
By Male Lover

Published on Mar 5, 2002


Warning: If you are underage, or if you do not approve of male-to-male sex, do not proceed. The following is a fictional story. If you have any comment, other than on my grammar, email me.

Title: Adam

'Dad!' I shouted, waving my hand at the figure of the man I knew too familiar. He was in our driveway, at the back of his car, holding a sponge in one hand and a black can in another. His back was to me and in hearing my voice, he turned around. A delighted expression was seen on his face, when he saw me as I quickened my pace. I could not walk fast enough. My heavy bags were weighing me down.

'Adam? Adam! My boy is back!!' my dad yelled. 'Marge! Marge! See who's back!' my dad continued raising his voice, to alert my mom.

A blonde hair kid, who must had been squatting at the other side of my dad's old car, stood up. He was drawn into the sudden commotion.

'Hey! Hey! I thought you are coming in only tomorrow?' my dad asked, as he came to me with his hand reaching out to help me with my bags.

'A last minute change of plan, dad. So, I thought I surprise you two. So, SURPRISE!!'

'Heh! Heh! Heh! Surprise, indeed, yes! So, how are you doing, son?' he asked as he put his hand around my arm, escorting me back to the driveway. The kid had stopped waxing the car and put down his cloth. He was walking towards us with a wide grin.

'What are you doing, washing your car under the hot sun, dad?'

'Nahhh... It is not that hot. Besides, the sun is blocked by the cloud. If it is too hot, we would have stopped, wouldn't we, Billy?' my dad said, as I turned my attention to the blonde kid as he came to a stop in front of me.

He just smiled to my dad's question. 'Hi, I'm Billy,' he said as he eagerly wiped his right hand on his dark green T-shirt, as if to get rid of the wax stain, before extending it to shake my hand.

'Oh! You must be the neighbour kid,' I said. Mom had told me about the new neighbour a few months ago, in her letters to me.

Billy nodded his head with a grin. He was tall, for a 13, or was it 14, year old kid. He was slim and wearing what I believed to be a hand-me-down T-shirt, which was a little too big for his size. His short stretched a little longer than his knees, which must be too warm for such an afternoon. But he looked like he was alright with them. Mom had told me that the new neighbour was not that well off. But this kid did dress neatly with whatever he had on.

His hair was messy. He wore round glasses and dimples were showing clearly as he smiled.

'I'm Adam,' I introduced myself to Billy who was still showing his face. I didn't think he had stopped grinning since I first saw him approaching us.

'Billy and his mom moved in 4 months ago. Your mom told you, didn't she?' dad asked as he turned his head to me.

'Yes, she did. By the way, where is mom?' I turned my attention back to dad, who had moved a step forward and placed a hand on Billy's shoulder.

'She is inside. She'll be out in a while,' my dad answered as he gave a quick look into the house and turned his attention back to us.

'Anyway, this fine boy here has been helping me with my work around the house. Your mom has been nagging me non-stop to do this and that. If it is not for Billy, I think I would have suffered exhaustion. He did 80% of my work and let me do only a little,' my dad added on, with a little chuckle. He patted Billy's shoulder.

'Don't believe him, Adam. I had helped out only a little bit,' said Billy.


We turned to the direction of that voice. My mom was hurrying down the driveway, with the hands covering her mouth in disbelief to see me. I dropped my bag and cut through dad and Billy to run to her.

'You're back! You're back!!' she yelped as she stretched out her hands to hug me. I did too, and was wrapped so tightly by her arms, that I began to feel embarrassed in front of Billy.

'Errr... mom... I need to breathe...' I joked.

'Oh, you silly kid, you!' mom said as she released me.

'Let me see you,' she said. Mom, being mom, checked through me in a glance, although we last saw each other 5 months ago when I left for my second semester in a college four states away. I was bracing myself for a comment on my weight, as all moms always see their kids as not having enough weight. She did not. I was surprised. But then again, she was the only one who would comment on my weight. Some of my college friends were dead jealous of my well-kept body. I was fat-free and kept my body well-toned through constant jogging and numerous games. My muscles were not bulking, but more of nice bulges. My stomach was lean and measured as 29", with my chest 38".

'Hmmmm.... You need a haircut, Adam.' Arrr... almost too perfect if she did not say anything. But she had to. I would have thought she cared for me less if she did not comment on anything. My hair was fine, but it, being shoulder length, was not ok with my mom. I could have gotten a haircut but I had just finished with my exams and parties.

'I will get one, mom. Let me rest a few days first,' I assured her with a smile. Mom usually stopped commenting after such answer, plus the right angle of a smile to let her know that I was still my mama's boy.

'Is Cynthia back?' I asked. Cynthia is my sister. She was studying in a different college from mine.

'No. No. She called up a few days ago and told us that she planned to go back-packing with her college mates. She said that she will come back next month,' mom answered.

I was disappointed. It would have been nicer to see all the three of them. I missed them so much.

'Well, at least we two are here, right, son?' dad added, as he caught up with us. He must have read my thought.

I smiled back.

Mom was leading me into the house. I thought of Billy and turned to ask him to join us. Dad had already done the job by putting his arm around Billy's back, pulling him along to walk with us. He was quiet, watching our 'reunion'. His hand was carrying the back I had dropped to the ground just now. A grin came back onto his face when I turned to him. I returned his smile. I thanked him and took my bag back from him. I was about to ask him which school he attended to, for a small chat, when we heard a voice calling Billy from Billy's house. It was more like from Billy's kitchen.

'Oops! Sorry... I had to go,' Billy said as he broke away from dad's arm. 'I'll see you all later!' he said as he ran across the road to a narrow, old-looking double storey house. That lone house had been standing there for many years, even before I was born. Compare to the houses around, it stood out due to its different building structure and old paint. But I knew it was cozy inside. My high school friend, Kenny stayed there for 10 years.

'See you!' mom and dad replied. 'And thanks, Billy for the help!' dad yelled.

'Anytime!!' Billy yelled back, without looking back. The back of his left hand was waving back as he continued running, across the road and into his house.

'He is such a nice boy,' mom said as we continued our walk into the house.

'Polite and well-mannered,' dad added on.

There were many things to talk about. As I flopped myself down on the sofa in the living room, ready to listen to new gossips and share with them mine. I was not that tired. I slept like a log in the bus ride back here.

We were only 5 minutes into our conversation when the front door opened and in walked Billy.

'Mom asked Adam to join us for dinner tonight, Mrs. Taylor,' he said.

Dad read the puzzle on my face. 'We are supposed to go over to Billy's place tonight. Her mom is cooking dinner for us,' he said.

'That will be too much trouble for your mom,' mom replied, shooting me a look, to indicate her intention not to bother Billy's mom.

'No. No. Mom said that she insists, unless Adam is too tired.'

Three heads turned to me, waiting for my answer.

'If it is not too much trouble, I would love to. I heard your mom cook very well,' I said, again with the info from my mom's 'informative' mails. From the mails, I knew too, that Billy's mom and mine became good friends.

Billy's face broke into a wider grin. 'No, it won't be any trouble. I will go and inform her now that you said yes. I'll see you later, Adam. Mr. Taylor. Mrs. Taylor,' Billy greeted us before he rushed out again, definitely enthusiastic with my acceptance.

'Watch the road. Careful, Billy!!' mom yelled, just as the front door almost shut.

'Is he always that happy?' I asked, teasingly.

'Maybe because he admire you so much and now you are back,' dad said.

'Huh?' I was puzzled again.

'He admires you. I think he thinks you are some kind of er... hmm.. superhero,' dad answered as he tried to find the right word. 'He would look at your trophies and asked what kind of games you played in high school and how you did in your studies and all. He even told us that he wanted to be like you.'

Wow! I was overwhelmed. Definitely touched by the admiration.

'That poor Billy. And her mom too. She is working overtime to make sure that she earns enough for the two of them. And she has just started to take night classes. Her nice boss is offering a promotion to chief secretary, if she get herself a higher diploma certificate,' mom sighed.

'She is working as a secretary now, isn't she?' I asked, trying to remember what mom wrote in her letters.

'Yeah. That poor girl. It must have been hard for her, to raise Billy all by herself. I would not know what to do without my George,' mom said, as she reached out her hand and placed it on dad's hand. Dad patted her lightly. I sighed, felt pitiful for that little guy and his mom.

'How long has Mr. Johnson passed away?' I asked.

'I am not so sure... er.. since Billy was 4? The money he left them was just good enough to buy them food and a nice shelter. I think she is worried about their future. Billy's education. Clothes. Insurance. Whatever else we can think of,' mom said with a sad expression written on her face. 'You know, it is hard to keep the books balanced.'

'Heard that, Adam? Ahem... better be more appreciative, right?' dad teased.

Mom patted dad' thigh lightly and laughed at dad's remark. I just smiled. But they knew I was grateful. My results were excellent. It was more of 'will I be able to maintain my grades B and above or not'. I had never flunk any of the papers I had sat for. In sports-wise, I knew dad was proud to have an athletic son.

'Adam, Billy comes over often. I hope you don't mind. I will let him know not to disturb you. We have been encouraging him to treat this house like his. Now that you are back.. perhaps... it may not be so proper,' mom said.

'It's no problem, mom. Really.'

'Just treat him like a little brother. You know you had always wanted one,' dad said.

I smiled. It was true. My elder sister used to bully me, although many times too, she was the best sister anyone could have. I wondered why I did not have anyone younger to do the same for. But I had overgrown that wish of mine. It was many years ago.

'Anyway, it's just that it is nice for us to have another kid in the house. It was a little too lonely with you and Cynthia away in colleges, son. He did help a lot. Gardening. Washing my car. Watching out for the house in the afternoon,' dad said. Dad and mom were away during the daytime to take care of family business. But not on Sundays.

'He even helped me to change your room's bedsheet when he heard you're coming back. He cleaned Cynthia's room as well,' mom cut in. 'We let him stay over when his mom has to go outstation for her company.'

'I'm fine with him, mom, dad. What's with all the nice things you have told me about them, I think I like Mrs. Johnson even though I have not met her. Billy is great too.'

Our conversation went on for an hour. I asked them of their friends and relatives. They asked me of my college ex-3-months-old-girlfriend, who was back to her hometown, and also my roommate. And any friends of mine that they knew. I asked them of any new development in our town. They asked me of my spending in college and whether my pocket money was sufficient. As usual, I dropped the hint that any extra would be appreciated, and not objected.

Then, my mom got up and said that she needed to clean up a few things before going over for dinner. My dad needed to clean up the driveway. I grabbed my bags and walked up the staircase to my room. Opening the door, I was relief to see again my old room. My bed was neatly covered. I did not mind that Billy slept over a few times when his mom worked night shift.. In fact, I thought Billy did a better job in cleaning up my room than mom or I.

I threw my bag onto the floor and, myself onto the bed. I must had dozed off for 20 minutes when there was a knock on my door to tell me to get ready.

Mrs. Johnson was a woman in her late 30's. There was a photo of a dashing looking guy, presumably Mr. Johnson, hanging on the wall, with his arms, hugging a beautiful woman. It must had been all those years of working hard, wearing down Mrs. Johnson. She had changed much. I tried not to look too long at the photos, just in case Mrs. Johnson would feel uncomfortable with her present self. She had put on some weight but otherwise, I would say she looked wonderful. Despite just finished cooking and a short time to prepare herself for the guests, she looked neat.

She took care of the house well, which she claimed Billy helped a lot.

Billy hurried down the stairs a short while later. He must had just finished washing up too. He dressed up in jeans for dinner, just like me. But the colour had faded. His T-shirt was another over-size one. But somehow, he still looked presentable in them. He greeted us again with his ever-grin and clumsily tried to put on his glasses.

The dinner was superb. Mom did not lie when she said as last she had found a rival in cooking. Dad did not complain as he enjoyed both cooking. I spent the meal time tasting, adding and complimenting whatever Mrs. Johnson placed onto my plate. Mom, jokingly, warned me of her jealousy when I kept praising her.

'You have a fine son,' Mrs. Johnson said when we were eating the cake desert my mom brought over. It was my favourite chocolate cake.

'He takes after me,' dad said and then broke into laughter. Dad was already in his late 40's. So was mom. If he put a few more weight, he would looked like a black hair santa. Dad and Mom were not like my sister and I. They could not be bothered with taking care of their bodies.

'I can see that,' mom teased, rubbing her hand on dad's tummy.

We laughed at their silly jokes.

Billy was still quiet at dinner. I sensed he wanted to chat, but he did not know when to interrupt. He ate his dinner and grinned whenever he faced me. Mom took care of his eating, just like Mrs. Johnson taking care of mine. Dad complaint of being left out. So, Billy walked all the way to where dad was sitting and scooped for him more potatoes and poured more wine into his glass.

'Good boy, Billy!', to which Billy just smiled shyly.

When we were done, Mrs. Johnson invited us over to her small living room for drinks. Billy immediately cleared up the table without being asked. I offered to help but Mrs. Johnson pushed me out of the dining room.

'He is used to it. Besides, you are a guest here,' she said.

Billy smiled when I turned to see if he was okay. Mrs. Johnson kissed Billy lightly on his forehead, thanking him, before moving to join us.

Mrs. Johnson asked me questions regarding my college and my studies. Dad and mom watched on as I tried to answer her as much as I can. She was interested. Maybe because again, I had to admit this, she wanted to know if Billy could proceed to any college without having to face financial difficulties. I told her of whatever financial assistance I could think of. Although I was given scholarship, I could have done fine because dad ran a successful grocery shop in town.

Slowly, the talk changed to her cooking, which got me bored and then slowly to news about Susan, their friend, whose husband had disappeared. Some said he ran off with a new woman. Some said he got into illegal debts and maybe was running for his life. Dad, mom and Mrs. Johnson were cooking up their theories of possible happenings. I was somehow relieved to see Billy came back into the room.

'Done already, honey?' Mrs. Johnson asked.

'Yes, mom,' Billy said as he went around, trying to refill our drinks.

'Why don't you show Adam your room, Billy? Would you like to see his room, Adam?' Mrs. Johnson turned her attention to me.

'Sure,' I said, glad to be able to get out of the conversation.

'This way, Adam,' Billy directed me to the stairs. He was excited to show me his room. His grin was still in-tact.

Billy hopped up the stairs and I tried to catch up.

There were only two rooms upstairs, with a narrow corridor. Both rooms shared one bathroom at the end of the corridor. Billy and his mom did not seem to feel uncomfortable with me over the size of the house. If there was anything, Billy seemed proud to have me visiting his room. Mind, he was almost like worshipping me.

His bedroom door led to a small size room which fitted in one bed, with repaired legs, a mini-cupboard and a desk. His window was open, so his room was quite cooling. I could see my room window from his. Although he was only a teenage, he obviously knew how to keep his room tidy to make it looked not too small.

Posters of Britney Spears, sexy Lil' Kim and 'Nsync were pasted on the walls. Of course, Britney was above his bed. It had to be. I, too, would want her above, beside or better still on my bed.

'It is nothing much, but these are what I have in my room,' Billy said, quickly diverting my attention to his few trophies and certs near his desk. I guessed it was only polite for me to show some interest, so I did picked them up and read the labels. I had to admit that I was impressed - runner up in 4 x 100m, 3rd in 200m and 400m plus medals from a few other competitions.

'Impressive,' I told him.

He smiled, proud. 'Awww.. they are nothing like yours. I hope one day, I will be able to win as many as you,' he confessed.

'Well, do you play any games in school, Billy?' I asked as I made my way to his bed and sat down. Billy quickly pulled up his chair and sat down, facing me.

'Basket ball, baseball and I have just joined the swimming practice this year,' he told me.

'Really? Do you have time for all these?'

'Well, I have to come back to an empty house anyway. So, I thought I kept myself busy after school. When I don't have anything on, then I will get earlier bus back home. You know, your dad and mom are so cool. They allowed me over to watch the cable,' Billy said.

I nodded my head. I knew.

'.. that is as long as I don't watch the wrong channels and help them to clean the place, especially now, since that it is school holidays,' he told me again. He must be proud to let me know that he helped to take care of my house.

'That's nice.' I knew he was waiting to hear me, praising him. It was like waiting for a sign that just like dad and mom, I welcomed him too. And I did. He was an enthusiastic kid, jovial and bright. He was full of spirit for life, just like his mom. I liked this kid for these.

I laid back on his wall, and we chatted on our favourite music, sport teams and where I used to hang out when I was in high school. He was fun. Not a dull type. A pretty boy, but not a girlish type. Always attentive and eager to know more from me. I would have been irritated by someone like that in another situation, but with Billy, it was fun to be.. er.. hmmm.. what was the word.. admired? Yeah.. It was fun to have someone who looked up to me for the things I had done.

Dad called me 40 minutes later to let me know that we should be leaving. I promised Billy to shoot some hoops with him tomorrow in the evening. He told me he was eager to learn a few tips from me. I would had to see if I could impress him more.

Throughout the week, I pampered myself with a lot of sleeping. Dad and mom were not in during the daytime, so my morning sleeps were not disturbed at all. Billy did not come over the next day, as he said he wished not to disturb me. I kept telling him it would not bother me. Billy came over in the evenings when my dad and mom were back. Twice he ate dinner at our place as his mom went for night classes. He even helped to wash the dishes and mopped the floor after meal. We did play basket ball in the driveway with me, taking advantage of my 6'2" height. I teased Billy to be patient and one day, he would be as tall as me. Besides, I was almost 6 years older than him. I was right about him. He was thirteen and a half years old. On Tuesday night, I took him for a movie and he was one of those who just went along with the howling and shouting at the silver screen. He made me laugh. I tried to hard to make him enjoy my company. He did.

I was touched again when he told me on our way back that he wished he had a brother like me. He told me that Cynthia must be very lucky. In fact, he thought all those who had siblings were lucky. I told him he could always count on Cynthia and I, as I reached out and brushed his hair. I was not ready for his next action but was definitely moved when he gave me a quick but tight hug and murmured a thank you.

On other evenings, I went around, looking for my old classmates. No such luck to find Kenny, who was still in his college. Nor could I find Andrew, who had moved with his girlfriend to another state. I did manage to see Larry, but he was working. We promised to meet up another week. I saw my high school girlfriend, Tina, but all hopes for another few night stands were dashed as Larry put his arm around Tina and the two of them snuggled close to one another. They were a couple. Hmmmm... I was happy for them and wished them the best.

On Friday, I woke up late as usual, but I felt fresher, compared to the other mornings. The house was quiet. My hand rubbed my eyes and the other was massaging my morning wood. I got up from my bed, with an 8-inch hard-on. Taking off my boxer and placing the towel around my neck, I headed for the bathroom, with my cock pointing the way. I had to share a bathroom, which was opposite my room, with Cynthia.

The bathroom was spacious, with a sliding glass door to separate the shower from the toilet and washing basin. I closed the door, and shut the sliding glass door. The water sprayed on me felt good on my body. I opened the cap of my body shampoo and squeezed a few drops into my right palm. I lowered my hand to my still hard cock and took care of my hard on. In my mind, I kept imagining a new target girl of mine, Dephine. I imagined her naked and how I would ram my rod into her. I began to pump faster and in a shortwhile, my cum erupted. First few sprayed onto the bathroom wall and the rest dribbled down, together with the shower. I ran my body through the water, to clean off any sticking cum.

It had been my morning habit to beat off. Even when I was dating and fucking the girls, I still beat off when I wake up, unless I wake up beside my date. Then, she would be taking care of my morning hardness.

After washing my hair and scrubbing my body, I shut the water and stepped out. Reaching out for the towel, I dried my hair and then my body. After done with that, I put the towel around my neck again and approached the mirror, reaching out for my toothbrush. I brushed my teeth while I checked my face for any signs of pimples. Although my face was smooth, I was still particular over any potential zits. Satisfied, I rinsed my mouth. I loved to look at myself naked in the mirror. I did spend many hours to build this body. And yes, the girls loved it too. But it gave some kind of satisfaction, when I could look at my body in the mirror and felt proud of its swell, hardness and smoothness.

I took out my shaver and put some cream around my chin. Just as I was about to shave, the bathroom door was opened. Billy stepped in and was shocked to see me in there.

'Oh! I am sorry... I did not know you are in here. I thought you were still sleeping,' Billy apologised immediately, with his hand still holding on to the door knob.

'It's alright,' I said. I was still standing there naked, shaving away the short beard forming for the past few days. My eyes were looking at him through the mirror, but his eyes were obviously checking out my muscles. His eyes, although looked stunned to see me naked, moved, from my naked chests to my firm butts and my toned thigh muscles.

Being in open showers with my friends many times, it was normal for me to be naked with guys. So, I was not planning to cover myself, in front of Billy. I could see Billy's eyes checking out my cock size. Now, after the cold shower, my cock had shrunken to 4 inches, but I guessed it looked thick enough to kid his age, that he was shocked. I guessed he had not seen his coach naked before. So, maybe I was the first adult he had seen naked.

'What is it that you want?' I asked him, still not moving away from where I was. My eyes were still fixed on him.

'I just wanna use the toilet,' he said. His eyes had scrolled up from watching my thick cock to my bulging chests.

'Go ahead then.'

He stepped in and closed the door. I could hear him pissing his urine into the toilet bowl. My eyes shifted between looking at where I was shaving and where I could see him standing from the mirror. He tried to turn around to see me a few times. My cock started to get semi-hard from the attention.

I could hear the flush. He was done. He turned around and just stood where he was. I could see he did not know where to put his hands, so at the end he just placed them on his hips. I thought I saw his eyes catching my rising cock. He just stared with his eyes widened.

'So, what's up?' I asked him while I cleaned my shaver under the running water, pretending I was very much casual with the whole thing.

'Thought I wanna ask you to shoot some balls when you get up,' he answered. At last, he began to talk to my face. Silly kid...

'Do you wanna wash your hands?' I asked. I thought if this kid admired my body so much, he might as well get a closer look.

He quickly removed his hands from his hips, as if he was guilty of being caught for not being hygiene. He took a few steps to the basin. As I was not moving away, he moved to the side of the basin and ran water on his hands. I was leaning on the basin. My cock, which was above the basin, was obviously getting a little longer and harder from all his stare at my naked body. Billy was taking his time to wash his fingers while I slowly cleaned around my chin with my towel.

'Isn't it a little too hot to play basket ball now?' I asked him.

'No, the sun is blocked. I think it is going to rain this afternoon. So, I thought we could play it now.'

'Sure.. let me get dressed and take something first. Have you eaten?'

He shook his head.

'Why don't you fix something for you and I in the kitchen? I will be down in a short while,' I said as I turned away from his stare on my naked body. I opened the bathroom door and walked into my room, leaving him to the view of my naked butts.

When I got downstairs, I found myself facing a bowl of cereal and a cup of milk. Billy was already eating away, while reading the day's newspapers. He smiled to me when I grabbed a chair and sat down beside him. He was different now. My eyes kept checking to see if he was still checking me out, but there was no sign. Actually, I enjoyed the attention of his eyes when I was naked. It, somehow, made me feel empty when I walked out of the bathroom.

Billy was babbling away about the new Survivor program and I listened while reading the latest news.

A few minutes later, we were already in the driveway, bouncing the basket ball away. He was right. It looked like it was going to rain. We played for an hour, until he declared his lack of energy to continue. Before he would faint of exhaustion, I told him to come in and get a cold drink. We would go and get lunch in town later. Billy told me that he would be glad to cook something light for me, which of course, I turned it down nicely and told him that I would treat him for lunch. He was delighted.

He poured me a cold water and drank up his quickly. I took off my wet tank-top and wiped myself as dry as I could. He followed my action and I was treated to his body. Billy was slim, but his body was definitely forming in the right direction. Even his chests were beginning to form wider. His stomach was flat and his waist was small.

I caught his eyes staring at my chests again and then my stomach. He did not seem to be interested in my crotch. So, he was just admiring my developed body. Nothing infatuation.

After I felt my body was cooler, I excused myself to take another bath. Billy just sat there. It was still too early to go for lunch, so I told him that he could switch on the TV to watch if he wanted to. He just nodded and smiled.

A few minutes after the shower was spraying water on me, I heard the bathroom door opened, and then closed. Looking through the glass, I could see Billy walking in to use the toilet again. As I was not using the warm water, there was no steam to block my view. I could see him as clear as he could see me. He peed into the bowl and then flushed.

I just continued with my shower. I realised that he was still there. He was sitting on the toilet seat.

'Anything?' I asked as I slided the glass door up a little bit. My body was pressed onto the glass and so was my cock. He was staring at my cock and then looked up and shook his head, smiling.

'I thought I just come up here and chat with you,' he said.

A lousy excuse, but I was not going to embarrassed him.

'Then, you have to talk louder, Billy. I could not hear clearly through the water,' I said, with a smile. I had to smile, just in case he felt uncomfortable. I needed him to know I was ok with it.

'Sure!' he said, with his eyes suddenly sprang up lively, knowing that I did not have a problem with him there.

I really could not hear what he was saying. So, I just said yes, why, how and a lot of whats as I rinsed my body. My cock was beginning to stiffen. I knew he could see that. I figured that not many guys his age had seen an 8-inch before, so I did not mind playing a little exhibition.

I played with my cock. I kept applying soap on it to make it stay hard. I gave it a few strokes and I scrubbed myself around that area. I kept cleaning my balls and cock and kept my hard cock pointing straight up. I acted like it was something normal.

I turned to wash my back and could see him, with disbelief eyes, watching my cock hardened. I purposely turned my body a few times and let my cock swing around a bit. I really enjoyed my showing off.

But enough was enough. I thought it would make me look weird to wash my body so long. So, I shut the water and stepped out from the shower area. I reached out for my towel and dried my hair first. I was standing in front of him, giving him a first row view. He was no longer talking, not that I was really listening earlier on. With the towel over my head, I peeked to see if he was still watching. He was, from my chests to the groin, especially on my hard cock.

I moved the towel down and dried my upper body. His eyes followed wherever my hands rubbed.

'Hmmm.. Billy.. I am beginning to wonder about you,' I said to him.

His eyes broke away from my body. He smiled again, but this time, bashfully.

'Never seen a male body?' I asked him, as I straightened up, placing my towel over my neck.

'I have. In the locker room. But it is just that you are so muscular, and yours is so big. I had never seen one that big before,' he said, with his finger pointing to my cock. Of course what he said was not entirely true. I was not that muscular and mine was not so big. I had college mates who were bigger in that department. But what he said did boost my ego. My pride was hiked.

His finger was still pointing. It was near where my cock was swinging as I rubbed my body dry with the towel. Something mischievous immediately built in my mind.

'Wanna hold it?' I asked him. Why not? The kid had been admiring it. So, it might make him feel better to hold before such a size he claimed to be big.

'Are you sure?'

'Sure, Billy.'

'You.. won't mind?'

'No, go ahead,' I encouraged him.

I stepped closer to him. His eyes opened wider as if my cock had lunged at him. He raised his right hand and placed his palm on my cock. My cock twitched at his touch.

'Woh!!!' he giggled.

Bracing himself more, he wrapped his fingers around my cock. Boy! That surely felt heaven after not having sex for so long. Then, as if enough, he let go of my cock.

'Enough?' I said, suppressing my disappointment with his letting go.

'You don't mind if I hold longer?'

'Hold it as long as you want. Hold it with your two hands if you wish. Just promise you won't tell anyone.'

Billy broke into a grin again. He reached out this time with both hands and wrapped them around my cock. My cock hardened and I knew he could feel it. Wow, he muttered. He held my cock in his hand like he was weighing it. He was turning my cock to the right side and then to the left like he was checking a potential buy.

He looked up to me and wow-ed at it again.

'Are girls crazy over you for this, Adam?'

'What do you think?' I teased him.

'I think you are bigger than those guys in porn movies.'

So, this kid is not that innocent after all.

He gave my cock a few squeeze. I was still standing proud, with my hands hanging on to the ends of my towel. My cockhead grew bigger at his stare and it was turning purple. His eyes widened again, to express his marvel of the size of my cockhead. I was so proud.

He looked up to me to see if I would disapprove of his next step. As if I knew what he wanted to do, I smiled, tilting my head slightly to tell him to go ahead.

He released the upper grip on my cock and re-wrapped his fingers around my cockhead. His palm brushed against the sensitive ring. My cock jerked up at the touch. Pre-cum oozed out. He noticed it but instead of moving away, he moved his wrapped fingers up and down gently a few times around my cock ring. More blood was pumped into my cock and my cockhead was showing it.

As I was wondering if I wanted to venture that far, Billy moved both of his palms up and down on my shaft. He was masturbating me!!! Ahhhhh... that felt good. I did not want him to stop. Billy continued to stroke my cock. It was as if he had wanted me to cum.

'Faster, Billy, faster!'

Responding to my call, he stroked me harder.

I could not hold back anymore. When he slided his palm passed my cock ring one more time, that really did it.

My body shook and my cock ejected cum after cum. The first one shot above Billy's head. The second one hit Billy's face, missing his specs and the third one shot Billy on his naked chests. I was too overcome to react.

Billy was stunned at first, but slowly, he grinned again. Another wow came out from his mouth. His palms were still on my cock. He wiped the cum on his face with his arms. As I panted for my breath, I stepped away from him. Billy looked at both of his palms which were covered with my cum. He looked surprise to see the amount. I was not. I knew I could cum a lot, even for a third round.

I threw my towel to him. He chuckled at what had happened and looked up to me. As much as I was stunned over the event, I was relieve that he did not freak out.

'Do you jack your friends off?' I asked him, with a puzzle look.

'Yeah,' he answered, but he did not look embarrassed by my question. He was grinning with the cute dimples melting my heart.

'Often?' I was surprised he was involved in such things.

'No. Only once. We were camping then.' Oh, I uttered.

'Do you beat yourself off?' I asked again.

'Yeah,' he admitted straight, 'a few times.'

'Err.. Adam, do you like it?' The 'it' was referring to him jacking me off just now.

I hated to admit it, but I did. So, how? Should I lie to the kid?

I hesitated and then, nodded my head. A smile began to form on my lips, thinking of the whole thing.

He smiled back.

'Do you mind if I use your towel? I think I am going to take my bath here,' he said as he got up.

We spent the whole afternoon shopping for summer wear after taking our lunch together. It was more like me shopping, as Billy had no money to spend. It felt good to have a kid who loved to be around me. I even put my arm around his shoulder as we moved from one shop lot to another. I did pick up a few items for him. He was willing to accept as long as they were not too expensive. Overall, he only allowed me to spend $20 on him, although he knew I bought for myself things worth $250.

When we got back, we were tired. So, he told me that he had to go back to his house. His mom was already waiting at the front door. I waved at Mrs. Johnson and she waved back. I gave Billy a big hug and he returned me one, and then hurrily rushed home. I watched him until he had gone into the house with his mom, with again, another wave at the Johnsons before I went into mine, to have my waiting dinner. I did have a great day. And I was glad to know a kid like him.

That evening, Mrs. Johnson came over to apologise if Billy had caused any inconvenience to me. I told her it was alright and it was great to have a younger brother who would look up to me so much. Mrs. Johnson broke into a big smile and I thought I saw her eyes watery when she told me that she was glad that Billy had a big guy to turn to. She kept on saying that she knew I would be a good influence on him. And I was determined to be good to him. I knew I liked him enough.

On the next morning, I thought I was supposed to wake up to a quiet house, but I was not. The TV downstairs was playing. Putting some clothes on, enough to cover my morning glory, I sneaked down a little to see who was down there. It was Billy, watching MTVs.

As I was still sleepy, I went back to sleep. I must had slept for another hour, before I told myself it was enough. The clock showed that it was already 11 am. I got up again, stroking my hard-on in my short a few times and went on to the bathroom to jerk off.

I closed the bathroom door and proceeded to the shower area. I slided the glass door closed and began my strokes on my hard cock. I had only stroked a few times when I heard the bathroom door opened. I could see Billy at the other side. I lifted my hand to say hi to him and he smiled.

'What's up?' I asked him after I slided the door opened.

'I thought of asking you for a game, but now it is way too hot to play.'

'Oh?! Did you wait long?' I asked, with my arm pressing on the glass slider for support. My hard cock was again at display for Billy.

'2 hours,' he grinned, with his eyes moving down to my hard cock.

'Maybe this evening then. Is that ok?' I suggested.

'Sure, Adam,' he replied with a smile again. His dimples looked so adorable on him.

'Taken your breakfast?' I asked, still hanging on to the door. My cock had lost a little of its erection.

'Yeah, and I made you pancakes as well,' Billy answered.

'You looked like you are still dressed in your sleeping clothes,' I said, referring to his wrinkled clothes, as I moved my position. I was getting sore from the bending. My cock was no longer behind the glass. It was clear in view, not that the glass was hazy.

'No, I was thinking of taking my bath after the game. But I guessed I would need to take it now,' he said, 'Do you mind if I just chat with you while you take your bath?' Hmmm... He was interested to watch me again. Perhaps maybe giving me another handjob?

'Is anyone at home?' I asked.

'No, why?' he puzzled.

'Then, why not take a bath with me? I surely could use someone to scrub my back. Do you want to?' I asked. I did not know where the idea came from, but I guessed I was still hoping for he will jerk me off, instead of me using my own palms.

'Sure!' he answered, happily.

'Lock the door, Billy.'

It was equally exciting to see Billy stripping in front of me. He placed his specs on the basin and took off his loose shirt. When he stood up after taking down his shorts, his cock looked a little stiff. So, he did like this as much as I did. He was supporting a good 3 1/2 semi-hard. His pubic hair was not much, but neither was mine as I kept them trimmed. His nipples were small and pinkish.

I moved aside to let him in. The space was not so big, but not that I wanted his hands to be far away from my hard cock. Billy was fair, and it showed throughout his body. There were a few tan lines, but they were not obvious, unlike mine.

I let him enjoyed the shower first. I stood to one end, leaning on the wall. He laughed as the shower covered more of him. He turned and turned around where he was standing, letting the spray of water to bounced off his body and splashed everywhere, around the area. I had to hold him still, to stop him. He was still laughing. Very playful.

'Come in and join me!' he demanded as he pulled my arm. It was impossible to let the shower cover the whole of our two bodies. So, I pulled his back to me and held him in my arms. He giggled as the water splashed on his face as he looked at. The giggle shook his body and my hard-on pressed on his back enjoyed the vibration. If he minded my hard-on near him, he did not show it. In fact, he held on my arms around him, with one hand, while the other kept wiping water away from his face, as if it would help. I was laughing along with him. I did not know what was so funny, but there was something in me that just wanted to laugh it out.

My eyes began to feel pain from the constant water spray. I pulled away and reached out for my body shampoo. Billy turned around to face me. He was already hard. It looked like a hard 5-inch. But he was not bothered with his cock. He reached out and took the bottle from me.

He turned and shut the water. Then, as if all silence crept in when something naughty was about to happen, Billy took charge of shampooing me up. He poured a bit into his palms and placed the bottle down. My cock hit his face as he bent down to put the bottle. He did not seem to mind a bit at all.

He rubbed his palms together and stepped closer. My hard cock was pressed on his body and he did not seem to resist it. He began to rub them on my chests. His eyes told me that they were admiring mine. I guessed the wideness impressed him. When his palms rubbed my hard nipples, he paused to look at them. Then, he twitched them slowly in between his fingers. I groaned. My cock twitched as well. It hit him on his chests. As if scared I would ejaculate again, he stopped playing with my nipples. I was disappointed.

He moved his palms up to my neck and ran his palms around the area. I moved my neck around for him to cover as much area as he could.

Then, he bent down again to pour more shampoo on his palms. My hard cock was resting on his hip as he bent down. After rubbing them together, he started to rub his palms all over my stomach. I thought I felt him checking the hardness of my stomach. I let him play as long he liked, with it. Then, as I thought he would not stop, he moved his palms to both sides of my hips and rubbed my asscheeks.

All the time when he was shampooing me, I was watching him. He was not smiling much now, but he was beautiful. If only he was a girl. Sigh...

'Turn around,' he ordered me.

I turned, only to be greeted with additional soap in his palms. He did a quick rub around my shoulders and down to my back. He ran his palms with more soap along my arms, feeling my muscles and then he rubbed my armpits. I raised my arms up for him to wash better.

His palms ran down my ribs and down to my hips. Then I sensed he was kneeling down. I turned my head back to see him on the floor. He applied some soap on my bum and started to massage them. I felt my cock rising harder. My body shuddered when he ran his fingers down my asscrack. He did not even stop to indicate any disgust. He kept running his fingers up and down the valley.

Then, as if like an expert, he ran his palms down each side of my thighs until he reached my feet. When he ran his hands up, the hand in the inner thigh brushed my balls. I felt a tingle in me.

He realised my body shook to the touch of my balls. He cupped them from behind and massaged them a few times, even pulling them back, before letting go.

So, there left only one place for him to clean.

I turned around and offered him my crotch willingly. He smiled. God! He looked so beautiful.

I smiled back and leaned back on the wall again.

He used both palms to cover my shaft. He began to stroke them up and down, at first gently and then began to pick up the pace. My body tensed everytime his palm rubbed my ring. Then, as if he remembered yesterday's event, he cupped my cockhead with one palm and began to twirl it around. My body began to shake lightly but before I could cum, he let go off my cock.

He moved his hands gently up and down on my cock. I just let him do the job. When I looked down, he was looking up, smiling, pleased to know that I was in his hands. His own cock was stiff. It was not so thick, but a hard 5 inches.

'You like that?' he asked.

'Yeahhhh...' I groaned between my lips.

He increased his stroke on me. His palm was bobbing my cock up and down faster.

'Yes, Billy, don't stop... yessss..' I sighed. I clenched my hands into fists, to suppress the excitement that was mounting.

He continued his strokes. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow. When he felt the pulse on my cock, he slowed down. He was rewarded to see my cock turned purple and then back to red again. Grunts of pleasure escaped my mouth.

'Let me clean you,' Billy suddenly said. He turned around, and turned the water on. Water splashed down on my body and on him. He giggled at the splash. He got up and pulled me closer to the shower.

Leftover soap ran down my body as water trickled down, from my head, onto my chests and down my hard body. If Billy wished to stop jacking me off, I was not going to force him. I did not want to do anything that upset him. Billy was busy running his hands all over me, to make sure that I was scrubbed clean. His stiff cock kept poking and hitting as he tried to get around me. He was still hard from touching me. And I was too, from being touched by him.

Once I was done, he turned the water off. I took that as a sign that it was my turn to wash him.

But instead, he pushed me back to lean on the wall and got down on his knees again. He put his palms back they were, on my long cock and started to pump me again. It was a nice surprise, as I thought he was tired of jacking me off. My cock head began to swell again.

'Higher, Billy... around the head,' I told him. He looked up at me and with another grin, he obeyed my order. He wrapped his palm higher on my shaft, around my ring, and began to stroke it long. My body shivered to that stroke. Ahhhhhhh... I moaned. I thrust my hips forward, fucking his palms. His palms stopped, signaling me to continue. I did, and I could see he enjoyed watching my cockhead appearing and disappearing in his palm. The urge in me was rising.


'Huh? Yes?' he looked up and wondered what my next order was.

'Suck it for me, please!!!! Just put your mouth on it, Billy.'

'You like that??' he asked.

'Very much so.'

'You mean, like this?' he asked again as he lunged his mouth forward and engulfed my cockhead in one gulp.

Ahhhhhh!! My knees weakened and trembled at the touch of his lips and tongue on my cock. He tried to swallow more of me in. He picked up a steady pace of moving his cock in and out of his mouth.

Oh God! Oh God!! This could not be happening. It felt soooo good!

I was beginning to breathe faster as Billy stroked me faster with his mouth. Looking down at him, I was very much turned on to see his upper thin lips sliding up and down on my shaft. This blonde kid was driving me crazy.

'Yeah, Billy. That's it. That's right. Yeah.. keep on sucking my cock... do it, Billy.'

Encouraged by my words, he sucked me harder and harder.

I could see Billy pumping his cock away. The joy was too much. As I panted for more air, my head tossed back and I just let Billy did whatever he wanted with my cock. My tiny mouth was a heaven passage... Oh.. Ohh... I shuddered at the touch of his tongue, playing with my cockhead in his mouth.

The pressure was building up inside me. I could feel the blast cumming.

'I'm cumming... Billy, I'm... CUMMING!!!' I cried out as I pulled out my cock from his mouth.

I could not turn fast enough. The first few cum were shot onto his face. The others on his ear and neck. Billy was also groaning away. Within a few seconds, he shot cum all over my legs and feet. His body s shaking so violently, I was scared something was happening to him. I quickly reached down and pulled him up. His body was still shaking from his ejaculation. He was groaning to the obvious pleasure.

'Here!' I led him to my body and hugged him close. He dropped his hands to the sides and our hard cocks were pressed onto one another.

'You are great, Billy,' I told him. I could feel him smiling. He was panting for breath too.

We were covered with cum, but I decided to hold him close. His arms went up and he hugged me around my waist. I rested my head on the wall, satisfied. Much satisfied...

After a quick clean up, I pulled a confused Billy to my room. Although he was not sure what I wanted next, he was excited. We quickly dashed into my room. We were both still naked. I locked my room, just in case.

Billy turned to face me as I had turned the knob locked.

'What, Adam?'

I jumped on him and we both fell, laughing, onto my bed. I was on top of him. I pulled him up, to get off the floor. He was lying on his back, facing me. I felt his cock stiffen under my skin. I smirked, letting him know that I had known his naughty little hardon. He blushed. But even so, he knew my cock was beginning to get hard again.

I tickled him at his rib. He jumped and laughed. He tried to escape but my weight was holding him down.

'No, Adam.. please stop... pleaseeee!!!' he begged in between his laughter. I was laughing away too, but I was not planning to stop. No... he kept laughing as he begged.

But he managed, somehow, to catch my hands. I thought enough was enough and so I stopped. We were still giggling away. He looked at me and then without warning, he pulled my face onto his.

His lips kissed mine. I pulled back my head. His face was I could see and I thought at that moment, he was all that I wanted. He gave me another smile. And I knew I was taken by his beautiful face. I did not want this to stop. I lowered my head down and kissed him back.

My lips were pressed against his as we both wrapped our arms around each other. I was dying to suck his lips and tongue. My tongue parted his lips and wiggled its way in, just to be met by his eager tongue as well. We played with each other. I knew he was inexperienced, but by the time I had to go back to college, I would make sure that he would learn as much as he could from me.

'So, are you a virgin?' I asked him, as he lied on my arm, on my bed.


'No? When? How? With another guy?' I was surprised that I got up a little to look at his beautiful face.

'No, not with another guy. With guys, we just jacked each other off. It was with my baby-sitter. Before I was 12.'

'Your baby-sitter?' I asked in disbelief, as I flopped myself back onto the bed.

'Yeah. She said that I was very cute and whatever.. On the last night she baby-sat me, she took my clothes off and took my cock into her mouth. She said it was her present for me. She blew me. And then, she got all naked and let me fucked her.'

'Wow! Did you like it?' I asked him, as I turned my head to face him again.

'Yeah, very much.' He looked like he was visualising the whole sex thing with his baby-sitter in his head. His semi hard cock was lengthening.

'Hmmm.. I can see who much you like that,' I said as I reached out and grabbed his cock in my hand. He laughed.

But I was not letting go of his cock. I began to pump his cock. He moaned.

I got up on my knees and bent down to take his cock in my mouth. This was my first time. It tasted fresh and warm. Billy groaned even louder.

I moved my mouth around his cock. It really teased him a lot as his hips began to rise as his body tensed. I sucked deep on this kid's cock in my mouth.

'Adam!! I can't hold it!' I pulled out when I heard his warning. I was in time to see his cum spurted and landed on his stomach. A few more dribbled down his stiff cock, onto my hand. I moved my cock up and wiped his cum away.

My eyes turned to their corners, to look at Billy. He knew I was up to something naughty again. He just giggled, with the adorable dimples showing. But he was not stopping me. I brought my cum-covered hand to his mouth.

'Lick it,' I ordered.

He looked at my fingers and then at me and then back to my hand, in front of him. He got up and engulfed my fingers, sucking his cum away. He continued by licking whatever that was left on the back of my hand. Then, he moved closer to me and kissed me. His tongue pushed his cum into my mouth. I was not backing out from this. I enjoyed this kid too much. The cum tasted rich and thick.

He pulled away from me and smirked.



'Do you want to fuck me?'

'Oh yes... yes... I thought you would never ask.'

He turned himself around and offered his ass to me. The ass looked so inviting. I was getting more excited again.

'No, Billy. Turn around.'

He turned, puzzle with my request.

'I want to see your face. I want to do it, face-to-face,' I told him, as I went on top him, pushing him down. He was happy to hear me said that.

'Wet my cock for me,' I asked as I raised my stiff 8-inch to his mouth. He took it in and was careful not to make me cum again. I guessed he, too, wanted me to fuck him.

I pulled myself out of his mouth and moved down. He was watching me.

I raised his legs up, with his thighs pressed up against him. Positioning the tip of my cock on his virgin asshole, I let a few drops of my spit onto my cockhead. Gently, I pushed myself in. His body jerked. It was too tense. I could not break through his anal ring.

'Relax, Billy...'

He tried to give me a smile, but I realised he was scared that it would be painful.

I parted his thighs and lowered myself onto him and kissed him. He caught my lower lips and sucked it hard. I returned his gesture by sucking on his as well. I pushed out my tongue and met his. I opened my mouth wider and let his tongue moved in. When he did, I closed my lips together and sucked on it. He moaned.

I moved my cock back to his awaiting hole. He was more relaxed. I continued to suck on his tongue, as his hard cock jolted at his ass ring. It was not as tight as earlier. I pushed myself in. His body tensed again but this time, I kissed him on the lips hard. My cock continued to push itself in. And then, as if he was suddenly ready, my cock head popped through his ass ring.

I slided myself in more and more. He could not groan much. My lips were on his. I gently pumped in. It worked. My ass did the thrusting. I kept myself on top of him. I just did not want to move away from his pretty face. My body curved backwards as I plowed him faster. His ass took all my 8 inches as my balls kept banging on his ass, as I plunged deep into him.

We were both breathing harder. His hands gripped my arms hard suddenly as he cummed again.

'Adam!' he yelped my name. He moaned again and again, as his body shivered.

When I felt wet cum sticking in between our bodies, I felt the sudden rush of blood onto my cock head. I fell onto Billy and thrust deeper into him as I felt cum after cum erupted from my cock inside him.

We must lied there for a few more minutes before I got up and pulled him up with me.

'You like that?' I asked him.

He just nodded away, with another grin on his face.

'Enjoy a brother's attention like this?' I asked.

He nodded again.

'Good,' I said, 'And Billy, don't tell anyone... not even your best friends in school, ... and I may let you fuck me the next time. Deal?'

This time, his grin went wider as he nodded his head harder. I knew he was wanted this...

The End Date: 5 March 2002

I do hope you like the story. Please let me know if you like this story at . The nice emails I received kept me writing more. So, please do write. :)

Next: Chapter 2

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