of as "operation blow Eric" having come off without a hitch. Arriving at the aquatic center, Adam took a seat in the front row of the partially filled bleachers, his eyes casting about the pool deck as he checked out the glistening and nearly naked bodies of the swim team members, his pulse quickening and his cock stirring inside his own skimpy shorts as he salivated over the trim athletic bodies clad in their snug little racing suites. Swimmer builds were truly amazing, he thought, as he flicked his eyes from one stunningly bulging crotch to the next, so lean while at the same time exceedingly solid, and not a body hair to be seen, save for the typically short haircuts. He was aware that most competitive swimmers shaved their body hair, the theory being that doing so had the potential to trim precious seconds from their lap times due to the reduced friction with the water. A vivid image of the entire group of virile young boys gathered together in the locker room, each of them naked and on full display as they went about helping each other shave their body hair, and he wondered how it would be possible for any horny young teen to resist such a temptation, and simply ignore all those dangling cocks and balls. He knew all too well that should he ever be confronted with such a scene that he would all too happily fall to his knees and slurp each of those perfect specimens of budding maleness, one right after the other, draining each of its succulent nectar. He shuddered, forcing the image from his mind as he concentrated on finding Eric among the gathering.

He located the primary object of his desires just as he was seated on a poolside bench, busying himself with sliding his trainer pants down his tanned and well muscled legs. He stood then, and Adam released a low groaning noise as he focused his hungry gaze on the delicious bulges that poked severely at the front of Eric's tiny Speedo. The boy turned then, and walked over to his sport bag, and as he bent down over it, Adam groaned once more, the stunning site of Eric's perfect little ass framed by the clinging swim suit. God, he thought, no wonder I am so hung up on this dude, he is absolutely perfect in every way. Eric straightened then, and moved to join some team mates as they all began their stretching exercises, the movements of their lithe bodies bringing Adam's cock to full hard as he struggled to shift his eyes from one to the other as they contorted and stretched their bulging muscles.

The following couple of hours went by in a blur of eye candy, the swimmers of both teams seemingly oblivious to the multitude of erotic sights and actions they provided the panting teen sitting in the bleachers, his blood pressure nearing the danger zone with each passing moment as the events of the meet unfolded. Finally, it was over, and the competing team members formed a line facing each other as they went through their hand shake routine at the end of the meet. They separated then, some heading for the shower room, while others simply pulled their track suits on over their Speedo's. Adam pulled himself from his reverie then and hurried back to where he had parked his bike. He pulled it from the rack, and walked it with its flattened rear tire over to the student parking lot where he moved it close to Eric's truck. He waited then, keeping a close eye out for Eric, who finally made an appearance, walking toward his truck. As he approached, he noticed Adam, and he paused to assess the situation.

"Hey Adam...what's up Dude...?...looks like you have a problem there...?"

Adam tried not to flush, but the heat that flushed his face and neck every time he was in close proximity to his idol told him his effort had failed miserably. Undaunted, he nodded his head, and sheepishly replied,

"Hi Eric...good meet man...and yea...flat tire...must have run over a nail or something..."

Reaching down to squeeze the flat tire, Eric nodded, and said,

"Yup...definitely, you want a lift home...? can just toss the bike in the back it you want."

Adam's heart flipped, his plan gelling perfectly as he quickly accepted Eric's offer. He lifted his bike, and gently laid it into the bed of Eric's truck, and then went over and climbed into the passenger seat as Eric walked around the truck, and slid in under the wheel. Adam smiled warmly at him, and let his eyes drop to briefly take in the bulging crotch of the satin material of the track pants as he said shyly,

"This is so cool of you're a real life saver...there won't be anyone home for me to call for help until like really late today, and it's a pretty long walk pushing a dead bike."

Eric grinned, and gave a little shrug as he started up the truck, and exited the school grounds, heading in the direction of the neighborhood that the two boys shared. After blending into the light traffic, Eric settled back, and idly dropped his hand down to make some adjustment at his crotch, and Adam felt his breath catch in his throat as his cock stirred strongly. He tried not to stare, but was unable to fully resist, and Eric flashed one of his dazzling smiles as he caught the younger boy watching intently as he fumbled at his crotch.

"Sorry's these damn Speedo's...not a lot of ball room, know what I mean..?"

Adam flushed again, a goofy nod of his head as he quickly glanced away, embarrassed at being caught staring at Eric's impressive bulges.

"Uh...yea...I bet so...not that I ever actually have worn a Speedo...but yea...they don't seem to have a lot of...slack...but hey...they look totally amazing on you...even if they aren't all that comfortable!" he blurted.

Eric gave him a slow and strange look, his eyebrows arching slightly as he let that comment soak a moment before he replied,

"Really...? think I look hot in the Speedo's that's kind of interesting..."

"It is...? come...?" Adam wondered aloud.

Eric smiled, his glance traveling over Adam sitting along side him as he answered,

"Nothing, really...just that I was thinking that you looked kind that little shorts and tank getup of yours..."

Adam flushed, totally amazed that Eric had even paid any attention to what he was wearing, while at the same time he was pleased that the stud had apparently taken notice of his carefully selected wardrobe. He squirmed a bit on the seat, his own hand now dropping down to adjust his rising cock inside the tiny track shorts as he muttered nervously,

"Um...well, yea...I was...uh...out for a run before I went to the pool...I only actually showed up there because my tire went flat, and I was too tired to walk all the way home...well...that...and I watch you swim, too...!"

Eric chuckled, his eyes dropping to Adam's tugging at his dick, and he nodded sagely as he replied,

" sense missing out on seeing me whip the competition...or to miss out checking out my Speedo...!"

Adam flushed some more, completely surprised at the direction the conversation seemed to be going. Before he had a chance to come up with any sort of reply, Eric turned onto their street, and rolled to a stop in front of Adam's house. He sat back on the seat, and looked over at Adam as he said,

"Home sweet home Sport...come on, I'll give you a hand with the bike..."

Adam stepped out of the truck, and walked to the back where Eric was already lifting his bike from the bed, and as he set it on the street, he looked into Adam's eyes, a slight smirk on his handsome face. A slightly awkward moment ensued, and finally Adam blurted,

"I, um...really appreciate the ride, you want to come in...?...maybe have a coke, or something...?...I mean, nobody is going to be home until way later...!"

Now why, thought Adam, did I say that...?...shit...why not just come right out and offer to suck him was about that obvious...shit...!

Eric chuckled again, and then nodded his head, his soft hair trailing over his forehead in loose strands as he said simply,

"Sure...a coke sounds great...lead on Dude...!"

Adam took his bike and they walked down the driveway where he leaned it against the garage before leading Eric to the back door of the house. Using his key, he opened it, and they went into the kitchen where Adam produced two cokes from the refrigerator and handed one to Eric. He led him into the family room, and they settled onto the sofa in front of the big screen television, sipping at the cokes as another awkward silence ensued. Desperate to hide his growing nervousness, Adam offered some lame comments on the swim meet, and Eric played along, the smirky smile still playing over his face. After a short interlude, Eric suddenly stood, and asked Adam where he might find the bathroom and Adam sent him down the hallway. He sat nervously on the sofa, his mind racing with thoughts of how to seize the golden opportunity he faced being alone with the object of his desires, and he worried that Eric would go nuts if he actually made some sort of sexual gesture, possibly even kick his ass. Before his scattered thoughts actually gelled, Eric returned from the bathroom, and when he strolled back into the family room, Adam very nearly cried out loud with shock at seeing him wearing nothing but his very brief and bulging Speedo.

Eric walked up to stand directly in front of a very flustered Adam, his swollen package at direct eye level with the stunned boy, and he put his hands on his hips, thrusting forward so that the object of Adam's fantasy presented so close to his face that could actually catch the faint scent of pool chlorine emanating from the tiny fabric. He stared hungrily at the bulges, and every instinct in his body was to simply reach out and grasp that amazing package, but still he hesitated, unsure of exactly what signals Eric was sending as he stood there, boldly tempting a badly shaken Adam. Finally, Eric broke the stunned silence as he said, his tone soft and gentle while at the same time direct, and meaningful,

"You know, Adam...I've been wondering about you for some time now...I mean, a guy hears things, you know...?...always the rumor mill around school...but until today I wasn't so sure...the word is you might be gay...and the look on your face right now makes that a pretty sure thing...are you, Adam...? you want my stuff as much as it looks like you do...?"

Adam was freaked, his heart racing as his rigid cock throbbed behind his shorts as he held his breath, his glazed over eyes fixated on the heavy bulges inside the Speedo that was scant inches from his saliva filled mouth. He tore his gaze away from the amazing treasures long enough to roll his eyes upward as he looked into Eric's eyes. Unable to find his voice, he simply nodded his head in response to Eric's question, and then dropped his eyes back to the tempting package that actually appeared fuller than it had mere seconds before. He heard Eric utter a soft chuckle, and then he flexed his hips, bringing the swollen maleness even closer to Adam's face as he went on,

"I thought're hot as hell for my cock aren't you Adam...? want to slide this Speedo off me and go for it, don't you gay-boy...? want so bad to let my hard cock want to touch it...stroke with my big balls...maybe even suck it for me, huh Adam...? you want to do all of that to me...?"

Adam groaned, the pointed description very nearly matching his own thoughts and desires, and he nodded again, ashamed, but at the same time nearly boiling over with excitement, and pure lust as he continued to stare fixatedly at the enticing package before his drooling mouth. Eric chuckled again, the sound low, and amused as he inched closer to the panting Adam, his silky Speedo now just making contact with his flushed face as he said,

"Okay got it Dude...I'm going to let you do all of that...maybe even more...but you better understand this really well...I am not gay...not even a little...and if word of this ever gets around Adam, you're hear me, Dude...?"

Nearly faint with excitement Adam nodded once more, his eyes rolling up to meet Eric's hard stare, and he finally found enough voice to reply as he mumbled,

"It will never get out from me, let me do this, and I will never admit it...never...and I won't bug you about it again either...unless you decide you want it again...honest Eric...not a word...ever...!"

Eric nodded, his mouth turning up in a wicked little smile, and he said simply,

"Okay for it man...for now, it's all yours...!"

Adam could barely believe his ears and his hands shook as he slowly reached out to close his hand over Eric's thick package. The sensation of its hard thickness scorched his hand as if it had burned him, and as he tightened his grip on the pulsing treasure another low groan escaped from his chest. He moved his hand up and down, savoring the length and girth of Eric's thickness, and his other hand moved to gently cup the large bulge of his balls. Eric shuddered, his lithe body trembling strongly as Adam worked his treasures, filling him with a pleasure he had never expected. He let the panting boy explore him a few moments, and then he began rocking his hips, pressing his rigid boyhood against the groping hand as he croaked, his own voice surprising him with it's timber as he muttered,

"Bedroom, Adam...lets take this to your bedroom where you can do it right...!"

Adam all but jumped to his feet, his hand still firmly holding his prize as he quickly led Eric down the hall, and into his room. He steered him to the bed, and then sat himself down on the edge of it as he positioned Eric standing before him once more. He reached for the elastic of the Speedo, his hands shaking as he hooked his thumbs under the snug band and yanked it outward, and then down. The thick cock and heavy dangling balls sprang free, and Adam gasped loudly, the sculpted beauty of Eric's equipment taking his breath away. It was thick and long, an easy seven inches Adam decided, and nearly as wide as his wrist. The bulbous head was neatly circumcised, and glistening wetly as a steady oozing of clear fluid ran from the perfect little slit at its center. The shaft was heavily veined, and it seemed that the bulging channels of blood pulsed with Eric's rapid heartbeat, and Adam groaned out loud from the stunning sight of it scant inches from his drooling mouth. Eric's balls were wide, and heavy, hanging low below his rigid staff, and Adam noticed the totally hair free pouch of crinkly pink skin that bulged with the weight of the large orbs.

He gulped, his mouth instantly filling with saliva once again, and as he watched another tear drop of shiny fluid ooze from the slit, he leaned forward, and lapped it away with his tongue as his slender fingers surrounded the heavy stalk, pumping its length. Eric shuddered at the tongue contact and his hands shot out to grab Adam's head forcefully as his own excitement grew. He jerked Adam's head forward, and Adam simply opened his mouth to eagerly accept the silky smooth cock that he had so often imagined filling his mouth, and plunging into his throat. He gagged once as the thick instrument bore into his mouth, and then it was as if he had sucked this amazing cock forever, a steady rhythm settling over him as his hand went to fondle the heavy swinging balls. Eric's fingers threaded into his hair as his head bobbed over the wide shaft, his flowing saliva flooding his mouth and running freely down the slippery shaft of Eric's big cock. He was dizzy with lust, the taste and feeling of the rigid cock flooding his senses, and he sucked for full effect, eager now for the massive eruption he knew was coming as Eric thrust his hips in sync with this bobbing head, a series of low grunts flowing steadily from his gapping mouth.

"AWwww Jesus, Adam...oh man that's are one hot cocksucker...!" Eric huffed.

The sounds of his slurping filled Adams ears, so obscene and just plain nasty, and the ring of being called a cocksucker echoed through his head. Cocksucker, he thought...oh God yes...after waiting so last...I am a cocksucker...and this is Eric's cock...oh my God...!

On and on it went, the level of lust going right off the charts, and as Adam sensed a sudden swelling of Eric's thick shaft he pulled off of it, and dropped down to carefully capture the heavy scrotum inside his drooling mouth, his tongue working against each large ball in turn. Eric groaned again, spreading his strong legs wider to allow Adam better access to his aching balls, and he gasped loudly as Adam took one ball at a time into his magic mouth, and sucked it with the perfect amount of force to cause a mind blowing mixture of pleasure and pain. Eric rolled his head on his shoulders, his breath sounding ragged and rapid as Adam tortured his tender balls until he thought he might actually blow his load from that searing sensation alone. Suddenly, Adam abandoned his balls, and moved to again swallow his pulsing cock to the root, and Eric rolled up onto his toes, his hips thrusting forward of their own volition as he felt his balls draw tight in their pouch. He heard the loud slurping that Adam's drooling mouth made sliding over his cock, and the noises mixed with the myriad of mind bending sensations that amazing mouth was causing, and in one long burning sensation he lost it, his cock suddenly bucking inside Adam's warm, wet mouth as it erupted what had to have been the heaviest load of cum he had ever produced in his young life.

Adam felt the sudden bucking of Eric's cock in his mouth, and scant seconds later his mouth was fully flooded with the warm thick fluid he had so often imagined, and the sweet-tartness of it surprised him as it poured forth in burst after burst. He gulped rapidly, gamely keeping up with the incredible volume and force of the ejaculate, and when it finally stopped spurting, he swallowed the last oozing and then just gently held the wilting cock in his mouth, gently suckling it as it continued to soften and shrink. Eric shuddered strongly, his rubbery knees giving up on his weight, and he sank onto the bed beside a slightly stunned Adam. They looked at each other a moment, neither one saying anything as they traded sheepish grins. Eric reached out and ran his fingers over Adam's soft lips, scooping up an errant streamer of his cum, and he slid the slimy finger inside Adam's mouth, letting him suck it clean. He grinned then, and looked into Adam's eyes as he said,

"That was amazing Dude...truly amazing...who knew anything could be so damned good...Jesus...!"

Adam blushed proudly, his soft cheeks glowing pinkly as he gave a small shrug, and then nodded, as he replied in a soft voice,

"Yea...for sure...who knew...!"

The End

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